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All About Aquarius Man By Linda Goodman-Part 2…. December 14, 2008

Posted by Aman.... in Random Stuff.

Link to Part-I
This is the second part of the series where Linda Goodman talks about Aquarians or in other words , about me :-). The last post, was about how to reckognise Aquarians! This one deals with the facts about an Aqua Man, surely enough that’s me! This is the last part. There are other parts like about an Aqua child, boss, woman and so on but I guess, its too much for me to put all here. These two , the one that you are going to read now and the last which I have posted already, these two are enough as far I am concerned. So I won’t be putting more about this (atleast not from the same writer) here. Unlikely the last  post, I won’t be doing an analysis of this one. There are some things which should remain hidden and mysterious. So I am leaving this part undisclosed here. If you know me, you would be able to pick up the right notes about me from here. If you don’t know me yet, well as its said some where in this page, you need to solve the puzzle yourself. Have a read,
All this time the Guard -was looking at her,
first through a telescope,
then through a microscope,
and then through an opera-glass.
At last he said, “You’re traveling the wrong way,”
and shut up the window
To wade bravely smack dab into the center of the problem, don’t expect an Aquarian male to behave the way people in love are supposed to behave. If you do, you’re in
for quite a jolt, maybe even a series of jolts. When it comes to friendship, he’s all you could ask for in a pal or a confidant. Love? Well, as an Aquarian I once knew said, “Anybody can have a girl. But love is something else again.” That was an astute observation. It’s “something else,” all right, with Aquarians.
It’s when he acts as though he doesn’t like you that he’s close to being hooked, and the reason is elementary- simple logic. The Aquarian water bearer likes everybody.
Everyone is his friend. He’ll even refer to his worst enemy as “my friend.” So it means something when he says he doesn’t like someone. Just what it means may take some study. The various nuances can be complicated.
 An Aquarian man doesn’t want to reveal his true feelings, in spite of his favorite pastime of penetrating the feelings of others. His own reactions and motives are complex, and he intends to keep them that way for the pure pleasure of fooling you. Many strange experiences will come to this man, through both love and friendship, and he’ll scrutinize each one avidly. Until you get him to the altar, you’re just another experience, another experiment, hard as that may be to take. Don’t sniffle. He can be tricked, for all his caution. But before you start tricking him, you’d better try to understand how to cope with his unique outlook about people.   He’s a group man, and teamwork comes naturally to him. Aquarius understands the fair play rules of sports as if he had invented them, and he carries these rules into his personal relationships. His interests are scattered all over the place. That’s because his love of people is so impersonal; he gives a certain value to everyone he meets, while the rest of us save such efforts for only the very special people in our lives. To an Aquarian, everyone is special. And I mean everyone. Even those he hasn’t met yet. Few Uranus men are either selfish or petty. When he does show those qualities, a gentle reminder that he’s being narrow-minded will bring him around. Aquarians just can’t stand to be called narrow-minded. 
 He responds to unusually high ideals, thanks to his rigid moral code (though you’d better understand that it’s his own code, which may not necessarily reflect or correspond to the one accepted by society in general). He’ll almost surely lead a life of change, controversy and unexpected events. Yet there will often be moments of perfect tranquility with him, impossible to find with any other Sun sign. Once he’s over the shock that he’s allowed himself to become interested in one woman above all of mankind, he can be an extremely considerate lover. The danger area is before he’s over the shock. Since he’s so accustomed to neglecting his own problems in the interest of the majority, hopefully some of this attitude will rub off on his love life.

Don’t count on it, though. The chances are just as good that he’ll suddenly realize he’s devoting his complete loyalty to you when there are all those other nameless faces out there who need him. Then he may lean over backwards to prove to himself that he hasn’t lost his love for his friends and the rest of humanity by being attached to just one person. Forever analyzing, the Aquarian man will frequently ask himself, “I wonder what she meant by that?” He won’t rest until he finds out either. A puzzle drives him simply wild and don’t be fooled by his nonchalance. When he senses something is hidden, he just won’t sleep at night until he’s unraveled the mystery and penetrated the veil. There’s always the possibility that he might be disappointed in what he finds, so make sure it’s worth discovering. If it isn’t, he’ll have no qualms about making it painfully evident-and off he’ll go to unravel a new veil. The girl who wants to land him eventually has first to intrigue him.
 An open book will never pique his curiosity. He’s attracted to closed pages, the more tightly closed, the better to arouse his detective instinct. When a female either ignores him or keeps her own counsel, in the beginning at least, his eyes will open” a little wider and hell get an alert expression, amazingly like that of a bloodhound on the scent of something missing.

Why is she so emotional? (You can be emotional, you see, as long as you don’t explain why.) Is she really so changeable or is it an act? Why does she wear all that perfume and make-up and such low-cut dresses, and then get insulted when those Leos and Sagittarians and Scorpios whistle at her in front of the drugstore? Does she want male advances or doesn’t she? Is she a puritan or promiscuous? What makes her tick? As he probes and questions and examines, the girl is at first flattered, naturally-but when she sees he’s just as intently curious about the waitress who just served them (not to mention the bus boy), she begins to cool somewhat. Feeling like an insect trapped under a scientist’s cold eye isn’t exactly calculated to cause the heart to flutter in any feminine bosom. So she finally drifts (or runs) away to a more fiery or earthy male, and the Aquarian sadly sighs for an instant or two before he begins his next romantic investigation. (If some new invention or unique idea hasn’t aroused his interest first. In which case the next female research project must wait.)

Aquarian men can be touchingly gentle and docile, but you’d better tie a bright blue electric string around your finger to remind you that his surface calmness is a mirage. So is his apparent pliability. He won’t tolerate an ounce of opportunism from a female. If he thinks he’s being exploited, that unpredictable Uranian charm can vanish so quickly you’ll think Cary Grant has turned into James Cagney, poised to throw a grapefruit-half in your face. The frightening thing is that an extremely upset Aquarian is perfectly capable of such shocking action. What’s even more frightening is that you may forgive him. Don’t. At least, not more than once. He admires a woman who holds her ground, if she’s not too masculine about it, and if she lets him fly hither and yon, unencumbered by mushy promises and tearful accusations. As for that grapefruit, it’s only fair to point out that Aquarians are
usually most gallant with the fair sex. But sometimes they can forget to distinguish between the sexes in the throes of excitement. Couple that with the Uranus unpredictability, and it does add up to a possible squirt of grapefruit juice in the eye.
There’s always an excellent possibility that an Aquarian will achieve some sort of prestige during his lifetime. If it’s only a trophy for stickball or a brass plaque for being the tallest man in Succatosh County he’s sure to be honored with some kind of recognition. It could be something as splendid as winning the Nobel Prize. Lots of Aquarians achieve such distinctions. (On the other hand, a large percentage of disturbed Aquarians are weekly visitors to a head shrinker. It may be kind of tricky to tell the difference. )
Some Uranus-ruled men have a fetish for cleanliness. You may bump into one who shrieks if anyone uses his towel or breathes on his oatmeal. Back of this is an almost neurotic fear of germs and illness. The Aquarian isn’t above letting his phobias trail over into his romantic life, when they can serve a purpose, though he may do so unconsciously. Don’t be surprised if he complains that he’s allergic to your eyeshadow and it makes him sneeze. Uranians have a way of developing allergies to things they’d rather avoid, and they can even fool the doctors, let alone innocent, unsuspecting girls.
He’s not the type to woo you with extravagant gestures. He’s as likely to pull up a dandelion and toss it at you as bring you an orchid. To be honest, more likely. He won’t present you with mink coats and diamonds. But life with him can still be glamorous, even without the mink. There’s the well-known story about Helen Hayes and her husband, Charles MacArthur. When they first met, he handed her a bowl of peanuts and said, “I wish they were emeralds.” Many years and many dollars later, he gave her a cluster of glittering emeralds with the remark, “I wish they were peanuts.” I don’t know if MacArthur was an Aquarian, but Uranus was certainly prominent in his natal chart. That’s exactly the kind of unexpected glory you’ll know with an Aquarian lover. Who needs mink?
Now let’s face the worst fact courageously. No flinching or wishful thinking. Here it is. Unlike Cancer, Capricorn, Leo and Libra, Aquarians don’t take to marriage like a baby takes to candy. To be truthful, most of them avoid it as long as it’s humanly possible. A rare Aquarian male will be enticed into a shower of shoes and rice at an early age, but it doesn’t happen often enough for the statistics to be encouraging. The way the impasse usually starts is that the Aquarian makes beautiful, wonderful, glorious friendship the basis of the love. (Easier to slide away from later, my dear.) They choose a girl who’s also a chum, and who can keep up with the Aquarian interests, including Mickey Mantle’s batting average, crossword puzzles, Arabian horses, fireflies on the Mississippi and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Why? That’s easy. With so much to talk about, there’s less time for lovemaking, which can get him
seriously involved and committed. His ideal is the female who is his friend, and who doesn’t make heavy emotional demands on him. Where do we go from here? Nowhere, usually.
Aquarian men find it difficult to relax in physical expressions of love. That first goodnight kiss may be a long time materializing. Admittedly, it’s often well worth waiting for, and the suspense makes it even more special. But he’ll cling to the illusion that he’s involved in a nice, safe platonic friendship long after such a palsy-walsy relationship has become impossible for you. Even after he’s mustered the courage to say “I love you,” he’ll avoid the issue of marriage with every excuse in the book. When those run out, he can think up some
pretty imaginative new ones. He’ll patiently explain that he can’t support you in the manner you deserve, his parents need him at home, or he’s not good enough for you. If that doesn’t work, he’ll claim that the future is too uncertain, what with the threats of nuclear destruction and all. What if his boss sends him to Alaska next year? You might die of pneumonia up there, and he would be grief-stricken the rest of his life. You think he can’t top that? One Aquarian man I know was engaged for twelve years to a girl he wouldn’t marry because “she would have to sacrifice a great career on Broadway.” The fact that the girl had never set foot on a stage in her life was beside the point. He thought she had talent. Someday, a producer might just discover her. Then how would she feel if he had held her back by marrying her? Worse yet, how would he feel? Guilty. Just plain selfish and guilty. It’s not
surprising that this poor female finally escaped to a more positive rival.
But all is not lost. Though it’s true that most Aquarians wed late, they do eventually wed-usually. It normally happens after the last bachelor friend has sailed away to a Bermuda honeymoon, and the Aquarian wakes up to realize that here is a mystery other people have solved that he hasn’t even investigated. Naturally, he- can’t stand that, so pop goes the proposal! Suddenly, of course.- Uranus, you know.
In the early stages, you may think he needs a lesson and decide to let him think he’s lost you to a more aggressive suitor. Let me warn you that you’re likely to stay lost. Your broken-hearted Uranian is not nearly as apt to come charging after you with the fire of possession in his eye as he is to shed a couple of quiet tears and say, “Well, I guess the best man won.” He’ll resign himself to a life without you with insulting ease. He’s even liable to ask the unbearable question, “Can’t we still be friends?” If you say no emphatically, he’ll probably just shrug dejectedly and slowly walk away. If you say yes-well, you’re right back where you started-friends.
Jealousy isn’t his cup of eggnog. He’ll trust you until you show him you can’t be trusted. Not because he’s trusting by nature, but because his analytical dissection has already satisfied him about your character. Unless there are marked afflictions in his natal chart, he’s not capable of unfounded suspicion and possessiveness. If he does have a rare stab of jealousy, you’ll never know it if he can help it. He will rarely, if ever, be physically unfaithful himself, mostly because the whole subject of sex, though it’s interesting, doesn’t consume him. An occasional Aquarian may spend a great deal of time intensely pondering sex, but if you know one of these, you can safely assume there’s a heavy Scorpio influence in his natal chart. (And chances are even this type won’t pursue it actively and openly.)
Once an Aquarian has chosen a mate, he figures he can concentrate on more important things. He can relax and investigate the boy-giri or man-woman relationship at his own leisure in his own private laboratory (which isn’t a bad possibility for its eventual chance of success when you stop to think about it). Uranian sex is part of a larger image or ideal. Should a temptation to engage in illicit romance arise (illicit in his eyes, that is), he’ll usually end the affair abruptly, though it may hurt him deeply, rather than continue what he considers to be a
dishonest relationship. The situation that made him feel -guilty could be almost anything, from the disapproval of your parents or conflicting religions to an old boy friend not completely discarded, a promise he made to himself at the age of eight, or something he once read in a book. But whatever it is, it will somehow have to be adjusted and resolved before he’ll ever renew the closeness, even if the love is as fated as that of Victoria and Albert. The Aquarian will always let his heart break silently, lest his friends hear and ask questions.
He’s capable of waiting undl he’s ninety to claim you, even if you feel that’s a bit long to wait for consummation. The worst of it is that hell never give a reason for the break. That’s for him to know and you to find out. He’ll perversely let you think it was just a fantasy from the beginning, and hold back the real truth that it was genuine for some hazy future day of forgiveness and reconciliation. It can be pretty cruel, but that’s the way he plays the game.
Your only comfort is the knowledge that he’s suffering in his own way, too. How will you know that? Read “How to Recognize Aquarius” again. He has his subtle ways of telegraphing his feelings, and they can be enormously frustrating-especially when his unique, private communication signals a green go light while he publicly keeps holding out a red stop light until he’s ready to switch. It can make for some nasty romantic traffic snarls. It’s hard on the pedestrian, but he’s in the driver’s seat, so there’s not a lot you can do-except perhaps think up another mystery to tempt him with, or maybe shake him a little with some smashing success to make him curious to talk with you again-like being the first woman to orbit Venus.
Not that such a feat will change his feelings. If he really loves you, he’ll love you even if you don’t orbit any farther than to the comer delicatessen, but it might interfere with his fixed strategy. You may gather from all this that a Uranus man can be pretty stubborn when it comes to love. You would be so right. His fixity in affectionate matters can drive you straight into the booby hatch or drive you to someone else in desperation. That’s a big fat waste of time. He’s not jealous, remember? Or he won’t show it if he is. Besides, with his darned Uranian intuition, he’ll know it’s all an act. Because he knows what makes you tick. Don’t forget, he studied you for a long time. About the only thing you can do is hope you’ll still be
attractive at ninety or else start practicing those Venus orbits.
Putting the shoe on the other foot, an Aquarian can arouse a heap of possessiveness in you when the tables are turned. Don’t let it throw you off balance. Thanks to the everlasting Uranus proclivity for friendship, whenever and wherever he finds it, there may be times when you won’t know where he is, even after you’re married and you should. Just tell yourself that, no matter how late he sits up with a friend, it’s only his normal curiosity at work, his never-ending interest in people. If the friend is a woman, pretend you didn’t notice. In all honesty, he most likely didn’t. You can expect the truth when you ask him a direct question. But if you doubt him and ask again, he’ll figure you don’t want the truth. To punish you, he’ll make up the wildest story he can dream up (and he can dream up some pretty wild ones). You may regret your suspicions when you spend a few hours in abject misery wondering if he really did tell that redhead she was gorgeous. (That’s after he told you he didn’t even remember talking to her and you said, “Ha! I just bet you don’t remember.”) He
honestly didn’t, but you asked for details, so he gladly obliged with some purely imaginary ones to teach you a lesson. You’ll learn fast.
Don’t be hurt when he’s in one of his solitary moods and prefers to be alone with his silent dreams. He’ll return to share them with you, all the more warm and tender for his spiritual retreat and anything that warms him up should definitely be encouraged. He may not be the best breadwinner around, but he’s capable of inventing something beneficial to the world or being the first man to land on Mars. He’ll feel right at home there, too. There’s always a surprise just around the comer with an Aquarian husband, even when the budget is shaky. Naturally, there are a few Uranian men who are wealthy, even millionaires, but a high income bracket is seldom a burning ambition. All the rich Aquarians you see probably stumbled on it. It’s certain they didn’t greedily grasp for it. If he has a fat bank book, the chances are it gained weight while he was attempting to improve some product or idea for the good of
humanity in general-or he’s saved it to support his eccentric old age. Who knows? He might want to take a trip in a time machine someday, and he wants to be sure to have the fare. Most of the time he’ll be reasonable about money, but save when you can, and don’t run up charge accounts. He’ll never recover from sheer extravagance on your part. Sometimes he can surprise you with a burst of generosity, but he won’t go overboard, unless he has an Aries, Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces ascendant. Even then, he won’t be a big butter and egg man.
The children will find him the greatest listener on the block. He’ll be fascinated at the perfect breath control of the wolf when he blew down the three little pigs’ pad- and curious about how the old witch pickled the poisoned apple that put the whammy on Snow White. A small boy’s trouble learning how to strike a home run and a little girl’s tears over a broken doll are simply the problems of a couple of pals in trouble to an Aquarian father. He’s a whiz at complicated arithmetic questions, too.
Don’t let your career make you neglect to feed him or sew on his buttons. Don’t encourage your girl friends to camp on his couch or tie up the telephone for hours, and don’t get engrossed in TV or a novel when he wants you to find his old soft ball in the attic or pull a splinter out of his finger. He married you for several reasons. Though romance may play its part, the most important reason was to have you around-so he would always have someone to mash his baked potato, cross-stitch his buttonholes, find his lost articles and operate on an occasional splinter. He won’t cotton to your letting television, reading or female chums interfere with those duties. His idea of a good wife and mother is quite simple: a woman who keeps at it almost constantly. Even the more liberal Aquarian husbands will frown on a glamorous gadabout. But you won’t mind it too much. He’s so full of interesting
surprises himself you won’t need soap operas, women’s magazines and tete-a-tetes with girl friends to keep your mind and emotions challenged. (He may be about all the challenge you can take.) You can always catch up on the female gossip and such when he’s engrossed in some new project and gets a little absent-minded about what you’re doing. But just be sure to be there when he has a sore finger, because he can be a real sorehead when he’s neglected.

Strangely, since he’s so realistic about most things,, the Aquarian will never forget his first love. (Not the first date, but the first girl who ever gave him a rainbow. There’s a difference.) Uranians frequently marry childhood sweethearts years later,or cling to a faded illusion. An Aquarian can usually describe his first love in detail, which can be annoying to a wife. The solution is to be that first love. You may have to wait a long time to wear orange blossoms, but at least you won’t be replaced by a ghost. Who else could turn peanuts into emeralds or vice versa, never mind a little grapefruit juice in the eye? Despite his general romantic clumsiness, he can come up with sudden phrases which could only have been invented by the angels. He can forget your wedding anniversary, but he’ll bring you violets in January. Christmas? Who says it has to be on December 25th? It can be any dme you want it to be. He
may go for days or weeks or months without a single word of romance or affection. Then some morning while you’re slicing his blueberry pie, he’ll look deep into your eyes and ask gently, “Do you know how beautiful you are?” There will be something about the way he says it that will make your knees weak.
Jingle bells on the seashore, birthdays at dawn. Valentine’s Day on Halloween, rainbows at midnight. Pin a red heart on an orange pumpkin, roll Easter eggs in the snow, light the candles on the cake on top of a ferris wheel- you’re in love with an Aquarian, didn’t you know? I wish you a Frank Merriwell ending. But be careful. You can get lost out there in Wonderland.
Do let me know how much you think is true and what’s not?
Link to Part-1


1. Jess - May 2, 2009

I’m a Gemini woman and I read this because of a thing I have for an Aquarian man. I’m curious to know his ways. He is strangely attracted to me. I’m inersted in him because he’s georgous. But he is a bit hard to read.
Sometimes it seems like he likes me a lot and other times he’s to him self.
Sometimes he is very touchy and affectionate and then not at all. I love Linda Goodman’s books and reading this gave some clarification to this Aquarian I klnow and want to know more about. Though I am quite a classic Gemini, I would like to not have to wait around for this man to say “lets go out or not interested check ya later.” With my traits, patience is not one of them. So, I may have to say se ya. But, darn it would have been fun!

Rick - May 15, 2009


I am an aquarian. If your aquarian man is acting strange for you then chances are he is close of being hooked. And if anyway he dares to say that he loves you, just believe it with close eyes. For he will not cheat you.

Aquarians just are honest when it comes to love. Only if you scare them they run and hide until they feel that their lover is ready to accept them again. But they will not cheat you.

BTW did he ever confess of loving you… If yes then thats it.

Rick. Junior

June - May 17, 2010

hi there, im really scared now. because an aquarian boy just said “i like you hahah” on msn after like more than two weeks of morning chats and msn chats (classtime/aftersch) . and he keeps on asking me to tell him who i like. and i was like ” :)” only smiley face….. and after he said “i like you hahaha” i just said ” 🙂 haahah”and then since my mum was helping me (lol) she told me to say bye to him and do my hw….so i did… and
would i lose htis cute boy ??? or is it good to let him ponder about my response and do more stuff…??

thank you SO MUCH ! i’ve been “on and off” “friends” with him for a long time and i really need help now…
THANK YOU SO MUCH, plz reply NOW im sorry for being rude but plz reply now 🙂

dillinger - January 27, 2011


In fact that’s the point. Aquarius men are proud of their honest nature and their belief on truth. When they love someone they think that this is beyond all the usual things in that earth. I mean the ordinary stuff, memorized attitudes or popular images. So that’s why they are regarded as “non-sense” most of the times. Because “love” is not an ordinary thing, but most people behave like it is a part of our daily procedures; such as going to movies or eating fast food. For your patience: let me say that it is a time period for having your expected results; and who said that your expectations can govern something called “love”. Moreover this does not cover “sharing”. That’s a respond you may get from an Aquarius.

Jessica - September 29, 2018

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa ork who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on.? There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa ork brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa ork e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa ork is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man.? If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa ork today, he might be the answer to your problem.? Here’s his contact: orkstarspell @ gmail. com
Contact him for the following:

– If you want your ex back spell.

– If you want a fertility spell.

– Make your Partner to Love you forever.

– Help win court cases.

– Revenge spell.

– Goodluck spell.

Contact him today on:
orkstarspell @ gmail. com

2. Aman Sharma - May 2, 2009


Thanks for stopping by here. Well, I can just say that may god give you what’s best for you and surely your Aqua man too! Being from the same sign, I can just say this, it’s tough to be with us at times, and at times, there is nothing better than being with us 🙂 . Wish you luck and god bless you!


Romeo - September 20, 2014

Tell me. Do you guys remember kisses and touches. Dose it process into your,mind heart.
I mean do you think about it as being special, intimate, and do you desire to reconnect.
Or, do you need time to reflect and be alone immediately, after itimacy,weeks on end, or even months.
Please tell me cause I’ve heard that when y’all. Ignore us it’s, because, undeniably, your, in love with us. Is this of truth?

3. Pamela - May 3, 2009

Just started getting involved with an Aquarius man, I have always avoided them because I had heard they were a terrible match for Leos, which I am. But I am totally fascinated with this guy’s actions, that I can’t seem to kick him to the side. It is a good thing, because I have learned now how important a moon can be in your charts. Guess what? I have an Aquarius moon. So it is so neat to read about Aquarius people, because I feel like I am reading about myself. A part that I was not aware of. I can relate. I am really surprised! Thanks for the read.

pamela - April 1, 2016

hi pamela. i’m the same. my name’s pamela also. i met this aquarian guy , i find him so fascinating , and its like our bond is so strong , every time we meet for a chat or whatever its electric, and we’re so in sync but at times his actions drive me completely crazy, i feel i might need therapy, i almost gave up on him as I’m a leo and just found our friction unbearable at times, but then i decided to do a little research on my headcase aqua, and found out I’m a moon in aquarius , i thought wow that made perfect sense as to why i was so magnetically drawn to this crazy person whom i was completely in love with. so now i don’t know what to do, he seems bad for my health but i love him lol, I’m curious as to how things went between you and your aqua guy. are you still together etc.

Ann - April 1, 2017

If you haven’t already done so get rid of him. They are detrimental to your sanity, peace of mind and happiness. Block his number and maintain your distance. Do not answer his texts or take his occasional calls. What seems like magic when you’re with him is actually black magic. Most Aquarian men are horrible human beings with a direct line to the devil. Save yourself.

4. Aman Sharma - May 3, 2009


Thanks for stopping by here and for the comment. We Aquarians are surely terrible at times but not all the time( that’s most important). I wish you all the luck and best wishes, may god bless you and your relation flourishes!


5. Rick - May 15, 2009

By the way Jess, did he ever say that he loves you ?

Not so easy for a aquarian. Only aquarians can understand….


6. Aman Sharma - May 16, 2009


Second to all what you said by another Aquarian 🙂 .


7. Carmen - June 15, 2009

I am a Gemini Female and attracted to Aquarius male….what signs will the Aquarius man give that he is attracted to Gemini woman? Will he tell you or show you? Should I tell him first?

mohan - September 14, 2011

u tell him first

8. Rajashree - July 17, 2009

hey i’m an aquarian female… n i wanna read this book… can you tell me if u have any e-book or something? cause i feel its not really necessary 2 buy it!

Aman Sharma - July 17, 2009


I am sorry but I don’t have the pdf of this book. I put it all myself there. I would suggest to get the book as its going to be worth the money spent. But if you are took keen to get a soft copy, I guess some P2P site would be having it.


Rajashree - July 19, 2009

i wonder if u had so much patience your ascendant must be something strange.. 😛
and well u know linda hasn’t written about aquarians quite well… as in… kinda cold descriptions… i heard so… n thats cause she’s a double aries female….!!!

9. Arundhuti - July 19, 2009

Being involved with an aquarius man is not a joke. One day he is so remote that you feel that you are nobody to him and that the relation is over and the next day you will find him calling you up and talking and behaving that I am the one for him

10. Aman Sharma - July 19, 2009


Hmm life won’t be fun if its not a bit unpredictable isn’t it 😉 ?


11. Rajashree - July 19, 2009

lol… its not just your man Arundhuti… its AQUARIAN as a whole… we’re all the same.. yes “unpredictable” is the word.
you just have to live n let live… in the air commitments just screws em all up! that doesn’t mean we r promiscuous either!

12. Rajashree - July 19, 2009

n thanks aman..!!
i had to check my “ascendant” and you gotta know this.. as Jupiter entered ours, i mean Aquarius in 2009 somewhere around 5th jan till jan of 2010, we have chances of meeting our soul mate!! you might have met her already!
i found mine! its kinda easy to find out if you know how. check this out, http://www.cafeastrology.com/articles/soulmateastrology.html


13. sanjukta - August 23, 2009


Are you single? I found your blog when I searched for “an eccentric aquarian man” I am so desperately in love with the idea of falling in love with an aquarian man…who knows may be you are the one 😀

Tell me you are single 🙂

Aman.... - August 24, 2009

Thanks first of all for stopping by here. I had a glance at your blog, very impressive! I am going to read it completely 🙂 .
Tell me you are single
Ha ha, never got asked like this. Well, yes I am single 🙂 .


Rajashree - August 24, 2009

lol aman so atlast i was right….!!
Aquarians find their soulmate this year… who knows may be she’s the one.. 😛
n well yeah i got to read the book. “relationship signs” quite good about aquarians u knw!

14. Aman.... - August 24, 2009

Aquarians find their soulmate this year… who knows may be she’s the one
HAHA Well , what should I say now?

i got to read the book. “relationship signs” quite good about aquarians
What is this book? I can’t seem to find it with my dealer 😦


Rajashree - August 24, 2009

its another book by Linda Goodman.

It says about your ascendant too… (that means extreme truths about you) i hope this time you’d have known your ascendant too..!

Aman Sharma - August 24, 2009

Okay I shall get it then. Let’s see what it says 🙂 ?


15. sanjukta - August 24, 2009

Rajashree – Wow is that so? Year for us to meet our soulmates? we better hurry up then coz i am soon moving out of Bangalore..Aman hurry! Ask me out before the aquarian in me loses interest in you 😀

Ooh I like the excitement already… 😛

Aman.... - August 24, 2009

She is saying this to me from last quite some time 🙂 .

Where are you moving from Banglore? No place is far when you really want to catch hold of someone , I believe on this really very much 🙂 .

Ask me out before the aquarian in me loses interest in you
Ha ha ha don’t worry, the other side is an aquarian only so excitement is bound to stay. I love CCD so how about a cup of cappucino. Their tag line also matches, “anything can happen over coffee” 😀 .


16. sanjukta - August 24, 2009

And thank you for liking my blog 🙂

17. Aman.... - August 24, 2009

Yes I have only read one post. As I love to read(some times to write as well, you can find some of them here on my blog) good poetry, I loved that post. Will be reading the entire blog very soon.


18. Rajashree - August 24, 2009

Yes sanjukta, we are supposed to meet our soul mate this year.. but we’d meet em ‘personally’… Check out the link i had posted a few weeks back on the same blog.
lol… even i love the concept of falling in love with an aquarian… But thats too early for a teenager.
One thing makes me question you…. Aquarians are hardly despo for a relationship…and how come you are??

19. Aman Sharma - August 24, 2009

k k guys,I guess lets stop ithere.Let Linda say what she wants,lets not lose our sleeps for her sayings :-).
That’s a 100% correct fact what you said,atleast for me :-).


20. Rajashree - August 25, 2009

Well who is the one who is “losing sleep” for astrology…. you see its all just probability… a common character of all aquarians put together….
yes as you wish.. bring it on to a halt….Bottomline: Soulmate thing exists but dont fall head over toe to find who they are… cuz you never would fall in love if you are desperate to (this is not linda’s)!

Aman.... - August 26, 2009

Hmm I am sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just used the words “losing sleep” , didn’t mean to hurt. Apologies if I did.

Soulmate thing exists but dont fall head over toe to find who they are… cuz you never would fall in love if you are desperate to (this is not linda’s)!

I never said that I am a desperado to find one for me 🙂 . One can’t find love, it has to come to us, if it comes , we are lucky. If it doesn’t , may be we have got some thing else for us. I have “been there, done that” so I know, its just that “moment” , not a desperate search which is going to find the dream match for us. Soul mates do exist but I believe, to let souls only to find each other. As “The Alchemist” says, you are going to be told by nature when its happening.

Once again, sorry if I was rude in any ways.


21. sanjukta - August 26, 2009

Rajashree, am 32 and never had a relationship, never. I hope that proves the point “aquarians are never despo for a relationship 🙂 ”

My asking Aman was more out of excitement to find a man who reads Linda Goodman, takes proud in being an aquarian… I like excitement 😀

btw Aman I realized you stopped following me on twitter? I can’t DM you anymore, what happened? not friends? You didn’t accept my Gtalk request either.

Aisa bhi kya ho gaya yaar… kuch galat keh diya kya maine?

22. Rajashree - August 26, 2009

lol…. both of you guys are just makin me feel like,… i dunno…
i never get offended for such silly things… aman… you were not rude… its just that im used to… and love to flood on walls and so this Post.. 🙂 (i was not serious on any of the post… i just forgot the 😉 and 😛 )
i liked taking to you guys… n liked the excitement in finding the mail on my inbox that says.. “one new comment on aman’s blog”
its kinda like.. i dunno how to put that it words… its something good… Don’t u dare feel sorry.. 😛

And i never meant anything serious to you sanjuktha (nothing direct either)… it was just pure curiosity….!

thanks a lot guys… i did have great time.!

23. Aman Sharma - August 28, 2009


Thanks for saying that you are not angry. Today , I really had a tough time hearing things which were really hurting and upsetting and your reply came as a nice cool breeze. You are most welcome to come over here and post on the “walls” as much you want 🙂 . I really hope and wish that you would read and comment over other posts as well , do say that you would 🙂 .

No such thing that I removed you from Twitter. I was using my pda for accessing net and some how, while checking your profile it got removed. I never even realized that it is gone. Hehe if I had to remove you, I would had done from Facebook as well, so don’t think anything like that.

Both of you guys , do come over here as much as you can, you and your comments are most welcome!


24. Rajashree - August 31, 2009

i will but just that i dont like much of oracle or whatever the IT things are… lol…. if you have something else i’d surely love to read..!!

Aman Sharma - August 31, 2009

LOL No no , don’t worry! Over here, you won’t find Oracle or IT or anything like that. This is the place for my thoughts on my personal things. For Oracle, I do have another blog 🙂 .


25. Rajashree - August 31, 2009

i sure will…. but as a wise man… you should read mine n be a GOOD critique..!!

Aman Sharma - August 31, 2009

I infact do read it , loved that post of talks between lifts 😉 . But, still, yup DEAL! 🙂 . Will add it to my reader! If you don’t use it yet, try using Google Reader for the updates.


26. Rajashree - August 31, 2009

will try… if i cudn figure out how it works… then.. will ask u..!!

27. Pamela - September 21, 2009

So tell me, when an Aquarius man goes into his “I want to be alone phase”, how do you greet them when they come back? If they come back? Mad, silent treatment, accepting, forget the whole thing happened, I just want to be friends., lets be lovers again, conversation about the situation, forget the situations,… I at ends here. Aman, You are an Aquarius man. What is your suggestion? Pamela again…

28. Aman Sharma - September 22, 2009


Well, if someone is a true Aquarian, I am sure that he would come back with so much of excitement and energy that you won’t get a chance to say anything much! If everything is fine, you would be lovers only. I can say about me that I won’t go away from my beloved in a silent mode and than just appear out of no where. Yes I can be silent for some time but that too would not happen just like that, there would be some reason for sure for it. If the Aqu man comes back, just welcome him and try not to talk about what ever happened much. If all would be fine, you won’t even realize that he ever actually went.

Do let me know what happened, shoot me a mail if you don’t want to write here!


Pamela - September 22, 2009

Well, my Aquarius guy and I are having the emotion issues. I am a Leo and expressive, so difficult opposition. The ex-fiance called him a month ago. Now he is freaking out about commitment and marriage, which I never brought up… With me.. I believe… not communicating well.. ??? Or, he is thinking about getting back together with her??? Not saying, but will tell me that he loves me and needs a cooling off time. At first I fought it, thought we should work on it together, then realized that I was being dumb and he’s an Aquarius and needs his space. So told him that I was giving it to him. Now, I am nervous. Because, I tend to try to solve things immediately. Not quite sure what to do. Guess I can’t do anything. But, when he comes back, I am afraid my Leo temper will go off handle. And that I will be stupid!!!! and I love him. So, should I just walk away?? Oh, I am so confused and too old for this. Pamela

Gina - June 3, 2011

Hi Pamela, I see your post was in 2009 I am wondering how did it ever work out with you and your Aquarius guy? I will admit they are a real hard deal with like automatic heart breakers!

29. Ninan - October 12, 2009


I just stumbled upon this blog by accident. I am a Leo and just recently “bumped” into an Aquarius male. We had actually met in December 2008 online. We talked for a few months and then I stopped communicating with him (told him I was fed up with my search and if I was meant to be single so be it). Then in August 2009 he emailed me (6 months after we stopped communicating) and asked if I wanted to meet up because he was coming to my town. We met (had a blast)…he is absolutely hilarious (definitely an Aqua and can see through fickleness very quickly).

After he left for his hometown (I didn’t hear from him for 4 weeks). I figured he needed his space (Aqua’s are freedom lovers and I didn’t want him to feel I was tieing him down).

Today, we had a conversation online and it seems that I have had an effect on him (than I thought I did). He asked me to come see him so we can spend more time together (he jokingly said I was his special “rejai (blanket)” – I played along but slowly realized he actually thinks I might be the one who he has been looking for.

Pamela, just give Aqua man his freedom and cool down the Leo temper (I know it’s hard). Trust me just let him do his thing and you will surely see the results (just keep it light and fun).

Payal - November 3, 2009

I also met an aqua online and chatted , and he also asked me to meet him, it went well but mine is a strange story. He started to act very aloof . Is it possible to communicate with you via email? I am going crazy and really would appreciate some advice.
Thnk you

30. Pamela - October 19, 2009

Thanks Nina. He came back.

31. Payal - November 3, 2009

Hi Aman,
I was in a relationship with an aquarius guy myself, and 3 years later he disappeared – a very complicated story. I really don’t know what I should do now. I don’t want to discuss it publicly on a wall, is it possible to communicate via email or any other way please?

32. Dancer - November 30, 2009

I have problem communication with my BF.he is an aqua..I aint sure what is the problem between us, he jst silent himself. I kept quiet for a week, I am afraid that is this the way for him to say we breaking off or what…please help me and give some advice. I do love him a lot and wish to go to next level…

33. Lulu - April 11, 2010

Hi Aman, I am really confused. Have been involved with an Aquaman for 2 months, who has done all the running. Recently had a week’s holiday with him and everything was perfect. Got along great and not one problem. As soon as we returned home he tells me that he doesn’t want a relationship and wants to be “just friends” – I’m at a loss to get my head around this. Would be interested in your thoughts!


34. Nico - April 17, 2010

Aman, same thing happened to me as Lulu.

What is your advice?

35. pr - April 18, 2010

hi lulu,
similar thiing hppnd to me
he said lets be friends, i said im not ready yet…..and so he asked for a few days, we had an argument n he disappeared totally. been about 10 months now, he told me he wont disappear.

36. lulu - April 18, 2010

Hi PR, it’s difficult to be friends immediately when you get treated like that. My guy reassured ne it was absolutely nothing to do with me and just that he had gone from relationship to relationship and had not had a spell on his own and that he needed to do so to sort stuff out in his head. Agreed to meet me the other day and then sent me a msg saying that it wouldn’t fair on either of us to do so and hoped we move on without any awkwardness. I’m even more perplexed. Didn’t quite understand who told you he wouldn’t disappear – your man or Aman? Which somebody could put us out of our misery.


37. Anon - April 25, 2010

Hi, my last serious relationship was with an Aquarius man and I can tell you he was the most faithful man I have ever met. Yes he liked his space and I gave him that, as I too like my own space, having hobbies that take up my time etc. It’s true he wasn’t too bothered about sex – his grandmother and I oftened wondered if he was gay lol. But no, he just didn’t prioritise it. I’ve now been dating a new guy for a month and he too is an Aquarian. He chased me in the beginning and after initial contact, took him a week to contact me again to arrange our first date. He’s been on his own for a few years and whilst we get on really really well, one minute he’s chasing me, telling me sweet nothings, the next he’s really busy and I hardly hear from him. In the beginning I had to ask if he was having second thoughts. He wasn’t! The only thing is, this week his ex found out about us and tried to argue with me about it, but I stayed calm and came out the better person. They have kids together and whilst they were never really together, she has this strong hold over him that makes him go running to her every time, although he’s told me it makes him feel immensely trapped. We discussed it briefly, but he was pretty much a closed book. I made sure not to bring it up on our last date and was my normal happy self. I haven’t heard from him since though and I haven’t contacted him. If she’s giving him a hard time, the last thing he needs is me acting clingy, wanting to know we’re ok, so I’m giving him his space and enjoying my own. Hopefully he’ll be back in touch when he’s ready and he’ll see I’ve been getting on with things, having fun and that I don’t have a problem with him needing space.

38. Sonu - May 17, 2010

Hi friends i am an aquarius man. I like one of my collegue. She is also looking intrested in me. But problem is sometimes i felt too much attracted to her. And sometimes weeks passed by i did not even notice her. And if i am going to propose her i may continue behaving the same way and she will feel hurted. Even 3 months have been passed i am not able to propose her. What do you suggest should i propose her or not. cheers 🙂 Sonu

39. Marie K. - June 1, 2010

Hello, I have a situation with an Aquarius. About a year ago I went to Cleveland on a weekend trip. To be safe and save money I contacted (through Facebook) the son of my parents long time friends. He is about the same age as me and was house sitting for his parents while they were away.
I figured because he has a girlfriend and a life that we would spend limited time together, which was fine with me. The morning after I arrived I found a very nice note from him saying that he would gladly drive me to the museum and then we could have lunch after I was done there.
At lunch his behavior was really puzzling. He was friendly one moment and distant the next. At the time I felt he just didn’t like me or was uncomfortable for some reason. But later that day we were joking around and it seemed that we had broken through some barrier. He even hugged me when I left.
I kept the Facebook connection for several months, and then (and I still don’t know why I did this) I un-friended him. I feel awful, not because he and I were communicating, but because his mom has been going through cancer treatment at the same time as my mom (yes they both had breast cancer at the same time).
I feel like a terrible person. Because our parents are such good friends I would like to be on good terms with him. But I’ve made this fax pas and I don’t know how to make it right, or even if I can make it right.
If it were you, what would it take to forgive? Should I wait until the next time I see him to apologize? Or should I contact him and give him my regrets?
Many thanks!

Aman Sharma - June 2, 2010


I am sorry to hear about your mother’s health issues and I shall pray to god that she would get fine as soon as possible and will have a speedy recovery!

About what I would had felt or reacted, well, I would had asked you first that why you did un-friend me and if the reason would be what you have just told, I would had forgotten it like it never happened. So what I would suggest, contact him, explain to him what’s going inside your mind. I am sure all would go fine.


Marie K. - June 5, 2010

Thank you so much for your well wishes.
I will send him a message and apologize. If anything it will show him that I don’t dislike him.
Hopefully we can be friends 🙂

40. Atreyee - July 4, 2010

Aman wat do u do… a few yrs ago i met a guy in the train on my way back to my home after COMED-K ..i just remember his name..AMAN, n he was with his cousin.. GOLU BHAIYA.. also NEHA was wit us wit her DIDI.. r u d one ?

Aman Sharma - July 4, 2010

Hi Atreyee,

No, I don’t think so that we have ever met. The person you have met is someone else, not me!


41. erika - July 13, 2010


I’ve dated a aqua man for 6 months, things were going great and then he left me. Now he’s back and we’re friends with benefits (i want more) he says he doesen’t want a relationship rite now cuz he doesen’t even know what he wants out of life. If a aqua man says he doesen’t want a relationship does that mean he just doesen’t want you or should i keep being his “friend with benefits” hoping he will change his mind

42. rashmirekha - July 27, 2010

what did you write any way??? nothing actually..just quoted the whole text from Linda Goodman’s book!! Rubbish!! you create your blog and then, what do you do?? Select, Ctrl C, Ctrl V..n whoa…thats a Blog!!

Aman Sharma - July 28, 2010

And where the heck did I write/mention/declare that I have written this very post on my own? If you would have taken time to read it a little carefully, the text is quoted and is indeed credited to Linda Goodman as well! Heck, even the damn title says the same thing, isn’t it? Please look around before your next comment and tell me what and how should I write/manage my blog. These are only two posts out of 600+ other posts over here and if you would sit and read all of them, there is TONS of stuff which is all written by me only! In any case, this is my blog and I hold all the rights what to write here. You are most welcome to not consider it as a blog and I won’t mind at all! But before giving a comment, please make sure that its valid and relevant!


Confused Anon - August 12, 2010

Hi, I need serious help!!!!! I have been involved in an internet relationship with an Aqua man for the past year. We live worlds apart, but just have this connection that I can’t explain (I am Capricorn). We chatted almost every single day, laughed perfusely and he even contacted me via phone on the odd occasion. On numerous occasions, he has told me that he is in love with me (do I believe him) and I have told him exactly how I feel about him too. I am head over heels for the man and would literally do anything for him. He went through a patch a few months ago where he became very distant but I just left it at that and kept sending him positive thoughts and funny e-mails. I have asked too if I am in contact too much to which he replied “no, not at all – I love hearing from you”. Over the weeks I have heard from him less and less and last week he e-mailed to say he is going to be casting away for a couple of days (5 days) to be exact. It’s been one week and still no word. I e-mailed a funny mail to ask if he had fallen off the face of the earth and have had no reply – he has never ever done this before. Should I keep sending just random e-mails, or should I just totally shut off and see what happens?? HELP, I don’t know what to do.

43. Anon - August 15, 2010

Its been a couple of weeks that I have been friends with an Aquarian Man.. For all these years in college, he was the only guy I had not interacted with.. He approached me for the first time in our final yer and now we are such good friends.. Im a taurean.. We talk for hours.. i call him names, he calls me names.. he says that he misses me every time..that he feels so good looking at my pics and misses me more.. I tell him I miss him soo much.. I am confuse…does he just consider me as his friend ? He says he likes me, dreams about me, misses me.. a week back, when he took me out for a drive early in the morning..we drove..he slept on my lap..held my hands…said how good i smell..how high he feels when Im around.. and when it was time for me to leave..he asked me for a hug.. and we hugged…it was a passionate hug.. and then we looked at each other…he said i wont kiss you baby..even though i really want to… I smiled..and we part ways…(he knows i havent been in a relationship ever..that i havent kissed anyone) he then calls me..and says that he cant kiss me because im really innocent and he doesnt want to hurt me..now when im send him ‘miss you’ texts, he feels i’ve fallen for infatuation and tells me to control myself…he still behaves the same with me though.. im really confused.. what does he feel about me ? he says he wants to cuddle me…pull my hair…kiss me..stick his tongue down my throat..all of it..but he then says, ”no..i cant do that..u r innocent…why are you so inocent…why are you not evil…do something to your lips..they are sooo irresistable”… I really like him…and i dont wanna lose him… he feels that he keeps losing friends.. i dont wanna do that… whatever happens, i want to be there for him..as a friend or anybody else.. i care for him..please help me out..
P.S : Ive read that taurus and aquas dont go well with each other… it depresses me.. i cant imagine that happening 😦
I would be really grateful to you…for your reply 🙂

Aman Sharma - August 29, 2010

Hi Anon,

I must say that you indeed are very innocent. My advice to you would be that don’t think too much and flow with the flow. You would go well along with the guy or not, its something whose part would be decided by you two people, not your signs would have a major role in it! So just stay put, be yourself, believe in yourself! All is going to be fine, I am sure of it 🙂 .


44. Sheherazadeh - August 29, 2010

Dear Aman,
Just wanted to say I LOVE this blog…I am a Capricorn in Love/Like/Friends with an Aquarian and it’s fun to come to this blog & see how many others have the same issues with Aquarians. Oddly comforting & humorous in a way. You are very humanitarian to create this blog & answer the questions. Very Aquarius of you! LOL.

love & light,

Aman Sharma - August 29, 2010

Dear Sheherazadeh,

Thanks for the kind words. I am glad that you did like my random ramblings. We, Aquarians are a bit difficult to get along with or to put more diplomatically, we find it difficult to get along with many, that’s probably the reason of those “issues” mentioned by many over here 🙂 . But trust me, over all, we are very nice(at least I can vouch for one, no prize for guessing who ;))!

Wish you all the best and if possible, keep visiting here.


45. Seshadri - September 3, 2010

Hi Aman,
A fellow Aquarian here 🙂 I love the article and Linda is quite good on bringing out the eccentricities of an Aquarian. Some of my personal life requirements are bang on, based on the article you have posted here. I was with a direct opposite of mine, a emotional, over reacting, extremely volatile, touchy, heart ruled female and boy oh boy, it was Chaos from day 1. I remember asking her to glance @ Linda` articles or the Myer-Briggs personality types. My weakness was her strength (sensitivity, emotional aspects), her weakness was my strength (rational, intellectual, forward looking etc). I though its a perfect blend, she thought the exact opposite way and tried to confine me and force me and put me in a box with set of predetermined emotional expectations. I was even accused of being stone hearted venom spitting dark guy, simply because I was “normal” and did not exhibit any traits of a text book lover. A simple example, she told “I am busy with exams, I wont be able to talk” and I responded ” Good luck with your exams” and she immediately told me that I dont love her because I did not say certain blah blah blah mills and boon BS. Ours was a classic mind vs heart battle and there was no winner. After spending my mind/heart out she vanished out of thin air and keeps telling that I was merely doing this relationship thing for fun/time pass, quite an acquisition.

46. D - October 9, 2010

I have been with a aquarian man for 2 years, And now he as gone into his man cave again. He told me Friday that he needed space this weekend, and that he would be alone and dont worry.He said that he needed time to relax and time to think. And then he thanked me. And I have not heard from him again, sense then. We have had our problems and the first started of our relationship was so great, and I went into it as just friends nothing more, and then he told me 4 months into the relationship that he wanted to take it to the next level, I thought he meant spending the night together, and he meant us moving in together. I did not understand how can a man who just meet me wanted us to move in together. I told him I thought he meant for me to stay over that night, I had never spent the night, so you see being with anquaius man is so different, they dont always say that they mean. Then he got scared and the temtation was great, he say a lady who came in to his office and she was giving him the eye, and he said he took the bait. This went on for a year with this person, until I found her on face book and we became friends, and then we talked and then I found out he was seeing me and her at the same time. When I found out she confronted him and I did it same time and he did not know what to do, see men who have high positions in there jobs, think that they are invinsable and they can do anything that they want, so they cheat. I was so upset that I broke it off with him and she told him that she hated him that to forget her, so you see I thought that he was gone forever. Then he calls and wants to see me again, and I said why did you cheat on me and he said because he could. That is how the aquan men think, they think they can have any women and then they dump them when things get so serious. But then when you dont give them a second thought and you loved them and then you dont responed to them, they can not take it. They will hunt you down and keep trying and until they get you back just to do it again. So, I am still in love with him, but the trust is only 50%. And now we have been having problems again, and now he is in his man cave again, so I needed to mention that he is in a different city then me, and he thinks he can go anything and I wont find out, but I am one of the smart women who as family and friends who checks up on him. They hate it when you catch them and then they have to tell the truth, they will if you keep on, but I am not happy any more with the games that aquian men play. Just remember they are sweet talkers, and you will always love them for that. So, I wish that I can tell you that I will still be here when he gets back to his old self, but I have been beaten down to much and I want to love me again and I want to be loved back, so please tell me what to do. He has asked me to give him space this weekend, and here it is Saturday morning , and my heart his breaking and know word from him. We are best of friends and even better lovers. He for the first time in two years, told me he ” I Love You” and I know he does not use those words lightly. So. some one please help me to rebuild the trust and Love that I have had for this aquian man for two years. So, do I wait for him or do I give up. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!

Reeba - January 17, 2011

Run as fast as you can..u deserve better..there are plenty of men out there that will treat you better..sounds like hes not the right match for you..be smart..move on..

47. shine - October 14, 2010

I have a close aqua friend and I found many true things about him in this page.
in general he is lovely,smart and loves to lead.
I highly respect his ambitions side and inventive brain.
Its always fun when we are together, he tend to try new or even weird things that I can suggest anything and find him in the process of making us in it, I really do enjoy it all.
other times we could just be lazy having endless conversations after a long studying days 🙂
we could be so different in many ways yet we get along so well and totaly know what the other aims to
Im so glad to have such a friendship
I dont have much aqua men around but as in this case i can say that they are great and i admire their own special way of thinking
virgo here :p

48. Tanya - October 24, 2010

I met an Aquarian male 13/07/09,for me it was love at 1st sight I’m a Gemini. We mainly spoke through text and email. He is 6 years my junior. I saw him only twice a month. This he said was owing to his young children visiting from abroad (holland) regularly. He would say he liked me then ignore me for 2 weeks at a time. On a number of occasions I broke it off as it felt as though he was playing me. He once said love ya via text!
Anyway after a date in November that went badly wrong I got very drunk and argumentative he told me that it couldn’t work. I begged and pleaded. I never saw him again until the January as I still wasn’t over him and we had stayed in contact via textvas friends. In the January we met and made love. I went away. At the end of Feb I met a cancer. I hoped this new romance would help me forget aqua man but it didn’t we stayed in contact he told me he had a new girl I had a new boy etc…
He began to show interest wanting to see me but I wouldn’t cheat despite being in love with him still… However I told him on the odd occasion.
Thing deteriorated with the cancer but I became pregnant, finding out after we had split. I ran to the aqua for comfort which he gave me. He even said he wished the baby was his and not the cancer.
So here I am pregnant and in love with the man who is not the father. To make matters worse the aqua has gone back to holland, however he says he misses me he always wants me and always has me. I asked him to visit me in uk he says he will. Then ignores me. So I said not to bother visit me… And he replies when is the babies scan do I know the sex yet have I thought of names.
My question is, is there a future for aqua and I? I love him so much but realise he is living his life. When I try to walk away he says something that captures my heart. Does he really miss me and want me.
Confused and pregnant 😦

49. Park - October 27, 2010

dear Aman

hi i m taurean girl goin out with aqua guy. Please understand my poor english, as english is not my first language. however, i wanted to say thank you for writing stories about your starsign and commentries in your blog. it was very helpful for me to read your honest commentaries about yourself and aquarian man.

Anyway…We’ve been goin out for 3months now, and i must admit that we are VERY differnt.
As i m Taurus, my nature is very calm, theoritical, individual, secretive, straight mind, caring and introverted, Whereas my bf is logical, active, live, outgoing, political, deligent with his own interest, bright eyed though bit unstable minded by his cretive nature.

However, the funny thing is that although we are very very different i can totally understand his actions. Of course he is unpredictable and no calls, but somehow i do not worry or fuss bout it ‘cos i think that’s not what completes relationship.

i think people should be free and individual. Do what they want to do, go where they want to be, live for their own happiness. i would love to recieve a call or message from his heart, but not from his habit or just b’cos he had to. i would prefer no txt.. i’ve got no expectation on that and i think that’s why we go ok until now. i can answer his call with bright voice as if i’ve got a call from my old friend 🙂

And guys.. i personally think my bf should have lots of friends. Especially if they try to do the business. For me, as long as my bf concentrates on me enough when he is with me, i really want him to take care of his friends when i am not with him. His friends know him better than me and i know that they can make him feel so good anytime.

i think Girlfriend cannot fulfil her boyfriend 100%, so i don’t worry about things i cannot do, i am happy if his close friends who can fulfil the rest. lol

One thing people easily forget is that the Love, Relationship is not a job or duty… it is given by god. Though our feelings may not last forever, i think i will take my chance just for now. who knows the future. nobody lol

BTW, on very first night he told me that it is a dishonest thing to continue the relationsip even if one’s feeling on his/her partner has gone and i totally agreed. so what i think now is that:

if he does not love me = he will tell me.

until then, i will just enjoy & be happy

i love my bf not b’cos he is aquarius,
but b’cos it is him. lol

Let the mind Fall in love
while accept each other as who they are~
life’s too short for fighting or arguing XD


50. Milly Molly - November 15, 2010

Wow, Park!! Totally agree with everything you said. I’m dating an Aquarius man and I’m cancer. They say it’s not a good match, but I’m here to tell you otherwise.

This is the best relationship I have EVER had. Yes, he has his silent moments, but never once did I feel he was leaving or cheating on me. When he came back it was like he never left and I’ve never questioned him about it.

We are both strong, independent and social individuals who enjoy space and privacy. Also, we both do not wish to marry, have children or live together.(I’m not your typical cancer).

He treats me like a Queen is sweet, loving, kind and very generous. All his friends and family adore him.

I thank GOD everyday for this AMAZING man!

51. jan - November 26, 2010

i am an aquarius woman and my best friend is an aquarius man. we’ve been best friends for four years and it feels like we’ve gone through everything. we tried the dating thing but i swaer no guy has ever driven me more crazy. not only were we both so jealous we always had heated debates about anything we could fight about anything. we never agree on anything so we do usually have great debates but they usually don’t end on a good note. we decided to have sex which was and still is amazing, idk thats one thing we never get sick of i mean it’s like were connected to eachother and we normally can’t be alone together or else we can’t control ourselfs. but we’ve gone back and forth on whether or not were going to be friends or date and i’m tired of it. although he tells me how beautiful i am he has not yet asked me out. and he says i drive him crazy and if he were to be in a relationship with me we both would go insane. i did although tell him i loved him and he only told me i should use the love word on him, and i should find someone better. i always tell him he is the best and i seriously believe this with everything i have i’ve never loved a guy before ha let alone even gotten this close to one, i’m usually not emotional at all but now i find myself crying over him and wanting to be with him all the time… idk i’m so confused and now hes barley speaking to me he says i need to move on i deserve better, and that he’s not doing anything for me but he is he makes me so happy. a little percent of me wants to leave but 90 percent of me is screaming stay and just wait for him to come around. any advice would help…

52. Sarah - January 2, 2011

Hi everyone,
thanks for this wonderful article. I have been dating an aquarius male for quiet a few months now, and it genuinely feels like he is the love of my life. However, just like I also read in previous posts he is really unpredictable with showing his feelings, and me being a virgo woman it makes me think and doubt at times. I love the way he is free spirited and during this whole time of dating him, I gave him the space he needs for any individual growth and so did he. We have a wonderful understanding and communication to each other.
From the time we met I knew that my aquarius was going through a very very hard time in his life, but I always supported him as much as I could. A few days ago he proposed to me that he is deeply confused and he thinks he cant be a proper boyfriend due to his circumstances and we should carry on being close friends. He doesnt know what the future holds, but he genuinely loves me and he wants to take care of me…

I am confused and I am not sure what to think after this. Do u guys have any experience with aquarius men in hard times and how to best deal with it?

I hope to hear from you soon…

haveachilledcoffee@yahoo.com - June 30, 2011

Well, i dont know if this will help you but i will try, I am an aquarius male and, i have gone through hard times as most men do, and i just really wanted support, but i didnt want anyone to expect to know how to help me, if that is understandable, what means more to me then someone trying to help me is someone just accepting that its a hard time and if im sad i want her to be sad with me, not be happy and try to make me happy……. good luck

53. Jay M. Jones - January 2, 2011

Hey Everybody,

I have to say that this is , by far, the most accurate portrayal of the Aquarian male I have ever come across. I am by all accounts the quintessential Aquarian guy and this explains me to a T in almost every way….so much so, it’s scary and I pray this info doesn’t fall into the hands of any woman who tries to date me! I do have something I’d like to put out there for anyone interested in this eccentric, yet grounded, creative, at times frustrating sing.

Ladies: Do not ever take the love of an Aquarius male for granted. EVER. There’s no turning back once that’s happened. If he’s in love with you, The key to our hearts lies in submission. Submit to the relationship..(not the man), because if he truly loves you…he’ll never try to subdue your soul. Just be there for him in the conventional sense. Be a good wife, and he’ll make you one…it’s all he’ll ever ask if he truly loves you.

single mom dating - March 3, 2011

I am a 34 yr old Gemini and my 35 yr old Aqua man sure confuses the heck out of me! We’ve been together only 3 months and just 3 weeks into the relationship he had already told me he loved me, mentioned getting married in about 6 months, asked me to move in, then had a freak out and distanced himself from me for about 4 days until I called him out and asked him why was he being hot and cold. He took about 2 days to think things out and then decided he wasn’t ready to give up on our relationship but that he felt we moved too quickly (that was all him by the way). I had turned down his offer to move in and I took about a week longer than he did to finally say I loved him.

Ever since then, things have been really good. he hasn’t had anymore freak outs or asked for time to himself but he does go through bouts of being really affectionate with me to just being slightly affectionate with me. He’s not very sexual, he would rather just cuddle up next to me and pass out while I would lay there wishing he would ravage me. And in fact I seem to initiate sex more often.

Anyhow, after his freak out (2 months ago) several nights later we were making love and he whispered in my ear “I love you so much”. I was completely shocked he said it. Since then he just says it all the time. However last weekend during another love making session he told me “I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” Again i was completely shocked even though it was music to my ears.

He hasn’t mentioned marriage since the 2nd week we dated and I certainly don’t ask him about it. My question is, does my Aqua man really mean it when he says he wants to spend the rest of my life with me or is he just saying it to have me wrapped around his finger?

single mom dating - March 3, 2011


Well we just had a talk this afternoon. I couldn’t keep my big Gemini mouth bottled up anymore. I had not seen him in 4 days which is pretty unusual for us even though he has been texting me sporadically over the past few days. I even was really delayed in responding to his messages to appear not so eager. He even said “I haven’t heard from you all day and I miss you” and I just did a delayed response of “I miss you too”.

Anyhow, this morning he texts me “Are we still on to workout this morning?” I told him I thought he wasn’t going to be able to make it and he said “I am making time to be with you. I don’t have to.” Whatever that meant!

So we go to work out and I asked him if he wanted to have lunch together after wards and he said sure since he had no plans for the day. So on the way home from the gym he gets a text message that his brother’s wife will be induced tomorrow to have her baby. Anyhow, as I am making him his shake he makes a comment that got a rise out of me and I whipped my head around and with my tone of voice he knew I was upset. Then there was dead silence between us for like 5 minutes and I asked him about lunch and he casually says “Oh I can’t stay now. I am gonna go see my sister-in-law before she has the baby because she’s home right now.”

I slumped into the kitchen chair and said “I don’t know if I can do this”. He asked what I meant and I just laid it all out. I told him I can’t handle seeing him every 4-5 days and explained maybe he is fine with that but I can’t handle it. This led us into “the talk”, you know the it-looks-like-break-up talks. Only it was one sided…by me. He was completely silent. I told him to just say something and he said “My feelings for you have not changed, they still stand the same. So if you decide this isn’t for you then that is going to be all on you. Maybe you need a day or two to think about it and just let me know. (Typical Aqua man!)

We ended the conversation with him saying “I love you so much and I don’t like not seeing you as much as I would like to too. Sh@t happens but we’re both just gonna have to be patient right now.”

I apologized for having a “TOS” moment which is what we have now nicknamed his first freak out in which he needed time to think. He kissed me goodbye and took off to his sister-in-law’s. (Darn Aquarius’ with their family comes first mentality!) Just kidding! 🙂

I know for certain he loves me and I have his heart but this patience thing really blows.

single mom dating - April 11, 2011

I just wanted to update that he broke up with me only days after writing my update. I still care for him but he has not contacted me. It’s been 5 weeks. I have not contacted him until today. I just sent him a quick message on Facebook because I had deleted all of his info from my phone. He broke up with me because we had out first conflict. I didn’t trust him the night before we broke up. He had not heard from him all day and he went out with “friends” but ignored my call. I thought he was out with some girl. So I drove over to his house late at night, he was not there. The next day he ended things saying he can’t give me what I want. Have I totally blown it?

54. Palwasha - January 5, 2011

I am in love with an Aquarian,and I really enjoyed reading this.I am his first love he told me so,but the problem is,he has lost interst in me and is currently involved with a girl.He says he likes her but is in love with me.but he does not have time for me while he is talking to her all the time.Will he ever return to me????I am going mad……….

55. mysty09 - January 12, 2011

Hello all! First off, I would like to thank everyone for commenting on Amens blog and Amen for making it :). I am a 25yrs old scorpio female. I have been exclusive with my aqua man (27yrs old) for 3 weeks now. We dated for 5 and a half weeks before becoming exclusive. (Which was my idea for us to have the “exclusive talk”). Me being a scorp, I couldn’t stand not knowing where we were standing in our relationship. I almost always look at everything black and white. Therefore, I cant stand any middle stuff… Such as non-labled, meaningless relationships (by that I mean.. Me, not knowing where it is going.. Or if it is at all going anywhere in the first place). AND not to mention… We have made love more than once and I have slept over at his house a few times. So you can only imagine how much and long (3 weeks) it was eating at me to not know where we were going or where we were at, for that matter. I finally couldn’t take it and felt like I had a right to know “what we were”… Cont. below…

Aman Sharma - January 27, 2011

It’s Aman actually 🙂 .


56. Abhinay Kumar - January 16, 2011

it is really amazing that you said about acqauarious. everything is 100% true. so srtange how do you know that much about acquarious. i am also an aquarian. i need to tell you some more about aquarian. Please give me ur contact no if it can be possible

57. mangocherry - January 25, 2011

I’m a Virgo woman. I dated an Aquarius man 4 years ago and he was in a bad place with a lot of hassle and had to move away. He suddenly got in touch with me a few weeks ago. He’s engaged and in a terrible relationship. I told him I couldn’t see him while he was engaged as I still held a torch for him. He respected this and disappeared, or so I thought… until last week… he phoned me, said he’d left his partner and couldn’t stop thinking of me. He remembered our first date, a book I’d bought him, the first film we saw together and all the old feelings came flooding back. He said he wanted to be with me. He came over and we talked for hours. Then a few days later, I got scared and I told him that he needs to go away and think – make sure that he is over his ex and ready to move on with me. I’ve not heard from him and I’m worried I’ve wrecked everything. I don’t know if I should contact him or if he’s thinking about what I’ve said. He’d told me he’d moved his stuff out of the house he has with his ex and that he was prepared to leave her with everything. I love him to pieces but don’t want to hold onto a dream. Am I kidding myself? Is he coming back? Have I sent him away for good? He did tell me he loves me but I’ve been hurt before and I’m terrified that if I take him back, he’ll change his mind and go back to his ex. oh and I think I was his first love, he even had a tattoo of a quote from a book i bought him tattooed onto his back.

dillinger - January 27, 2011


I am an Aquarian. Let me start from the end. Honestly if an Aquarian man made a tattoo on his body with a quote from the book you bought, that can have two meanings. A little bit bizarre but (less possibility) first reason could be his account on this quote. Secondly he could make it for the importance of his love to you. First one is quite understandable because valuable quotes or remarks are very important for Aquarian men (more than Aquarian females). But if you ask my opinion, a typical Aquarian man would write it down onto a piece of paper rather than having a tatto, because he would think that quotes are endless. So he loves you much for my opinion. Why am I sticked on this tattoo stuff more than other things you wrote. As I said I am an Aquarian :)) Once upon a time a girl told me this: “you like to make girls your lovers and you are talented for this, but you also like to leave them just after that. it gives you a sense of pleasure”. In fact she could not even realize the things I thought about this relationship. For Aquarians one thing is very clear: Because they give their all for a love, they leave when they are misunderstood. If he is still sticked on you, just show that you love him for being himself but nothing else. and PS: do not expect any father figure and gently put down your suggestions like he puts them. it is a sharing. even if you need a father figure after a while you will realize that he has got a strong personality to fill in this. but he also wants to see a real person near him beyond all pressures. Is that wrong?

Aman Sharma - January 27, 2011


I do read all the comments on my blog but at times, I don’t reply myself and leave the task for others. Now, you have got a very good reply from Dillinger so it may sound an echo only. Being an Aquarian myself, I can assure you, we guys are not different from kids. A kid can have interest in many things in one time, eager to know it all and once bored/done with something, can leave that thing just like that. But at the same time, kids don’t know how to cheat, how to use some really cunning ways to hide their true expressions and say something else when they mean something else. That’s almost same the case with the Aquarian guys. It would take a lot from an Aqua guy to tell you that he loves you and mind it, to be on that position that he is falling for you , would take a lot so you must have something good in you that you made him do that. Second, like a said that kids say what they have in their heart, an Aqua guy would say (mostly) what he has in heart. About going back to Ex, I believe in the post,there is a line, an Aqua would never forget his first love and if you are not the one, find out ways how to deal with it or better, be his first love. I would say, don’t get terrified with the thoughts that he may go back but make him so attached to you that he won’t even think about it. It would take a lot to erase the things from his mind but if you would be able to do so( without being doubtful about it) , I can assure you, you would have him till eternity.

Good luck and I wish you all the best!


58. dillinger - January 27, 2011


For now I will act as a “traitor” 🙂 Some insider info. All “air” element signs are similar to each other in terms of life sense. But Libra is the closest sign to the other element groups, because they think that their inside and senses should be reflected on this earth, otherwise they feel deep sorrow. Gemini is different and most of the times regarded as arrogants for the rest. Because they seem to have a sense of humour for everything except themselves.

Aquarius could be seen as “the coolest” among them. Not because they are special (they do not even believe the word special indeed).

Every zodiac sign has got its inner sufferings. But Aquarius have an advantage: its inner sufferings are not arisen from the causes on this earth, something beyond it. So with that advantage they can find any reason for their inconsistencies and scary thing is: that’s true. Aquarius paradox is ultra ability to view, observe and understand life from a good perspective, and also to keep extreme humanism in particular for other people.

That means when they feel unable to reply demands: they escape. In fact funny thing is: most of the times their imagination for this “reply” is overrated. I mean they could easily satisfy it. But their thoughts are much above them. Especially for the things they give value.

Good luck

59. mangocherry - February 4, 2011

thanks so much for all of your responses. I spoke to him today (I left him with his thoughts for 2 weeks as advised on many sites). I asked him why he hadn’t contacted me and simply said “you told me to go away and sort out the drama with my ex, so that’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve moved all of my stuff out and its over”. He’s going fishing this weekend, its his birthday but he wants to be alone, so i’m respecting that and leaving him to it. But he said he wants to see me next week, so watch this space. Hopefully we can start something good again! Thanks again to all of you xxx

60. Daydreaming Gemini - March 8, 2011

Aman – thank you very much for posting this information, it is extremely helpful. I am a Gemini female with an Aquarius male friend. We have been talking over facebook and things seem to be going somewhere but there is the infamous hot/cold close/distant traits that show up on a regular basis that I can almost tell you to do the day when we will talk and when we won’t, however I am afraid I may have made him upset with me. He keeps putting up walls and then taking them down, but it does seem like everytime his wall goes up, it goes up a little higher and when it comes back down, he lets me in a little closer to him… the last time we spoke he put up a wall, and I decided I wasn’t having it and so that was the end of the conversation. I am pretty sure he is mad at me, he won’t talk to me and I know I sure “ignore him right back” but being a Gemini, that is very hard to do. Any advice you can share would be greatly appreciated, also there is a bit more but I am not comfortable sharing it publicly, I am not sure if you are willing to share advice privately or not but hopefully it doesn’t hurt to ask. I thank you very much for any input you can share with me. Thanks

dillinger - March 15, 2011

Well. I will make a reply again. Daydreaming Gemini you said that he puts walls sometimes, then he breaks them. I can clearly say that even this single information proves, he is a typical Aquarian. That means; first: it facilitates my analysis and second: you have to try a little bit, but your gift will be precious and more importantly, will be real, which is a rare thing nowadays.

At first you can think in this way: You are expecting to see the things you desire, but there can be more than this, and this “more things” could be achieved not just by from the other side, but with your participation too. An Aquarian would like to see a special “merged” product between you and him, a new and unique stuff hard to be found everywhere else (I mean menthally of course). This is the thing in the middle of a relation. At the same time, he would want to keep his inner identity at one of the edges of this relation, and this is also same for your identity at the other edge. Now make this 3-parted diagram (your identity-common unique product-his identity) curved and create a circle. That means your identities match at the end of this new shape, but still preserving their individual character. That’s the thing an Aquarian wants to see.

1) This unique merged outcome is very important, because he always like to see a real, but also special stuff. There is nothing wrong with going to movies or eating fast food together in the weekend, but if these things become the only main course, he could go away. There should more than this. This is not a selfish demand, I mean he would want this in equal basis and when he sees a path towards this uniqeness, he will surely follow by all means. So we talked about the middle part.

2) Definitely he would want to see a good friend too. For example, when he talks about his troubles in his daily life, and when he is “always” reacted by a compassionate and palliative lover attitude, he will not like this. People need friends, and an Aquarian always desires to merge this into a single person: a lover and also a friend. That’s the encounter of both individual sides by curving I mentioned above.

You may check this by counting the number of his friends. There can be lots of people around him and he could be communicationg with too many. But his “real” friends would be only small amount of numbers.

Now a practical hint. When you talk to him next time, say something like: “I thought that we could have something special, not described but usual things around but something new and unique, just for us. It is like we could share something and when we look back to them, we see something created more than our individual concerns ” He can reply like: “like what?” If you reply with an expression: “I can not put into the words easily in an internet chat conversation very quickly, but this has been my strong feeling since the beginning”. He will be on target and curious too, the latter is always one of the keys for an Aquarian.

Rest? Erm, if you can not follow the rest by yourself, sorry but there could not be anymore.

3 words: real, special and definitely equally shared.



61. Payton - March 13, 2011

You got it right on the dot with my aquarius. You helped me alot. I thought he was one of a kind and a little pain in the butt. Now I know there is other people out there like him. Thats just how he is. Thanks alot!

62. Eve - March 28, 2011

I would like some insight please into this Aaqurian man. I have known him, peripherally for about 10 years. We went on ONE date in 2002 and I moved away. I came back last year and ran into him and he asked me out again. So we started dating in June 2010. He was so charming in the beginning, complimentary and almost nervous to be around me. Several months into it he still seemed to be nervous w/ me. I attributed it to the fact that he said he always wanted to date me, often wondered wht happened to me, and thought I was back in his life for a reason. He seemed really excited to have me. Its hard to explain. I learned very quickly that he wasnt a big phone person and we only saw each other once a week, sometimes two weeks would go by. And during this time, he disappeared quite often. We would have a good time and then he wouldnt call for a week. Once or twice he even ignored my texts or voicemails for seemingly no apparent reason. Seemed like he always needed to exert control over the situation by disappearing to show me he wasnt THAT into me.

After a few months we had a conversation and I expressed that I would like to hear from him more. Though I NEVER pressured him, I missed him alot and felt more connected to him as time went by. But as mentioned, he would always disappear, acted hot and cold w/ me, so it was hard for me to get a handle on how he felt about me, as he never really told me. At one point we even agreed to just be friends, but when he saw me said he couldnt just be friend w/ me and told me he wanted to move forward. To me, MOVE FORWARD meant w/ a real relationship. But hte moment I expressed that I had no idea how he felt about me and that him treating me like he cared one day and then nothing more than an acquaintance the next was confusing, he got angry. Mind you I rarely called him first, rarely texted, since he seemed to require so much space, I let him have it. I have a busy life myself so I never bugged him AT ALL. An the one time I mention what I want, he gets upset? Not a good sign. Then he disappears for TWO WEEKS. I was at the end of my rope but I didnt give him a hard time about the latest disappearance. We had a 90 minute conversation, our longest ever, where we talked about somethings that were bothering us both. We ended the convo saying we would get together to work on a creative project that I needed his help with. In the interim, I invited him to my bday party and he said he would come, even texted me to ask if it was still okay to come on that day. And never showed up. He called (I didnt answer) but never left a message as to why he didnt show. He let FOUR days go by and called me and left a msg about getting together that week, but nothing about missing my birthday party. For me that was the last straw. He couldnt be bothered to come or offer an explanation as to why, and the arrogance to call me up like nothing happened.

So I ended things;sent him a msg. He wrote back basically blaming me, saying I dont get him, no one ever does blah blah blah..and didnt address one thing I had said! All about him. He told me i could call him to talk but I didnt and he never called me. That was a little over 3 weeks ago. I saw him for the first time in two months last week and when we saw each other we just locked eyes for what seemed like forever. He was looking at me all sad and regretful but we just said HI and thats it. When I was leaving he said YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL. I said thank you and left. I was hoping he would call but he hasnt. And oddly, our connection to each other felt as strong as ever. So my question is 1) because I ended things w/ him would that Aquarian pride keep him from calling me even if he really wanted to? and 2) why would he just not show up to something that meant a lot to me? Was that him trying to tell me he didnt want to be serious w/ me? Maybe he knew I would get that angry and end things. Maybe he wanted me to. Idk. That would have been the first time he hung out w/ any of my friends. All i know is he really hurt me. I miss him but I dont want to be w/ someone who cant show he cares, even if its not in the conventional way, he could have tried in HIS way. Or maybe thats just it. He didnt care. 8 months down the drain. Im just so so confused. Insight please!

63. Eve - March 28, 2011

I guess I should mention that when I ended things I explained to him, respectfully and without anger, that I felt he has tried to control the relationship by disappearing, that he gave mixed signals often, and was unreliable. I told him I admired his individuality and his ideas, but that he seemed to be a walking contradiction. I said finally that maybe one day we could be friends but not right now. So I guess I see why he wouldnt call me after that. But when he saw me he looked like he wanted me badly. But maybe that was just a typical man wanting what he finds he can no longer have.

64. Eve - March 28, 2011

Im a Pisces btw. I know its supposed to be tough for Pisces and Aquas but my instincts have never led me astray (until now) and I really felt something special was in store for us.

dillinger - April 3, 2011

Hi Eve

I personally do not know Aman, but his crazy blog made me addicted to follow people’s thoughts about Aquarians. I am an Aquarian male (typical one I can say; right in the middle) and it seems that I understand their traits at some extent.

First of all, your kind behaviour does not make him sick, he loves it. But this makes the things complicated for him, because although it seems the opponent, Aquarians are extremely humanistic. I guess your kindness made him troubled and he is feeling strong sorrow now, because he hurted you. According to your questions;

1) Pride? Yes. They are extremely pride people. However, I am pretty sure that he is aware of his attitude towards you, so he can not exert any pride upon. Aqs are idealistic, but also they keep realism so much. That means he can not hold something artificial; he knows that any pride for this relationship is meaningless as you did nothing wrong for it.

So what? Simple. Your friend is a typical Aquarian with inside troubles which should be settled down by himself. At the moment, menthally he is going out of this earth and coming back time by time. All Aquarian males suffer from lack of “peace” within their minds and souls (I am not making gender discrimination, but according to my observation Aq. females do not have this so much) if they think that they found even some little amount, it is hard to leave this feeling. You may say “am I against this feeling of peace?” answer is: certainly not. He should understand that peace brought by loneness and isolation is not the solution for his problem. And he escapes because he does not want to hurt you more.

2) You wrote his attitudes and I can clearly say that he loves you and want to be with you.


I knew an Aquarian teacher in my university. He was cool and loved another professor. But he did not say this for years, instead he walked through her department and sat down over a wooden chair outside, and watched her movements in silence. Most probably the reason was his fears (a real relationship could not be as good as his dreams). It is like “loving love more than lover”. This is the main potential sickness for Aq. males in love.

Well. Important part of it; how can he believe that a real relationship could be better as his extreme platonic feelings. If you really want to continue with him, you should reach and share his dreams. An Aquarian may search a song for years after hearing in a shopping mall when it touched his inside. Everyone can do the same, difference is: he does not like bands, singers, albums or any other things, but “that particular song”. He thinks that probably the other songs in the album are not so good as the song he loved; indeed most of the times his foresight becomes true. Then he wants to make this song special to him, only he understands its speciality and the song completes him.

Now make yourself a song he loved like this. The album is the usual behaviours of the other people. When he listens it he dreams dreams dreams, he adds something from his inside and creates a videoclip, containing a figure, “total blend of him and the the song”. But when he sees the other people loves the song, like eating a popcorn or a company while driving a car, he becomes upset. Is that due to the song itself, or due to the people. It does not matter. So, the song should keep to show him that it is special for him, it still fills his dreams and shares his visions of life. (I am not saying he saw you with other males, this is a methaphor. He does not need to see such a something. His fear is to stuck on shallow ordinary moods and loosing his inner side).

So, next step should be learning his inside more deeper. How? If you talk to him again, do not mention anything about your relationship; tell him that you want to feel the peace in your life with him, but also want to explore the life together, more than usual pictures. After sometime you could see lots of things, your vision of life can change, then you can behave more naturally. For example you can shout him when you feel something absurd, or you may hug him for nothing. Acting as you do in front of the mirror when you are alone at home, in short. I am not just talking about spiritual stuff. e.g. one day you may ask his vision for your walking style, your clothes or your meals. Is that scary a little bit? Probably he already dreamed about them more than 10 times !

By the way; Aquarians are not so much interested with special scheduled days and it is hard to understand the other’s thoughts for them. For example, I barely remember I called someone for his/her birthday and avoided to attend these parties most of the times. In fact I forgot my birthday twice in my life.

You ended your posts with a beautiful expression. “but my instincts have never led me astray”. I wish Aquarians could say this straightly as you did. Funny but also a tragic thing is; they got this feeling more than any other people, may be 100 times stronger, but totally handicapped to tell. That is their second largest sickness.

Good luck

65. Kaiti - March 29, 2011

Well,Aqua guys are really hard to read…I remember meeting him in Uni,in first semester.I wasn’t attracted to him at first place,but one day sth ”clicked” into me.So I tried to approach him(I didn’t know if he had a gf or not).He seemed like a shy guy…So I did the eye contact thing in one lecture,and yes he looked back! ^^ After this,he wouldn’t speak to me,he’d ignore me,talk to everyone else BUT me,he had ignored my friend req. 2 times in FB(and now he has blocked me,but that thing was about my ”friends” in general),sometimes when I was saying sth,I had caught him whispering sth when one of his friends was near,and then they both look at me,and I was asking if there’s a problem,and he always deny it…One day a friend told me that I had said abt him in a party that I don’t like him!GOSH I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! I had never said sth like that! Anyway,time had passed and I forgot him. the second semester,I started hanging out more with my ”friends”.He’d STILL don’t talk to me(or RARELY have a few words).That continued to the third semester as well(sometimes not talking;just nodding.I played his game as well).On January,one friend had birthday.We both went,and we had some kind of physical contact,like brushing against arms and legs,resting my leg on his ^^.He seemed ok with that).And after this,I started thinking about him again.But,we’d still not talk AT ALL sometimes.He seemed hesitant to talk to me, nervous,answering very fast and with a few words when I’d ask him sth.That made me feel nervous around him as well.In the past,I had caught me staring at me.^^
And now we’re at the fourth semester…Last week,we hung out for coffee.We had a really nice time,no nervousness at all,a nice convo in fact.So now I try to be the first to talk to him..I’d say that even though we’re in the same company,we NOW start to know each other..At times,he seems like he don’t want to talk me…:( But,fingers crossed that we’ll continue like this! ^^ So what’s your opinion? Should I be just his friend for the time being?Should I make a move after all this time(kidding,I bet that he’ll reject me immediately,right?)Maybe(though I highly doubt it 😦 ),he feels the same? Are all these Aqua traits? Somebody help!! 🙂

dillinger - April 3, 2011

Dear Kaiti

Yep these are typical Aquarian traits.

In fact my reply to Eve contains lots of things for your post. If I should add something more;

– It depends on what you expect. as Aqs are clever observers he could act as you wish, but you may still be far away from him like 1000 miles. This observation ability makes their humor good, so he can be a good company “only” for short distances if a real relationship was not established.

– Your post indicates that you became very attractive for him, otherwise he could not behave like this; the word “shy” is never a right description for an Aq. Surely he keeps himself because he likes you. But this concept could be different for Aqs. He may play the games you mentioned for ages and he can be still content for it. You may try to leave him, surely he will become upset, but then you may loose him forever with that move.

– Again the same thing; show him that you are not a regular girl (I am sure that you are not). First try to learn his life and find something different to reach him. As he already dreamed about you so many times, there should be something about his inside. The only problem is Aquarians are perfect discreets. They have only couple of real friends. So it is upon you!


Kaiti - April 4, 2011

Dear dilinger,

what you said is soooo true!!! Today I was eating in the cafeteria,alone.Later,I saw him and his friends(or I’d better say ”clique”?)entering the caf.They sat at the next table.The ”leader” waved at me,but she didn’t said ”Oh come and join us!”.Well,I’m not part of their clique,that two-faced girl kicked me out,but I don’t care for that anti-social b***h.I don’t know if he recognized me or not,but he didn’t talk at all.(I missed his games! :P) But,I have a question at that point;Aren’t Aquas supposed to follow their own way and be rebellious, free-spirited? Well,I haven’t seen that side of his…yet(?) I always see him with that clique.

66. dillinger - April 4, 2011

Hi Kaiti

Aquarians are free-spirited for their own stuff. It is like “when you are getting close to them, you are going far too”. Seems that he is popular among people. This is usual for Aquarians. But that makes the things complicated as it can create an illusion around him.

When he says “come and join us” that usually refers the fact: you became a regular person for him. He did not say this then it is OK.

For the clique; observe one thing: If he behaves and acts like others when you are close to him, it is harder for you. If he just stands and does not talk so much when you are around, this is a good sign. Strange but true, at first stage Aquarians escape from the people who are special for them. You have to show that it is much more beautiful to be together than his lonely dreams about you. Try to catch him alone somewhere. When you do this, then try to observe his eyes. Aquarian eyes can not lie easily.

PS: I do not know your zodiac sign, but if you are a Taurus or a Capricorn, it would be hard for both of you. I am not good to guess the people’s signs but you seem to be a zodiac sign from earth elemental group. Virgo is an exception, most of the times Virgos do not try so much for Aquarians as you do.


dillinger - April 4, 2011

One more thing to add to my previous post; I said:

“observe one thing: If he behaves and acts like others when you are close to him, it is harder for you. If he just stands and does not talk so much when you are around, this is a good sign.”

In fact when he sees you he can also start to talk and laugh more than usual, I mean “so much”. That’s another sign like standing and not talking. In short: if he does not behave in his usual traits, this is the point you have to notice.

This second type of sign also indicates that he is much more platonic than in the situation of his silence. More deeper of senses, but more platonic too.


Kaiti - April 4, 2011

Talk and laugh more?? Hmm I’d say(noticing and from previous times)that he just stands and talks a few words.I remember that one of my friends had his nominal day,and he treated us.The Aqua guy was talking a lil bit with the others,when suddenly he changed his seat and sat next to me,not talking.I asked him sth about the Exams,I said him that I failed in 3 subjects with the same mark,he said (kinda quickly I’d say) that he got a passing mark(whereas on another day I had learned from a friend that he had failed in the same subject as me.A little lie? ^^) Then I was talking with other friends,and he was just standing there,not talking,just seeing me talking with the others.
Also,last week,I had finished eating in the caf.,and I was waiting for the bus.I saw him coming in there too,alone.I asked him why he was alone,and he said that he was cleaning and he might not sit in the caf for a long time.I said:”I can keep you company”,and he said:”You don’t really have to,you’re gonna lose your bus.” I insisted and he insisted,but I won!^^ In the caf.you could catch the silence..So I did the most of the talking.He then left and greeted me saying ”Goodbye and I’ll CU”(shock!He’d NEVER greeted me like this! :P)
So I’d say that when I come around him,or his friends,he somehow freezes.Does it seem that I intimidate him?Really? :0 Oh c’mon we’re in our second year,I don’t bite! 😛 By the way,I’m a Sagittarius. 🙂

Sandy999 - August 6, 2015

Hi everyone!

I’m a Gemini whose been in a relationship with an Aquarius for the last 3 years.He told me he loves me after two weeks of being together. He is the most amazing boyfriend but like we all have concluded Aquarians have their good and bad days. We rarely fight but when we do fight it is usually a break for 14 days at which he kills me of his silent treatment and then also doesn’t call but somehow gets me to come back to him and makes it upto me. Recently we had a small argument after which i hung up his call and it’s been 11 days since we last spoke. I’m extremely upset because i tried reaching him and he won’t respond and i don’t know what to do. I’ve called him numerous times and he won’t respond and sent a million messages but he reads them and doesn’t reply. I don’t know what to do because it feels like someone has snatched my life away from me. I love him dearly. Please tell me what do i do and how mucb longer do i need to wait?

67. Eve - April 4, 2011

Dear Dilinger,

Thank you for all of your advice and kind words. It makes alot of sense to me! Sadly, I am pretty sure my relationship w/ this man is over. I have not talked to him in over one month now. I saw him, as i told you, 2 weeks ago and he looked like he missed me. That is what i saw in his eyes. And he told me I looked beautiful. But he did not call me. Then I saw him again this past Friday (I frequent a place where he works). Again, we said hello. But nothing more.

He seemed to be in good spirits overall, and not missing me at all. Though unlike last time, he knew I was coming there so maybe his behavior was just an act, I dont know. When I was leaving I noticed that he glanced up from what he was doing and watched me momentarily. But again, he has not called. I dont know what to think anymore and he has hurt me so. So I have no choice but to try and forget him. I know they say Aquas do not dwell on things for too long so maybe he has forgotten me in this month that has gone by. I thought to call him to talk, but for once I would like to see what he would be willing to do for ME. And so far that answer is NOTHING. 😦

dillinger - April 4, 2011

Hi Eve

Every Aquarian feels that there is a special solidarity between them. I mean to be honest, that’s a real solidarity. But that does not go beyond reality, so I understand you very well.

One thing I should tell about it. If you really ended it, do not let him back. Otherwise this “back” will hurt you so much and could have a potential to change your life gradually. You can not imagine how hey can be convincing when they really believe in something.

Again, if you left it over just do not turn back.

So again: Good luck !!


dillinger - April 4, 2011

pff. I did not want to say that for your future stuff. But if I do not say it I would be in conflict with the things I wrote before.

If he turns back to you, even after 10 years, he will still be honest. Because Aqs can not lie for a serious relationship. But it could be meaningless and hurts you. I meant do not let him hurt you.

You may know the movie “4 weddings 1 funeral”. That man can be a typical Aquarius.


68. Kaiti - April 4, 2011

After reading Eve’s post,I forgot to thank you as well for your advice! 🙂

dillinger - April 4, 2011

Hi Kaiti

Seems that he is not so much platonic as I thought. That’s good. As a Sagittarius you do not have a bad match, indeed a good one.

His freezing is not about your attitude, I mean your mood. It is a sign that he is interested on you. If he really said “c u” you had a great move I can say.

“intimidate” is not the right word for him. You may do everything you can, but he will not be intimidated if you are not right besides him. Because he respects you. Otherwise you could not keep that long. Now try to put him into the ground and start talking daily stuff. But keep your previous images while doing this. I mean do not loose your “holy” picture drawn by him when you do it.

Poor Aquarians. You got only two choices; one thing to go through outside of that world, the other is your perfect images. Which one is true?

No need to thank. I just want to see them on the ground, as they live in here like others.


69. Eve - April 5, 2011

What do you mean “it could be meaningless“?

i ended it, but I did not want to. I felt like he pushed me to do it with his ways. I tried so hard to have faith with him but he was too inconsistent. It was not good, though I saw many many possibilities. I am okay with my decision, although a small part of me was hoping he would see the error of his ways and ask for forgiveness. He didnt. So I guess he never cared. Thats what hurts the most. He will never know how much he hurt me. 😦

70. Kaiti - April 8, 2011

Dear dilinger,

Today I just got a second rejection!!! ^^ Guess who?? Of course from the Aqua guy! I met him in the Uni,waiting for the bus,he was listening to music from the one ear.I asked if I could listen and he gave me his MP3.I also asked him a few random questions,and I said him that he doesn’t seem so well,’cause he was touching his head…He said that he was afraid of raining. After a pause,I said him that I wanted to talk to him since a long time,but sth was stopping me…He wondered what thing and I said that I see him more than a friend.And he said that he sees me as a friend,and he thinks that it’s good to say these things(about how he sees someone).I said ok and we both mounted on the bus.Now I’m afraid if he’d tell sth about that to his clique,and maybe they’ll spread the rumour that I’m desperate(’cause the girls know that in the past I liked someone else from the clique,and I had told him that I see him more than a friend and he rejected me as well).Are my fears reasonable,or my imagination runs wild? And sth else that I wonder:If(as he said),only sees me as a friend,then why he doesn’t treat me as the others?I mean that if he sees me only as a friend,then he wouldn’t care for my reaction,right?And he wouldn’t be nervous or silent around me,and he could talk,joke etc.with me as well. Maybe is it ’cause he doesn’t knows me that well as his other friends? But when guys meet me,they don’t have any problem with me,I’m easy-going and social…In fact we always talk,laugh,tease and joke with each other.
Why is that thing with him?? :0

71. Sam - April 8, 2011

Been reading through this and see that I’m not alone in the ‘trist’ I have with my aqua. They are baffling, but I love and respect so many qualities within him. I’m a pisces and do have some of the typical piscean traits, but I’m also very hard headed and strong willed too. That is my biggest challenge with my aqua. Short story, we met a year and 1/2 ago. Slow to progress, but did progess. He romanced, pulled away, romanced again. I never spent more than one day a week with him when I did see him. Met his best buds. He travels, I’m busy, he has his friends and so do I. So, after one of his ‘trips’ I found out that he went with a girl ‘friend.’ He told a friend of mine that it was casual and did not mean anything, but while it was his doing, he went silent on me afterwards (out of guilt I guess?). I confronted him about two weeks of no talking and then we never saw each other for over four months. Prior to the break, we dated 6 months. He ran hot/cold for sure, but I was patient. NOW he is back. He contacted me over the holidays, we had a drink and I made the decision not to bring up the past topic. It was done/over with. Since that meeting we have seen each other, spending a trip together, celebrations, weekends, etc. It has been even better than before…for 3 months. I had not seen him after another trip (which we hardly ever speak during, not big on texting, etc.) and when we did see one another, all was good. Until I reached out to him four days later asking him if he wanted me to bring dinner and btw…I miss you. He said, “not tonight. tomorrow is crazy too. I have not been home and need to get stuff done here. Also have friend coming next week and need to go out of town on Monday and still need to pack.” I said, “I understand. :)” I have not heard from him now in two weeks or have we have not seen each other for over 19 days. I know he likes me. I’m a pisces and can totally sense this. I know he cares…again my sixth sense. But I really don’t know what do. I did finally start to open up to him again. Saying I miss you was huge for me and true to my piscean form, I’m affectionate (he is in return), but not in the smothering sort of way. As a fish I do have aquarius side to me and can easily step away when I’m feeling unsure about something, so I understand his nature, but I don’t know about this? Should I wait it out or should I reach out to him and just say something funny and keep it breezy…like, hey…stuck under a rock? 🙂 Would love some inputs. I think he has pulled away again, due to us getting so close and my opening up. He is silent around me a lot, I end up talking to his friends most the time when we are together. I’m baffled by that too. Also, I always feel that once we get close, that is when he goes MIA on me. Ugh!

72. dillinger - April 10, 2011


I said that because there is a potential that he may come to you again even after 10 years. e.g. you are in the middle of a relationship and he calls you and asks your life. They can be so convincing (because they are honest) and this can make you confused. I meant do no let this happen.

I am sorry about your pains. I know because I did the same to couple of my exs. It is hard to realize but Aq guys see the things in a “very” different perspective. They do not believe that they are special, they think that their character is given to them somehow, so it is not a trait or an owned character. This makes it harder for them.

And: you can be sure that he is suffering more than you now, if that can make you comfortable 🙂


Let me be focused; 1) you said that you were with one of the guys in “the clique”; so you got another challenge. You have to show that you are not one of the girls who date with the boys for fun. If he is special, you need to have powerful words or need to show it with your traits.

For example, what can you say as the next word after saying “I thought you were different”. If he says “like what” then? You can tell that why people should need more stuff, as we are all human and we all love to have fun; but that is usually not the case for Aq guys. They all know what is universal and what is unique. In fact usual dating stuff is not among these two, it is not “holy” as universal things and definitely it is not unique.

It is like; erm, let me explain with this: for most of the guys there are girls for going out, there are girls for chatting, there are girls for serious discussions and there are girls for sex. At one point or stage of their lives they think that they should have a serious relationship and at first they look at their phone book. If they can not find someone they look at the females around totally with this objective.

This is entirely out of scope for Aqs. First, they respect females and reject to categorize them. Second, they look for a total combination, not these individual categorical parts. The only problem is: they give higher value to females than males, because most of the times, as they are not close to females so much like the other zodiac signs, they see the deficits of males and think that females are more independent, genuine and in short, complicated.

Use this advantage and try to show that you are a genuine girl (I am sure you are) and behave bravely for the next. You may not have the reaction at the first time, but he will not forget it, believe me.


You deserve love and respect from this Aq I can clearly say.

“Love games” concept is a creation for Aq males. It is up to you to increase the affection stuff while decreasing painful moments. Do not misunderstand me, I am not telling you that you are the only responsible person who is for that in this relationship. But with that guy you got the wheel.

Let me tell you with my senses. For example; you go to his place with a bottle of wine and while you are talking about something you prepare two glasses. After drinking some you say “I wish we could drink that wine over the grasses in a picnic”. Definitely he would say “why. do you wanna go to abroad?”. He is challenging your idea, because he wants to know the true meaning of your plan. “No. I just imagined the total scene and I liked it.” That’s all. I gave this example to have a picture about his possible way of thinking.

“Going for a picnic” in the weekend could be a terrible idea for him, an easy way of spending time or a “cliche”, but with that words he could imagine a completely different stuff. Usually, as all the people, they need to go out and do something like this; but they need to be convinced that it will be unique. How? With your “this” imagination.

Some clues: when they are excited they are in a good mood. You may understand this with details. It is like; they can gaze at something ordinary but they can find something different with it, and usually they say this to the nearest person close to them. Bad thing is: they even personally do not know why this morning is different than the others.

Most probably: almost all Aqs have a vision for something (I saw this with lots of Aqs I met); a combination of a place, time and particular characters. If they are excited in a morning they should had a part of it in a magazine, by a talk or on the surfing internet.

Good thing is: You do not need to know the source of it. Just make him sure that you plan or you do something, not ordinary to him. If you have troubles with his ordinary picture, try to learn it a little bit more.

Cheers to all.

Kaiti - April 10, 2011

Thanks again for your advice! 🙂 I wonder why I’m into the ”friend zone”(although I had read that with Aquas it’s good to enter that zone,right?)for the second time.Was he annoyed of me from the start?Did I misread his signs(the distant,avoidance thing etc.)?? I’m…confused.Maybe is it ’cause we don’t know each other well? By the way,I have heard that he’ll go to Turkey with the Erasmus programme,and I’ll go in there as well.I guess that we’ll have a chance to know each other better,right? And one last question;Ok he rejected me…Is it possible to change his mind in the future? And IF he ever change his mind,will he show it?
Thanks again for your time! 🙂

Aman Sharma - April 12, 2011


One thing about Aqua’s would be that given the right kind of words, given that you haven’t stepped that fine line of insulting them, they would give you another chance. Mind it, they never forget anything and I mean, ANYTHING, be it was a good thing/word done/said to them or a bad thing/word. I can attest this for myself for sure. Even after years, I would not forget anything about which would have struck a chord with me. And second thing, as Dil mentioned, Aqua’s have a large “circle” but they are not close to that many people. If you are truly in that zone where only the nears and dears are allowed(see if he calls you to tell a specific thing, even it’s nothing, a very brief problem, for example, a bad food eaten by him, anything which may not be very great for others but still he comes and tells you about it), you are good to go. The next thing would be required to be done by you. You need to take the next step and be an active person of his life if he does all this. If you are going to listen and will be a quite person after it, without any inputs, most likely , you would be out of that “friend zone” soon aswell.

As suggested by Dil, be a little playful with him but do take caution that you wouldn’t be reflected like you are playing with him. The very idea of jealousy and all that is not really what an Aqua guy would be having but he would be very watchful of what’s going and given the nature of his, eyes would be looking for more what would meet the eyees. So be careful about it.

I think I should stop here since already Dil has given a very good advice to you. Good luck!


73. Sam - April 10, 2011

Dillinger…thank you so much for the insights! This has truly helped. I’ve been walking around completely stumped and, true to my nature, could not decide on my next actions…go silent or reach out to him. I feel he thinks I’m mad at him because he declined having dinner and seeing me before his trip. I think, he thinks, I’m going to get all weird on him. LORD help me on this one! 🙂

I do see what you mean and fully get your point about him seeing things VERY differently and saying it to the person next to him. It throws some people off, but that is one of his traits that I truly enjoy.

Lastly, when you say I’ve got the wheel, do you mean I have to lead for now in this relationship – show him I care, rather than tell him? And by ‘painful memories’ what do you mean? I don’t want to ‘chase’ him. That would not be my style and if I have to chase a guy, then it is not worth the effort. Also, he is an emotionally immature Aq and, I think, was hurt in a past relastionship…yay me! 😦

Cheers back to you and you have been a true help on this!

Aman Sharma - April 12, 2011


It’s just so easy that an Aqua guy would be hurt in a past relation of his because he would not easily settle down in a relation but when he would, he would give it everything of his and would want to see it getting to the completion. Emotionally immature, I don’t think so. Emotional , yes I can agree. I mentioned somewhere, guys(and especially Aquas) are like kids, can you say that they are emotionally immature?No,they are not, in fact they are true in their emotions. They either like or dislike something,period! There is not hidden layers of their emotions. The same is with the Aqua’s. If you think that he is hurt in his past relation, well, one thing would be sure, he won’t get over from it soon. He would but not easily, not in a day or two. And for you, this can be a challenge and the key to this would be “patience”. It’s not chase that you need to do, just walk “along” with him, make a space for yourself, show that what you are saying is true and is not just for the sake of saying. His eyes would be penetrating your eyes to know the reality behind your words and you have to bear that ensuring that you are true and not fake because if even for a moment, it would appear that you and/or your words are fake, you would be out and would be sent to that “rejected list”.

Hope the best happens for both of you. Good luck!


Sam - April 19, 2011

Hey Aman, I just saw this and appreciate your insights into my Aq. I see what you mean by him being childlike. Yes, he is emotional and brings all this on himself when he runs at the first sign of my showing signs of caring for him. He has done this to me twice already in the year and a half that we have known each other.

As for not being fake, I am always myself around him. I don’t care for fake either and can usually see past this too. I feel that if you are fake, than why be in the relationship?

I hope, in time, it happens too. For now, I’m mirroring him and have stepped back. I’ve been following advice from Dillinger too. It has been 4 weeks since I last saw my Aq. I’ve been so patient in the time that I have known him. For now, I just don’t want to loose all contact, and I know, that it is up to me right now to keep contact going. I’m getting tired and have had to check my feelings at the door on this one.

74. Sam - April 10, 2011

Dillinger…in my above post I said painful ‘memories’ and I meant ‘moments. It is early here…. 🙂

75. dillinger - April 11, 2011

Dear Kaiti

Yep it is good to be in his friend zone. Because they definitely look for a person who can also be a good friend of them. I do not think that he is annoyed from your contacts.

I guess you may try a different path now (but only for short period of time). In the above posts Aman wrote a very good expression: “we are like kids”. Play a small game. Be around him, but do not try to be so close. Key element is acting in full joy, but with the things and persons around, not directly him. If this increases his attention, that truely reflects his interest towards you.

For Aqs you can not have any chance and you would face a full rejection on these occasions: if you act dishonestly (it does not matter how much physically beautiful you are or how you are attractive. they never, never and ever forget this. one thing I am full certain), if you play with their honour or pride (same as previous one) and if you totally behave in a selfish mood. Otherwise you would always have another try.

Going abroad together? yep this can be a very brilliant idea. Aqs are in a good mood while they are traveling.

Dear Sam

Happy to hear your good news!

I said the wheel thing because you are the one who is going to fully understand him, I did not want to mean the full command (although some guys like it, that is not the case for Aqs).

For them, in a relationship the priority is “sharing”. They do not like females who always look for males’ eyes and wait for a decision. Like me: if I am the one who is recommending a place to go out all the time, I feel disturbed. If Aqs in a relationship want to do something, means that they want to do it together. And yes, doing the things rather than telling is important. (By the way, I am an Aq with Gemini as my ascendant sign. Perfect chaos. May be I am not a good example).

“Painful moments” are the times when you do not understand him. In fact it is painful for both of you. And one secret: almost all Aqs are immature emotionally, I mean with general definitions. And if he is above 25, there is a high probability that he was hurt in a relationship before. They are vulnerable because they behave honestly.

One more clue: sure he wants to be alone sometimes (more than other people) and he does something during these hours; reading, gaming, watching, dreaming, etc. If he starts to tell you how he spends those times more than half an hour, that’s a clear sign.


76. Eve - April 11, 2011

“And: you can be sure he is suffering more than you now..”.

Dilinger..I find this unbelievable since he was the one running from the relationship the whole time. I can’t see him suffering.

BUT I think he called me a few days ago. For some reason sometimes he would make his number ‘private’ so I wouldn’t know it was him. I don’t know why. But I think he did it again and when I answered he hung up! So strange!

77. Kaiti - April 12, 2011


Yesterday I met the teacher about the Erasmus programme.When I was walking on the hall of the secretary dep.,I met him and asked him what’s up.He said that he had heared from somewhere that maybe some Exam results would be out,that’s what he wanted to see.(Although I didn’t heard anything at all abt this).I left and I was waiting the bus along with a friend.Then I saw him again entering the building.
Today at the break of the lecture,I greeted him,but I didn’t hear saying anything back,maybe he just didn’t hear me.So he was outside with his friend,and I was also with some other friends,with a little distance amongst me and my friends.I was talking and laughing with my friends,and I noticed that they were kinda facing us,I’d say with a little doubt that his friend was looking at me.Even though I was listening to my friends talking,I heard his friend talking about the Erasmus progr.Then,when we finished the lecture,I talked to the teacher and said that due to the fact that things are a bit weird between us,maybe he asked her to NOT travel together abroad?.She said ”No,of course not,in fact I said to him to travel earlier to be together”.And I also asked her what was his answer,and she said that he’ll finally decide after the Easter holidays.(’cause he was thinking abt traveling the next year,he told me himself). Then,him with his friend,and me with my friend,went to grab a bite.They already had sat somewhere,we were passing by and suddenly saw them,my friend was talking about that we would make a good couple,and I said her:”I just hope that they didn’t hear what you just said and misunderstood!You didn’t see them sitting?!” They could say that we were talking about me and another guy! :0” And she said that she didn’t see them at all,and she was sorry..Pheww!!!


Unfortunately,I’m neither into his clique,nor into in this circle of nears and dears…For a longg time,I didn’t even had his number!And I had to do a trick to get it(The ”where-is my-phone-can-you-call-me?”thing).But he didn’t save my number.Two months before,a girl played a prank at me,mentioned his name.I called him and asked if he had a gf,maybe she was afraid that I was trying to steal him from her?,and he didn’t answer,but he immediately called me back saying:”Who’s this?” So he doesn’t even have my number!I’d say that he ALWAYS keeps his distance with me! 😦 Def.NOT this way with others!

Thanks for all guys!!! 🙂

78. Sam - April 12, 2011

Continuing to understand. I feel a bit enlightened. And, yes, he is actually over 35.

And I am beginning to understand his pulling away from me these last three weeks. He runs and hides. I’m letting him. But we texted yesterday and it was light discussions. Nothing about the relationship, or why he has stepped away. At some point I’ll need to address that with him, but not now. Just not sure how to approach this, or even when. I know I deserve respect from him, but I also will not go at him like some other women would, by yelling, crying, questioning if he cares, etc. I know he cares, that I’m sure of, I just need to let him know that his pulling away causes me to shut down too and that my silence is so that I don’t get hurt any further…Any suggestions on how to approach this subject or discuss it with him? Should I ask to see him (maybe meet for a drink) or continue to let him come to me and then, eventually, address his disappearing act?

79. dillinger - April 12, 2011

Aman made great comments, very valuable and directed to the objective. Most probably because he is still believing his life-long visions. In fact an Aq is half-dead if he left those visions and I am near to it (as I choose to kill them to be a regular man like others; but this is not reflected to my comments of course). Do not think that I am an arrogant guy, this concept can not be near to an Aq. In fact I could choose another character if someone asked me.


Usual Aq guy does not choose to insult people, no matter what he loves or likes. For that reason I am sure that people around him are watching this stuff and make those “pranks” as you mentioned.

For over the years I always wondered why people wanted to know details about my life, why they watched my moves or dealt with my relations. I could not find an answer. Seems that it is same with your Aq guy. My understanding tells me that he is comfortable with that illusion, so many persons close to him, spending good time etc. This Erasmus program could be a great opportunity in fact.

Aqs like traveling not just because of their addiction of learning new cultures of the world, but also for having clearer pictures in their lives. The illusion I mentioned could be lifted over there, then you may have an equal opportunity to challenge. You should definitely try it.


Be sure that he is suffering. I am sorry but I choose to be subjective for this moment and I make a comment: is it possible to understand the inner sufferings of the others with your pains? You may say that he did not tell you, so how can you realize it. Aqs believe that there are universal rules for everything and an emotional relation is not an exception for that. So they think that everyone knows those rules.

Let me make it clearer: This is an example so do not understand it for your case; I always choose extreme examples to have a picture. If you are behaving differently to the other people, let us say in a more rude or not proper manner according to him, but you are OK to the Aq guy; it will not work for him. Imagine that you are dealing with a guy who is thinking this universal stuff, why should it be absurd to expect more patience and more particular trait for him, if you are closer. That’s how Aqs are thinking. You may say that they seek for an impossible dream. So true love itself is.


You understood him very well. Yep I think you may invite him for an activity. Dinner is better than a drink, then you may still discuss the usual matters (relatively shallow matters but occasionally good for this interim moment). But do not directly tell him all the things in your mind. Key element is: during the dinner try to organize an activity he likes, probably out of the city (to be alone with him) and try to combine your thoughts with the small details you make there.

Aq guys are always same in a way for these details. For example, I like archaeology, history and music. A riverside is always same for most of the people. Same water, same trees, same fishes. But there is an enormous difference between a river in Scotland and Nile for me. Not just for touristic purposes, it is like feeling the place. e.g. I hate Kevin Costner, but within one of his movies there is a scene taken in Mayan landscape. When someone tells about him, I always remember that.


By the way; Aman: sub umbra floreo. please do not forget it.

Kaiti - April 13, 2011


Thank you soo much for all!!! I’ll try and follow your advice!!! You’re such a kind and cool guy!!! Do you have facebook? ^^ 😀

80. Sam - April 13, 2011

Thanks again. I’m trying to get tickets to a baseball game on Sunday. It will be something fun to do and we can chill. However, the longer time passes, the more I’m on the fence as to whether I even want to continue this, seeing he continues to distance himeself with little to no contact. But I’m going to give this one last try. I just hope I can not let emotions get the better of me and just ask why he goes hudini when we get close…(tactfully of course :). If he says he can’t, I’m going on no contact. Again, I don’t want to chase him.

81. Taurus Female - April 13, 2011

Met my Aq man over a year ago, he asked me to move after two months and I did. Our relationship was really good until his last EX began to interfer trying to break my trust for him saying he was contacting her. It caused him to be very detach and nervious, and caused us to argue. I finally asked her to forward what she thought she had. He had sent several emails to her telling her he loved her before I moved in but we were dating seriously and he was telling me he loved me. I was hurt but not mad about the emails, was mad because he lied to me for ten months and it caused a few arguments where he would tell me “get out my house” to later ask me to stay. Five weeks ago he wanted to get married and had been calling my mom hi “Mother In Law”. However, a few weeks later we got in a bad argument, he insisted that I move out or he would have me evicted. A was there a few weeks looking for an apartment he would talk to me hardly etc. I did move out as he asked and it has been about three and half weeks. I have met with him twice, first time I asked if I could have a hug since he hadn’t let me near him since the argument and he replied sure. He hugged me tighter than ever for a long time put his hand on my face and asked me to be good. The second time was okay too. Now he won’t call or answer his phone, tells me he doesn’t want to see me any more or talk to me and off of a sudden doesn’t love me anymore. He had previously told me I was his world and there would not be another woman for a long time and he got a puppy. HOwever, when I asked him if he was seeing someone, he hesitated and matter of fact I am happier than I have ever been, but sounded so down and miserable. I don’t now why this happended this way, how to feel or what to do…….Anyone have any advice that might help me.

dillinger - April 13, 2011

Taurus Female

Some details are important, but let me give you my first impression. Of course it is nothing about your personality; but these two signs, Aquarius and Taurus are among the most difficult matches within the zodiac world. In particular in your case, an Aquarius male and a Taurus female.

He would not understand your desires relating to this world, because they are very strong. You would not have a good picture of his character, because most of the times his moves are so enigmatic to you.

In most of the cases Aquarius male loves the strong feminity in Taurus, as they think it is very interesting and they love it. Taurus female loves Aquarius, because they look precious and hard to catch (this last one perfectly matches with the ideal masculinity figure for Taurus; “trying so hard to obtain”). This is your 10 months.

However, although it seems that this can be a perfect couple, it is apparent that they move in two opposite directions, because they act “without looking for the other’s priorities”. When they care, or have to care the other one, they would face the huge differences between them. This is your case at the moment.

Probably, at first both of you enjoyed your own personal findings. But when there is a trouble, you had to deal with your traits or personalities. Then *beep* a big accident happened.

This kind of big difference can only be tolerated with respect. He need to be settled to have respect for this relationship, but his past does not allow this. For me the only solution is time. After clearing his mind from his previous stuff, then forgetting your hard talks (I guess that your oral fights could really effect him, because I know those fights between air-earth elements, they could contain very abusive sentences) there is a chance that he may turn back to you.


Taurus Woman - April 13, 2011

Thanks dillinger, this is very helpful but I feel so helpless and I guess time is all I can do. I have the natural instinct to want to help. Want to hang in there, but not sure being he is seeing someone else (as he says he is) but he sounds so miserable. I think he really thinks out of sight out of mind, but I don’t think love works that way…Will keep you updated. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

82. dillinger - April 13, 2011

Dear Kaiti

Thank you very much for your comments about me. It may sound weird but I do not have any facebook or msn account. I am not an internet social networking guy in fact.

And good luck with that Aq. guy !! I am sure that you will catch him.

PS: you are a young person and with your permission I would like to give a final and general recommendation to you.

this is independent from the things we talked and it is totally apart from your character or your relation with that Aq guy (general as I said).

when you think that you like or love someone, it should be justified by every kind of situation you may face. for example; you like/love somebody because he is making good jokes. imagine that he is in a bad mood and does not make any of them. the difference comes from the fact: “need” someone is different from “need” something.

Have a great life.

Dear Sam

No need to thank, I do that for Aqs too. And you are right about your thoughts, sometimes a good choice is the best suitable solution derived with your senses. This is your life and it is too short. I hope both of you could manage it. Have a good time.


83. Kaiti - April 14, 2011

Dear dilinger,

Thank you,thank you for ALL!!!I understand what you mean…That love should be strong even through hardships. Fingers crossed!!! I’ll let you know the results when this will happen…:)

84. gemini gal - April 14, 2011


i need some advice on an aquarius guy desperately!

I met this guy when i started working at this place and we grew really close coz we share a similar work ethic and intelligence is very attractive to us both. As time went on there was an obvious chemistry and we both subtly hinted at it but nothing ever happened.

Then after he got transferred to another branch and it was devastating but we both never showed it. We phoned each other 50 times a day just to talk about nothing and ask advice that we both actually know the answer. I then found out that he had been talking about me to everyone and that he was so into me. The only complication is that he has a girlfriend that he has been engaged to for 4 years and i always used to ask how is she etc but he never wanted to talk about that part of his life. He is quite the gentlemen despite the fact that anyone wud call him an ass coz he has a girlfriend or me for that fact but after so many months of this game i am too curious to figure him out.

Then i hooked up with a guy and as the grape vine travelled my aquarius found out and yelled at me and i asked him what gives him the right to be mad he couldnt answer me. Because im stubborn i phoned him back saying that i know what he had felt and said about be all along and he denied it so i hung up and phoned the next day to say that i was sorry and that i liked him and i dnt know if he feels the same. He instantly replied saying that he likes me too and we began smsing all day for a while.

Until one day we kissed and he was so nervous but wanted to take it further but i didnt allow him to.
The day after he tested me to see if i told anyone especially coz his collegue is a friend of mine so we had a mini fight. The next day i smsed him to ask if we were still on to go out that night and he replied saying no and tht he has to pick up his girlfriend, so i asked when then and he said one day and i said thanks. From then he has not called me or smsed me however i have needed to phone him for work related things. I asked once why he is so quiet and he said that he was stressed. BUT there is a huge catch coz i have to leave to go back overseas and he is the last person to know and i wanted to tell him face to face but the opportunity never came so i told him over the phone and its like he was surprised but he didnt really care..

Now he is just quiet and i dnt understand where, why and what happened to make him like that, especially coz when we were smsing and were together that one time he told me how unbelievably happy he was and that he had waited for this for so long. Im not counting on anything nor do i want anything from him, i just want some clarity please help!!!

85. Taurus Female - April 14, 2011

Thanks dillinger, this is very helpful but I feel so helpless and I guess time is all I can do. I have the natural instinct to want to help. Want to hang in there, but not sure being he is seeing someone else (as he says he is) but he sounds so miserable. I think he really thinks out of sight out of mind, but I don’t think love works that way…Will keep you updated. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Wanted to add that my Aq man attached very fast, called me two or three times a day and once he met me at home if he had something else to do then went ahead. But, he does leave me with a few questions: does and Aq man just stop loving you in three weeks and replace you, does he actually hurt to and you just don’t see it, I know he loved me and hope he still does? He would tell me I was his whole world and we are going to get married, had been calling my mother “mother in law” for a awhile and would go with friends because he said he wanted to be where I was. Trying to figure it all out, should I hang on (he says he is seeing someone I really don’t know or now). It took him a month to call me back after our first date over a year ago, he said he was trying to decide what to do. Went from the second call to moving in. I just don’t understand, he almost seems Bipolar.

86. Sam - April 15, 2011

Okay Dillinger…I’m having a bit of a freak out. I just thought about some of the things I could have done to push my aq into hiding…I told him I missed him after his week-long trip, then I txt him during the week to say we should catch this band he likes a couple of weeks later (he responded to part of the txt, but not to that), then when I did not hear from him after his biz trip and he went into hiding for two weeks, I txt him saying I haven’t heard from him in a while and hope all was well. What was I thinking? This is not me! We txted this week after he responded to my txt about how he is and I have not heard from him since Tuesday. Now I’m thinking of asking him to join me and some friends for a game. I feel like I may have ruined this in three weeks! Not sure if I should ask him out to game anymore. Just really not sure what to do. Like I’ve said, we dated before, broke up over his mistake, did not see each other for 4 months, then he came back full on. I finally start to reciprocate and feel I pushed too much. UGH! Should I just chill and continue to wait it out? See if he gets past my ‘clingy’ phase or should I still see about his coming to the game? I do see my errors, but…

Taurus Female - April 15, 2011

I am dealing with the same thing, and have reacted in the same way. Feel your pain, will be interested to know what Dillinger says about this and my post #85. Wish you luck..

87. Sam - April 15, 2011

Thanks…I took some bad advice from a friend of mine on how I should act (it was completely against who I am, but I was so confused regarding how my Aq was acting). I should have listened to my gut and just chilled….We’ll see. 🙂 Wish you luck too, btw.

88. Sam - April 15, 2011

Also, Taurus Female, one thing I can say is that, as Dillinger said, time is the best remedy. Take time for yourself though, because you have been given the gift of working on and getting to know yourself outside of the relationship. I know, easier said than done, but it does work. If he comes back to you, then you are stronger and wiser. Also, hopefully, he is in a better place as well. Just my two cents, but this can relate to any relationship outside of even dealing with an Aq.

89. Taurus Female - April 15, 2011

Thanks Sam, you are right about getting to know yourself better. HOwever, can be bitter/sweet you learn alot about yourself, but still hurt alot. I wonder if he hurts too? He makes me feel like he just turned love off and went on see a lady to fill the gap. Although, I do realize he is a man he had previously told me there would not be another woman for a while. Trying to figure out whether to hang on or move on. SOOOO confused.

90. dillinger - April 15, 2011

Please let me give something to understand the Aqs more deeper. I will try to use an example from geography and music to make it clear (they are among 2 major passions for Aqs in fact); of course it can be any other subject too.

Vangelis is one most the best composers in that world, ever. His 1492 work is among his materpieces. An Aq could listen this album, and perhaps watch that Conquest of Paradise movie, then have a vision for those islands which once were conquered by the conquistadores. It is full of peace, tranquility, fresh smells and energy of nature.

Then let this Aq guy visit these islands, may be with a touristic tour. Sure he will be -at least- half disappointed, because his vision for the islands with “Monastery of La Rabida”, “City of Isabel”, “West Across the Ocean Sea”, and “Eternity” does not exist. Then he will be disappointed. He will feel alone, alienated and empty.

Despite the fact that these islands are still very beautiful, very peaceful and full of happiness, their pictures are totally out of scope from his mind.

After all those years if you ask me the reason for this, I can not tell a reasonable answer. The most explanatory reason could be: those visions have nothing about this mother earth; may be strong dreams. Ask Aq guys, at least 80 % of them like to gaze at stars, may be this is not coincidence and due to this lack of vision for the earth.

But what about our practical life? Aqs should re-define the meaning of peace and beauty. They should be landed on our earth, by themselves or by the others. They should understand that there is no land left virgin to be discovered and there is none who perfectly matches his visions. Actually as they are very scared of hurting someone, or even an animal or a plant, they should understand that if they give value for sharing (oh they give, that’s for sure) this sharing should also cover of being on side of the other one in that earth.

I should add one thing: If an Aq guy prefers his visions to this “landing”, I can not blame him. It is hard to describe but they are beautiful. But then he should accept the forever loneliness. In practice this reflects as independence of this zodiac sign. Actually they are not totally independent, this “distant view” power and ability makes them like this.

I suggest you to check whether your Aq guy is so close or not to that preference. It can help you.


gemini gal - April 15, 2011

hi dillinger!

just had a look at your message and its helpful as it totally describes an aq metaphorically.

i am new to this blog and i posted my experience and i havent yet had any advice specfically directed to me, am i doing the blogging thing wrong lol?

i really need some help coz if u read my post, time is running out!

gemini gal

91. Taurus Female - April 15, 2011

So, you are saying that although his vision are beautiful they are unrealistic and maybe that is why he keeps chasing other women to find the perfect match that doesn’t exist. Does he hurt n the way we do and does he try to figure out how to fix things or does he just walk away curious and lonely? I take it he says the outrageously things to hurt you so you go away for him to have space and think and probably doesn’t mean to hurt anyone?
Please go further in depth if you can Dillinger. You are very helpful.

92. dillinger - April 15, 2011

Dear gemini gal

As a pure Aq guy I am, you may understand my unbalanced mood for the blog 🙂 Of course nothing is personal. My apologises.

I will be more practical for this time (I feel that you are such a person)

I guess all those sms and other call stuff made him excited; but may not be in the matter you thought. I do not mean this is totally apart from your or his view, but a little bit different.

You may see these things as a usual path, such as a natural behavior when someone is addicted to a person. Yep, it seems that he is addicted to you too much. But if all the messages or conversations become procedures for him, he would be in trouble. You must be careful for that. I do not intend to say that they are procedural, I refer his thoughts. Because an Aq guy can have the same senses with auxiliary stuff as with the main effect. Or as a brief: when they started to have platonic feelings, danger arises.

I do not know you personally, but seems that you have ability to understand him well; and you got confidence on your side. You may think that geometrically (by the way that’s a hint for Aqs. When you can explain the things like this you will be more understandable for them; geometrical explanations, even for emotions? yep; even for emotions).

For Aqs, think about a curve, like a half circle or a crescent. Unless it is closed and creates a circle, it can go forever. If one point of the crescent gets stronger, the other one groves too, but the result is: two sides are getting more apart.

Point is: Try to have a full circle. Your strong personality and your value for him makes the one side bigger. But you have to catch the other side too, then he will be closer. I mentioned here about a movie: Four weddings and a funeral for Aq traits. I should add the movie “Closer” for your case (the one with Clive Owen).

In short, try different paths. While doing this try to realize the small pieces for the things he likes you. May be once he said that your fragrance is beautiful or he liked your special move.

Funny thing is: An Aq likes surprises so much, but generally they say they do not. Perhaps the reason for the latter contains usual birthday cakes. I am a traitor but I can clearly say that an Aq can not resist to see a close female, with full of effective small pieces together I mentioned. This at least gives you a total day or maybe more, then you may understand his intention about you.

With the things you wrote I say that he is closer to you than you imagine. Unless the things I wrote to Kaiti above (what makes an Aq really disappeared; if these awful things already happened you may see him totally lost already) just go further upon him. Again, I see that you got the senses for particular details. Use them.

Dear Taurus gal

I thought I wrote something about this (I mean just to scratch my memories for my consistency). Aqs think that they are realistic because they apply the same universal rules to love as they do for the other things in life. But apart these rules, love concept is very and very special to them. For that reason they look more stuff than in the daily life.

Of course, this is also the case for you. But with a different perspective. As they do not like ordinary life (from outside you may see the opposite. they can be a good friend of a cab driver within 10 mins after the first contact. they are fully talented for this) they think that love has a higher place.

This place is horizontal. I mean it is really horizontal, not occasional for a single second of your life. However, Aquarius is one of the less mobile signs in the zodiac world. There is a stress for them, as they are the representatives for change, this less mobility for their character makes them confused. For that reason love is one of the most complicated thing in their lives: it is a change, but also a challenge for mobility.

Hurt? I do not want to be arrogant but you can not compare his hurt to yours believe me 🙂 I think that I can not be arrogant because I do not believe in this hurt of Aqs anymore. I am not saying it is not real but my question for Aqs, is it necessary? After some years, no.

For your questions; unfortunately mostly they do not see the concepts you mentioned as you do. I told a blogger that a real love should be about persons, not the things; and this should be sufficient. I did that in purpose. Because for Aqs it is beyond that. For them it is like combination of their own visions with mutual surrender.

In practice; again use time for healing. The other thing you could do, more harder but: do not close to him, but from a distance if you can show him that his life is ordinary as he hates, you may shorthen this time period. There should be one or max. three persons close to him. Try to find and discuss with them. Although they look extremeley different, they have those close “gangs”.


gemini gal - April 15, 2011

hi dillinger,

thanks for the quick reply! my apologies for the hastiness 😉

your quite accurate! i am practical and i believe attention to detail is essential..but if you can understand and bare with me… when i put pieces of the puzzle together; i do not have to have all the pieces but i should have a basic understanding (even if its my own strange understanding) to lead me to my next piece;
thus i am curious about a few details of what you have said and about my aq. i hope you dont mind.

1.How do you mean that he would be in trouble if our conversations became procedure to him? like do you think he only sees me as a friend now?
2.I have seen the movie closer before, yet im not sure how it relates to me..
3.How do you get that he is closer that i imagine?

I totally agree and love what you mentioned “full effective small pieces”; but what worries me is that i might appear clingy or over crowding in his possible “alone time phase” and i am genuinely not like that. Another thing is that our chemistry or sexual tension or whatever made it very exciting and after all our smses which mainly involved joking and beating around the bush about being together physically that when it came down to the moment and i didnt let him go all the way, was he dissapointed and put off? i dnt think so coz when i asked if we were still on for another night he said one day..Or was it all a sexual mind game for him and coz we made out he has made his play and now is done?! thats the main thing that roles in my mind!

Coz i respect him and this complicated situation i dnt want to rush it BUT because im leaving in approx 3 weeks im not sure what the next productive step is!! How should i approach going further upon him my paths can be obvious to him now..

sorry if you get the impression im repeating myself i just am considering what specific, lucrative approach i need..your opinion is greatly appreciated!

93. Taurus Woman - April 15, 2011

Thanks Dillinger, makes sense to me. I hope you don’t mind all of the questions, just afraid I will mess everything up. I do respect him and love him much. Just don’t understand. He only has one person he is really close to (dad) and he would never talk with me without letting him aware. I will give some time and try to heal, if you have any other suggestions please let me know. I am beginning to understand a little more and maybe this will help me to deal with the difference if he does come back. Seems as some people that are supposed to be friends, that I haven’t met, want to set him up with this girl and that girl. He seems very confused and stressed. The only way I know to deal with it is give him space and let him do whatever he has to where he can think. Again, thanks this forum is very helpful for me.

94. dillinger - April 16, 2011

Dear gemini gal

You never annoyed with your posts. And, Aqs have 6th senses and even with that blog texts I can feel your strong energy. Anyway, this is not a wrong or a bad thing.

1) I am sure that he does not see you as a friend. I said about this “procedures” thing because there is a high potential that he may want to hide from you. This is like “unable to see end of it”, not a chaos. I am pretty sure that you may be a very great chaos on occasion 🙂 but this case is not a thing like that, you are managing it well.

Problem of the Aqs is the fear of loosing their domain with uncertainty. Yep you are natural, but probably you move too fast for him. All Aqs have a big potential for platonic affairs, and when he is confused he may choose it. Then your 3rd party connections (sms etc) could make his path easier, as he may be glad with them as much as he got you near.

2) I mentioned that movie for him, not you. When you close to Aqs you go far away from them too. I suggest you not to forget the priority for “peace” than “joy”. Peace is like the common ground, then you may have joy together. For the movie; at the end all characters acted with their instincts, not their loves. This is connected to the texts I wrote after number (3).

3) I know he is closer because of the things you told. Besides all clues, if an Aq wrote you 50 sms per day, it is apparent 🙂


If you want to have a concrete result, first you have to erase any lucrative approach from your mind. Unfortunately that is the case. Question is: do you want to be a lover, a friend and a life partner of him or do you just want to spend good time near to him.

For the first case you should act according to the question itself, as a lover, friend and a life partner. For the latter let me remind you that each time you have to present something more (or new unique stuff we can say) and it is almost impossible to compete with Aqs imagination for it.

For me it is apparent you want the first. Even for that case you got two choices. 1) You will trust your dominance and wait for him to come. I must admit that you got the opportunity to have its return within that situation. But; are you ready for this? I mean with that he may want to put his head over your legs and spend hours like this. You could have him but you will still not be with him really. 2) You will change and use your big potential to share. For this you have to arrange the balance. Probably he likes your strength very well, but also this prevents him to be close to you. With that change you will lower your power but you will increasingly understand him.

For me changing yourself is the only option for an healthy stuff. In this blog I repeated one thing so many times: try to act instead of speaking. But I will tell you the opposite 🙂 Try to speak more. I do not mean just for joyful moments, but you got a chance to enter his heart and soul. You have the wheel more than his control over you. So he will listen you for sure.

What to speak? Did you ever try to have the details of him, for example. You may ask what the details he finds about you, what’s his combination to love you. Asking to Aqs has one advantage: they would never say “still didn’t you understand it?” if you say “I just want to hear piece by piece from you”.

Dear Taurus Woman

Until this time I did not se any Aq guy who is very close to his parents as you mentioned including me. This could be due to one reason: he may communicate with his father.

I told about his gang, but I wanted to mean people who are close to him. I do not know whether you got a chance to have conversation with his father or not, but if you can have try that. They do not like to have recommendations for private affairs so much, but in your case it is not force his father top talk to him, it is to have feedback about him.

His nervous stuff is a clue for his need of time. I am sure he will change when he settle himself.


gemini gal - April 17, 2011

Hi dilliinger!

What you have said makes a lot of sense and im sure i can apply it but i have one thing that prevents me from just going for it again and its fear! fear of rejection, fear of dissapointment..i do not know! but thats natural i guess. Why does he want to hide from me? and do you think it could be just a sexual game for him that there is no real feelings?

Yesterday i phoned through to his work and he answered and was very friendly to him even tho he is still coldish towards me and i informed him that i had to exchange some stock and pick up something from his branch and he said it was cool. i could just pitch up there and surprise him but im not like that so hearing that it was okay made me think that perhaps he does just want to see me. Eventually by the time i got there he had gone home already 😦 lol. And my friend there had said that he had JUST left and that he could have gone hours ago but its like he was waiting for something the whole time. And in the past that is so what he would do to wait for me.

I was thinking today to just phone him and tell him that no pressure but im leaving really soon and does he want to play open cards with me with his “one day” or is he done?

Dillinger! does he not care that im leaving?

sigh..for all my intelligence i do not know what to do with this man..should i just go full force and confident and say take me for this moment or say bye forever?

95. Taurus Woman - April 16, 2011

Thanks Dillinger, I will try to hang in there. I did speak with his father (and the Aq man did happen to walk up on the conversation) he hadn’t told his Dad the whole truth and admitted to him that he hadn’t. I told his dad how much I loved him and his dad told me since I moved in the house that he had been faithful not seeing other women. The Aq man told me I should have just ignored his ex trying to cause trust issues, in fact he had lied about the last time he had spoken to her and would himself tell her to leave us along. However, I do not think he was cheating with her t the time. But hit it right on the head about an Aq doesn’t want to hurt you on purpose, he said that he didn’t want to argue anymore or hurt me that he had “demons in his head” from way back and doesn’t like that side of himself. Wanted to get married three weeks before the last argument and when his phone was lost and couldn’t be found (was replaced of course), he is a mechanic and said he lost money because the phone was lost and blamed me because I was holding his phone at one time. I don’t understand how a phone could be so important and how he could blame me 100%. He even told me if I would bring him this phone that no one knows where it is, he would be nice to me and try to work it out. Now, three weeks I have been gone we have gone from no phone I will not be nice. Hugged me asked me to be good, then turned around and said I don’t want to talk to you or ever see you again. Although I know he had work contacts in his phone he could have gotten off of his phone bill, I don’t understand such importance on it and how we went from getting married to I never want to see you again. I see the confusion, but he doesn’t act like he hurts at all or loves me. Not that I want him to hurt because I don’t, but I would like to figure out if he really loved me enough to marry me and if he still loves me, and if so whether he really is seeing another woman or not why would he. I am not real sure if this woman is just someone that shows up to group socials and someone to talk to or what, but he had originally told me there would not be another woman for a very long time and not another to live in that house. Matter of fact, four days after I left he was going to let the house be repoed and leave the state, 24 hours later he was not leaving had bought new living room furniture and going to make the best of it. I guess he is confused and sees love in a different way. Do you think he still loves me, or can he really turn love off that quick and move on, or is he just confused lonely empty and hurting to the point he doesn’t know what to do? Seems as he is worried that if anyone in his small town, including distant family, thinks he is talking to me that it makes him look like a bad person or something? If you don’t mind please let me know how you feel about these issues, sorry if I am to repetative. Thanks.

Taurus Woman - April 16, 2011

Dillinger, wanted to add one question please. From afar how do I make him see that his life is ordinary as he hates it?

96. dillinger - April 16, 2011

Hi Taurus Woman

It is complicated if you stay completely far. But it can be easy if you stay close with a distance then you got a chance to achieve this. Stay on his sight from a distance. Be sure that he sees you in a market or near to his workplace. Be careful you should not be near e.g. 5 times a week. Every two or three weeks could be fine. Act with coincidence, but do not show any gesture if you look at each other.

For the hate part; he already hates ordinary things, but issue is accepting it. As he is inside of his shell now, he may find lots of things to deal, you can not even imagine how he can live at a minimum level. As an Aq I observed that on myself and other Aqs, they can even spend 20 hours within their rooms by dealing with the things they like, such as reading, surfing on the net or making replica automobiles (An Aq I know spent 15 hours in front of a computer game after he broke up with his gf; he was 32 at that time). Aman does not need extra stuff, as he got his Oracle stuff 🙂 I am joking of course (am I?)

But with your image he will question himself. I must say that if this works the situation will be a little bit painful for him; but Aqs have always painful moments more than other zodiac signs anyway.

Good luck.

Aman Sharma - April 18, 2011

Did someone call my name 😉 ? Aman actually does a lot of stuff other than Oracle too but yes, Oracle is one of the most near and dear things to me, has given me a lot professionally, socially and yes was a savior for me at a phase where it wouldn’t be there,I would not had been there too 🙂 .

Just my 2 cents.


97. Taurus Woman - April 17, 2011

Thank you so much Dillinger, I am beginning to get the picture. I am about 20 miles from where he is now. I will try to follow your advice and put myself in the area at least twice a week (although will be difficult). Not sure how to get his attention though, will try. What do you make of him loving me still, and this other so called seeing another woman? I am very grounded love him and want to take care of him and make him very comfortable and feel very special. He is a very good mechanic does side work along with being with the volunteer fire department (although honorable) takes alot of out time and I really miss it. He is with his son this weekend, who is finishing boot camp with the Army and will graduate May 20. This may cause some emotion as well. As to his parents, he is very close to his father although shades some things to him because he wants his father to be proud of him, not so much with his mother. His family is very disfunctional, and mine very close and grounded. When we began to look at vacation picture etc. he became very quiet and distant for a short time. Not sure what he is feeling and would love to be with him to support him, but he will not let me.

98. dillinger - April 17, 2011

In fact you do not need to be around him once a week, once per 2 or even 3 weeks would be enough.

One more thing to add; If he is a January Aq he can be more easy going and less hard to communicate. But February Aqs are the opposite, more complicated to deal. In fact these two are like different stocks, the only common ground for them (Jan and Feb stuff) is their desire for independence (in terms of menthality) and their high capacity for social affairs (and Feb Aqs use only small portion of this, Jan ones like to have fashionable things and social networking so much. If you ask for me it is not easy to categorize Jan people as “typical” Aqs).


Kaiti - April 17, 2011

Dear dilinger,

I’d like to express my personal opinion about the Aquas born in January and the others in Feb: IF only you could see the one that I have mentioned before in my posts!He was born in 23 Jan.I’d say that he isn’t so easy to comunicate,lots of silences and nervousness in the air,and he does it ONLY WITH ME. Whereas another Aq(we have been penpals for 2 years approx.)is a really cool guy,(like you! :)),we send each other mails and he never forgets my birthday! 🙂 (He’s from China and born in 3 Feb).

Aman Sharma - April 18, 2011


Well, I guess it’s not an “in-general” thing then , coming from someone who is born on 22nd Jan. I am in a profession where I have to communicate (and do it otherwise too a lot) , that’s another story that at times, that communication is to cover up the silence. I haven’t forgot any time so far, to wish anyone on any occasions and a lot more stuff like this . So not really a reserved person(moody yes but reserved, no, I don’t think so) . Not a chance that I am nervous at any time, throw me anywhere and I guarantee you that I shall break the ice in few minutes 🙂 . So if your guy is doing the opposite with you, you must be more careful because its not always that if an Aq guy is not talking to you or ignoring you, it means that he doesn’t like you or want you around. Aq guys, most likely, don’t like to start something which they can’t finish and before they would start on something, they would like to be ensure that it’s worth the effort. So my suggestion, have a closer look and try to see beyond what’s there in front of you.


99. Sam - April 17, 2011

Hey Dilliger, I have an update…I asked my Aq to go to the game tomorrow and he responded saying that he got my msg and that he had plans to go to the game today, and going tomorrow too will be just too much game, but thanked me for asking. I responded by saying, Another time then… Seriously, I’m stumped. He responds to me. We are keeping it friendly. Is this good? But I’m the one doing all the asking. I feel now, the ball is in his court? Next moves? I’m not sure. At this stage, I’d normally say he is just not interested. Here is this guy who four weeks ago planned, purchased, and threw my bday party for me. Now, we don’t even see one another. He spends all his free time with his guy friends too. It seems that they are easier than me to be with? Goodness, I get him well, but really don’t know where to go from here. Any suggestions?

dillinger - April 17, 2011

Hi Sam

First of all if he responded, that means you both got a tune. Normally for an Aq probably it was hard to say it; I mean he is so close to you so responded like that. But you want to be more closer than a regular close one; that’s the challenge.

Within your situation I can only suggest one thing. Invite him into an activity abroad, I mean out of the city or his living space. While doing this do not give it as your plan for being together, but as a part of an activity; like there is a tour bus for going to the countryside and there are free seats to be taken, then invite him to join. Make this urgent, like only 2 days ago, so he would have to decide within a shorter period of time (if you shorten time period for these types of decisions, you could have more possibility to have “yes”).

Why this is important, to make him to explain his thougts about you. If he even does that for once, he will always remember what he said over there.

Yep unfortunately it’s easier to be with his guys than you. Because it is just like spending time with them, but with you he should overcome a stage. If an Aq gives you a value he escapes first. That’s the main reason. I told that he sees you as a close one; but an Aq can not see a female like he sees his gang brothers. If you ask me, probably he likes you to see you near, but he likes that distance too as he can keep his independency. In short: he is scared of being close to you, more than usual pals.

For a test about his interest. Did he ever accept one of your invitations for a pairing activity, I mean only you and him during last 6 months? If you say yes, he is not far from you.

Code of conduct? Imagine one guy is waking up in the morning and there is a heavy show out of the house. Next step for that guy is thinking about his car and the road. An Aq can look at the window and think that how the light is beautiful as it hits on the snow. Then he may think about his car and the road. You should be there to share his visions so that he can make his times longer for this light.


100. Taurus Woman - April 17, 2011

Hey Dillinger, he is Feb 4 Aq, very hard to communicate, gets frustrated and angry quickly then will say anything to you to hurt you to only later tell me that he was hurting so he said it to make me hurt. He only socializes with a small group which includes one cousin he has only know a short while (female and lives fairly close), his brother on occasion, men from the fire department, mostly men. Works alot and it seems his communication with the people he does work for is enough socializing. At home, not much energy. After our first date it took him four weeks to contact me again, he was seeing another girl about that time also and this is the girl that gave us such a hard time. However, he lived with her previously when she got into financial trouble (he didn’t help much) he left and went to another town but later when she was settle down started dating her again. I didn’t have that issue of bills, and the way a female looks seems to be important the them. However, he would tell me he doesn’t need a women and there would be another he could get sex anywhere even if he had to pay for it. That’s why I can understand him making sure I knew he was seeing someone three weeks after I left if he is or just a way to hurt me. His self esteem appears low, he would tell me that he has messed up all of his life and in his mind I am better than he is. I don’t feel that way, but he thinks he isn’t good enough. I reassured him often and he would settle down for a short while. Feel like it is a game to have space and not have to anwser to anyone, as he so calls it. Even after the argument, he would tell me on his own where he would be going. Confusing???

101. Taurus Woman - April 17, 2011

Hey Dillinger, update this morning. I spoke with his son and the female cousin. She didn’t know alot of information but we had tornados last night, I sent her an IM asking “is everyone okay over there”. She let me know that her house and the Aq house was okay. I wrote her back thanking her and saying I miss you all, she wrote me and said WE MISS YOU TOO, she said he doesn’t tell her much but she says he has been hurt alot and that it is hard for them, he told her “I guess the curse is back”. Not sure what she is talking about. I let her know that I loved him and was here but it appears he is pushing me away said he was seeing someone, and let her know that I don’t know if he is or not or just needing space. She didn’t act like he was doing anything, but when I told her he said he was seeing someone else she didn’t answer me back but she was talking with several on the computer too. What to make of it and next step. His some was on a leave military and the Aq was there. He did chat with me a little on the computer and said he would keep in touch. What do you make of all???? Did I do okay, does he just need time, does he still love me? Where to go from here.

102. sildenafil citrate joint pain - April 17, 2011

Howdy! This is kind of off topic but I need some advice from an established blog. Is it hard to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I’m thinking about setting up my own but I’m not sure where to begin. Do you have any tips or suggestions? Thanks

Aman Sharma - April 18, 2011

sildenafil citrate joint pain,

Well, setting up a free blog is actually very easy. As suggested by Dil already, you can use various free blogging service providers like Blogger, WordPress, Typepad and so on. Out of all, Blogger(from Google) and WordPress(From Automattic) are the most popular ones. All what you need to do is to go the website of the service provider ( for example for WordPress http://wordpress.com), get yourself registered there with a valid email id of yours and enter some of the details of yours i.e. your name and other things. You will be asked to choose a name for the blog that would be used to create a public. shareable link for example, http://myblog.blogger.com . If the name you have chosen is available, you are done. There would be a inbuilt blog-post editor which you would be able to use to write your first blog. Most of the blogs offer a sample post as well like which you can see, modify and can get started with. If you don’t want to use the blog service provider’s website to write the blog all the time, you can download some of the blog writer plugins and/or writer softwares as well, like Quamana. But the first thing I would suggest would is to register, setup a blog and play around. You don’t need to use various email addresses. With the same account, you can set up many blog accounts and when you are sure which one you would use always, you can delete the rest of them.

What I have told to you is about the service where everything is done for you. There is another service in which you are supposed to manage your own blog, like setting it up (along with the creation of it’s database and other geeky stuff) , upgrade it whenever required and so on. That’s applicable if you have your own domain overwhich you want to set up your blog. If that’s what you want , you can check http://wordpress.org . This is going to be a lot harder to setup compared to the above mentioned, out-of-the-box approach. Choose what you think is the best for you.


103. dillinger - April 17, 2011

Hi Taurus Woman

Everything is more apparent now. I am right with that “curse” stuff, I can understand him. Aqs are strongly superstitious and most probably he thinks that he got problems due to his life. None can tell whether this is true or not, but that’s a typical Aq trait (I personally believed this so many times).

Other option he mentioned that curse for you; but if so, why did his cousin say “we miss you too” and “he has been hurt a lot”. If you talked with his cousin a day before for example, and if she said this curse thing after some time, we could say that she talked with him and he said that about you. But this is not the case as it is seen.

You told her expression about his status and she said he is talking with someone. Yep he can, in fact Aqs may have lots of female friends and most of them could feel special things about them. But as we talked in the previous posts here, “special” is not an easy label for Aqs.

Let me give you an example; I was in a trip abroad and I was sitting in a bar alone and looking around. I saw one guy started to talk with the people over there and just within one hour he was the champion of conversations. He came to me and said: “OK pal, why you are staring at me and not talking about your life”. I asked him if he is an Aq and he said “how did you know this”. Because two models are in the same place, one is drinking alone and the other is chatting with almost everyone. Two Aqs.

“Love”? erm. That is the source of everything in fact. If he could be convinced about the love concept in his mind, then he could say “I do” or “I do not love you” to you. Probably he is very confused now.

Practical things; again, let him rest and give some time. Continue to have conversations with your contacts near to him. And keep safe distance around, show yourself from a distance once for each 2 or 3 weeks. These are the things you can do at the moment.

PS: I had my military service. That’s a good opportunity to clean you mind. You said Aq contacted you around these times, so this is good actually. Because he contacted you at his tranquillity times.

104. dillinger - April 17, 2011

sildenafil citrate joint pain

I do not have any personal blog now but I tried in the past. First you have to choose your domain. It can be wordpress like here (www.wordpress.com) or it can be blogspot (www.blogspot.com). Of course there are other pages but these are the most commonly used agents.

When you enter one of those pages, you may easily see “Sign up” button. You have to follow the instructions and be registered first, then you will have plenty of guides to create your blog inside of these websites; I mean templates for the main screen or subsidiary menus. I suggest you to start with blogspot as you are a new blogger.

If you want to be sophisticated, you have to learn to use the scripts. If you are a regular computer user you would understand the meaning of them very easily. In blogspot for example, each screen or post has a button to see its script. Then you can see how to change the color or how to modify the boundaries.

And not forget to create a dummy blog first; choose another e-mail and register there, then play with your page. You will learn fast.

Good luck.

PS: One more thing; amendments or comments in your blog could bee seen after up to 4-5 days in google. That’s reasonable of course.

105. Taurus Female - April 18, 2011

Thanks Dillinger, Aq has mentioned to me about inner demons he has and has always had (he said he doesn’t like himself when he acts that way but can’t help it) and according to his cousin the whole family refers to the curse as a “family” curse. First, she let me know that all homes were okay after the tornados, and when I thanked her and told her I miss you all she then responded “we miss you too”. She further said that he has been hurt alot and it will take a little time. She also stated that “it is very hard for us”. Although I understand the time thing I am not sure why he off of a sudden tells me “I don’t love you anymore-when angry of course”, but I do think he cares about me and misses me. Only after all of that conversation I responded to the curse remark and told her I didn’t know that he told me he was seeing someone, and I sure hope that he would try to break the curse instead of making it worse. This was at the end, she didn’t respond after I mentioned him seeing someone, I am not sure if she didn’t know, if he isn’t really or if she did know. She acted like she didn’t and if so not much to it. It was like she was telling me give him a little time. If I could just figure out if he still loves me truly or it is a game I would know what to do (hoping he does love me). It has been two weeks now since I talked with him and that wasn’t really a good conversation (he was still angry). I am going to carry on with your advise, if you don’t mind please read into this one and see if you think he really loves me and will be back or it will take time (maybe not). You are so much help and thank you so much!

dillinger - April 18, 2011

Dear Taurus Female

I do not know something about these inner demons, and I can not just say that they exist or they are not real. But if a whole family says something since so many years, I can say “wow”. The only thing I believe, every darkness feeds itself with fear and true love resolves everything. I am only making a guess (like about a movie) could it be your love that increased their dark activities, as love is a way for light? may be?

I can not be 100 % sure about his love because I do not know him personally. But my observation tells that his interest on you is apparent. It is so hard for Aqs to play love games in such a manner, I mean making someone addicted in purpose for nothing.

Most of the times they are accused of that, but tragic thing is they do not do it artificially. I still do not know the mechanism behind this, but I know one point: My serious ex.s are out of the scope for this story of course; Definitely I am not an attractive man, but for the moments I did not show any interest I was still a target by some and most of the times they insisted so much (I am not talking about your case of course). More I played the calm man they tried more. Then I realized that the reason was my natural behavior, because as an Aq I could not act as someone else. With that example I want to assure you that he is not playing with you.

Will he back to you in a short or a long time? If he can escape from the bond between his visions and modalities, it can happen tomorrow. But let me say that this would not be so easy for him. He can kick the chairs in his flat when he is alone or he can shout in front of the mirror; but they have an ability to calm down within a very short period of time.

In short that’s the case: Their modalities make life very suffering for them. When they reach to the limit they discharge their stress with several ways (kicking is only one example; some Aqs are concentrating their work or hobby activities, or they consume alcohol for instance) then they use their visions for healing. In fact they create an inner circle, because they use their essence (visions) to treat the most hateful thing for them (modalities); and these modalities provide a secure place to keep their visions. What a miserable loop, but this is the reality.

If I can help that’s my plesure. Please keep your head high.


106. Sam - April 18, 2011

Dillinger, I get everything you are saying. I guess for me, that is the hard part. I can sense that he cares and I know he is distant due to this. I can feel him at times (the pisces in me) and wish I could close off to him at times.

As for your question as to whether he has accepted an invitation in the last 6 months with just me, the answer is yes. We have been together twice for dinner or just hanging out. He also went on a weekend trip with me (I brought some gal pals), but it was early on in our relationship. As we got closer, he brought his friends or brother more into the mix and we have not been alone since. Only at night when everyone leaves. I can feel him being nervous around me and he gets quiet (only talking with his friends). I used to think he didn’t like me, but thanks to you, I now know that he does.

I’ll give it some time for the next invite. Want to make sure the time is right and we are both open to seeing one another and even, hopefully, talking about what it is that freaks him out, because what he doesn’t get is that I get freaked out too. BTW…he is 40 and never been married. Very independant and travels a lot. I’m in the same boat.

Cheers to you!

107. dillinger - April 18, 2011

Dear Sam

I would like to play the devil’s advocate for now. Do not let him put you in a safe distance. After our conversations I am sure that you know how to deal with this. I mean too much close could yield bad results and being far away could push him into his inner world.

Lol. I am 40 and I never married too. So I hope that this would give me a place for understanding him well. For the travel stuff I guess you already know this fine, he is trying to find peace (you can remember those Camel commercials, cowboy stylish guy at the top of a Giza Pyramid smoking a cigarette; this is like created for an Aq) But each place make him disappointed after max. 3-4 days (more years make this period shorter)

You mentioned that he is only talking about his friends. Bu sure that these talks are not about serious topics, people around like them for many reasons, they got a good sense of humor and this is one of the reason.

If you can be close to him alone, I mean without any distracting people around, watch the details. I know that you are already familiar with it; he will talk about something which is non-sense for most of the people, and your replies will guide him somewhere. As these are all about his visions, 1) If you match at least 40 % of them he will be so glad, but; 2) If you can supply new horizons he will show full respect. That’s the key.

Let us talk more practical with an example; Driving in a car through a forest, outside is so cold and most of the times road is blocked by bushes or wooden stuff; terrible scene isn’t it? He can be in full joy about this, because he could like this scene before in a movie, a videoclip or a novel. Perhaps he experienced that before in a dream. In short; until some moments he will be leading the conversation, then he will expect understanding. I am sure you know him very well.

Good luck Sam, as a Pisces you are a brave one I must accept 🙂 (just kidding)


108. Taurus Woman - April 19, 2011

Thanks Dillinger, you are very helpful. I had no idea there was so much pain and confusion in dealing with a relationship and seems like his vision cause some of this curse. I am learning so much, and it does appear that he really does love me and there probably isn’t anyone that he is seeing other than maybe someone to have conversations with. I am going to make a trip that way in the next day or so at a distance of course. I was going tonight but do to storm damage I didn’t. Seems as this is a catch 22 as to time. I so wish that I could take some of it away for him but he won’t let me that close. Says he doens’t love me anymore, which now I can almost understand him telling me to go about my life. He must think he can’t fix anything or do any better. Since I have move he really doesn’t know exactly where I live. When I met him a little over three weeks ago to get mail, he was giggling and made mention to the fact that I would go around my elbow knees and back to not let him know where I was at. I told him that was not the case at all, he wanted me to leave I left and anytime he wanted to hang out to let me know I had nothing to hide then. He just giggled, but didn’t ask. Hugged me and asked me to be good, for what ever that meant. I am not sure if it is a good thing that he doesn’t know exactly where I live or not, but at this point think it may be a good thing brings some curiosity maybe. He had no problem letting me know that he could find me if he wanted. I have no reason to believe he has tried. Sad, enough but wish he would. A friend at work told me today that she has been talking with a friend of hers and hears that he can be somewhat aloof and violent and to stay away. I think he just hurts and would like for it to all go away, but won’t let anyone help. I do know that Aq can be very aloof and say things to hurt you on purpose, but not sure about violent. He once acused me if I left that his brother might step into his territory, or maybe his son. That is one of two times that I saw a little jealousy. But I really don’t won’t anyone else. Can’t make him see that though. Thanks Dillinger for all of your patience and advice. Everything you can give me helps…..

Taurus Female - April 19, 2011

Dillinger, found information to update so when you read this it becomes more apparent. The other day when I was talking with the son in the military the Aq had left. Didn’t know until today, but find it odd that he had Fri night and Sat (ate at the motel instead of taking him to a restaurant) left aroun 9 Sun morning. He has seen this child in almost three months and he will be transferred to the other side of the US. I have talked to him since 3/29 other than forwarding a message through his phone or on the phone (sometimes didn’t answer sometimes did’t). He would answer, but saying “What do you want”, but he answered. I have tried in a week or so. Additional piece of information, although he asked me to leave he waited until he suspected that I had a place to go and wanted to suggest I rent from him, that he was looking for anyone anyway. I had previously suggested that and he wouldn’t answer me until he saw me moving things out. Followed that up with you have already started moving things, so I guess you just as well go on, I did because I didn’t know what else to do. I had also asked if he would help me move, he told me depending on what he had scheduled and wouldn’t give me an answer. The day before I moved he called and asked me if I wanted to to get a friend to help him move me, I couldn’t get an answer earlier so I hired a mover. When I didn’t let him help, he got angry. Added this detail so when you read the post above about him really not knowing where I am (good or bad). He also bought a puppy before I left, which we were not going to do because of the one we had. HOwever, paid for it and told me he would go pick it up after the one dog there was gone because he wanted to respect me and the dog. What to make of the above post and this….thank you Dillinger.

Taurus Woman - April 20, 2011

Dillinger, difficult night for me and I am so wishing this time thing would hurry up. I have a picture I made for Valentine’s Day of he and I, should I send it through email or just hold on to it. He has seen it but doesn’t have it, thought it might progress things. He makes me worry and hurt so much. I just need him to be there.

Taurus Woman - April 20, 2011

Update as of 10:38 pm,made a mistake and called his phone, distroyed a female answered the phone by I told her who I was ans ask ber he have him call me back. He did and told me to leave him alone that he was happier than he has ever been I was crazy and he did need anything from me anymore. Wby Why…….I told her I had just seen him two weeks ago, she said she had been seeing him two weeks. I guess I move on now.. I hur so much and am so destroyed…..don’t know how eo react. Please Please help. said he never loved me how can that be….

dillinger - April 20, 2011

Taurus Female

Yep, you made a mistake. In fact a big one. But we are talking about people, so nothing is too late. But you delayed the time period you should wait if you ask me.

Strange thing is; a woman who is with him since 2 weeks told you “leave him alone”. That means she met him, made usual chats, started to live with him and she even knows his previous relationships. Let us forget about Aqs, this does not look like real.


– She knew him before, but began to live with him since 2 weeks. In that case it is still weird; why was he so stressfull as he already got her.

– She did not know you before and really she is with him since 2 weeks. He is so afraid of you and told her the possibility of your call, and perhaps what to reply. Imagine that you are a female who is with a man since 2 weeks and you reply like that. No logic.

– She did not know you before and really she is with him since 2 weeks. When she handed up the phone she heard you, then then created everything with her imagination.

For me there could be 3 options as listed above; so which one looks more real, you decide.

Before I told you that one of the most difficult matches in the zodiac world is between Aquarius and Taurus, in particular Aq male and Taurus female. I am not talking about any stuff such as this one is wrong and this is right. But let me say that this a typical contradiction between two strong characters, especially when there is a concept called love.

You have to stop thinking about him with your vision, because your vision is strong but his one is too. You are very close to that earth as a Taurus female, but he is very far away from it as an Aq male. If you behave with your usual traits it is like pulling him from the skies to the ground, but this is almost impossible for him when you suddenly do that.

The only option is time, then he can realize that the problem is not the person, but his foot which is not touching upon the ground. Seems like you wish to have a precise duration, but it is impossible to tell; in particular for an Aq male.

Of course it is nothing about you, just an example: In the past I was adoring a female and I found everything inside of her. Then I saw only one precise thing; she was loving me so much, but she was not honest with me. First orally I tried several times to force her to tell the truth; when I realized that it is a fail, I left and completely erased her image from my mind. Simple as it is.

Again, I am not saying you are like her; I told this short story to say that Aqs have their own perception, and when they see the opposite, pain is not a factor for their decisions. Pain? they were born with a sword to fight, as there are many things to challenge, and pain can be only a result, not an essence. Actually after all years this is one of the various Aq traits which I still keep in faith.

Anyway, you just extended the time period you need to wait, again I can say.


dillinger - April 20, 2011

One more thing to clear it up.

I wrote that pain stuff to tell you one point. Most of the people are afraid of the results; “I ended, so will I suffer now” or “how will I do to forget this” etc. And all their actions are binded with it; a little bit weird but also from the beginning.

On the contrary, Aqs suffer from the process and generally they do not think of the pain at the end of it. (You may watch the perfect movie “Amadeus” and see the way Aq. W.A Mozart acted during his life. By the way almost all Aqs have a Salieri character in their lives. Like material and anti-material stuff).

Because they got a perfect healing kit for the end, their inner circle. That’s why I kept telling you that you got a chance, because he is still suffering.


109. Sam - April 19, 2011

Dillinger, you are correct, I am a VERY brave fish within uncharted waters!! HA! 🙂 One of my best gal pals is an Aq and a very good guy friend of mine is as well. I see traits of my Aq in them, but as my friends, we just click. I see their visions thoroughly and they see mine (we are alike in many ways).

I like that you and he are in similar situations with age and marital status. I feel you are a lot alike and can really give me some good insights.

Ahhh, I’m going to have to see if I can find that fine balance between “too close” and “being far away,” with my Aq. It has been four weeks today since I have seen him and though we have txted on occasion, I’m walking a fine line on my next move. In normal situations, I’d just chill and let him come to me now (which could take a loooong time, but I was patient with him before). Also, it may be a while before I find something that is ‘last minute’ to invite him to.

Btw, one of my good friends is dating his best friend. This will mean that even if I’m not there, she is….

Oh the joys of caring about an Aq! 🙂

110. dillinger - April 20, 2011

Dear Sam

With the Aq guy and your Aq friends I am sure that you know, at least you guess that Aqs are walking in different geometry than the others. So when you think about this dating stuff at the last last paragraph; it can not be dating as you think, or it can be more than it, who knows.

It is strange though; let me talk as an Aq from my inside. We are living in the same Cosmos and sure the things are moving with butterfly effects. Is it peculiar to have these extreme behaviors with Aqs? basically who knows what is true.

In one of the early comments I replied to a female who is thinking that she did everything to do and waiting an Aq guy to respond; she also said after some time she will forget because she suffered enough.

I replied and I said “for your patience: let me say that it is a time period for having your expected results; and who said that your expectations can govern something called love. Moreover this does not cover sharing. That’s a respond you may get from an Aquarius.”

“Too much questioning?” I should say that love is one of the most important facts in human life. “But it is sensual, then let it go”. So it is sure that people act in all proper manner, so emotions can lead the way?

In fact it is not about questioning. 99.99 percent of the people may think and feel in the same way, then they could say that they was patience enough; but this still does not have a ground, because love is a particular pattern.

I know you realized that all the things above are not about you, it is to give Aq menthality.

About the joy caring an Aq; take care yourself 🙂

111. Sam - April 20, 2011

Okay Dillinger…I’m sending my Aq pictures from my birthday that he threw for me. This was a fun time. We were together. Our friends were there. It was my house. There are pictures of us, just having fun. I’m trying to still keep my distance, but reminding him of how much we enjoyed our time together. I’m not putting pressure, only sending him (and two other people) the photos from four weeks ago and stated, “I can see we all had a good time!”

This is beginning to exhaust me….

112. Sam - April 20, 2011

Thanks Dillinger, I do care about myself more and realize it is his way and thoughts and not necessarily about me. I think in all this, I miss the him I had grown to know and enjoy. But, I’m listening to my gut and what it tells me too. And you are right, I did originally lead with my emotions, but now I’m seeing things so differently.

Sometimes we need to step back to really see what is in front of us. Who knows why any of us act as we do when we are in love. And, only time will tell if I will end up making it through this with him. I hope so. 🙂 I am a patient fish, but I’m also a practical fish.


113. dillinger - April 20, 2011

I feel that I must go back to my shell. Essentially it is more than a feel.

With their visions or not; most of the Aqs would be gradually alone. For them it is meaningless to say “what I want and what for”. Because the Aqs are aware of one reality; perfect order in chaos: life.

At the same time, they can feel like an “empty-shell” without any sound reason; and they would never have a peace until accept for a change. And the word change is hard for them.

You can make a healthy decision only after realizing one question and its reply: “Aqs are cool. But do we need that cool stuff?” If you ask me, my certain answer is: “No”. I do not mean any specific people, only for this trait.

You may decide the best for you.

And bye forever
Thanks Aman

114. Taurus Woman - April 20, 2011

Thank you so much Dillinger, you have no idea how much help you are. I get it time, I had to get the last few things from the house today, he got out of the vehicle ranting and raving calling me names etc. but you could almost see the pain on his face although coming out of his mouth I will give you anything you want just get out of my life. That is the reason for the call, it had been 30 days and was almost too late. Other than the calling me names etc all went well. I will back up and give time. As you say if this girl was real he would have been in a good mood. Very confusing that the action doesn’t ever fit the words. Hurry back you will be very missed.


Taurus Woman - April 20, 2011

Additionally, I would say option 2 or 3. You have everything so on target. I didn’t want to go without calling to get the last few items. Hate that I caused a set back but didn’t have a choice. You are awesome with information.

115. Sam - April 20, 2011

Dillinger…All the best to you sir. Thanks for the wonderful insights.

116. Eve - April 24, 2011

Dear Aman (and dilinger), I posted here earlier this month about my Aqua. To refresh your memory we were dating for 7 months and he disappeared so many times and then pulled a no show at my birthday party and I ended it. I didnt want to but had to for my own respect and sanity. Im a Pisces. It took me about a month to stop thinking of him and to get back on track. I just told myself he never cared and accepted what happened. I am happy now. We broke up March 1. So he called me today. Please read this and give me your honest feedback.

The phone rang at 9am, it took a minute for the number to register in my brain. I ignored it
and went back to sleep. Woke up to a voicemail. He started with pleasantries and compliments about my career as an artist then he said “I just wanted to call you and let you know that I always cared about you and to let you know that I’m sorry the way things happened with us”.

He said “I don’t like to place blame on anyone. It was my fault. Everything is my fault”. He made an analogy about how “it was like you and I were standing side by side and there were three different possible roads to take, all going the same way, and you wanted to go
one way, and I didn’t want to follow you. I wanted to take another route and you didn’t want to follow me. Its like we had different directions. I wasn’t ready mentally, but I think I would have ended up
where you wanted me to be”.

He went on to say something about how “normally with me I have to step back, because it WAS affecting me mentally, being able to focus and
feel comfortable.” This probably makes more sense to you Aquas.

Then he says “I’m letting you know how I feel today and how I feel today isn’t something I could have thought of, could think of, or feel
yesterday or the days or weeks before. Today is another day and I just wanted to let you know where I am rather than keeping it to myself.”

He sounded nervous and awkward. He ended it by saying he had wanted to call and make peace with me and himself and apologize for what happened, at the very least, he would like to be able to stay in
touch with me. That he hoped I would call him back but would understand if I didn’t want to. And he would see me whenever I happen to stop by where he works. “You always look so beautiful when I see
you, always, always. I hope to hear from you”

Gina - June 3, 2011

I don”t see where you ever got a reply? I would love to know how your story ended? did you two ever get back? did you move on? do you still miss him so??

117. Missi - April 25, 2011

I am a Libra head over heels in like with an Aquarius man. The first time I met him, he came into my office and it was almost overwhelming. My heart was racing, hands were shaking, trouble breathing, and I had trouble forming a coherent sentence. I tried to ignore it, but I found myself thinking about him more than I care to admit. When he came back in a couple of weeks later, I felt the flutter, but it wasn’t as severe, and I was much more comfortable talking to him. So, I followed the natural progression in “modern” relationships. I sent him a friend request on Facebook with a silly note about being a part time stalker. He accepted and we started chatting. We’ve hung out a couple of times, we’ve slept together…the nature of his job being as it is, you get the time when you can.
I’ve been divorced 8 years, and the dating/relationship thing baffles me sometimes.

My nature is such that I tend to be overwhelmingly clingy and needy when I’m seeing someone new. A “like me NOW” sort of thing. That is the wrong approach with any person, but disastrous with Aquarius. My oldest son is an Aquarius, so I am familiar with the sign. The same principles apply, but it’s totally different when you’re dating one.

Pretending to be sane with him is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. LOL Something happens in my day, and I immediately want to text him, but I don’t. I see him come online, I want to just jump right in and start talking…but I don’t, I let him talk first. He had a friend in from out of town for a week or so, and refrained from any contact other than a quick text that I hoped they are having fun..and he did respond several days later. There are a couple of girls on his FB page that are very “ohhh johnnnny” about him, and I don’t mention them, in fact I don’t interact with him on his FB page at all. We have no friends in common, so it would just be awkward, for me anyway.

This, whatever it is, has only been going on for a couple of months, but it seems like much longer. I have avoided any talk of anything “relationshipy” with him other than telling him I like him. He’d have to be stupid not to realize that, though. 🙂 I don’t want to screw this up, and I know with this sign it takes patience.

He’s quiet now…he’s off work and doing “guy things”…which is good, because I have 2 kids to get ready for prom this week 🙂 So I’m keeping myself busy with my things, while he does his thing, but it doesn’t stop me from missing him dreadfully, and I want to tell him, but I don’t want to come off as clingy and I don’t want him to think I’ve lost interest.

My best friend noticed that I’m calmer about this guy than others I’ve dated “It just feels different..” She, nor any of my family has met him, as my family is…overwhelming sometimes and it’s just too soon.

Are there any suggestions for this? Am I “doing” this right? Anything I should do different? As I said, I really like this guy, if I explained it, I’d sound like a crazy person LOL and I just don’t want to screw this up. Thank you 🙂

Coco - October 3, 2011

I’m also a libra and in the same situation. What happened? Are you still dating him? How old is your aqua??

118. Nirikshith - April 30, 2011

oopsie dasies!!! that’s about all that i can say

119. virgo girl - May 8, 2011

Ive Known an aquarius man for 5 yrs now we dated on and off for 2 years and we fought and didnt talk for about 6 months and during that time I met the guy I married…I was married for 3 years and had a daughter during that time my aquarius also married…well suprise 3 years later we are both seperating at the same time…and guess who came around again my aquarius, I can tell you its very complicated…we slept together once and I freaked out im a virgo..and we didnt hang out for a month after the fact…well than he calls me says im sick please come hang with me, I did against my better judgement well he told me he loved me…yes ladies 5 years later took 5 years…and he of course he freaked out backed off after the fact so I can tell you these men are complete commitment phobes…and if he does rush into a relationship with you than you should be scared cause hes doing it for a reason…just like him marrying after 6 months and it only lasted 6 months..I think this blog nailed it..thanks.

120. virgo girl - May 8, 2011


121. Gina - May 21, 2011

love the blog!!!!

122. Gina - May 21, 2011

I am 46yrs old married 15 yrs. to a good man- I work with Aquarius man for 2 yrs. now we are friends recently in the past 2 months things have changed between us we have NOT done anything physical not even a kiss. But the emotional relationship has reached a flown blown affair. However it’s just like one blogger noted it’s like red light green light, me being a Scorpio found this at 1st to be part of the intrigued but after 2 months of words speaking with high sexual desires and passion toward each other and yet NO KISS or any other action I am having a hard time understanding or dealing with this. I try to justify this by saying he is a good family man loves his wife and children witch he does.-but somehow he is coming off being a better spouse then I am (kind of not fair since i never looked or thought outside my marriage before and I am also a good wife and mother to a now grown son. I am becoming so emotional involved I want to go to the office just to get a glimpse and I know he waits for me also. (but then that’s it) then when I leave the office he will text me 100x’s say all sorts of things sweet words, sexy words all full of desire, But here’s the thing when I he has had the chance to be with me alone plays the friend card!…… I know since where both married my response from you all will be let it go- reasonable I know this I am not seeking moral responses I am seeking help for my heart to get through this cause in the end I do want this affair. I have not attentions of leaving my family nor do I expect him to hurt his in any way I just feel that with so much passion and intensity between us this is something we need to explore question is after two months of red light green light and now that I read all of this stuff about the a Aquarius man and I can tell you he is 100% TEXT book in all ways! – will he actually sleep me one day or am I just holding my self-hostage to this fantasy???

Gina - June 10, 2011

Since this last post, I have left him twice and he has left me however we were never gone for more than 12hrs! With each time we both said goodbye i cried, he comforted me with his friendly words and assured me how I am the best friend he has. The next day when I try to be strong and be only the good friend_ well off he goes again flirting securing my feelings haven’t left him, once again I fall and we do the same thing a week later. This has been going on for 8 weeks now. Our relationship has progressed emotional and even sexually in different areas However we still have not laid together> I have offered & and when I did he’s gone! So I stay close but distant still flirting, still waiting for him to make the move.
He calls, he texts, even sent me music, however If I call or text to much or worse BECOME emotional that’s it I am done and we go to where he say this has got to end. When I say (I will end it for him) he comes back…..

123. Aries Sweety - June 3, 2011

Hey Aman,Very special blog.
I can see how many people are having difficulties with the aqua men. But what i can say is always be yourself aqua men don’t like pretentious people and just let everything happen by itself. Don’t try to force anything, because aqua men don’t like anything coming forcibly to them. Always start with friendship as they are the most friendliest people u will ever find. It is difficult when they give no special attention to u. But if you have patience u will get that attention eventually. Even in ur subconscious mind u might have not thought about it but U can hear the most sweetest things from them. But never ever expect all lovey dovey things every day. It will happen once in a blue moon but still u will remember it for all ur life. Its all my experience speaking here;-). Dating an Aqua man is difficult but very intriguing and challenging :p U will never get bored of an aqua man, u will have handful of things to think abt him. He will keep you busy all the time guessing ;-). Ask something to him he might hide sometimes but he will never lie to you .Enjoying my part:-)

All the best to all the women dating aqua man 🙂

Au_revoir - June 6, 2011

Hi all,

I’m a Libra , and I have known this Aquarius guy for just one year. He is a single father of two kids. When we first met, is through a social platform. It was very fun, full of laughter, we met, we clicked with each other.

But after the meet up, he seems to be a bit different. We only being in contact sometimes, and it is always me who will start the conversation.

I have try to understand their nature of flirting with other girls. After we met, he keeps his flirting session with others. There is one girl whom I’ve seen her facebook to be really in love with him. Then i sent him a message saying that, maybe I’m not good enough for him, so I’ll better make a move.

I was heartbroken at that moment to leave him, while i still need him. Then after a month, i wish him on his birthday. He reply to the wish and say thanks for the wishes. After that our relationship seems to restore to the normal condition.

Then on Valentine’s day, i did not have the guts to wish him i love him cause i knew that i should not rush him in this kind of thing. But to my surprise, early morning on Valentine’s day, he wishes my and say that he loves me. I find it hard to believe and I’m so speechless.

I couldn’t be more happier than that day. Months to months our relationship have ups and downs. Right now he seems busy flirting with others. When we have any issues, he seems to keep quiet, he didn’t sound a thing. He always keep quiet although i know he can say whatever he like. But when it comes to me, whenever we had a fight, he opt to keep quiet.

Then a few weeks back, he seems to have a problem. I sent him a BBM saying that if he need someone to talk too, i will always be there for him or if he likes to keep it to himself, it will be fine for me.

Then suddenly he deletes me from his BBM list and refuses to answer me when i ask if i did anything wrong when i sent him the BBM. He kept quite till now.

I just don’t know what to do. I am deeply in love with him.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance.

Gina - June 10, 2011

Dear Au_revoir I have No advice for you all I can say i feel for you. My aqua man has me playing red light green light weekly. I more I say I am gone the more his sweet words come out to assure i stay put. but once I use the same tone he is ‘gone again” doesn’t really disappear more like blocks me out i always feel like I am standing outside in a cold rain storm with no shelter. Then when I agree to come in (alone) he welcomes me with a warm blanket making it all better again….. CRAZY , but more crazy that I am putting up with it/ recently my guy did something different- he sent me music… yes music he called me about 3 times that day and that evening he downloaded tunes to share with me. I know he this was his way of saying he is thinking of me and wants me to know him. But I am sure this mood will be short lived before he is off and gone again_ I only wish these good days didn’t feel as good as they do, if they didn’t I could LEAVE HIM, however with his ever smile i melt. Good luck with your guy hang in there from what I see Aries Sweety is correct don’t push him, hopefully he comes back.

124. onFire - June 14, 2011

This blog is pretty fascinating. I’ve been on the verge of strangling my Aqua friend for the past few months. We started talking about 6 months ago. He came on very strong, contact every day, then after we hung out a couple of times and hooked up (no sex), he started to get distant. The hot/cold thing continued, which caused me to unleash my crazy on him a few times…being an Aries, I need things to happen instantly!! After the few attempts, I learned that doing that is completely useless, because I never got any answers anyway. So the regular chatting continued, and I feel like we’re definitely much better friends now and talk about a lot of things. Problem is, he still won’t hang out with me and completely avoids the subject…yet the flirting and almost daily communication goes on. Not sure what to do at this point. Just wait and see when he comes around?, because I know better than to try and push the issue again. Just seems to be taking forever, even if our friendship did progress. It took a few months for him to officially ask me if I’d be interested in being friends on Facebook! I thought people just add and see what happens. I’m kind of going with the flow at this point, because I don’t really know what else to do. Any thoughts?

Gina - June 15, 2011

Dear on Fire,

Welcome to the club, the hot/cold thing is tortuous! I am a Scorpio and yes have very hard time dealing with this because my emotions need feeding daily! I am glad you realized your crazy on him is unless because yes you’re right he will walk away very quickly. I also am still making mistakes when my goes cold i have started playing the (distressed dazzle, which is even worse! these type of men find our emotions interesting to figure out but then it draws then to befriend us more then to love on us I have come to realize he is attracted to the strong not caring much female more than the needed passive girl. So don’t make the mistakes I have with frame from calling or texting act confident and on top of the world and he will raise his eyebrows with interest.

onFire - June 15, 2011

Thanks for the reply Gina! It’s definitely torturous. I’m not entirely sure how to proceed from here though. Obviously the plan is to become good friends and hope for the best, but how long does this take? What if he never has the guts to do anything about it? I have this urgent need to just take it and make it happen.. right now!, but obviously that’s not going to work. I’ve definitely learned to be more patient, but how long do these men need? Is there any other way to get things rolling without actually pushing him personally? I mean the “casual dating” part has to happen eventually right?, or they just kind of blurt it all out at some point. Gah. So frustrating. It’s funny how accurate some of these articles are. I’ve noticed that as soon as I bring up anything related to feelings or get angry, he stops talking instantly and comes back after a couple of days like it’s nothing. How did I end up in this Aquarius boat of self-torture. Hope things are progressing with you!

125. Gina - June 20, 2011

I wish i could help you your life sounds just like MINE! (and I blow it once again, now he is not talking to me again like you said – I know if i play it cool he will be around again and what annoys me is mentally i know what to do but emotional i don’t seem to have the strength it also drives me crazy when he acts like this today was a hard day for me I watch my phone ever minute waiting for the text, and nothing this hurts me and i want to call but I know if i do i am back in the same boat- going know where just drifting……… slowly……… I laughed when i read your comment-How did I end up in this Aquarius boat of self-torture loll I asked myself this question every day. I would love to chat with you one on one through private e-mail or text how can we make that happens? ( i think you may be one of the only people that understands what i am dealing with since I sure do understand yours loll Hopefully we can help each other put balance back into our lives…

126. pinot17 - July 12, 2011

sorry for my bad english.
I’ve befriend with one of aquarius guy at my office.He treat me well for several months it was perfect.We always chat and talk even teased each other almost everyday.I didnt know actually he’s aquarius because he didnt tell me anything abt him.since i’m in IT field,i managed to get his birth date and knw that he’s aquarius.The thing is it’s too late because i did confessed my feelings towards him..and suddenly pooff…his missing in action-LOL..a few days later,he came back,and tell me that i’m just his chat friend and he already with someone else.What i did?i just disappear,no contact at all for almost 2 months.I ignored him.just act like i didnt know him at all.totally strangers to me(he did the same way too-LOL).one day,he msg me like this”why do you disappear,u seems dont like to chat with me anymore”..i just replied “i didnt ignore u,i just have lot of things to do”..the next day he went to my dept and smile to me,i just smile to him back.but no more teasing,no more chatting..i distant myself from him..but seems everyday he got a lot of IT problem which need myself to see him,he just want me to attend to help him.no one else(he is quite important person in my office.)so,i need to help him.He always email me.because i’ve turn off my IM,.so no other way of communication except email,also call me several times because i didnt replied his email back-i didnt pick up his call for several times and yet didn’t returned his call back.after several times then i msg him just want to knw why he called me.i never ever call him.and now,He like to teased me again and again like before.He stares at me which make myself a bit scared-he actually never did the “stares things” before my confession to him..Honestly,i really fall in love with him because he is sweet and attractive. Actually i couldn’t get off him out of my mind but being rejected is very hurtful…oh,forgot to tell that i’m taurus with asc Aries..there is something mysterious between us,whereby when i missed him soooo much,he will call me,email me..it just hurt because he is not mine.I always remember what he said to me that we’re just friend.so,even he stares to me,email me,call me,something pop out in my mind said”he just treat u as his friend”..OMG,i really fall in love with him..what should i do???keeping distant from him actually quite hurtful too..but just dont really want to be close to him anymore…

127. lynn - July 12, 2011

sorry for my bad english.
I’ve befriend with one of aquarius guy at my office.He treat me well for several months it was perfect.We always chat and talk even teased each other almost everyday.I didnt know actually he’s aquarius because he didnt tell me anything abt him.since i’m in IT field,i managed to get his birth date and knw that he’s aquarius.The thing is it’s too late because i did confessed my feelings towards him..and suddenly pooff…his missing in action-LOL..a few days later,he came back,and tell me that i’m just his chat friend and he already with someone else.What i did?i just disappear,no contact at all for almost 2 months.I ignored him.just act like i didnt know him at all.totally strangers to me(he did the same way too-LOL).one day,he msg me like this”why do you disappear,u seems dont like to chat with me anymore”..i just replied “i didnt ignore u,i just have lot of things to do”..the next day he went to my dept and smile to me,i just smile to him back.but no more teasing,no more chatting..i distant myself from him..but seems everyday he got a lot of IT problem which need myself to see him,he just want me to attend to help him.no one else(he is quite important person in my office.)so,i need to help him.He always email me.because i’ve turn off my IM,.so no other way of communication except email,also call me several times because i didnt replied his email back-i didnt pick up his call for several times and yet didn’t returned his call back.after several times then i msg him just want to knw why he called me.i never ever call him.and now,He like to teased me again and again like before.He stares at me which make myself a bit scared-he actually never did the “stares things” before my confession to him..Honestly,i really fall in love with him because he is sweet and attractive. Actually i couldn’t get off him out of my mind but being rejected is very hurtful…oh,forgot to tell that i’m taurus with asc Aries..there is something mysterious between us,whereby when i missed him soooo much,he will call me,email me..it just hurt because he is not mine.I always remember what he said to me that we’re just friend.so,even he stares to me,email me,call me,something pop out in my mind said”he just treat u as his friend”..OMG,i really fall in love with him..what should i do???keeping distant from him actually quite hurtful too..but just dont really want to be close to him anymore…

128. Gina - July 12, 2011

Well my guy is back in the picture again. Why?? Because I decided ONLY to be friends I told him we were done! Now he calls for a lunch date, I go we have a nice time. He is back to calling and texting but guess what? Once again as he sees my feelings truly haven’t left I noticed him falling back to the old way> But ladies this time it’s different for me- now that I have read your stories been there and done that I feel I HAVEMORE CONTROL 1st. i am not going to let his in and out moods get to me. 2nd if i see him great and if I don’t I will be just fine 3rd I stopped carrying the phone around with me all day waiting on his text or call SO what if i miss his call, big deal he’ll just have to wait till I get back to him (although I will admit I will still always get back to him) so that’s my promise to you all and myself. I recommend making yourself the same promise and I can bet a $$. You will hear from him….

lynn - July 13, 2011

Hi Gina,i think the cold and icy action will works.Also ignore him in return.He teach me a lot to be independence,and it’s great that i can do something else-no hesitation. Just like any typical taurean,i like to be pampered,secured and emotionally attached to someone i loved but since i know him,i’m totally different-more patient and try to be independent which it works for me.Actually it takes a while to adapt this kind of things..it’s funny that i’m willing to change because of him.usually, like previous relationship,i always done my way.ONLY MY WAY..-lol…i’m quite stubborn but with him,patience is everything..haha..i dont really expect too much in this “relationship” even though i deeply,madly fall in love with him (as he mention earlier,that he already has someone else)which sometimes make me sad and hurt but at least,in this friendship,i learned something valuable.Not hoping too much but i do hope one day, he realize that i truly love and care for him…

129. aimee - July 22, 2011

I am a virgo girl and i love an aquarius man. a piece of advice for everone is dat we should not force someone to love someone. Dat is pointless coz u already know why. LOVE isnt like a recipe book dat can be done in few minutes. If an aquarius guy claims who he is then let him change for u and not u changing him. Believe me on this coz if u do den d relationship will not last girls. always believe in urself and love urself.LOVE is out der. not just stack in being wit an aquarius guy. der are lots out der. believe in it and dont torture urself. plsssssss……..have pride plsssss.I read everyting from d start to d end and some i couldn’t bear reading anymore coz i can see how much pain u had already guys. enough pls!!!! pray dis to God and u will be enlightened. I understand how u feel guys but i can also see dat girls also have d ryt to be happy. u know wat it is only TRUE LOVE dat can change an aquarius guy. if a aquarian guy trully loves someone den good tings will happen. If u guys love ur aquarian guy learn to love dem unconditionally meaning u should learn to be der and not be der for dem. and also one ting guys learn to let GO. plsssssssssssssss…………………… i am begging.

I love my aquarian guy and i cant even tell u guys about it coz it is way to special. I LOVE hIM SO MUCh. u know wat i mean. i never loved someone like dis before. we are more dan soulmates. wit a connecting energy. dats all i can say.

i am a psychic and i felt ur energy guys. all ur aches and pains coz of dis guys.it is not just aquarians in general guys but man. believe me ur not alone in dis. der are lots of guys out der like aquarians but dey r not. my point is let ur hearts be d answer do dis and let God be wit u guys coz if dat love is for u den it will always be yours no matter wat kind of zodiac sign it will be. LOVE IS GREATER DAN DAT. not possession nor it is not about manipulation and never will be about addiction. LOVE IS FAR GREATER DAN dat. u know it guys coz u can feel it in ur heart. i know u can feel it too.

Let ur love find u and guide u girls and guys.remember LOVE is more dan SEX. dats wy u guys are so confused coz relate love wt sex. ts not just about it guys. It is more dan dat.dats wy u cant let go coz u guys 2t love differently. I pray dat God will teach u wat real LOVE IS ALL ABOUT den dat is d only tym u will be free and be happy. zodiac signs are just a guide guys but LOVE is greater dan dat.u know ds already but u are afraid to listen.smile
now pls everyone ur not alone n ds ok. God is LOVE. hE is d oNly ONE hU CAN hELP…… BELIEVE ME I DID PRAY FOR MY AQUARIAN GUY ALL D TYM.God is just a prayer away. smile LIFE is great guys ok:)

goodluck and be happy everyone.miracles do happen u know. my aquarian man s not perfect and i never expect him to be BUT I consider him a miracle in m life.meeting him s d best ting……..we wont know our future ENJOy BEING WIT DEM DEy R D BEST.LIKE US WE ARE D BEST TOO. MMMM life is good:)

130. aimee - July 22, 2011

it is way better to love someone with all ur heart with no expectations and yet u found true LOVE. believe in it and u will have it coz LOVE is TRUE not being someone we are not. dats why is called true love. let us not fear to LOVE coz it wont be love anymore but a guarding behavior instead. a true love will not ask u to change but would appreciate if u would coz of LOVE. goodnight everyone.i had a great time reading ur stories. but i hope d next time i see dis blog true happiness will come.

God bless !!!!!!!!! and dont forget to listen to ur heart coz God is der. bye mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

131. Deepa - August 10, 2011

I am married to an Aquarius man for the past 4 yrs…….whatever is said here is true. He can be a darling or he can be a dare devil. As long as I leave him in his world he is fine…..Clumsy, witty, teasing and trust me he does forget our wedding anniversary …..can u believe it? One thing is not mentioned here……they are lazy. I am living with this man who has till date given me peanuts …..hopefully will get emeralds some day!

132. C Hartley - August 18, 2011

I started dating an aqua man over a month ago. Had 2 dates in one week, he was very attentive, kissing, hugging, complimentary etc, both times. Then heard nothing from him for a week, made tentative plans for that day which fell thru, finally saw him about 5 days later, 2 nights in a row, again very attentive, loving, complimentary. Once again nothing for a week except a quick “nice!” response to a simple text I sent him. I don’t want to get in his space, but wondering if he is waiting for me to make communication or he is simply doing the disappearing act I have read that they do? Also he is 48, I am a 54 y.o. aries…he does not know my age (has never asked), is the older woman thing a turn on or turn off for aqua guys (I do look younger than my age)? Reading all these struggles with aqau men is disheartening though I find I would rather spend infrequent time with him, than frequent time with anyone else.

Another of his traits is that he always runs late? I’ve done a lot of reading about the aqua man recently, seems it can take months/years to get him to commit with lots of down time in between. So why should a woman hang on with soo much down time. I’m beginning to think it is a bit thoughtless on their part to simply disappear at whim, with no communication then suddenly return with vim and vigor as if that is all completely normal. I have no problem giving people space, but I quess my question is how are you supposed to get to know someone if you only see each other 3 or 4 times a month, with little communication in between? I could really use some help here, as I am feeling confused (have never dated an aqua guy) but feel he and I could have the potential to share something special. What are my best options, please?
Thanks, Coco

133. Coco - August 18, 2011

somehow unsubscribed by accident…

134. ga peach - August 20, 2011

The aquarious is truly one of the most mind boggling lovers. When i was in highschool, i dated one. I was 16,he was 17.with an aquarious you will find that in a relationship, they have a reason behind everything they do. Well, he was my first love. I loved everything about him and his unconventional ways. But he was starting to do some heavy stuf, and my only rule in the relationship besides remaining faithful, was not to do anything that would come in the way of “us”. I thought breaking up with him would make him want to show me he wanted me over the druggs. I remember breaking up with him, thn sneaking over to his house tomake sure he was ok the next night. He usually had feiends over, but that night nobody was there, and nobody showed up randomly as usual. He was alone, with really red swollen eyes. I asked him if he had been crying and he said n, and we just chilled for a little. We stayed in the middle of friends and about to be together for a few months(school started and i had a class with him and sat by him everyday till middle of second semester he dropped out.. oh i forgot to mention he lived walkint distance till he dropped out. We still talked every once in a while. He played some mean tricks, very cunning. he said i love you to me 3 months before i did and id always have to be like no, not yet. Well anyways, one day he invited me over but i needed a ride so it wasnt super personal, but i remember just being so happy and my friend kept commenting on how much i was smiling, and before i left, i was pointing at something as iwas walking out the door, and he grabbed my hand out of nowhere andheld it tight for just a second, then let us slip away. I left and that was the last time he had me over.a year after we broke up is the time frame. Over the next few months we would talk on and off tiill october came around. We made plans to go to the fair, and then i never heard from him again. No doubt within th 4years since i always would periodically look for him or try to talk to someone who knew him, with no such luck. He told his friends not to talk anything about him to me and i finally gave up on them last year. I dont know why he dissappearedd but i promised myself i would never stop looking for him till he was in my life again. Recently i found his facebook. I added, expecting for the request to be denied. Instead i find that hehas infact accepted, and sent me a message. I was sure id be the one initiating convo. In convo though hes very vague. I have 4 years of bottled questions and statements and convos i want to link on, and hes over there all askin me one question at a time. Lol i did send him a regretful message last asking him if i had made any impact on him like he did on me, but i said nvm and told him to disreguard. I am nervous i will nevwr hear back and he will dissappear again. And im so lost with him. Whyy the change of heart after4 years? Why did he go to begin? I was also wondering if you could tell me how i should reciprocate to him. How do i not run him off again?

135. ga peach - August 20, 2011

Oh and if it means anything im a 20 yr old capricorn. Hes 21. And yeah caps are supposed to be controlling, but i never had to be with him. So that isnt why. Idk hopefully you can help?

V de Veronique - September 5, 2011

Dear GA peach — I am also a Capricorn woman formerly involved with an Aquarius man…I would say just be as mellow as possible & don’t press for answers. if it’s possible, if it’s meant to be, he’ll come around. It could be months though, so be patient. obviously you really affected him but he needs time to sort it all out. just don’t press/force the issue because that could put the final nail in the coffin. And try to meet other guys/don’t get obsessed, that’s something that we Capricorns unfortunately have a tendency to indulge in… Also- get comfortable with the fact that it might NOT be meant to be (not saying that that’s what will happen, I’m just saying — be prepared for all possible outcomes) good luck, girl!

136. NP - August 26, 2011

I am an aquarius male (extremely typical) and I think that this blog is very interesting.

I can clearly say one thing. Discuss the matter all together girls. Believe me it would be better than discussing with aquarius guys. Because all the aquarius stuff you mentioned within your complaints are so logical for me :))



lynn - September 1, 2011

why aquarian like to play that way?why they like to confuse someone who cares for them?how to know whether they like or dislikes someone?it just so hurt when someone u really love treat u badly.he said he already with someone else but i noticed he stalking me,keep calling me,asking my help.or he just used me?This is so crazy.i hope that i can forget all that happened to me but he still in my head.damn..and why it is so hard to forget ths guy?i never felt like this b4.i feel so bad..:(-

137. G - August 31, 2011

I am going absolutley CRAZY. I am a Gemini whose been with an Aquarius Man for 4.5 years. We got into a disagreement two weeks ago, and BAM. hes disappeared ever since. He wont read my BBM messages, reply to my emails or even answer my phone calls. and it wasnt even THAT big of a disagreement. I know he loves me a looot. but he always disappears and then POPS back into the picture when he see’s fit. I have now been ignoring him for a couple days- no contact.. i plan on not msging him until he txts me or messages me first. THIS IS FRUSTRATING. its draining my energyyy.. HELP. what should i do .. why are AQUAS LIKE THIS!!!!!! u love someone sooooooo much yet u ignore them????????

138. kendra - September 1, 2011

Ok Aman, after reading most of these posts, many of which are carbon copies…”he came on so strong and interested at first then fades off…disappears for days/weeks at a time, whether from arguing or no reason at all”. I think the most penetrating question overall is: when they disappear how do you know if the reason is because they are done or they simply need time alone (beside the obvious, if they are still interested you will hear from them again at some point)? And is it best to let them fade away without contacting them, does that aggravate their “alone” time or intrigue them? Also it seems many of these guys have time managment issues or have no sense of time ( in other words disappearing for 2 weeks doesn’t enter their mind)…is that true?

139. NP - September 6, 2011


i am sure Aman can give a very good answer. but you said you read all the posts and they contain some replies to your questions. by the way i never seen a website which is describing aquarius male like this, almost perfect picture. my replies:

they can disappear. personally i did many times in my life. from outside really hard to know why, because generally no trace is left as an attitude. it is not because of the females they love. i do not know how to give a good reply for this but, with love they wake very strong feelings up and almost in all of the cases there is a strong inner part for them. they use this part for everything but especially when they need to evaluate people, events or even themselves they put their spirits into air and look around from there. and they do it very easily. that’s why they are so objective to the things happening around or to the people.

it will not be a very good description but let me open this with a simple example. imagine that you are eating too much and people around you make compliants for this. if you think with your current feelings you can say that it is normal because your stomach wants to do it. these guys have always idealistic rules (moral, religious or disciplined, coming from the inner side) and they look at the case with it like reading from a third party. the issue is, of course they are not perfect beings. but even if they eat too much they can describe it clearly as a mistake. this characteristic has a side effects too. this looking needs learning so many things and it is hard to focus on specific aspects in life. for example they may go to the courses to play an instrument but they would be bored after some time. they try to learn foreign languages but they can become lazy after some weeks. if you inspect them you may find one or maximum two things which they are really dealing with. but incedible amount of mostly unimportant other things lay beside. in short they are perfect candidates for who wants to be a millionaire show. they can talk about so many things and they are extremely good commentators. sometimes they use their humour so efficiently if the other part does not understand what they talk about.

but for love this is not very simple as the others. because they should challenge their entire life for love. i said that they evaluate themselves too but this is not for their most inner part. they were born with this core element and they are pretty sure about its value for them. when they fall in love their entire balance is gradually shaken.

why? they think that love is the most original ting in this life. imagine that how many things in this life can fit their idealistic and humanistic nature. and if you go further by one step up how many things could be shared within the sphere of these values. only two or three perhaps. and definitely love has a special value among them.

if we turn back to the point; we can say that sometimes activity of loving you is more important than loving you personally. it is a mechanism to escape to protect this inner core and for that reason they put lots of dreams around you and your life. they select several music pieces describing you, they suffer to buy and select clothes and perfumes or they write poems which is not submitted you most of the times. most of the other aquarians i know tell that they are natural born platonic lovers but actual reason is again this core thing. the reason is simple: they believe that in love they need to share everything and it should be completely honest. but are they ready to share their inside?

why this core is so important? first, i guess for this ability to evalute i mentioned above. second, it is their survival kit. even if i put myself into a small room i can feel myself away like in a boat cruising in the ocean with the help of this. only a song can save my entire day or even a week, and a good and funny short conversation with my friends can fill up my energy for a month. for me it is clear that despite his great talent, Mozart could not compose his masterpieces if he did not look at his core, because the other guys were just cloning each other. there are movements in cinema called Fellini movies, movie images named James Dean, new ideals from A.Lincoln, trailblazing thoughts of Galileo, novels of Charles Dickens and Jules Verne, and inventions of Thomas Edison. contrary to the common beliefs, i think that they did not make these things because they are simply aquarians. they did because they combined their talents with their inner energies. without talent it could not work.

as they are not cloned copies they also have different sub-characteristics. if you ask me the only way is to reach this inner part and try to understand them. it is hard, but not impossible if they are important for you. the only factor you need to define their status at first. some of them alrealy gave up to think this possibility of change and it is almost impossible to convince them for it. these poor aquarians put sufferings into their spirits and live with them (you may be sure that it is not easy to see that from the outside). but some of them still carry potential to modify their lives for a real love. your guy is which one of these, you will decide.


140. kendra - September 6, 2011

Dear NP, Thank you so much for your beautiful explanation. I have read it several times and understand something new each time. I believe his status is great interest in me and yet I also wonder because of the continued disappearing for 10-12 days after each date. You said “if you ask me the only way is to reach this inner part and try to understand them. it is hard, but not impossible if they are important for you.” I find learning about his inner self is made difficult due to the great lapse in time between our meetings ( like “40 first dates”). Also he enjoys asking about me, but avoids answering questions about himself….so how do I best go about learning his inner self so that I can understand him better? I have not put any time constraints on him or bothered him during these fade away times (though it has brought me great confusion). I just try to enjoy our times when we are together.

In appreciation,

141. NP - September 6, 2011

Dear Kendra

seems that you passed the first instance. he still preserves his hopes for this relationship. you said you did not put any constraint on him and that makes him close to you. i know, when we think about time intervals you may question this, but it is so.

aquarians are not strict observers for details in life, but their brains are like recording hidden cameras. you know, some people can point a specific object in the streets very easily. instead, they can indicate a situation or a place. most of the times they are lost with scenes they like. for being practical, if you say in a moment that you are suddenly bored, do not expect a healing reply without reasoning. just because it is not easy to see the reason behind it for them. but you may rather say that you can do something better together, because bla bla, he can share his thoughts more quickly.

i am sure that you have dreams for your life, joyful and not all ordinary dreams. try to share them. never think about their values in front of him, just share. you may never guess the reaction as they may have different visions. believe me he would be very happy to see a natural person besides, e.g. talking about her childhood mistakes and laugh about them, so convincing him to talk about the same sort of things without asking directly.

and he should feel that you are not close to him for your happiness in a classical approach. as the aquarians may see the society in a clear way, he can think that another man could do the same, so why he is special to you. he would understand it with one single proof; you like him because you want to share, adding him while getting from him, without any calculation inside of your brain and without any formal forecasting within your heart. this is not an engineering plan, 6 months of drawings then the outcome comes, but rather a natural event, that occurs, this combines, the other one adds, then the result is our wonderful natural physics. but attention! this is not constituted from something solely romantical. romance+friendship+sharing+humour+even crying when it is real. but one point is arising here. how and when? hmm.

e.g. again; for most of the people a romantic dinner is the entire time spent in a good restaurant, with good music and food, well dressed couples, and full of romance. *beep* this is not always the case for aquarians. in fact in most of times it is not the case. you go to the restaurant with your fine dress, everything is romantic and music and food is good, ok. but after a while you may also tell your day to him, you can make jokes together and even you can share your problems. because he goes there with full romance and the atmosphere is enough for him to feel it. most importantly: your presence ! but a total romance show can make him stricted, imagine that he would feel his partner expecting some modalities from him, he can miss the whole party. in fact his romance is beyond cliches, we can say that if he loves you it may include your dirty socks too.

i hope this can help


kendra - September 6, 2011

Thank you so much NP, you are a very generous person! So basically, continue to do what I am doing, having fun when we are together, being myself, not worrying about his disappearing acts/know that he continues to think about me, but don’t push romance or partnership? Of course he has had previous lovers, of which I believe he remains “friends” with many of them. This is a bit concerning for me, as I sometimes wonder if he is spending time with any of them when he has withdrawn from me. Yet I don’t feel it is my business if he does see them, but like anyone it would be nice to feel “special”. Your comments have come so close to who I see in this man, it is almost as if you know him personally!

appreciate all you have taught me,

142. NP - September 7, 2011

no problem Kendra. i wrote with my deep observations. good luck to you with this relationship.

as a final word, something from myself. completely independent from your relation and your partner, believe me that there is no relevance with you and him. everyone has a different life journey.

i wish i were not be an aquarius 🙂


143. kendra - September 7, 2011

Dear NP, I am happy you are an aquarius 🙂 you opened my understanding and for this I wish you great blessings, thank you ever so much. I am unsure what you mean by there is no relevance with me and him? I do understand we each have our own journey, and perhaps that is why I am so attracted to him. I have always been an unpatient person by nature, and I believe the life lessons I have learned (as difficult as many of them have been) may have been leading me to him….so I could have the patience I need to help us find our way…whatever that turns out to be. I am curious, how old are you and where do you live. I hope you find great happiness!

144. NP - September 7, 2011

Dear Kendra

thanks for your comments. don’t worry i will not hurt myself of course 🙂 i just wanted to make sure that my wails about to be an aquarian should not be confused with all the other aquarians guys. because some people can derive that all of them feel like this. i came this conclusion with my personal life path entirely.

do not wait for him to conquer your inner feelings. inject them day by day with smart conversations. in fact i feel that you already do this.

all the best for both of you. byes.


145. kendra - September 8, 2011

so many mixed messages without any concrete communication, disheartening and angers me at times because of the continued patience I have displayed. Thinking maybe it is not worth all this effort for such little return 😦

146. shine - September 12, 2011

Hey everyone 🙂
thanks Aman for your effort on making this blog allowing us to get random tips about aqua men.

I have got a question about a situation with my aqua man, i would appreciate any help.

its been a year now since we are together but lately i thought hes not that interested while he was busy planning a thing for the 2 of us for my birthday.
I have mistaken his business with ignorance. so i left on a trip with my best friend just before my birthday, he got so mad and sounded so hurt that i ruin his plans that took him so much effort.
I sincerely apologized but he didn’t feel like talking to me. he kindly wished me a happy birthday because he didn’t want to ruin the day for me but seemed lifeless and disappointed. am not sure what to do now, i never seen him like this before, any ideas? :/

Thanks in advance. ^^

Aman.... - September 14, 2011


Well, it would hurt an Aqua guy to its limits when he would see that for something he has worked so hard, not for himself but to make you smile, it has been wasted. Have been there, done that, so I know that it must be really important for your guy to do all that for you and when he saw, that you just forgot about it, it would had hurt him beyond limits. Still, not all hope is lost since its not that arrangement that did matter to him but you and if he took that much pain to do all this for you, it just proves it IMO!

To get back him, well, patience is the answer of it and showing a lot of love and a true expression of apology would is needed. If all what you have said is a simple “I am sorry”, it wouldn’t do much. Tell him that you really mean, show it to him through your eyes while saying it and he would be fine. Do something surprising for him, try to make him feel that you take him as important too as he takes you and you would see, he would forget your mistake like it never happened before!

Good luck!


147. NP - September 13, 2011

to kendra:

im sorry about your loss. because it seems to me that it’s kindda loss. feel free about complaining for aquarius men, you got the right (now i hope that you may understand why i did write: i wish i would not be an aquarius). it is not arrogance, but be convinced that i can not tell the reason behind it, because i am such a bastard who did the same so many times; except for unjust females which is not the case for you.

to shine:

you made a big mistake about him, all i can say. the only thing he would not forget is your dishonest behaviour and even if you show an ignorance, he will see them as same. in fact you gave him a reason to argue. are you really ready to hear all those arguments about the things you made? i can recommend you to be ready. even if you make 100 talks he will be successful in all of them. first rule: you can never, and never win an argument with an aquarius male. because if he is in an argument with you he would always rely on rational things, not subjective images. after all that things if you still want to have him, simply just apologise. believe me no other thing can work.


148. NP - September 13, 2011

common Aman. why you did not tell that unexplainable things about your failures within the relationships with other people. i am certain you have, because you post that texts about aquarius males.

you do not have to present a sound reason for them. you know, you already know so much about your innerself but you can not submit any clue for those failures.

just accept that we are freaks Aman, with this world’s measures.



Aman.... - September 14, 2011


Which failures of mine you want me to talk about here? If you want me to tell that whether I do feel this world is a place where others don’t value things or care for things like we Aqua’s do, yes , I have mentioned it. If you mean that its hard for Aqua’s to accept the fact that they are in love, yes its a fact and I do accept it. Failures, most of the time would be considered when you were not able to deliver what was expected from you and so far, I have tried to overcome this failure of mine always. I have tried to bury the curse of being an Aqua as much as I can (yes, I am aware about it) but if you are asking me to accep the mistakes done by someone else and consider it as my own failure of a failed(and painful relation of many years), no , I can’t accept it NP as my own fault!

I am not sure that I shall call myself a freak NP, cursed yes, but not freaks. Ability to think beyond others , having a memory to scan and remember things, having a perception about things, which can be different but not out of this world, are not so-bad things IMO. Yes, we are cursed to never have a peace of mind/heart and I really wish for it that something could be done but I guess, we need to find some way to get it like I did, I got into a profession which doesn’t let me sit idle(Computer softwre) and traveling , so even if I am not at peace, it doesn’t come to my mind.

We are not so bad NP, may not be perfect but still better than many !


NP - September 14, 2011

ok i see your points. but i got a problem with the difference between extreme things.

giving too much value to the people, and also feeling that planets are rotating and the movement of a small hamster is in harmony with it, but sometimes that is not the case for humans. may be you are the most vulnerable zodiac sign with arrogance, egoism and hypocrisy; but you are still full of energy to give people.

i am not saying that i do not like patience, on the contrary i do. but the question is not about the power for it, it is the fact i have seen. for me i am a freak. because i do not choose this duality by myself, it is coming from my inner part.

almost all aquarians i know spent considerable amount of time to match their dreams with their lives. whenever it is the case for their future, they always choose lowly plans. i mean they do not bind themselves with a lottery result or they do not waste their times to be a pop star if they can not sign. but when they see that their easily applicable dreams do not come true, they are gradually shaken.

hard way is trying again and again if necessary, because they are already tired from the first part. easy way to blame other people, life, world and even themselves. i have never chosen an easy way and i know that life is like this. if you open yourself more than the others you feel good times and bad times more than usual. and aquarians never need to open themselves as it is already so. at that point people may think that how this could be, most of them seem to be cold and senseless. this is an outer image at first instance and it is an illusion.

you are in a good mood Aman. you found valuable things to overcome that curse. i do not tell that im in a bad mood neither. in fact most of the times i try to help the people around by telling them that their problems are not huge as they describe, and i tell them the truth. you may know that i can never lie even to make a person comfortable. simply i wish i could be more common.


149. kendra - September 13, 2011

Dear NP,

Cut yourself some slack, please. I’m pretty sure most aqua men think of the rest of us as freaks because of our emotional natures! And I think that is what makes the aqua man so difficult to understand. Like you taught me, you guys do have emotions, they are just so deeply buried…and they scare you. But you know what? Love scares most of us, if you want to know the truth, we are all so vulnerable. And the older we get the more memories we carry and it all just gets so confusing sometimes, yet isn’t that what we are all searching for in the end, someone to simply accept us for who we are? I know you are a kind and thoughtful person NP because you took the time to help me, (someone you don’t know or will ever meet), understand something that was so foreign to me. I can’t begin to express my gratitude to you…

As a follow up to my last entry re:mixed messages. I brought this to his attention, said I’m worth more than that…said I’m pretty cool with most things but he has to be willing to give just a little bit more. Since then, he has said several times that I gave him food for thought, and I have noticed several “tiny” 🙂 positive changes. Do I have my work cut out for me, yes! Do I need lots of patience, yes! But I think he might be worth it. So I’ll keep putting one foot infront of the other and see what evolves. My point is, had it not been for your very thoughtful posts to me I would be in a completely different place. It is only through understanding that we grow! You are a good man NP, don’t cut yourself short!!


NP - September 14, 2011

dear Kendra

thanks for your comments. despite the fact that i do not know Aman personally, i am sure he understood what i wrote completely. i am glad that you started to get the result. my point was; they do not need to leave all behind for this innerself and actually they will not. that’s the point i am trying to put. simply love can survive within this. but on the other hand my argument did not change: we are freaks. i can be a good man, in fact most of the aquarius are good people, but they are all freaks.

if your guy is purely aquarian and replies to your reactions, i am pretty sure that he already calculated every centimeter of your life including yourself. may be you know this U2 song: far away, so close. that’s completely aquarian. at one point he will combine his loneliness with you, then he will be sticked. i would be happy if i can have a small part of it as you mentioned.

we are entering the age of aquarius (or already entered as some say). that means all of them will be more instable compared to common understanding. aquarians will keep their love and faith for life during this stage (or they will be more stronger) but will question their lives more than usual. keep that patience you got and remind more often that you love him. never let him be apart; not from you, but from life.

all the best for both of you


NP - September 14, 2011

and a reply to your comment: yes, love scares aquarians. but the question is: which love?

i can assure you that if this life could be enough for aquarians to show and share their loves completely, not aquarians but other people might be scared of it.



150. kendra - September 14, 2011

NP, ok I consent aquarians are a little freaky…at least the little I have seen!! As far as the love part, that is a piece of why I’m attracted to him. He is so good to his parents, children, friends and I believe he honestly does that with all his heart. We have only known each other a few months so I haven’t even brought up the idea of love between us or even where we are in a “relationship”, and from what I have read you should not bring up “love” for a loooooong time to the aqua man, else you will loose them all together. I am intrigued by him and to be honest he does take my breath away for many different reasons. Because I see he is trying I’m willing to discover more. Anything else you can add to assist me at any time is more then welcome! So far, so good!

151. shine - September 14, 2011

thanks for your replay.
I have sent him a sincere apologize telling him my honest thoughts about it, he took some time to respond and had lots of questions but totally forgave me. It’s such a relief. 😀
should be grateful for his kind forgiving nature. I will never do such a selfish thing again.

thanks for your honest insight.
I know well that am mistaken therefore not looking to argue with him at all. In fact its mine and his nature to avoid all type of arguments in personal things. and it could be one of the few things we share in common since we have different personalities. we are used to communicate, accept, forgive, and respect each other in order to overcome our differences.

I feel so blessed to have a man like him and am truly welling to overcome my bad traits.

love & peace

Aman.... - September 14, 2011


Didn’t I say that he will forgive and forget 🙂 ?

Happy to hear that all is sorted out for you now. God bless and best wishes to both of you!


152. onFire - September 14, 2011

Hi Aman,
It seems as though the relationship with my aqua just took a massive step back. I’m not sure what it is, but something definitely happened. It was going really well, and he was opening up. Then one day we had a mini fight and he told me that I drive him crazy (it goes both ways). Since then, I can feel the obvious distance between us – not like ever before. He doesn’t initiate conversation, but answers when I do. I brought up if something is wrong a couple of times, but obviously that went nowhere.
I’ll be out of the country for a couple of weeks, so I told him if he feels like talking, he knows how to reach me. I know how stubborn he can be, so I guess my question is whether that’s a good move? I wanted to make the point of not contacting, but I kind of get the feeling that it might backfire.
Hoping that not all is lost 😦
Any advice?

NP - September 27, 2011

Dear onFire

Question: do you have a zodiac sign from earth elemental group. If you do not, forget the fight. Because I am sure that he already forgot it.

Yes Aquarians are extremely stubborns, but not for the things non-sense to them. Obviously it seems that you make sense to him (may depend on different things, of course I can not say why you are important to him specifically). This is a late post to your message so my guess you already got a reply from him, clear or non-clear. My suggestion is, do not evaluate this reply with its degree. After these stressful moments they can give strong replies or covered signs. Be sure that their values are same.

Again, if you have an earth sign do not expect a meaningful reaction to your attitudes. You may think that you behave naturally, but he will have troubles to understand them. In fact one thing is lifelong valid for all zodiac signs: best way to deal with Aquarians is to have patience (kendra knows). Let me give a brief example. You gave all you got but still did not get enough. During these moments most of the people act sensually and this is normal. But if this mood does not fit with him he will ignore these reactions. He is a man of mind. According to him he surrenders lots of things, that’s why your gestures may bore him if they do not suit with his thoughts.


153. kendra - September 17, 2011

Carmen, everything I have read about aqua guys is do not, do not, do not
say the “L” word for a very long time, and esp. not before he has. No experience with it, but have done a lot of reading…maybe Aman or NP can give you more precise info. Just have fun 🙂

154. kendra - September 22, 2011

Dear NP, I am so confused and could use a little advice/direction. We had a disagreement a few days ago (geez, he is strong with his opinions, as simple as it all was). After 3 months we have yet to spend any wknd time together, I go on about my business and have not brought it up. This past wknd a spur of the moment cookout at a friend’s came about and I invited him by sms, even said he could bring his friend (who he seems to spend much of his and our time together with). I thought I have nothing to loose by inviting him. 3 1/2 hours later he responded by sms, said he was staying in again, have fun. By then I was home and the message rubbed me the wrong way (usually I would say ok, have fun yourself), but I responded with..every wknd goes by with nothing from you. He said he had to work, I said, whatever, no big deal another time right…then we both said good night to each other. The next day, Sunday, I called him to clear the air (something else I haven’t done, calling him on a wknd), went to vm and simply said, give me a call when you have a minute. Hours go by, nothing. I sms him, said just want to apologize for the confusion last night, nothing heavy, have a good day. Nothing from him all day, then he sms me, good night at 11pm. He calls the next AM, I’m working so can’t answer, call him in the aft. and we talk. This is where the disagreement takes place…he doesn’t get my point about never spending any time together on a Sat. or Sun. I decide not to push (I’m not a good debater as I can empathize with both sides), he thinks all is cool, I hang up and want to cry…probably bc he just refuses to see my point, and we make no plans for a future visit. I send him a sms an hour later, say…I feel bad that our conversation didn’t go well, maybe I am confused, I really don’t know you very well, I guess it reverts back to our previous talk (meaning our talk about mixed messages, large amounts of time between visits..which he seemed to make some tiny changes after), but I still look forward… :). I haven’t heard anything from him since. Is he in his head? Has he disappeared for good? What’s my best approach? You know I have been patient. After thinking it all through, I want to tell him…the bottom line is we always have a good time when we are together, so it doesn’t matter what day of the week we spend together, as long as we both continue to enjoy the time we spend. But I don’t want to be a pest or get in his space. What are your suggestions as the best way to handle this?
Thanks for listening….

155. lynn - September 25, 2011

u must have thick skin to be with them. If he didnt call u,just ignore him,if he didnt meet u, dont meet him,if he need space,give him a lot of space that he want.To love him is to ignore him.If he is back,then he is yours.If not,then u need to move on.

If you’re weak,please avoid this man because they will make you suffer badly.Like me,he make me suffer .No other man has done like he did to me.But in the other side,i must be thankful because he taught me a lot to appreciate everything around me,he wake my spiritual side and i can sensed that he is missing piece of my jigsaw and my soulmate (my moon in 8th house in pieces and i have a good instinct too.)but sadly i must admit that sometimes,your soulmate is just someone who teach you about life and once the lesson completed,he will leave you and it happened to me.

Just give them a space that they want and enjoy your life and once he is back,u can share your laugh together again.

NP - September 28, 2011

Dear lynn

You put an exact but brief picture and recommended good points.

I could only say one stuff. You said he taught you many things about life but he left. As Aman said and I agreed, this is somehow about the curse of Aquarians. Because we suffer with this “leaving” part. I am sure that you know this is nothing about you. So many things happen in this earth. If some people feel them more than the others, naturally this feeling can confuse them more than the others.


156. NP - September 27, 2011

Dear kendra

You did nothing wrong, and his disappearing is not about you. I know that after all those things between you, saying “not about you” seems not a good sign, but in fact think about the third way.

Hmpf. Actually he can have more than this, I mean more than a third way. It can be hundreds. Sad that only an Aquarian can collect them by chatting couple of words and after that the other Aquarius may decrease that 100 ways into a reasonable number. Bu even with that Aquarius effect he will not change, I mean he can repeat this in the following future.

Let me be more clear. Think about a picture of a distant and a peaceful place. For example, this place could take him away like 1000 years and he can dream there with your image, so deep. He does not need to tell that to you, he would enjoy it alone. Here is the key point. At those moments even yourself could be a third party to that dream, I mean sometimes he is happy with it on your image, not yourself. At one side this is weird, but on the other side you can feel how his love is deep about you, because without you he would not achieve any kind of dream or have senses like that. And none may love you like this.

Time management? personally I never achieved. I still do not see the importance of rendez-vouses and never call my friends for their birthdays. He escapes kendra. Not from you, but from the shape of this 3 dimensional world. This is the most dangereous fact with Aquarians. You can get feelings from him, like no other one you got before. You can be sure that this is real and it is the maximum you can have from a special person. And this may lead to a successful relationship until the end of your life. But still he will have dreams like this and he would want to be alone for short moments. You can not imagine how those dreams are powerful kendra.

Your approach is pretty good. Again you did nothing wrong. In fact he is lucky for this patience. If you ask me never put a step forward at this point. Indeed put yourself back and wait for a reasonable reply. You will see that he will come back powerfully. You are well experienced, this comeback will be strong but never expect a recovery for the things happened. He will behave like nothing happened before.



NP - September 27, 2011

One more thing. That’s my observation from around. I do not have any clue but some say that we are entering (or entered) an Aquarian age. From this reason or not, I observe that all Aquarians I know are complaining about a feeling of emptiness. They say that they do not enjoy from the things they did before and not certain for the things to find peace. Of course these are the things about daily life, not a special relationship. But maybe it can help.

Kendra - September 28, 2011

Dear NP, thx so for your kindness n love. Have seen him twice since. I adore him. He is leaving soon for several weeks n on n off for the nextseveral months. My big question is do I let him know / tell him how I feel before he goes away? Clearly this terrifies me bc of all the questions that will come to me in his absence. I trust your response… don’t have much time to decide. Kendra

NP - September 28, 2011

Hello again kendra.

This is love and yes of course you should tell him how you feel when he is away. My suggestion, do that with clear words. I do not mean your sounding, he can not be focused on your inside if the words arrive like whining. Then if he feels restricted with this love he can put himself away. In short, with this expression/picture: yes you will be missing him but you do not want to make him feel in remorse.

And try to remind specific moments you shared when you tell that to him. We talked about their ability to deal with different things, their brains are always busy and work in 360 degrees. Issue is to force him to focus on your feelings.

For that reason when he is away you may use different agents rather than just msging, such as songs and short videos (sometimes they are more powerful than words). With their huge dreaming capacity these guys have a wide range of musical choices, but it is easy to pick up them according to his state, as I think that you already know the basic timing for his changing moods.

Hope best for you


157. Annie - September 28, 2011

I guess to get advice about an Aq. man I should go right to the source. But, be warned I tend to write novels so I hope you’re in the mood for a good read. HA! 🙂

So I met my 34 yr old Aq guy during a party. We hit it off right away. He was fun and really charming, which he needs to be because of his job (VIP concierge) but he never came off as fake. In all actuality, he’s a real genuine guy. We talked on and off through out the evening and then, he was gone. He text me shortly after he left (he had my number previously because of business) and said the next time I was in town to give him a call. I told him I would but, that I was actually in town for one more night.

I didn’t really get my hopes up but, the next morning he text me and we ended meeting up that night and basically laughing for 2 1/2 hours straight. It was amazing. My cheeks hurt from how much I smiled. Needless to say he took me back to my hotel and kissed me goodnight. We text each other a few more times that night and made plans on me coming back out. I only live a few hours away.

Anyway, we stayed in touch a few days a week. Of course, as time went on it went down to every now and then. This didn’t bother me as novelties were off. Then, I told him I made arrangements to come back out and when he found out I booked a hotel room, he instantly called me and ask why I wasn’t staying with him. It really surprised me. I thought it was really sweat. However, plans fell through and once it was for sure that I wasn’t coming I didn’t hear from him for over a week in a half. Which, yet again, didn’t bother me.

From then on we just had little quick conversations here and there (about 2 months went by since we first met) Then, a last minute trip came up and I was headed back. I called to see if he might have some time to hung out and he said he was completely booked but maybe could one night after he got off. I said that was fine and if not, maybe next time I was in town. I’m pretty laid back as far as being a Cancer is concerned.

Needless to say he asked me to meet up with him and one of his clients the first night. All I can say is he treated me like a princess the entire night. I had such an amazing time. We were with other people and had other conversations going on but he was always near me, or made sure he knew where I was. He was very affectionate which really surprise me because I wasn’t expecting it. Let’s just say it was obvious who he was with.

We did spent the night together and the next morning we hung out with some of his friends and then he dropped me off. I knew I would see him later because we were going to the same function funny enough. There was one quick meaningless text banter that afternoon and that was it. I honestly, hoped I would see him at the event but, knew he would be working so wasn’t gonna be one of those girls crowding him. Especially, while he’s at work. But secretly hoped I’d run into him.

I had just arrived at the venue and was standing outside when I looked up and he was right in front of me with a big smile on his face. He leaned in to give me a hug and a kiss. I got a little nervous because I knew he was working and kind’of let him kiss me on the cheek. I wasn’t sure what was appropriate since he was at work so I thought I’d play it safe. We giggled a little bit about how tired we were and the previous nights adventure. It was a really quick conversation as I didn’t want to hold him up. I didn’t see him the rest of the night. I texted him right before I left but got no response. I figured maybe he was just tired and went home.

By late sunday night I still didn’t hear from him. So, instead of giving him a “WTF” text, I simply thanked him for making time to hang out and how much it meant to me. I dropped a little inside joke from the night before. Just to keep it light and fun. Let’s just say I haven’t heard a peep! Having read everything about the disappearing acts of an Aq. man, I’m extremely premature in my rush to panic since it’s only been a couple of days. But, I have one too many guy friends who say if he did that then it’s done…

I’m usually extremely well at reading people and NONE of his behavior, even the last time I saw him, pointed to a possible brush off. To be honest, my mouth is still hanging open from the shock. He’s just so sweat and this just seems so mean, Can you MAYBE give me some insight as to what possibly might be going on? and how I should handle it? I mean if this is him blowing me off then I guess I’ll just lick my wounds and move on but, this just seemed so out of character for him. I’ve been extremely go with the flow and would think that how great he’s been since day one to me, that, if he didn’t like me, he would have let me down a little easier.

Anyway, if I didn’t put you to sleep and you have enough brain power after my mind numbing post I would love to hear your thoughts!

– Annie

158. lynn - September 28, 2011

Dear NP,

Yes he left me.He told me that he already had someone else.it’s hurt but i just accept it and put our communication in a very minimum level because it hurts me a lot.He came back a few weeks later asked whether we still can be friend like before..Hmm.. .I dont think he can feel the pain as much as i did (i’m taurean) but sometimes after the break up, when i really miss him and cried,he will text or call me (maybe he quite instinctive..i’m not so sure abt this,but it happened so many times..The other thing is when my heart was pounding,i look at front and saw he was staring at me..i never start the call,texting or im ing him because i think it’s not worth to chase him since he already with someone else

We still frens but not close like before.previously,we always share every stories,we laughed and teased each other,texting and ym ing everyday.we shared common interest and we talked and laughed together like there’s no tomorrow..and we never had any single argument with each other.it just so comfort to be with him.i love him just the way he is.. the disappearing act?he did sometimes but it i’ve no big deal with it because i also love to have some space for my self and he always shared wat he has been done.he is quite busy with his work and i really understand and i have no issue with his disappearing act.

today,my heart pounding damn fast and i realized that he stared at me.To be honest, i never felt this kind of feelings before.it’s so intense,strong and he still in my heart.Currently i’m looking for other job and hope that i can forget him.Always pray and ask His Favor to forget him.

159. kendra - September 28, 2011

NP, I would never say anything to make him feel remorse or have a whinny tone with him. When I said “questions that will come to me in his absence” I meant…if I tell him how I feel for him, before he leaves, I will always be wondering if this has scared him to the point he may not return to me. As you have said, sometimes the reaction you see on an aqua mans face is not always what they are feeling, so I could never be sure how he really internalized my sharing these feelings. I asked you this question bc all I have read about the aqua man tells us not to share our feelings of love before they do…and they may not for a long time, so we (the women that love them) should also wait to share our feelings. How accurate is this? I just don’t want to goof anything up at this point…and yet I know what I feel is real, but should perhaps keep it to myself for now, with his immenent departure next week???

NP - September 28, 2011

Hi kendra

Actually it is not “showing your feelings first could be a bad movement”. Sure he would like love games. Until: when he faces that something is gonna get real soon. You said you love him so much. From your posts I can see some reasoning behind it. He is an extraordinary man for you because he shows what he got and this is really interesting. Yep in fact that’s true. But like all real things, his negative sides are also true. We talked about these Aquarians strangeness before.

If you ask my opinion, do not feel fear for telling that you love him. Only possible ways for being apart:

1) remorse as I mentioned before
2) feeling responsible for everything about you
3) ordinary or usual relationship
4) an old love, which left very strong residues in his heart, impossible to forget
5) personal troubles; aquarians never and ever would like to infect their beloved ones with their deep and troubled issues
6) being lost in earth; that’s not so common but happens sometimes. finding no reason for existence (should not be confused with deep traumas or suicidal behaviours. sometimes can last up to couple of years but mostly they recover without any side effect. they got ability to shrink themselves when there feel pressure from outside).
7) and if you ask me the most dangereous one: as I talked that before; feeling that activity of loving you is much better than loving you.

If the situation is not 6 or 7, there is no any serious problem. You can convince him that it is still possible to be together and these issues can be dealt with common understanding.

Think about the stars. they are shining when apart from each other. On the time they come closer, huge magnetic fields starts to occur and stress increases. If a black hole captures them together, they follow this path as they have to. This black hole is love and that’s how they see it, a huge thing, very huge that both stars can not deal with the magnetic occurences or stress between them, it stands a minor issue besides this new situation. Aquarians have fear of it, because they think it is good to be two stars shining together with magnetic effects. Two lights can give more shining and the stress they feel is exiting. But they also know that this black hole stuff is inevitable as it is a rule of the universe.

They do not want to loose this exitement and mostly they focus on new magnificient situation, black hole itself. Imagine the other star. The only way to feel it again is to share this new exitement together. Your beloved star is cruising within this black hole now and possibly he is looking for an answer to be excited again like happened before. He is going and coming back between his love and yourself. First rule: never leave him in searching this excitement within the hole. Even if this is not the situation he may escape occasionally, because he can try to fall in love again and again by coming back to you each time.

By the way, I think the nigthmare is becoming a pulsar, a lone and a converted star which repeats its flashing with ordinary intervals.

On the other hand; you know, feared people have two different reactions: one may loose his temper and show it directly; and the other one may stand without any sign, because he thinks that fear feeds itself. From this you may understand that his cold attitude has nothing about you, but for his internal challenges.

I hope I could draw a picture for some of his attitudes. A small test to be convinced about his love. When he is apart do nothing for a while (if he does not call you or send a msg of course). Never send a message or similar stuff. After that period send a short expression, like 2-3 sentences, about a moment you shared before and your feeling with that instant (your feeling alone, not him or your common feelings). But do it in an extraordinary time, like in the middle of a night, 2 or 3 am. Do not use cliche expressions like “I am thinking about you” or “How are you feeling now”. No matter the reaction time; if he reacts in a cold manner, there can be some trouble. If he reacts calmly, even with a single smiling face icon, it means goes well.


NP - September 28, 2011

– fearing of loosing his inner core energy with love
– despite this, devoted to love so much. but feeling that loving is better than love itself, because it contains more excitement
– combining the fear in first indent with preferring loving activity to love mentioned in second indent; so escaping so often compared to other zodiac signs
– after all those things, suffering is so high, love wounds are felt until the end of life.

do you still think that we are not freaks kendra.

160. Kendra - September 29, 2011

No, not a freak..my heart goes out to you and of course I am grateful for your wisdom and time given to me. Can’t write much still at work, but I have sent sms as you suggest with “odd” lines and almost always get positive response.. smiley face or similar. Will write more later. Again, so much appreciation…

161. NP - September 29, 2011

Thanks for your comments. But let me give you one more thing, because I feel that it is time to do that (you know we got good capacity for feeling). One of the elements of the aquarian feature is to be aware of the difference between a natural born attitude and a man-earned noble character. Aquarians act with the capacity from their birth and apart from everything, and for everything in life, for everyone in that universe; they think that this natural born stuff has nothing to do with a nobility, and in fact this is true. Because it was not earned but coming from their spirits. It is not an effort to write, but sure sometimes for expression.

In abstract do not feel that I shared time to write on this blog because I am a noble character or a man with wisdom. My spiritual script tells me to do so, like my trouble in feeling that I do not reply to other posts which asked an opinion from an aquarian side. We do not do that with any self decision, our codes tells us to do so. I am pretty sure that’s same for Aman, but he is a so busy man with Oracle, a good but very time-consuming business to deal for him.

After all these explanations do not think that you put any extra effort upon us for commenting about your affair, I am sure you realised that we wrote when we find time to do so and I would greatly enjoy if I can give little help. Feel absolutely free, and when an aquarius says “absolutely” it means so as written in a dictionary, you know that already.


162. kendra - September 30, 2011

Dear NP, this is a new relationship, only a few months old. We are both mature in our late 40’s. But you are scaring the heck out of me! I have not committed to another in over 5 yrs, when someone I loved… in the end, lied and lied to me. It changed me, at first for the worse, then time passed and I think I learned some valuable lessons. But those ghosts still haunt me and entering this now, with someone who is making me feel ways I have not for so long..well that scares me too. And add to it all this aqua stuff, well honestly not sure I am strong enough to move forward. I do believe he cares for me…maybe more than he wants to, as I do for him but I’m not sure I am strong enough for this…truly. I was crushed before and I never want to live through that again. You tell me not to catagorize, but everything you write is exactly who he is…as I said before, as if you know him personally. I know we are supposed to take leaps of faith…but maybe that is only for the young. When you get older it is so much more difficult. When we are together it is like we have always known each other, like we are one…but the lapses bring me back to reality and I become unsure over and over again.

You have taught me much and for that I am so very grateful. I guess I just need to figure out where I go from here. Do I leap…and what if no one is there to catch me? Or do I stay safe in not letting love in? Very powerful questions…and believe me, I don’t expect you to have the answers. But it would be nice for me, to stay in touch with you.

Sorry for the heavy dose tonight…. 😦


163. kendra - September 30, 2011

and BTW all of your examples, through all of are posts, were perfect.
thank you for that 🙂

164. Shaunda Yvette Lostgyrl-Wyndblew - October 1, 2011

I’m dealing with a very aloof Aquarius, and it drives me NUTS!! Out of nowhere he just stop returning my calls and text messages. I hear this is part of their anatomy and that I shouldn’t be concern. I’m a Libra and I will admit I’m a little clingy,lol but everything was going so well and like that he disappears like he was never there. I’m wondering is he testing me? Will I just lose interest just because he goes M.I.A ?? but it’s been 3 weeks so far not as much as a hi, and his last text to me was he was laying in bed watching the football game,lol. I’m just going bonkers. And what blows mines the most is when we met he said and I quote I am no complicated at all. Like I said this must be apart of his anatomy because I feel like he’s somewhere smirking at me when I text him. What’s a girl to do, If he didn’t want to be bothered wouldn’t he just come out and say it?? I feel he worth the wait but why much he leave me guessing.

165. Shaunda Yvette Lostgyrl-Wyndblew - October 1, 2011

Btw, I write him poetry which I email to him every night and I know he reads them even though we’re not speaking. I feel just bcuz he chooses to be distant I shouldn’t stop doing the things I was doing before he went into hiding,lol.

166. pisces-girl - October 2, 2011

wow, i bumped to this blogs. lol
well, i just want to ask is that normal 4 aqua guy to express his feelings even we just met? on our first date, the very first 1, he asked me to be his girl and that he really2 likes me, etc..
i told him i want to take it slow, n i put him to test to know how persistent he is, after few days he dissappear never called nor text..

167. Shaunda Yvette Lostgyrl-Wyndblew - October 2, 2011

They crazy,lol. I think they are afraid of rejection and that’s why they are so aloof. Mines, when we first met he said ‘if you play ya cards right’ and I’m now thinking, ok it’s a game to you. So me being the Libra I am for our 2nd date I surprised him with a bottle of Chanel Platinum cologne. He mentioned once how he loved it and how he really wanted it but it was expensive so I said what the heck he’s worth it. and he was so overwhelmed I think I scared him off,lol. Because he run and hid,lol. but I’ll wait for his return,lol. I think he testing me to see if I’m willing to stick around when he’s in his ‘way’.

168. kendra - October 2, 2011

I feel so lost. Haven’t seen in each other in about a week. Supposed to get together today, but it fell through, and it didn’t seem to bother him, didn’t let him see it bothered me. Had thought things were improving bc we saw each other 3 times in 5 days…then poof nothing but a couple simple text in a week. Why so few live talks on the phone..that does confuse me? Glad I didn’t share my true feelings with him yet. Why does it all have to be so difficult? I finally found someone I cared enough to let in and though I reflect on all you shared with me NP, it’s still so damn hard to understand how someone can care about another and not want to be in their presence more often. I also think it stinks that I feel like my hands are tied, bc no matter what I do or say I’ll come across to him as some crazy lady. 😦 😦 😦

169. NP - October 3, 2011

Dear Kendra (and sorry for the others but should do that, Dear all)

I thought I wrote everything I know. But after looking all those words I did only a tiny part of it. That’s the main point. I can not describe that into words. Believe me.

Aman; tell us how you manage everyting especially when you are alone. Tell us how you feel not only in this world but the universe when you just shrink yourself for truth. I understand you and I am sure that you understand me (I wish I did not) but that’s beyond explanation and you also know this. This is our curse my friend. Before coming into that earth if someone asked my zodiac sign, definitely I would choose one of the other 11. But if someone asks me after tasting aquarius, definitely I can not choose any other stuff. Clear like a crystal.

There was a movie about time-traveling (oh how it touches aquarius spirit). Our primary guy goes somewhere and his partner tries to catch him to tell that no need for this, as love is the solution for all. With aquarians you may not achieve that all. Question is: are you ready to shoot a moving target. Moving but still gives the possibility to shoot.

Kendra, and for the ones who absolutely knows that you are special to him; your moves can not make him stink. It is impossible. In fact and on the contrary, for that reason they act like weird. The only problem is: there is no guarantee that you can achieve what you want with insisting.

Kendra, I may be his soulmate because you told me that I described him like I know before. No. I just describe his reasoning and it really really needs time to solve him. Why? Because he did not even solved himself. And this is like a life journey.

Practical consequences? if you can, show him that his road is endless because it is not belong to our shared earth. He must be sure that he is limited for all aspects as he lives here on that soil with us. If I were you, I would try to force him for soil related activities; I mean like going to fishing together or making a picnic alone. Be aware that you should do them alone, only pairs. At first he will reject the idea to be alone, but you have to find a sound reason to do so.

But I must be honest that it may not work at the end of the day; because these guys have the ability to be in everywhere with their imagination. And a personal quotation: who can blame them, in particular when we know this earth is like a matrix and everything is artificial. Indeed that’s why you find them cool. They are aware of and feel them more than anybody. If you asked me after all those years, this is the curse we talk about. I try my best to describe this. But not easy to understand. In brief: For sure I am a part of this miserable human community, I am not special in that sense, but I can see them like none can do. Can you put a squeezed toothpaste into his chamber again once I did before.

And for all the comments about his dishonesty; they can not live with it, if it is so apparent for them. One thing for sure.



ps: always stuck in a moment as bono said. bono is a real poem.

170. NP - October 3, 2011

Who wants to live forever
Who dares to love forever
When love must die
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever
Where’s forever anyway

171. kendra - October 4, 2011

Dear NP, I feel I have stirred things into a very sad turmoil for you, and for this I feel deep regret. I don’t know what I will do, still nothing from him… I like to think it is as you say “he is in his imagination” and it has no bad reflection on me. And I so love “Forever is our today”. I don’t want to badger him, I just want to be closer to him physically and in spirit…but only if he wants the same. For all the women out their, my guy does not lie, I don’t think he even knows how to.

NP, when you said “..or the ones who absolutely knows that you are special to him; your moves can not make him stink” ? I’m not sure what you mean by stink..? One last question, if he feels regret for something wrong he did to me, will he apologize or at least recognize it?

With all this knowledge, I still believe I will go with my heart in what is best to do when I next see him. Funny you should mention shooting a moving target as he is a hunter and that is where he will be off to in the next couple months.


172. NP - October 5, 2011


Did you ever try to approach like an aquarius? I mean pls tell him about your problems, and select the things from the stuff we talked here. Yep that can be a lie but then you can say that how you see and understand him. I know that he scares you a little bit, not like a freddie krueger but you are scared of loosing him. If he loves you for real he could never leave you.

I used stink for the word ‘pissed’. If he feels regret for something wrong he did to you, he would apologise. But the problem is the way of his apologise. He could act like a terminator robot from the outside, but may feel deep sorrow from the inside. He could say sorry orally or he could not say any word but punish himself by making himself apart.

Question is: How a fully logical man act like this, and indeed he always behave with his logic. We go back to our previous conversation about his inner changings. Most of the people may show physical reactions but they can still keep everything inside artificially. Aquarians do the opposite. They show nothing from the outside but their inner stuff burns like an exploding volcano.

You do not stir the things for me; because I live with that since I was born. I always look for the place and person I dreamed. When I realized that there may be no place or a person like them, things turned out to be confusing. Because then I understood that I am here on the ground and I need to re-build my life puzzle again. You know, there are always safeguards in human life. When you think to make something extra crazy (such as resigning from your work immediately and look for a miracle) these things alert you and you behave according to your profits. For that safeguard measures I always kept alternatives in my life. For my job, for my friends and even for my hobbies. Only one thing had no alternative: my dreams. Because I always thought that life is like a joke and usual things may be changable, but those dreams are unique for myself. I am telling this because with that explanation you can see his life more clearly.



173. kendra - October 5, 2011

Deat NP, I just finished a note to him saying many things in my mind, (very thoughfully) but esp that I am bowing out gracefully, if he wants to get in touch it is in hands…I have not sent it yet. The reason I wrote this note is bc I think I have made excuses for him (bc of what I have learned here), but I now believe he is “Just not that into me”! I don’t want to be a pest in his life. The reason this past sunday’s mtg fell thru is bc I asked him for a plan on Fri. and he didn’t give one to me, then he needed me to be there right away and I was not ready, so it fell apart. I apologized, but truly it was he who should have bc he never gave me a plan. Then nothing from him. I sent a suggestive sms today, he called me a couple hrs later, he couldn’t get together tonight, he said he has plans for the up coming wknd and made no suggestion for a time we could meet. That means it will be at least 2 wks before we see each other, and we finally spoke after a wk of nothing…we literally live 15 minutes away from each other, crazy huh? I always thought that when two people enjoy each others company they look forward to talking and/or spending time together. This rollercoaster ride is making me crazy and if he’s not into me, then honestly being a pest in anyone’s life is not my style and would make me feel genuinely
sad. How am I supposed to know the difference? Do I send the note or just do nothing and wait to see what happens? He is the most frustrating man I have ever dealt with!

174. kendra - October 5, 2011

and Dear NP, as for the suggestions in your last post…how can I do any of those things when we speak so little and several wks can go by w/o seeing one another? I do try some of your suggestions when we are together and it is all natural on my part…but otherwise there is just too much time in between 😦

175. pisces-girl - October 5, 2011

now kendra, NP, and all others,
I’m having different experience with aquarius guy. mine, he is so attached to me, keep saying he likes me, wanna be my bf, even wanna sleep with me!! he is so expressive about his feeling. but deep down in my heart, i know i cant truly trust him, besides we just met, he also a player in his past. please help me out, is he real thing or he just after 1 thing from me? as he keep saying how cute, feminim, sexy i am and that i am driving him crazy

176. V de Veronique - October 5, 2011

to dear kendra – don’t contact him; you’ve already done too much…i have had similar situations with Aquarius men…you must intrigue them, be a mystery always…what usually works with other men won’t work here, b/c these men are NOT eager for relationship – in fact they run from it. everything you have said in your 5-Oct post indicates you are doing too much. forgive my bluntness but i wanted to save you from sending that note. you must be a puzzle my friend! what is your sign?

to pisces girl – just from my experience? proceed with caution. these men lose interest FAST.

hope I helped you!

kendra - October 5, 2011

thank you V, I decided earlier today not to send it. My main reason for writing it was so he might understand how I see things…but as I said, I’ll just end up looking like a “crazy” woman. I have also decided no further text to him (our main communication). I have been patient and understanding and given him lots of space and all he has done is confuse me more and more. When we are together, it is incredible..then he disappears, and it feels like all the steps we have gained unravel. NP has taught me much, but you are absolutely right! I forgot about the mystery/intrigue part, bc I was so wrapped up in his nonsense. I am an aries…so as you might imagine patience does not come easily for me. I have never dated an aqua before…and probably never will again!!! Has your experience dating aquas brought any good relationships? If so, how long does it take for them to realize…? Thanks again V!!

177. V de Veronique - October 6, 2011

hi Kendra – thats interesting…i’m a cap w/aries rising, aries moon, so i definitely understand your desire to get the ball rolling.

well, I’m currently still flirting/semi-relationshipping with an Aquarius…I have noticed that the less attention I give him, the more attentive he becomes. it’s hard to explain but the bottom line is, we got close to relationship, i jumped the gun, he recoiled, we argued, stopped talking for a while…he tried to re-kindle it, i rejected…now we’re in a kind of ‘detente’ phase (lots of tension, not really war, def not love). Basically he hangs around wherever/whenever he knows I’ll be, but I’m not speaking to him until he apologizes for what he did (long story).

the odd thing is, i think he loves that tension…they hate the boredom of a secure (boring) ‘relationship’. they need to feel you are an intricate puzzle that they will NEVER fully unravel. i am definitely talking to other guys as I’m not willing to wait until I’m 90 for him to officialize us. if I meet someone better for me, it’s his loss. (my loss too, but i’m not admitting that!)

BTW: the above is all over a 3-4 year period, with long absences in between. patience and a low boiling point are required for Aqua men (def not our Aries strengths, but maybe there’s a reason we’re attracted to these rare birds!)

as far as your question (successfully dated Aqua’s) – well, yes with varied levels of ‘success’ (depends how we define that…). tell you 1 thing – I have noticed that some of the guys who were most crazy about me were Aquarius…but it was always those Aquarians who I hardly noticed were alive. Whoever I liked and tried to pursue – always gave more trouble in the end. It really is the acquired skill of seeming not to want anything romantic/relationship-y with them. ALL of my problems with my current Aquarius began when I revealed my feelings/desire for relationship. Now that I’m as cold/aloof as in the beginning, he LOVES it.

Aquarius man: “to love him is to ignore him.” (I read that somewhere, thought it was hilarious!)

as far as estimated time period for your Aqua’s return… Act as if he’ll never come back, and he will. Don’t expect him ’til you see him.

hope this helps – great sharing with you!

kendra - October 6, 2011

thanks V for your honest response, so appreciate it, but honestly why do we do this to ourselves?? Yes, my man is adorable when we are together, adore him and I think he adores me, but I can not see myself being tortured like this for 3 or 4 more years. I’m 51 y.o. with no self esteem problem…I could be dead by the time he decides he wants me..for sure, lol!! How old are you? Where do you live? I’m in the usa and though most men my age want a barbie doll, I think I’d be happier with nada than this for yrs on end…but I think I’m older than you and can accept more bc of that! Why are they so incredible when we are together..much easier if they were simply smucks, lol..but I guess it is what it is!! Any comment NP, do we have any hope before we turn 90, lol?? I have def. decided I will not contact him again w/o something from him..as you said V…mystery and intrigue is much more alluring..but I still wonder why this strangeness has been put on my plate…haven’t I learned enough lessons already !?!?!

NP - October 6, 2011

Kendra (and V)

Yep. I wrote that before. Aquarians motto could easily be “far away so close”. I really understand that you wish for a meaningful and a real relationship. And it should be like that. But again I said before, these guys are semi-earth people (and semi-outer space). My reply to your question Kendra, it is highly possible that you love him so much for this (we discussed the details before).

Aquarians are vulnerable when they fall in love. As we also talked this, they know that they open their precious inner part with love. And that makes them closer to earth in an uncontrollable course. They strongly feel their semi-spaceman stuff and they do not wanna loose it. That’s why I wrote before “they should accept that they live in this earth”.

I can comment on aqua traits, but I can not make comments for the future of your relationship .If you ask my personal point, it is not convenient to wait someone forever. But if you say you can not forget him, this is another thing and should also be respected like the previous approach.Sorry that I can not give help at this stage. Sure, for this moment V has more clear vision than me, because I am an aquarius man.



178. onFire - October 6, 2011

So my gut feeling was right: he was being weird and it was different this time because there is another girl. But this confused me even more. Hoping you guys can shed some light.

I knew him for almost a year and he followed the known aqua traits. Then all of a sudden, this girl appears, and they’re now in a relationship. He never actually said that to me, but I found out. Pretty sure they only know each other for a couple months. I guess my question is: How do you go from being 100% attention on me, to in a relationship with someone else. I’m more baffled by this, than devastated…just because it seems so out of his character or aqua’s non-commmital attitude in general.
Would be interesting to hear comments on this. I’ve stopped all contact since.

NP - October 6, 2011


If that’s the case just kick him out from your life. But for me the only fear is to keep you as the only one but teasing with others for fun. If you can stand as with your words here no problem. If you show him mercy you can get to used to it.

During my life I met maybe 20 aquarian guys. 2 or 3 of them were really bad spirit. Some call them bad seeds for society or some say just jerks. Before binding everything to zodiac signs I suggest you make a test: does that guy is a bad seed or not. If he is not, then you can get into another dimension.



onFire - October 7, 2011


Keeping him around is not an option. I cut him off because there’s no way I’m tolerating this. And he wasn’t very communicative either when things got more serious with this girl I guess. It all changed in a matter of a week :S

I’m just shocked that there seemed to not have been any game playing with this girl and it all happened very fast. Maybe I’ll just never understand.

179. NP - October 6, 2011

I found that on the net. The only problem with it is to see aquarians in a category. The rest is absolutely true:

“As an air sign and mental by nature, you thrive on the strength of your ideas. Is an idea invisible, insubstantial? Not in the hands of a determined Aquarian. You’re a fixed sign, and you get quite stubborn about things in general and ideas in particular. In fact, you use ideas to change history, to build nations and to fiddle boldly with the knobs and dials on what is commonly accepted as “human nature” itself. Just look at this list of Aquarians who took a notion: Abraham Lincoln, Horace Greeley, Frederick Douglass, Thomas Edison, Jules Verne and Betty Friedan.

Inventiveness is your sphere of operations and one of your great strengths. The cosmos trusts you to stick with an idea until it takes shape in time and space. And so the cosmos shares its secrets with you. You don’t mind being laughed at, and this is a key Aquarian strength, since sticking with an idea usually requires a great deal of refusing to listen to those who don’t believe in it. Your hard-headedness is one of the strengths that you enjoy most about yourself. Stubborn adherence to an idea or loyalty to a cause or friend exhilarates you. The more folks try to talk you out of it, the more you will stick to it, even if it means you’re the only one who does.

You’re far from a loner, though. In fact, your talent for platonic friendship is considered one of your greatest strengths. Revolutionary spirit is a great strength for Aquarians, even if you don’t go out and fight for a cause. You do not fear change. You may live the most humdrum life right up until fate throws some curves at you. That’s when the innate strength of your sign comes through. Aquarians, you sense an opportunity for rapid growth of consciousness. You are inspired and eager to meet the challenge. Instead of feeling singled out for misfortune, you feel chosen. You seem to be hearing a guiding voice, seeing a guiding light in the turmoil that appears to others to be chaotic and hostile. Your magic preceptors are interpreting the present events as coordinate points from which to navigate to the bright future that you see developing.

If your adversary is an Aquarian, they will first do everything possible to talk you over to their side. They will take you to lunch and try to get you to see “reason.” Aquarius is so convinced that they are right they feel you ought to agree with them. They really believe that what is good for them is good for you, too. Besides, Aquarians are fully confident of their ability to win your friendship and thus take the sting out of your opposition, even if they can’t bring you to their own way of thinking.

Should you prove to be completely “unreasonable” (anyone who disagrees with Aquarius is misguided, in their eyes), Aquarians will campaign against you very democratically. They are essentially political animals. And unless they are so far ahead of their time that others cannot identify with their position, Aquarius will win.

Aquarian weapons are logic (their own special brand of charisma, humor and the ability to bring people together for the cause). They will not use behind-the-scenes manipulation or smear campaigns. Campaign advisors to U.S. presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson despaired, as he refused to let them use the commonly accepted political “dirty tricks” that these “realists” thought were the only way to win. In the end, Stevenson was not elected president, but as leader of the Democratic Party, his idealism was an elevating influence that deeply affected the political climate of the nation. Aquarians are used to being so ahead of their time that they cannot be readily understood or easily elected to office. But they know that the issues they force others to confront are the food for thought that will nourish the growth of conscience and enlightenment. They introduce the future into today.

Aquarians are, in their own way, the ultimate elitists. They will not live or fight by any standards other than their own. Though you may try your best to alter an Aquarian’s opinion, that little smile on his or her face is an indication that they at least made you think about their side of things.”

180. kendra - October 7, 2011

Dear On Fire, I am sorry for your loss. I’m sure it is quite shocking for you to have this happen so quickly w/o warning. This is one of the questions I have wondered with aqua men: how are the women who care about them supposed to know the difference btw giving them their space and time so they will come back to you refreshed and renewed vs they are off conquering new women?

Dear V, I wish you the best. You are lucky to know he is there where ever you might be, so it is easier to ignore him. When they simply disappear out of our sight, it doesn’t really matter that we ignore their absence (as long as we don’t try to communicate with them) bc they are gone from us for however long…. I hope your man smartens up enough to see what he is loosing and does whatever it is you need him to do or say! Thanks for your advice, it was right on!

Dear NP, thanks for the continued education. Funny how a grown, educated woman can turn into a puddle…ahh, but I have taken my power back and I feel stronger. During our last phone conversation a couple days ago, he made tentative plans with me for tonight. I decided then, I was not going to put much faith into this. And imagine this, didn’t hear from him today/tonight and I’m ok. Like the saying goes, “to love them is to ignore them”! I’d like to think he is off doing what ever scattered things he does, and is not off with someone else as On Fire found out the hard way. But if he is, there is nothing I can do…so I just go on enjoying my life and see what evolves. Tough for all of us..but my saying “it is what it is”!!

Peace and blessings to all.

181. NP - October 7, 2011

One note: Your sufferings about aquarius men reminded my deep problems with the women of earth sign. After some experience I realized that it is impossible to live with a woman from this elemental group, in particular Virgo and Taurus. I know some aquarius guys who are making fine with these women. But one fact is apparent, they are so sticked on the earth related facts of life for me. In short I can understand your situation.

182. V de Veronique - October 8, 2011

haha dear NP!!! – you make me laugh- i am an Earth sign (capricorn) & I know what you mean…
but I know it can work bet Earth signs & Aquarius…, depending on the chart of the people involved (the planetary placements @ time of birth)…
hey i thought Aquarius were supposed to believe everything is possible?

dearest Kendra – well, i thank you for your kind wishes, and i wish you all the best in love too.
“my” (he really doesn’t belong to anyone but himself) aquarius disappeared for 6 months before i saw him again…and previously for shorter periods…he comes & goes at will…i am under 50, but i know that the heart has no age, so i don’t think you should feel that you should have outgrown the need for love…i think that we humans feel that from birth til death – so why should you feel ashamed of feeling something that is so natural?

you watch – the minute you forget him, he’ll be back! just keep living your life…look for someone else..and when he re-appears, treat him as if he were just a mildly interesting experiment…distant & aloof, like a scientist dissecting a worm hahaha…

keep us posted…to love him is to ignore him…

lynn - October 9, 2011

“the minute you forget him, he’ll be back”..this happened to me too…hahah..funny weirdo aqua..the time i decided to avoid him,then he will appear and make mess again..lol..

lynn - October 9, 2011

maybe this is the craziest thing happened to me..

Sun Sextile Moon
Sun Conjunction Venus
Sun Opposition Jupiter
Sun Trine Uranus
Sun Trine True Node
Moon Sextile Sun
Moon Sextile Venus
Moon Trine Jupiter
Moon Trine Saturn
Moon Opposition Uranus
Moon Sextile True Node

taurean met weirdo aqua..lol

kendra - October 9, 2011

Dear NP, I think it is unfair for you to say that. We all deserve a chance, right? Regardless of our sign, color, makeup..! Just a week or so ago, you were telling me it was ok to tell him how I feel…too late, he disappeared, probably to my benefit!! As much as you have taught me about aqua men..I remain confused. Aren’t we all ppl walking this earth alone, all looking for the same thing..to love and be loved…ya, I know aqua’s are different..but they still want it. Don’t you? I’m having a brain cramp right now, cause all of a sudden I miss him soo much and wonder where he is, what is he doing? I know, w/o a doubt, he cared about me..and bc of this I know I will hear from him again. And you know what I am going to do, treat him like every other human I encounter…not the love part, just the human part, lol. It’s probably going to end anyway, so why not be kind in the end,,,isn’t that always better than being right? He’s gone from me now, I don’t know where he is, but I like to think I’m still inside him (as you have mentioned several times), just wish he’d let me be next to him..probably not going to happen, so I’m getting ready for the end. Like I said, never dated an aqua before, and when this is over I learned the lesson, will never again. PS~he is inside me too, always!

🙂 🙂 🙂

183. NP - October 8, 2011

Hi V

Yep, aquarians (including me) believe that everything is possible. But they also believe that most of the human beings are subjectively acting during their lives. Aquarians have tendency to calculate complex factors in life. In general they are lazy if the things are not attractive for them (I exclude sensual relations, because their spiritual clock is changing with it, so their laziness in love comes from another stuff). But if there is a situation interesting their brain works like a computer, they can make a priority list for tons of things to do and they may perfectly organize people for a group work (for that reason they do not like people behaving in egoistic manner and have no ability to be in a team).

Love is love. But living with someone has additional parameters and aquas are confused when they see something that is not explanaible with logic. In fact this is usual and normal for human attitudes, people are not robots and they got different characters. The problem is, aquas are like racing with time and despite their big patience they usually ignore this subjectivity of people.

You know earth signs more than me; I have total respect to them. For me they look always demanding and if you compare that with aqua traits it is the opposite what they do normally. After my couple of experiences I could find several things in common, but reasoning behind this similarities is not always the same.

For example, most of the times earth signs make zooms to the things they want to live, I mean they can find plenty of points in a place interesting to them before going to a vacation there (like aquas) but they are not bored of doing the same things with the other people. If the aqua also wants to go there definitely it is not for doing those package tour activities, instead aqua can spend 12 hours in a cave near the seashore and watch the sand and waters while drinking vine. Of course there are exceptions but this is a general example to tell the situation. Imagine that although I am atracted to computer games so much, sometimes I feel disturbed because I know that some people designed it and I feel excitement with this.

Because this universe, this earth and this nature have so much wonders. Of course we have to work and make money to live and we have to use laundries, cafes and supermarkets to make our lives easier. But there is always a part in our brains and spirits that belongs to us. God has always mysterious ways and we can not see them if we look at this part like we do in our usual daily lives.

On the other hand I agree with you, it is about the charts and it can work as I know some fine examples. For me? I am an aqua; one astrologist looked at my chart and told me “you can not be an air element more than this” 🙂

Another thing I agree is your recommendations to Kendra. Definitely an earth sign who has the same experiences can see that situation better than me.



kendra - October 8, 2011

Dear V and NP, I continue to hang in there 🙂 Haven’t talked to him in a week, haven’t seen him in 2 wks…most important I have not sent any communication to him…which for me is huge. Funny on our first date one of the first things he said to me was “always honesty, right?”. I now see there are different degrees of honesty. Ex. if you care about someone, then disappear on them w/o explanation or no plan for another date…well, that could be considered dishonest (regardless if you are only in your head during all that time). Or, if you haven’t seen someone you care about in several weeks, then act completely nonchalant when they next call (when you truly are feeling excited, confused…) that is another degree of dishonesty. Because I prefer being completely upfront with people, it will be difficult for me to act only mildly interested when he finally reappears..but I trust you both..and if that’s what it takes, so be it. To be honest V, not sure I could handle 6 months lol! Question: when he does reappear, is it better to wait for him to suggest a plan for us to meet or should I make the suggestion? I’m sure I already know the answer, but was curious for your input(s). Though I do care for him (very much), if someone else interested me I would spend time with them as well, not to make him jealous, but to expand my life. Unfortunately, no one has touched me in the way he has in quite some time…but I’m putting it out their to the universe :). Oh and NP, I am an aries so patience is not my virtue, but as you have seen…I’m working on it!!

184. kendra - October 8, 2011

one other thought NP, when aqua men reappear..what brings them back to us? I know you have said many times we remain in their minds/thoughts while they are gone, but what is it that brings them around enough to contact us or want to see us again???

NP - October 8, 2011

I knew that I will confront that question sooner or later 🙂

Kendra. Why did you stick on this aqua guy; I know you are a sensible person. I know why but it makes me sick in fact. However that sickness has nothing about you; because after all years now I believe that aqua guys should stay alone. But this is another story.

When? When he lands on the earth he will come back to you again. I am not making a joke, this is the situation. I see that you can not wait for this time. I understand this, because there is no guarantee to wait at the end. Then you have to hit him. Hit with the things aiming at his heart and spirit. At this moment you should act in a strict way. I mean, you have to balance two things:

If you bore him (in his mind of course) definitely he will leave. Because he can suffer this loss himself. That’s meaningless. But it is a fact. If you give a message that you are always on his side hee will do the things same as before. My suggestion is to do between. If you ask me, the only way is to send questioning messages but they should not be like a possession. Funny that possibly he already made so much dreams about you; but if you give the image of possession you will loose.

Show your awareness by indicating his false movements. Do that with short messages like “so, I am the person who will accept every move of you because I do not have a life except waiting?” This is the time to do that.

But I am sure V would give more than me.


kendra - October 9, 2011

Dear NP, I’m actually becoming pretty cool with the whole waiting thing. Why did I stick on him…hmmm, let me explain, something that is inexplainable. I told you before I was in a relationship that ended 5 + yrs ago. Since then, I have dated..some nice guys, mostly whakos! But not until I met him did I feel what we are supposed to feel when you meet the “one”. It is truly inexplainable. Maybe he is not the “one”, maybe he is simply another lesson for me to learn. But honestly he was all I had looked for in these past 5 yrs. Attentive, funny, honest, the energy seemed to work for both of us mentally as well as physically. Then poof, it all changed and I started to learn about aqua men…the rest is history, as we know it!

I do continue to live my life, I am a busy person with many things going on and many friends to share things with (and btw, my closest friends do not even want to begin to understand this craziness..and think I’m crazy for trying to, lol). It is honestly like trying to date a martian, with a foreign language, orbiting earth. He’s gone for now, he may return, he may not. If he returns I would love if I could say/do whatever the aqua man would respond to, but I’m afraid I will just have to wing it (with the understanding I have more knowledge under my belt now, thanks to you and V!). I can be elusive, but is that really what I want to do for the next 5 yrs with no promise of anything ever changing? For now, I’m cool, it has only been a few months, but honestly can’t see the aries in me continuing this pattern for years on end…god bless you V..must be that earthiness in you that allows you to continue..then again who knows what can happen in anyone’s life!

blessings 🙂

185. V de Veronique - October 9, 2011

Hi Kendra & NP-

Seems I’ve missed some great conversation over here.

NP – Wow! I loved your last response! that’s definitely advice that I find helpful. my favorite Aquarian is sort of tip-toeing around me, to determine how angry/hurt I am…I have stayed aloof, and while he does come around surprisingly often, he hasn’t tried to patch things up really…so I suspect he’s waiting to see if….if he waits long enough, I’ll supply my own apology to myself (on his behalf) and we can get back to all that exhilarating flirting & almost -relationshipping! LOL…which of course I’m dying to get back to that, but again…it’s what you said: “if you are always on his side he will do the same thing as before…” and so it’s almost a dance of wills…which is almost a form of flirting in itself, isn’t it?

Kendra…I agree with NP – just the light teasing should be good. I wouldn’t try to pin him down to any plans, or even suggest them…it’s got to be easy/breezy and with no expectation for the future. as if you didn’t even realize he was gone, b/c you were so busy traveling in another galaxy. Tell him that whatever else happens, you need your freedom/space. I’m not joking when I say to take up yoga, meditation…anything that will get you into a place of utter calm and self-control. vigorous work-out. and for sure, date others. if you find your soulmate in the meantime it’s his loss. And who knows? you just might find another aquarius! these aqua men are maddening but for mystery & excitement, you can’t beat the deal!

both of you, have a great weekend!

186. kendra - October 9, 2011

LoL V, we must have been writing at the same time! I am a nurse, licensed massage therapist, do polarity, now taking Reiki and work out at the gym 3-5X a week lol! And believe me if/when/should this end with my aqua man, I will never do it again with another aqua (sorry NP, but way to labor intensive, with so little return). I think you are right with what you said to NP about “supplying your own apology”…part of why they come back so late, hoping we will be so happy to see/hear from them..they don’t need to apologize for what ever confusion they have caused us. I know that has happened time and again with my situation…except once, when I became upset and said the mixed messages were not working for me..he honestly listened to that..and continued to bring up that talk several more times (clearly he thought about it often)…and even made more efforts to change things up a bit.. but as you now see he has reverted back to his old ways!?! Maybe we should just buy our own spaceships so we can orbit side by side with them, LOL!!

187. NP - October 9, 2011

If you ask my opinion do not get into a relationship with a “typical” aqua again. As a typical aqua man that’s what I tell the people around me, including my aqua female friends. Because they are different from aq. males (this difference is big compared to other zodiac signs).

This is not a universal rule. If the destiny does that to you again, have another approach. It is like doing the same thing with two separate routes. Yes, they may be attractive in so many senses. But when you give him 10 over 10, you can watch the decrease in this 10 time by time. Then just give 0 from the beginning and see how he raises this number. That doesn’t mean you should act him like a pet of course, but I am sure you understand the logic behind it.

I told you about an astrologist who said to me “you can not be an air element more than this”. She was pretty old and she added “uranus is a lone and cold planet, it is up to you to change this”.

Not just a nice weekend but have a good and a happy life. I wish you less aqua days 🙂


188. Shaunda Yvette Lostgyrl-Wyndblew - October 12, 2011

Hi NP,

You seem to give great advise concerning the Aqu male. I left a few comments on Oct 1st and the 2nd. Any suggestions on how to handle my situation. I was sitting here talking to my friend/co-worker who is a Aries male and he told me to just move on, that I’m just in denial but I don’t think so. Everything was going well with my Aqu and I and the next day he just stopped communicating with me (it’s been a few weeks now and all I want for my birthday next week is to spend it with him,nothing fancy just his company, laughs and giggles will do). I still text him Good morning and send him poetry as I always did, but I’m starting to get a lil leary because I’m not quite sure how to get his attention. I’m a Libra and patience really isn’t my middle name but I’m learning but on average how long to you guys play the silent game =/ And if you just want to remain ‘friends’ are you the type to be straight forward or continue to be silent. Is it true you Aqu males distant yourselves to see if a person is really interested. I will admit we’ve been intimate and from the looks of his reaction and mine it was the best ever for us both,lol, so the physical attraction is there, and honestly he’s like the male version of myself which of course is mind blowing. I just don’t want to follow the advise of someone who can’t relate or understand the Aqu male mind. Or allow my insecurities to convince me to give up on a great guy,

#Helplessly in love with an Aquarian

NP - October 12, 2011

Hi Shaundra

I try to give help for their menthalities. Indeed thay are so strong that almost all of them follow similar paths.

Anything about his stops, I made comments here before. But in your case the difference is your Libra sign. Air elements have so much in common. But if you think three of them, Libra has a separate place. Because only Libra cares the reflection of other people which reaches to himself/herself during social interaction. I mean the other two, Aquarius and Gemini, they don’t care about what people say for their stuff, mental or physical image etc. But Libra does.

Problem could be easier if they play a silent game. They don’t. In fact aquarius codes reject any kind of games from the beginning. They stay at distance when they are interested, that’s true. Bu it has lots of reasons and I tried to explain them in my previous posts.

He may be a male version of anyone, I mean any zodiac sign, if they are attracted to this specific person. You should know that they never act but they got huge capacity to understand people; and some say they have a third eye. At that point I should warn you that they are extremely clever people who can feel the other’s senses. But first rule: when they are on to it.

If you are really want to be with him, you have to handle two situations. Firstly, they should be on stage (for most of the people that’s enough but not for aquarians) and then secondly, they should stick on that stage. For that reason you may not be sure whether they are in the second phase or not, because they may not show any difference between them.

As a Libra, sure he would find you ways interesting. But on the contrary, again sure he will not understand your careness for the outer world. e.g. you can talk with people you know in your birthday party, but he would expect that you should choose, or have choices among the people you know and invited there. Otherwise he would be confused. For example; you may say that you want this specific situation, you are not questioning it because you want it so, but he would definitely look for an answer. Do not forget that he will seek an answer, and it is “always”. Never think that he should understand it, because he loves you. Aquarians do that for themselves so why they would not do it for you.

You are Libra and I am sure that you think other possibilities, as you got a wide range of friends. My advice is, never show that or make him feel for this. Instead, show him your air element qualities if you really want him, such as your wide vision and ability to see the world more than any other.

As a Libra you are not a person for romantic modalities so I do not give any advice for it.

Be aware that your happiness with your difference as an air element does not mean anything to him. Aquarius do not need to feel different, because they are used to live with it more than anyone. Oh God, I wish they do not.

Finally it is better to get advice from other signs, if they write, from V or Kendra. Because I have limited capacity to talk about them, it is naturally subjective as I am one of them.



189. Shaunda Yvette Lostgyrl-Wyndblew - October 12, 2011

Thank you =)

190. kendra - October 13, 2011

Dear Shaunda, sorry to hear of your problems. It is difficult and confusing, I know. Two pieces of advice I can give you are:

1. stop with the daily text, poems etc. as hard as that will be for you. These guys seem to have more interest in mystery then any kind of security you think you are providing with the continuous text…could actually be spreading more distance between the two of you.

2. Go back to around Sept 5 on this blog, when NP started writing to me. His words helped me better understand the aqua I care about, his mind, emotions, journey’s (time out’s!), and what it might be like to take a glimpse inside his head. Aqua’s are very complicated, but NP has a way of unraveling it we mere mortals might comprehend…patience, patience, patience, and while you are practicing that, go out and enjoy your life! Best wishes to you!

Dear NP, I miss our fireside chats. You are the best Professor of the aqua man! Not much new here on earth. Nothing from him in over a week. Last night at 2 am I took your advice “send a short expression, like 2 sentences, about a moment you shared before and your feeling with that instant..”.. I sent a sms a with photo of a beautiful evening on the water we shared and simply said “the perfect evening, worth remembering”. At 6 am (which is quite early for him) he sent back “Nice”…as per you, that should be a good sign! I smiled and went on my day…getting stronger every day! In fact, I’m feeling so much better almost afraid for him to come back and stir all that energy up again…funny how life continues to unfold while we are living it!! Hope you are well. Sincerely, K

NP - October 13, 2011

lol Kendra. I smiled because I am sure that he taught this reply couple of times; he tried to give a short but not a cold answer, but at the same time he wanted to write something not so much calm. Apart from the total situation, if he does a similar msging to you that would be a big step for him; at least he will think it is.

V is right, you are onto a good mood. Yep, he’s got a potential to stir the things up, they do this in a very good way. My personal experience tells me so. I feel that I should not write like a fortuneteller at this stage. It is not because I think the situation is good, or bad. Because it is up to you now, you will decide for the things in your life. I was forced to be an aqua dealer as I suffered from being an aquarius during my life.

Just one warning; do not let him to change you into a person similar to himself. I mean he’s got a natural born battery which is endlessly rechargeable. He can be happy only with his dreams and none can expect an exact date for giving up this. With an aqua effect you may start to enjoy the same attitude, I call this “feeling and enjoying the chaos”, in harmony with the universe. You can see that from your environment. Most of the people are always bored of repetitive actions but they do this, because they think they need to do. But always in their minds they want to do different.

As we talked it earlier, “going back for some time then falling love again” could be better for them when feeling in trouble. Do not get into this chaos. Remember that aquarius sign is someone continuously pouring water.



191. kendra - October 13, 2011

Dear NP, glad I put a smile on your face! The reason I choose the pic I sent was bc there was no intimacy that evening and yet it was a very intimate evening..know what I mean!? I waited like you said, hadn’t heard from him in 10 days, haven’t seen him in nearly 3 weeks. And btw, he often responds with “Nice”, so not sure that really means anything..the 6am reply was more out of character. Wondering is this time line w/o seeing/talking to each other typical, short or longer than usual for you orbiting men? This is the longest it has been for us so far. Also if he doesn’t respond (usually after this time, he responds with a call), how long should I wait to send him something else…and if I should, what type of msg next time? I think part of his disappearing this time could be related to letting me down on our last attempt to meet and failed…then part of me wonders is he seeing someone else (always an uncomfortable thought).

You should write a book, lol!!

NP - October 13, 2011

Hi Kendra

If you ask me, never spend a minute to wait him like V said. If he moves then you can re-evaluate the things happened.

I like typical bad guys. Because they show what they are and you may guess their imagination. For example, you both want this piece of gold and you run together. This bad guy does everything he can. It is understandable, isn’t it. But our good guy does not show any sign. I am a pure aquarius, but I supressed it, I mean at least partially (you can never do it totally) and I can say that it is just not fair. If he can not change then he will be alone. But if he responds watch him carefully. These guys are full of surprises.

I can not guess the time of his next message, sorry. But if it will be positive, it will be like your last message but will be more detailed, or at least more deeper in sense. For that reason do not wait for a specific time and run your life. When he does that if you are still ok with him, you may respond. To learn the possible existence of another one, just send another msg. But that time show yourself very well determined. I mean not like complaning, but like mathematically no other option stayed on the table.

Thanks for your comments; but as you may guess I will not write any book or any other thing, I did for this blog only. That aquarius curse which Aman told, took my life. I hurted so many loves, and so many of them hurted me in reflection. I posted a part of song lyrics from Queen here. I did not do it occasionally. That’s the thing aquarians live. Imagine that some of them love cold weather and some of them loves hot. But even for this tiny thing, they can not explain the reason behind their feelings. Because as I expressed before, half part of them has nothing with that planet. But they always look reasoning for everything. So you can guess the tension within them.

People invented the term “cool” but believe me it is a total lie. What’s cool is, sharing something for real and receiving while giving, without any barrier. If that term exists, that’s the cool thing.

100 years ago none cared aquarians or their beliefs. They had to prove their stuff by doing it. Today usual human life is full of boring stuff then aquarians’ difference arised. I know that you are onto him for this. But please be aware that and in fact you already saw that, simply your life deserves more than freakness.

I do not have anything to add to the blog and I stop here. All the best to you and others who are on this stuff.

You may ask that how I am dealing with this supression; I made myself minimized. One thing I am certain, I could not stop my brain which is always thinking, it is like that since my childhood. I decided to let it work like that. I pick up whatever I wish from it. Do not worry I do not suffer for these 🙂 I am very used to this.

Again remember, never resemble to him. And byes.



NP - October 13, 2011


100 years ago none cared aquarians or their beliefs. They had to prove their stuff by doing it. Today usual human life is full of boring stuff then aquarians’ difference arised. I know that you are not onto him for this.

192. kendra - October 13, 2011

Dear NP I will miss you more than you can imagine! Not because of “him” but because of your openness. I decided today not to do anymore, if I should hear from him then I’ll decide where I want to go…after considering it all..who knows?
Thank you my friend.
XOX, kendra

193. kendra - October 20, 2011

I miss the sharing with NP and V, hope you are both well 🙂

194. V de Veronique - October 20, 2011

hi Kendra- I’m still here- just been busy. how are you? any news from your Aqua…? I think he’ll re-surface eventually; just play it cool..they are sweeties at heart, just can’t take the heat in the relationship kitchen LOL

“my” so-called Aqua is away on business but I’m keeping busy anyway with my own life. we chatted a little a while back but no expectations on my end 😐

can’t stay long, hope to write more soon – best regards & keep us posted-

195. kendra - October 24, 2011

You know what I’m wondering V, considering all the comments on this blog..almost everyone stating “he is my soulmate”, there must be something in these guys..DNA, aura, energy, what ever one prefers calling it…that makes a woman “think” they are meant to be with these guys..when in fact it has nothing at all to do with that particular couple, it is what the aqua guy puts out…just a thought, after all we can’t all be soul mates!!

As far as my aqua, ya I saw him this wknd after almost a month of nothing-ness. I do believe he was with another woman, at least one, in the interim. And this time we were together, although he was very attentive, there was no plan and it was spur of the moment. He had a few drinks in him when I arrived, which with these guys makes everything twice as confusing. In the past he has called me a day or two before getting together with some minimal plan. I tried getting some understanding from him, but it went no where. No, we are not in any “committed” type relationship, but prior to this month he sort of lead me to believe we were heading that way. I let it all go and just enjoyed the time together. But as sad as it makes me feel, I don’t know that I can continue this. My girlfriends all think I’m crazy to put up with this, and I have to admit I think they may be right! It’s like “be ready when I want you, but you’ll have to wait until I’m ready again and again and again”. Yes, I have been living life w/o him around, but as you know he remains in the background of my mind. Ahh what’s a girl to do,lol?!?

And how’s your scenario going?

196. Television click here - October 27, 2011

Television click here…

[…]All About Aquarius Man By Linda Goodman-Part 2…. « Aman’s Blog….ANYTHING goes here![…]…

197. Articles for women - October 27, 2011

Articles for women…

[…]All About Aquarius Man By Linda Goodman-Part 2…. « Aman’s Blog….ANYTHING goes here![…]…

198. V de Veronique - November 1, 2011

hi Kendra-

Happy Halloween! your date with your Aquarius sounds very romantic. yeah, they definitely don’t give us a feeling of security, do they? I think that that’s something every woman, no matter what sign, needs — to a certain degree. to snag these guys, i guess you have to appear as if you don’t need that…reassurance

anyway, my Aquarius is MIA — away on business. no news on my end. I’m not letting that stop me from enjoying life (and I’m sure you’re enjoying life, too!)

all best & enjoy the candy! looking forward to talking again soon xo

199. Jessica M. - November 2, 2011

I’ve had an Aquarius man-friend for 10 years and I have been in a romantic relationship with an Aquarius man for the past 20 months and I have to say that this observation is 100% accurate.

My Aquarius man is married.

I can’t help but think that my Aquarius man has “broken the bold,” if you will. He’s somewhat of a womanizer and does not part from his ex-girlfriends. I’ve caught him flirting and talking lovingly to several women and inviting ex-girlfriends to romantic getaways (all the while denying everything).

Perhaps he’s one of the few Aquarius men that do not believe in being true to a woman?

It doesn’t seem to bother him losing a woman who clearly cares for him. However, he will occasionally chase a woman to work things out if his pride allows him to.

The games an Aquarius man plays are menacing and will lie with a straight face to keep you around. Beware.

200. Jessica M. - November 2, 2011

Oops! Typo. Broken the mold*

201. LINDA - November 3, 2011

I just started dating an aqua man and after 4 months he said he is crazy about me and thinks about me all the time, Then sometimes i don’t hear from him and then he seems to get worried and and calls 2 and 3 times a day. Whats with him. is he interested or not.Said we need to be friends and then lovers.

202. Jessica M. - November 5, 2011

Hi Linda,

Same here. Aquarius men seem to get bored often and quickly; they make it apparent when they’ve lost interest and then, all of a sudden, they begin to chase you when you’ve stopped contacting them. They don’t how to treat friends or lovers. They either treat them all the same or don’t treat them at all. It seems like a very immature and selfish game. They’re only interested when you’ve become a “mystery” to them or when they become bored with their own lives.

It’s hard to tell with an Aquarius if they’re “in love,” “in like” or in anything for that matter. They’re emotionless. From experience, I don’t recommend Aquarian males for any kind of partnership.

203. kendra - November 5, 2011

Dear NP/V, the saga continues… Now I’m lucky to see him every 2 wks, sometimes 3 with a couple stupid text in between…I hate text but play the game well and am clever with my responses to keep him interested. Yet when we are together, everything seems almost perfect. Again we are at the 2 wk interval. We had a little text spat earlier this wk. Mainly because we have had “tentative” plans 4 times in the past 6 wks and nothing comes of them…he doesn’t call and the day passes by. When we do get together it is very spur of the moment. So I texted him Monday AM, “if you want to see me then call with a plan”, as we were supposed to get together this wk. Nothing happens. I start to feel like he is playing a cat and mouse game with me and it truly doesn’t feel very good. He always starts his text with “what’s up”. So I send him a text that night with “do you really want to know what’s up? Why do you treat me like a piece of crap…honestly, that’s what’s up!” As you might guess I’ve heard nothing from him since…perhaps I’ve hurt his male pride…ooops sorry…he’s hurt more than that with me 😦 So the question remains: did I blow it???? Part of me is glad to have this over…the other half is raining tears…..

204. kendra - November 6, 2011

follow up to my own question…he texted me with one word last night around 6:30 “argh”, that is his word for thinking of you or nice or whats up. Usually I would text him back and we would end up with another spur of the moment get together. But this time, I did not respond, continued on with my own plans and met up with some friends. He use to call me a day or two in advance and make plans, now it is always “spur of the moment”. So I guess I didn’t blow it, BUT maybe he did lol!

205. V de Veronique - November 6, 2011

hi Kendra!

sorry to hear about the sitch…ignore him. he’s emotionally immature…How old is he again? late 40s? has he been married?

“my” Aquarius came back from his biz trip, and true to form, started treating me badly –last time we saw each other, he was really sweet, almost strangely so…so naturally he’s followed that up with ignoring me blatantly (like, we’re in a room full of people – he literally speaks to & is friendly to every single person in that room…while avoiding/ignoring me as if I’m exuding a pungent odor LOL…) but he stand next to me, gets in my way…and blah blah blah…

I ignored him back. my friends think I should make sarcastic statements to him, etc. but I didn’t bother – I was just friendly to everyone else and went about my business…good riddance-

I wouldn’t text him again – just wait to see what he does…don’t worry about the tears…I cry about my Aqua when things don’t go well. it’s natural. I realize that he’s stuck in an emotionally immature time-warp that he is not likely to grow beyond — EVER. the only thing that might get these guys to budge is to ignore them. and even that — only temporarily, until we’ve let down our guard and opened our hearts. there’s no way to fix this – only they can fix themselves –

I’ll still interact with him, but I’m done with thinking of him as relationship potential –too emotionally damaged & likely to remain so. I’m dating others, and encourage you to do so as well. if a good one comes along, hang on to him.

it’s great to know i have a kindred spirit out there, Kendra- I really appreciate having you to trade war stories with….

have a happy sunday-


206. kendra - November 6, 2011

Dear V, Sorry to hear about your poor return. The whole girlfriend thing, trying to help us…and how can we ever explain what we know about the aqua men…makes us seem damaged or crazy, lol!

But I think you are right in just ignoring them, truly! I don’t feel good treating anyone with sarcastic statements. Isn’t it bizzare how he stands right next to you in a crowded room but acts as if you are not there. For me, luckily, he and I don’t have the same friends so don’t think I’ll ever have to experience that type of aggravation, sorry you had to.

I remember NP telling me:
“Kendra, and for the ones who absolutely know that you are special to him; your moves can not make him pissed. It is impossible. In fact and on the contrary, for that reason they act like weird. The only problem is: there is no guarantee that you can achieve what you want with insisting.”

Yes and I remember NP saying they are like children, hence the emotional immaturity…you hit that one on the nail! My guy is 48, was married for about 14+ yrs, has 2 grown daughters. Has since lived with a woman who wanted a baby, he didn’t so it eventually ended. And has been in several “relationships”…not sure if he tortured them also with all the disappearing acts…my guess, a leopard doesn’t change his spots. Though at times I wonder ( and wish NP was around to answer this) do they get worse with age…cause I thought waiting til I was 90 was a guarantee, lol!! How old is your guy, ever married?

Yes, kindred spirits for sure! I use the phrase with only a special few 🙂 and I do believe you belong in that category! It would be lovely to share a glass of vino with you someday, (oh what the hell, a whole bottle!), I’m in Boston and look forward to that day!

I will not return a text to him. He knows I want a call with a plan and that I think he treats me like crap…whether he understands or not. I will not continue this with him unless he is willing to give a little too…and let him wonder where the heck I am…reverse psychology lol!!

Sleep well my friend, hope that extra hour brings you some peace!


207. kendra - November 7, 2011

PS ~ he just text me “arrggh” again, aren’t I the lucky one…2 arrghs in 2 nights lmao!! Honestly, he is a grown man with 2 adult dtrs and a business…and I get arrrgh…I feel so special…NOT!!!

208. V - November 7, 2011

you see? to love him is to ignore him. still, ‘arrghh’ is cute. i would text back – ‘arrrgh yourself’ or ‘definitely’


thanks for your message, and for the NP quotes. NP, are you out there? my Aquarius ensures that my life is as bizarre as possible LOL
he is early 30s and never married (and committed to keeping it that way apparently hahaha)

yes, someday maybe we will have that wine, my friend!

ciao 4 now

209. NP - November 8, 2011

Hi Kendra and V

First time I am looking at the blog since my departure. good coincidence. lol.

In fact I said they are “emotionally immature” because an event needs two steps: feeling (or thinking) + action. They got the first part for sure. But without the second it is useless.

I will go into deep a little bit further now. I wish it could be understandable. Because I accept that it is not easy. Now I will try to explain the nature of their “inner part”.

Let me give you one thing and I am writing this without any feeling that I am an aquarius. And do not think that I am an arrogant person. They always like to be at the upper level. Let me open it. As a person if you stay at level 3 they will be level 4. if it is 4, their stuff will be 5, etc. Layer means personal position. And oh, they love this.

Imagine that you love him and you make plans for the next week. Their ability to see that world in different perspectives force them to think more than these usual dreams (they think that they are usual, poor aq.s). May be you noticed that sometimes they talk non-sense, I mean they jump from one subject to another without any relevance. Human life needs lines, even if there are multiple routes, they are lines. Aquarians do not have this path, they always got a huge puzzle and and if they see a linear pattern (as I said, even if they are more than one) they feel trouble automatically because they move 360 degrees in this puzzle. Think about it. If you have ability to swim in a puzzle of course you would choose an upper level. For them it is the difference between a 2-dimensional world and a 3-dimensional one (or maybe more).

I feel that I need to clarify further: You just want an apple. You know that to reach this apple you have to get out home, run over the garden and climb the tree. Then you could grab one apple to eat it. An aquarian may think that it is so much to grab an only single apple. Or they do not think the effort behind it, just think that there should be more than this. Instead, they could choose to listen Beethoven 9th, because it gives much pleasure !! Now maybe we gave an answer to another question: why they seem to be so lazy sometimes.

Now we go back to a previous point: Why they are always alone and act like children (yep it is childish to choose irrelevant choices in a group). Again this core element. It is very very powerful (unfortunately. I suffered too much to overcome it. I can not say that I totally achieved this). For me the answer is simple: if you choose a puzzle instead of a line, same comes back to you, a puzzle. That’s karma.

One thing is certain: this choice gives so much freedom to them. For that reason during the history there were so much aquarians who changed the world in politics, culture, music etc. This alien part combined with freedom is powerful of course. They really love them.

Another dimension with this puzzle attitude, I call it “short circuit” (the worst one): almost 25 years ago I saw a full-page Martini commercial in a magazine. There was an empty table under the moonlight and table was in a cruise ship. It was near the sea and there were two martini glasses on it. At that time I liked it so much. After so many years I realized that I did not love couple of cruise travels I attended, the image for a cruise in my brain was never satisfied. Crazy isn’t it? That image hit my inner part so much then I always seek for it. Now surprise is coming. There is no guarantee that I will feel the same when I sit down around this table! Why?

At first look, my answer could be: there should be a music around which I want the most, I should not hear people in the other tables talking non-sense and even the sea should be the one I love most (they can say those things as the reasons and they may believe it, but it is not true).

In fact the answer is more complicated: this table is just a dream. And real tables in real cruises will never satisfy me. But I can not accept it in my inner part.

I call it “short circuit” because if you deal with a puzzle so much, it combines different parts together and you achieve a non-real circumstance. It is like describing a pancake. How would you like a pancake? e.g. good sugar level but also tasty with flavour, etc. But when you increase the sugar its flavour dies, when you increase the other one, sugar decreases, etc. Yep it is childish, isn’t it.

And here comes the concept “shooting a moving target” again: it is not necessarily that this imaginary stituation should come from decades ago. It can be created at one moment, for example during a cruise ship in our example. That’s why they can be non-sense suddenly, and they can not describe the situation because they know that other people will have dificulty to understand (who can blame them).

I hope I could tell the situation a little bit with this example.

By the way if you ask me about their attitudes by their age, it has two different notions. In one part: by time they could slow down to search&learn the other people and the other worlds, that’s negative if you ask me. On the other hand, may be not so much, but they could understand that they have to supress this inner part if they do not want to be alone. You can easily pick up one according to your partner’s behaviour.

If you ask me, never and never wait until your 90s. Not just because of the fact that there is no guarantee for the outcome, but more. If you got a chance ask a single question to them: “do you prefer to have your dreams to the real life sometimes”. I already know the answer. I know you think that they are cool and attractive. To be honest, because they are different and they can change the world around you within a moment. But they have a poison, or a curse as we discussed with Aman. He said “If you want me to tell that whether I do feel this world is a place where others don’t value things or care for things like we Aqua’s do, yes, I have mentioned it.”. You may see the points I mentioned above.

I do not say that all aquarians have troubles to overcome this curse. I am certain that I could not overcome. But some of them did it. It is up to you to decide for this stage with your partner.



210. NP - November 8, 2011

And couple of other things.

Same here: I never married. I did that because I felt I have no right to push someone else on the way of my dreams. It is funny because as all the other aquarians I got a talent for social stuff, I have never suffered for social interaction. e.g. within 5 min I could be a pal with a taxi driver and he/she would help me to look for a tie on the way for a meeting I have to go. How? I dunno. In past for example I made a shy partygirl a star of the night just because I forced her to dance and made her be a part of the others enjoying the night.

Kendra, ignore him as V said. You mentioned leopards. Same. They have natural ability for hunting, but can not be domesticated also. If he comes and asks for a reason tell him what you wanted to tell. Tell him this puzzle stuff and you are not just a piece of it. Aquarians know one thing very well: some could horizontally occupy everything in one’s life. In fact that’s why they escape so often. If he escapes this, he should accept the suffering with it. And do not forget to say the value you gave him, because it deserves to be told.

You know that Spartan movie, 300. More or less they grow themselves like it. They think that none is ignorable in front of the(ir) ideals, but sometimes they act like elephants in a crystal shop. Yeah it is good that they are ready to suffer until the end for the things immoral or unjust; but they confuse those with the things threathening them like real love. It is not same. I mean they can not treat them in the same pot.

In short: sweet illusions or real feelings. Be determined. I warned you before that never and ever resemble to him.

Your time and life is the most precious.



211. kendra - November 8, 2011

Dear NP, thanks for your responses…so nice to read you again! I am a little confused about the “puzzle” you make an analogy to. Do you mean they prefer many different pieces/people/things going on then one linear line, so they never have to focus on one thing too long and can jump to another at any whim?

As I’ve mentioned before, you describe the aqua I fell in love with, so well. Leads me to believe there really is no hope for a “relationship” with him. I now see he is probably totally into the illusion and wants to know (thru silly text) that I’m still there to provide it for him. EX – after the 2 nights of “arggh” text, I text back “yep, definitely arggh” (as V had suggested)…he text back “sweet dreams :)”…this is after 2 wks of not seeing him (and as I’ve mentioned we are only 15 minutes away from each other!) and then nothingness again. When we do get together he always says “I really want to thank you for your patience”, but I still don’t truly understand what/why all that patience is for (except, with all the knowledge I carry now, thanks to you and V), so I just smile and enjoy the time together. I have now become accustom to the 2-3 wk gaps, and believe me I no longer wait with baited breath. I find it all very sad to think there really is no hope, as he will not change his ways, because we shared so much in common and so enjoy each others company, but it is what it is! Just so you know, I am not waiting for him. Unfortunately when you get to my age (unlike V’s) there is no long or short line of men waiting at my door, so I just take each day as it comes. I believe things happen in their own time and I am hopeful that “real” love will find me 🙂 as it will for V 🙂 🙂 🙂

xoxox to you NP

212. kendra - November 8, 2011

Dear NP, thanks for your responses…so nice to read you again! I am a little confused about the “puzzle” you make an analogy to. Do you mean they prefer many different pieces/people/things going on then one linear line, so they never have to focus on one thing too long and can jump to another at any whim?

As I’ve mentioned before, you describe the aqua I fell in love with, so well. Leads me to believe there really is no hope for a “relationship” with him. I now see he is probably totally into the illusion and wants to know (thru silly text) that I’m still there to provide it for him. EX – after the 2 nights of “arggh” text, I text back “yep, definitely arggh” (as V had suggested)…he text back “sweet dreams :)”…this is after 2 wks of not seeing him (and as I’ve mentioned we are only 15 minutes away from each other!) and then nothingness again. When we do get together he always says “I really wa nt to thank you for your patience”, but I still don’t truly understand what/why all that patience is for (except, with all the knowledge I carry now, thanks to you and V), so I just smile and enjoy the time together. I have now become accustom to the 2-3 wk gaps, and believe me I no longer wait with baited breath. I find it all very sad to think there really is no hope, as he will not change his ways, because we shared so much in common and so enjoy each others company, but it is what it is! Just so you know, I am not waiting for him. Unfortunately when you get to my age (unlike V’s) there is no long or short line of men waiting at my door, so I just take each day as it comes. I believe things happen in their own time and I am hopeful that “real” love will find me 🙂 as it will for V 🙂 🙂 🙂

xoxox to you NP

NP - November 9, 2011

Hi Kendra

Thanx for your comments. I really wish if they “choose” those options from this puzzle. In practical terms, no they don’t. And that makes the things more harder.

Imagine that you are in a world, I mean an environment in physics, that you are never satisfied. Indeed you are not demanding so much and you reasonably expect. But it does not make any difference because it is not up to your present situation nor your expectations, you see this universe completely different than the others. That’s the puzzle thing in short. If you ask its dynamics I would say that apple thing again.

With that you may be completely alone in a party full of the people you already know or you can want to escape from a big stuff you designed. One thing is certain. Stars are affecting this sign more than any other.

Focusing problems? yep for sure. But the bad thing it is not because of your partner, personally. Bad, because things could be easier if it were like that. For me the real problem with them: They got the ability to shrink their lives when they are in trouble. Because they arrogantly know that they will be called sooner or later. e.g. Recently I shut down my mobile for a week and I knew that people who called me will call again when I turn it on. I hate this feeling but it will be like that.

Linear things? Yep they do not like them because most probably they already memorize those things. They do not need to live them. They got a huge capacity to understand by seeing only once. But for the moment there is a difference: e.g. a Virgo sux those observations to direct his own life. But aquarians do not do this, even if there needed an action, they only innovate for the others in public. Not because they are adored romantics. The only thing they can do.

I know I try to express so much about them so I stop these analysis.

Whatever he send any message, stay sharp. Let him know that he is the one to change, not you. Yep he is cool, he can jump out into the window and go into the misty forest that you never want to get in. But the question is: what does it mean for you. You should stay in line within your life. With that term, you are making a good move now. If you ask me continue to keep in touch with V.

And real love will find you because you give so much when you are in. You are seeking for a real thing, then a real person will understand you sooner or later. My observations in this life taught me something and one of them is focusing. You are not focusing for the people around for a serious relationship because may be that aqua guy effected you so much. When you get rid of him you will notice that (And be careful not to choose another aqua !).



213. kendra - November 9, 2011

Dear NP and V, I have ended it with him. I thought about what NP said: If he comes and asks for a reason tell him what you wanted to tell. Tell him this puzzle stuff and you are not just a piece of it. And do not forget to say the value you gave him, because it deserves to be told.

I wanted one last time with him to share my thoughts then move on. Because I would probably be 90 by the time he comes to me, I texted him early last night “thursday?” 3 hrs later he sent, “yes, call me b4”, and I realized in those few words, things will never change. Call me b4 what, lol? And I knew I could not see him again, as it would turn all jumbled up, ex. – he’d be late or others would be around or, or, or! So I wrote him a thoughtful and sincere note, including much of what we have shared here. I started with our time together, sharing, sharing and getting stronger together, some images and because of these things I fell in love with him. (I never did tell him that in person). I went on to explain how I did understand about his dreams/illusions/puzzles and lines. That most don’t see this because we are stuck here on mother earth with our feet planted in the ground…and that he is too, but perhaps his dreams are more important than reality…if he ever wants love in his life then he needs to put some action into those dreams and keep at least one foot planted, lol! I can’t be on the bottom of someone’s list I care for…no matter what their illusions are. I ended with, though I understand him, please don’t take this as an invitation to come in and out of my life again, I know he cared too, but it was not easy loving him and it was best for me to move on…and unless something had seriously changed for him, please respect this.

You were right NP, I needed to cut the cord so I can move on and put my focus on others. I held my true thoughts/feelings back for too long. I can not be simply an illusion for someone when my heart is wanting more. Do you think he will understand this concept? Will he shrink and disappear, will he respect my wishes?

V, stay in touch…I’m hopeful to have more war stories to share, aqua man or not!! Thank you both for your wisdom and for listening..it meant a lot to me.

NP - November 9, 2011

Hi Kendra

In fact it is hard to say a definite reply about his next move. When they suffer from personal troubles they enter their nutshells and there they need to find something to deal with, and it should give peace to them. If he is in discomfort for some reason, it will not be easy for him. No other thing can be forecasted atm (if this can be regarded a forecast of course).

For these guys understanding is not a challenge. In almost all cases they understand, but they can not do the necessary actions easily.

There is one cold part within them, clear as crystal: (On the condition that if you are totally separated)
They try to respect every human being (nature is the most respected thing, but that’s another story) but if you mean respect for an affair, they do that only when they are together with someone. When you are separated you would still be respected because you are human like him; and as he knows your qualities probably level of this is high. But I think you prefer to have for your affair.

He should be very confused for now. This may last long and he can think the situation with every detail; or he can find a movie he likes, then watch it with a glass of cognac and chocolate. He can repeat this nutsheell stuff with different movies every night, e.g. for 3 months. Then if he feels OK to go out, that means he got rid of this crisis 90 %. Perfectly surviving life form isn’t it?

Have a break, a week vacation or something with your pals. Then you may look for a new period in your life.

And do not forget to prepare yourself for the possibility of his return in the future, in particular when you are in the middle of a new relation. You should not allow him to destroy your life.



214. V - November 9, 2011

hi Kendra & NP.

oh no Kendra! I am so sad you broke it off with him. my heart just sank as i read your words. but I absolutely respect your convictions. I have a lot of influence of Aquarius in my chart, so I also get lost in those ideas & fantasies & all the angles of the puzzle….but in the end, what does any of it mean?

I agree with NP…on the one hand he might have so much respect for you that he doesn’t pursue you…but I think he will be thinking about you all the same. on the other, he may pursue you just to test how seriously you stick with your principles. if you give in, he’ll retreat again. if you don’t give in, he’ll be in love, but of course there will be no relationship. I honestly wish you hadn’t ended it. on the one hand, I applaud you, but part of me was hoping…you know…that it could go on. I am kind of crying right now; i feel as if someone just broke up with me. LOL. ok- control. that is my Aquarius part: when reality hits, i reject it absolutely.

either way, your Aquarius will have much respect for you now!

‘my’ Aquarius…came back around on Monday and we are friends again. but as in your case, there is no real forward movement. we are both seeing others and it is just a mutual mind game/dance. which i have to admit, i really enjoy.

I have to say something from the bottom of my heart: if your Aquarius comes back after you, please give in to him! Life is too short for principles! if you really love him, then BE WITH HIM! (sorry, there is my Capricorn nature, imposing my beliefs on others. sorry – do as you believe…)

NP – a sincere question: would you please tell me what, exactly, an Aquarius man fears about a relationship? about getting involved? What can I do to allay his anxieties? there seems to be so much passion & fantasy between us, and yet he doesn’t want to live it out! (we are both dancers, so fantasy & imagination is a BIG part of our lives)

My Aquarius always disappears (I can take 3-4 weeks no problem…but he disappeared for 9 months!!!!!)…but he always comes back. Have you ever had a relationship with a Capricorn woman and what has been the experience? I know each person is different, but…there seems to be so much fantasy in our interaction…so much fantasy…it NEVER becomes concrete…i look forward to your next letter 🙂

talk to you both soon

NP - November 9, 2011

Dear V

I had relations with several zodiac signs, but not with a Capricorn woman. If you ask me after those years I realized that earth signs were not close to me, but I am not a good example because I am a very aquarius man with Gemini ascending sign (like a hell for most people). But I should also admit that there were a strong attraction between earth signs and me (Taurus and Virgo in my case) probably due to the stuff about opposite poles.

Yep Capricorns have always good imagination. With that character they are slightly different from the other earth signs. It is same for Libra among air elements, not for the same reason, but for the difference concept. Libras are more closer to the society, I mean they care their image and social place more than Aquarius and Gemini.

Your question about Aquarius men and their status for a relationship. Hard thing is to describe something with difference concepts. If I say yes, they fear, it can be true to you. But for Aquarians fear is something else. Of course we are not talking about Star Trek Clingons, they are humans at all. But with that puzzle scheme they see the things differently and fear has no exception.

In one of my posts to Kendra I told that their huge capacity of imagination gives them so much, then they create the concept “love” in a complicated manner. For that reason on some occasions people are thinking that they are hopeless platonics. In fact a platonic is a platonic, they escape when they face with a real relationship. For Aquarians it is not totally same. They create so much thoughts for a relationship, so it should be different and should contain very few from our usual life patterns.

And if it is so, how they seem to be nonreactive for a relation sometimes (for some people, most of the times). Because when they could not force that dream anymore they think that feeling is more important than living (for me it is a big mistake after all years). Then like in cult Holywood movies you may find lots of poems in his dairy dedicated to you, but when you look back to your relation you only saw little traces.

If you ask me the things to allay his anxiety, you may start to discover his inner part. How? convince him that your relation is not filled with one-sided expectations, modalities or committments. Aquarians have so much respect to love, but not just because of the feeling it gives, but their perpective capacity showed them that there are so much artificial modes in our lives. They think that within love those usual things can not survive, I mean should not survive.

When you show that you are not a person like that, it means you overcomed the first stage. Second stage is to destroy his shield. As a human being they could have created a shield by time, so despite their belief in love they could forget to open themselves when they see the right one. Remember shrinking or nutshell stuff we mentioned. They love to chat with their male friends with couple of beers in a bar or in front of a movie or a computer game. If they do this so long they can easily forget the primary things which were set by them for their own lives.

How you may remove that shield. That’s the hardest point. If you jump into the stage and say that I am here, what are you waiting for; it can be a right expression, but can not be a good one for this purpose. Like my Martini case, it is better to explore his private moments in his brain. I am almost sure that he has got special moments&visions kept for himself only.

You may ask him directly but with wisdom, “you can think that it is weird but I got some moments or visions in my life, it seems they can not be shared with someone, but I feel that without sharing they would be lost. Because if I find them extraordinary, so some other can feel the same. It could be great to find this with someone I love”. His shield may react in a way then he can say you are crazy. But remember, if an Aquarius says you are crazy, that’s a good movement.

Actually I see that you and Kendra already caught that vision and both of you love it. If so, it is up to telling this to him. I know, if you tell that feeling of moments to your friends, they would say that you are crazy, already. But this labelling is different than Aquarians’ comment, even if it is described with the same wording.

One exception. Your partner may feel that you are doing very good with this mode, both of you are happy and people find what they look. At this moment it is your action to pull him into the first phase we called “discovering the inner part”.

If you overcome this shield you may face childish attitudes at first, let’s say from couple of weeks to couple of months. Let’s call it “re-adjustment period”. Then they will try to discover you, seriously at that time. At this moment he can stop his vibration and you may have good moments together.

From that distance I can say this only. I suggest that while doing this discovery try to understand if he likes to be at a distance or not at first. If so, the pattern I wrote could have more chance. One tip to see this: Most Aquarians like those multinational movies like Jason Bourne films. Ask him if he really loves them the most. With that you may understand if he is happy with or he loves the love+travel+non-stucked vision. If so, you may go into the paragraph telling about inner part again.



215. V - November 9, 2011

‘fantasy & imagination’ ARE a big part of our lives (sorry – poor grammar)

216. kendra - November 9, 2011

oh V you are so sweet, I now have tears running down my face..and I thought I was being so strong today! Wouldn’t that be lovely, he comes after me like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman…climbing heights he is afraid of just to be with me!! And if he did this (within a short time) yes I would give it a go..but I don’t really believe that will happen. What if I didn’t text and ?thursday (been 3 wks again), would we have just gone on and on for months like this. I asked him to call me with a plan last week, no calls. And he text back, yes call me b4, like it is just assumed I’m headed to his place…no plans, no calls..I can’t continue loving someone and feeling as if I am always the last call…whether he truly wants me but runs from relationships…it just doesn’t seem to have any happy endings. We seem to be getting further apart instead of closer. It is not good for me to love him and become “accustom” to seeing each other with so much time in between, the only true reason for it, is it works for him, regardless if that is really what he wants. Luckily I have dinner plans tonight! I will be interested in reading NP’s response to you. Hang in there girl, you’ve made the long haul, you can make it a little further. I’m rooting for you!

217. kendra - November 9, 2011

PS ~ the other option is he will think I am a complete whack job and want nothing more to do with me!

NP - November 9, 2011

Dear Kendra

With 90 % of probability you may be sure that he will not think in that way. But we already know that this is not the question. You acted in this manner because you had no other option. Your fears for loosing him is a reflection and none can deny it. But by doing the right thing you will have the right echoes. The outcome could be the end for this relation. Or it can be on the trach it should be, we do not know at the moment.

Never&ever underestimate your own life. Think that how they can be so strong, even though they spend meaningless times for a period they do this for rehabilitation; not in purpose but with their instincts. Show the same pattern. Then he will understand the things better. I am not talking about the outcome of course. Who knows what destiny would give us at the end.



218. kendra - November 10, 2011

Thank you NP, your kindness to me and my well being is over whelming. You returned at just the right time to boost V’s and my own self esteem. It is so true, we need to take care of ourselves, know who we are and what is important to us. But for women, that is a bit harder because we are programed to take care of everyone else except ourselves, lol! New age, new menu…it is ok to be true to ourselves and find simple happiness there. “who knows what destiny will give us in the end”…from a great poet!! (NP) you are a treasure to me, thank you so much for being you! (even if you don’t think that is such a great thing, I honestly do and appreciate your time given to me xo)

219. V - November 10, 2011

NP –
thank you so much for that long & thoughtful response. I really value hearing your perspective…

you’ve given me a lot of food for thought, and I am grateful for that, friend. i will have to digest this… could take a while 🙂

it really is fascinating to explore this mystery of love with you both in different corners of the planet…thanks Aman, wherever you are, for setting up this meeting place in the ether!

Kendra – I agree with what you said – NP rocks!

til then,

220. NP - November 11, 2011

Dear Kendra and V

During my entire life I read few information about aquarians. Our talks reminded me to do so (dunno why) then I found some articles on the net. Most of them fits the target. But the following page is the one I like the most. Brief but a good coverage. FYI.


221. kendra - November 11, 2011

Thanks NP I’ll check out this new web sight. I know intellectually what I did was best for me, but emotionally I’m am still a bit shaken. This AM before work I was on a social network (which we are “friends” together on), I saw him come on, he had to see I was on too, and my heart started pounding. He was only on for a couple minutes and exited. I just saw he came back on an hour later and accepted a new male friend. Part of me wishes he could say “I understand” or “I miss you” or “let’s try to work it out”…but I’m fairly sure he never will…and even if he did, missing me won’t change anything. What I fear most is he thinks I’m crazy for sending him that note. I know NP said 90% sure that is not so, but I’m not known to have great luck and usually fall into that 10% gray area, lol! I haven’t even told my friends I ended it with him. I think they are so tired of me trying to figure him out, or making excuses for him…I just needed to give it some space before I tell them…besides it wasn’t like I would have had plans with him this wknd anyway, lol! But I do miss him, and hate the thought there is no future potential for us…no more silly text, no more very infrequent dates.. So if you think of it, please send positive vibes my way.

NP, one question: do all/most aqua guys realize they go into these illusions/dreams and shrinking themselves?

Thanks once again V and NP for listening!

222. kendra - November 12, 2011

NP I know I’m perseverating…sorry for that (he filled me up and I feel so empty now) but I was wondering your thoughts….do you think he deleted my note after reading it or reads it over again…geez I so wish he was Richard Gere and climbed heights for me. I feel so confused right now, canceled plans with friends bc I’m lost in the scenes and can’t talk about them with anyone (and I have no aqua in me, lol). If I hadn’t been so final…but I was, so have to wipe my slate and move forward. Just have all these lingering questions…I feel so alone right now.

223. V - November 12, 2011


We have some karmic link for sure…I was just thinking exactly that phrase: ‘I feel so alone right now’ and I scrolled down and read your words!

Yes, I can relate…ending it is tough. He of course won’t reach out – he needs space, Aquarians don’t like the emotional displays (in either direction), so of course he’s not going to do the Richard Gere thing. that’s more for a Leo haha. but remember that is a MOVIE. This is real life, and men, whatever their sign, don’t generally function that way. Especially when you give them an ultimatum.

Anyway if you love an Aquarius, you wouldn’t be caught dead with such a clingy sap. …right?

You have to give it time. For sure do NOT reach out to him (that completely undermines your message). Aquarius are VERY proud people. If he reaches out, it will be a while coming. He got off of the social network b/c he wants to avoid confrontation. No biggie. He needs time to digest. Give him time- that is what a friend would do, and you must be his friend to be his lover. BTW: it’s never over if you are his friend.

My suggestion: get some nice reading done about something other than Aquarians, go to the movies, do your manicure…anything. I wouldn’t even tell your friends you ended it with him. Just tell them you are on a break. Have you ever read Christian Carter’s work? Google him – I found him really helpful regarding men. Can’t say I’ve perfected my technique (LOL – Friday night and I’m on the computer!), but he definitely gave me some interesting new perspectives about how men think about us. (NP, feel free to check it out if you’re at all curious.)

Kendra – Hope you read this & it brings you some comfort tonight.


224. kendra - November 12, 2011

Kindred spirits for sure V! I wasn’t expecting him to “chat” with me, we had never even done that in the past. It was my reaction to simply seeing he was on, that surprised me (heart racing) and lingered through the day. I thought ending it with him would be made easier because I hadn’t seen him in wks, but walking away from love is never easy…no matter if it was best for me or not. I have to keep reminding myself why I had to do it, unfortunately all the sweet moments keep filling my mind which, at times, deters me from feeling stronger. Ahh but it is a new day…one foot in front of the other, right!

If you can or are willing, could you share with me more about these meetings with your aqua? Is it a date, do you hug/kiss…or is it more a friendly get together for coffee?

I think you are a very brave soul to realize your love for him yet let him do that aqua thing they do so well, the whole time moving forward with your life. Wish I had your strength and fortitude! Kudos to you, friend!!

I feel certain my aqua cared for me. I believe he felt secure, as he thought he had dissected every little bit of me…and so held me in a special place, as NP has described. I’m sure it came as a complete shock to him to read my note. I know they are proud and avoid the whole emotional piece. Honestly, I carry no expectations that I will hear from him for a very long time, if ever..I just didn’t realize I would feel such sadness over this demise.

Ahh a new day, a new chance. Hope your day is filled with beauty and only goodness!

225. kendra - November 13, 2011

OMG I am sick to my stomach. I just returned to a dating site I used on and off before I met “him”. One of the things I liked about him is that he wasn’t on any dating sites (as I have had bad luck..and met many loosers…). I checked many of the popular sites when we first started dating and he was not on any. Well guess who has a profile on there..don’t know for how long as I haven’t checked it out in months. I feel violated as if I was just a joke to him..no wonder there were so many weeks between our get togethers. I was never anything special to him, just another appetizer on the menu. And what a great laugh he must have had reading my very sincere note.

226. V - November 14, 2011

hi Kendra-

first of all, don’t let your mind play games on you – you have no idea how long he’s been on that dating site. presumably it could be years, months, days, hours, seconds…how do you know he didn’t join 30 minutes before you logged on? or 30 seconds? btw what are you doing on there young lady? (kidding) if you want to be crazy, send him a note on the dating site – ‘hi, you remind me of someone i once knew in another life…’ OR ‘i’m kinda crazy but turning over a new leaf. want to be friends?’
(not sure about this idea, just a thought — it’s a risky idea but if you want him in your life you better fight for him. just know what you’re getting into and his terms are his terms

btw i’m sure he’s not laughing at you. i find Aquarian guys to be more likely to be perplexed than to lean toward ridicule. esp since he obviously liked you too. don’t do that to yourself. if you’re having regrets about the letter, then wait a bit and give him a call or text or try the dating site thing. NP what do you think?

re my interaction w/my Aqua…it’s minimal now, b/c we really only see each other at the studio…we are no longer an item (both dating others), and even when we were an ‘item’ it was much like your situation – very informal and spontaneous…these guys are not the type to be concrete, so…yes, there would def be loads of time bet our get-togethers…

as i mentioned before…officially my Aqua & I are over, he’s just floating around still since he’s in my ‘workplace’ so to speak. unless he suddenly does a 180 (verrrrry unlikely), we’re over…so…i’m pretty much in the same boat.

227. kendra - November 15, 2011

Thanks for your note V, you are a good soul! I’m better today. It was just such a shock…and if I were to be honest an ego deflate-er…he’d rather spend time with random, unknown women than me. Ahh well, probably best I did end it. Wish I had walked away instead of sending the note, but need to move forward now. So sorry to hear about your aqua..such a loss for so many. My heart is with you girl! First question I ask my next date…when is your birthday, lol?? Stay in touch as you can V, I so enjoy our communications. I’m always more excited to see an email from you or NP then anyone else, honestly. xox
PS I’ve hidden my profile on that site for the time being.

228. Cancerian - November 18, 2011

Hey guys 🙂 I need some help with an Aquarian I’ve liked for years now. We used to be great friends until we grew older and he moved away to another country. Now we meet each other like once a year, when he returns for his holidays. Though we don’t talk through the year, when we meet, it seems like he never left because he’s that warm and funny.
I’ve never had the courage to tell him. At any rate, I find him a fantastic friend and he might probably know I like him because of the way I act around him. Those words have never slipped out of my mouth. Though he’s friendly, he never initiates online convos or things like that. I don’t know how the distance grew between us. I’m a Cancer and it always seems that the moment someone moves away, we cease being good friends. Friends just…go away. Anyway, I want to know what I should do with this man. If I tell him, I risk being friends with him and there’s no guarantee he’ll like me back. If I don’t….I lose him.
How do I attract him? Every time I’m around him, I think too much and sometimes end up saying the wrong things.
Please tell me what to do? I really want to get together with him!

229. kendra - November 20, 2011

feeling weak, missing what I had, words of wisdom..please!

230. V - November 23, 2011

Kendra, sorry things have been bad…hope you were able to find solace somehow…

take care of yourself,

231. chudai - November 27, 2011

Hi there, simply changed into aware of your weblog via Google, and found that it is truly informative. I’m gonna be careful for brussels. I will appreciate when you continue this in future. A lot of other people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!

232. alicia - November 28, 2011

it is not easy when you’re falling in love with aquarians. it much more difficult to walk away from them. They are likely to have a pretty good instinct and will come back to you over n over again when you decided to leave him. The day when i decided to walk away,he will surprised me unexpected behavior. One thing i realized is he just knew everything like psychic..he knew when i miss him..he knew when i’m sad..he just knew w/out me telling him. It happened so many times.when i feel sad and pain, he will text and call me..the day i decided to move on, then he will ask to meet me and so on…it is pretty normal he just left w/out any news for 5-6 months.no text,no calls,no emails…and when i decide he is not worth to wait and just give up then he will appear out of nowhere..i’m taurean and it is not easy for me to handle this kind of relationship.The love towards him is so strong.never experienced this kind of emotions before..it’s weird..really hope can escape from this relationship and move on but right now,i’m stuck. it almost a year and really hope can meet someone else but no more aquarian..This sign just gives me a terrible pain…

233. NP - November 29, 2011

“To be nobody but yourself- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting”.

E.E. Cummings

have a good time to all & byes

234. kendra - November 29, 2011

ahhh NP, you just keep being yourself, never stop fighting, you are well worth the battle 🙂 xo

V, once again thank you… I truly hope the holidays are full of joy for you and the New Year brings only the very best to you…you are a very generous, thoughtful and kindhearted woman…I so hope all your dreams come true 🙂 xo

235. NP - December 1, 2011

Antarctica could be a good option to live and I am not joking. I am happy to see open-hearted people in here, but in general people are bound with their fears and modalities created by themselves. Imagine that an alien comes into the orbit of the earth and watching here. Just make guess that how much civilization he/she needs to understand this meaningless.

Keep your poems Aman. You know how it is like a big torture to see the greater image. You know how many times you wished not to see it while feeling the movement of a smallest living creature on earth. Yep, I do not respect and follow special days or holidays, or even an adjusted rendez-vous. Because they were all artificially created by men, not nature. Does a deer need a birthday which is full of modal movements, gifts and speeches? Do you think that a tree dares what’s going on around it? Absolutley no.

But we are human beings at all. I can not say that it is “unfortunately” because there is no other option we know. My last recommendation is fully real: do not love aquarius, and do not let them to love you. Clear as a crystal.

For the feeling part: yep, we can have a good instinct. But your moves are at so different level that you can not see how they can try to ignore this, because it makes them totally vulnerable in front of an unknown world. Unknown, because they are a part of this world. And they try to ignore this instinct at least for once in their lives, but they can not.

Again, best option is to ignore them, for real. And you may be sure that they will not care this ignorance. Because they have lots of problems to deal other than feeling this loneless. They have always a question to ask: “why”.

So at the end, in practice: leave them alone and empty.



alicia - December 3, 2011

your capability to disconnect n detached from your loves one sometimes make myself envy with your sign.

Thanks for the advised. Right now, i really want move on for real. Taurus always keep her words n promises and i hope he can enjoy his own world..


NP - December 4, 2011

I wrote that post to give an example for extreme points (described below to V). But your opinions are not false. Believe me, there is nothing to be envy with it. As a Taurus you think that every place in the world can be good if you find the things you are seeking for. For aquarians part; they must be convincable at first, apart from the cliches.

You like him because he’s got an understanding and a sense beyond the borders or ordinary stuff. Tension is between your desire for those moments and his instincts which can not be realized most of the times. Problem is the value. He never picks silly stuff, that’s ok, none wants this. But even if he can not reaches them, he thinks they are more valuable than miracles that can be realized with usual things.

If you ask me, go with your good own way Alicia, as you stated.



236. V - December 3, 2011

hi Kendra! wow, thank you! really, thanks for your kind words. i love this oppty to connect with others & share ideas and experiences…hope you also have a wonderful holiday season, filled with love & light. let’s def keep in touch via this wonderful site…I’ll keep you posted on my adventures, and please do keep us posted on yours…xo

NP…whoa, Mr. Debbie Downer…someone’s going a bit over-board now….I believe alone & empty is not the way to go. i love my aquarian SO MUCH, esp his distance and detachment. in fact, i think i love him most when he is far from me. i revel in this part of his persona; i find it intriguing and sexy…

so there!

i believe there is a place for people who hate the clichés & mediocrity of everyday existence. (and it’s not antarctica…or i mean, it could be, but not for that reason…) and more than that…there is LOVE for those rare birds….i will never stop believing that

have a beautiful saturday my friends! love & light…LIFE IS GOOD!


NP - December 4, 2011

Hi V

I wrote that stuff because I believe extreme ways are the most convenient ones to
describe the situation. That’s an obsession for me, I feel that every corner should be
balanced and I felt this one is missing.

That’s the extreme for aquarians. I know because I felt it once, hopefully not now.
With that point you can walk through inside, because there is no outside beyond it.

Of course they feel love, but I hope you see that it is a little bit different than most
of the people. Glad that you enjoyed his way of life.

Have a happy year!


Kendra - December 13, 2011

Dear V and NP, I’m meeting him tomm. after 2 months of nothingness…a bit anxious, joyful, frightened on and on. Is this a be careful of what you wish for or the angels deliver when you least expect it? Words of wisdom please?

237. lynn - December 11, 2011

“A mighty pain to love it is, And ’tis a pain that pain to miss; But of all pains, the greatest pain
It is to love, but love in vain.”

NP - December 13, 2011


Nice words. Sometimes it is confusing to see that; but everything, I mean everything includes pain. But most of the times the joy we got is huge than the pain itself, that hides it and we never feel it. And sometimes it becomes more apparent, that’s why people do unusual things when everything seems ok in that particular picture.

As times goes on we learn to scorch our past painful moments and for the next time we never feel it again. Here comes an important fact. Only the sensual people do that in reality, because they lived these past moments in real! I mean if you saw a situation in your life as a foreign fact, or as a movie scene, that means you did not really feel it and it has no connections to your future. So if you scorch this, there will be no trace for your future. I mean In short, being a mature human should be like that; scorching is a real moment and you actually live it.

I always say this, because I saw many people who always try to escape the pain in their lives. But if it stands over there inside of our heart and brain, accepting this pain makes us more mature; but if you run away from it, you only stay where you are, for example 30 or 40 years ago. Of course I am not talking about a ninja style. Yep, it is not healthy to scream for a matchwood bite, but also it is not normal to stand alone after a sword hit.


238. jennleigh - December 11, 2011

I met my Aquarius man roughly two months ago, myself being a first decadent gemini, he was obviously a challenge so I started learning more about him. A few weeks after our initial meet I caught him looking at me, almost analyzing I guess. That’s when the gemini traits kicked in…”hmmmm”. So here we go..flashing looks, vague answers, leaving us both absolutely confused. So I started researching his nature, sent him a message, “hey I know your busy figuring out the world, but if you get time here’s my #”. He answered immediately. Talked on the phone for a few days, then we went out. Of course it felt like I had known him forever, and we relate on so many levels. He was affectionate, almost romantic. We laughed and talked for hours, at the end of the night we kissed, after he held my face in his hands and just stared at me with this puzzled look. Almost like a child trying to see how his favorite toy works. Now he is acting fearful. Both of us coach a youth league so we see each other ALOT. Even though he’s being evasive, I still catch him looking at me with that look. So I simply raise a eyebrow, smirk, and go on with my business. I guess time will tell where this will lead, I know he has grisly captivated my mind 🙂

NP - December 14, 2011

lol Jenn

Typical Gemini trait and it worked with an Aqua at the first instance, not so common I can say. But most probably he liked your unusual approach. Both are air elements at the end, so.

Another strange thing for me is: very long time ago in the past a girl said the same to me, “you kiss and act like a child, like trying to play with his toys”. Of course I will not mention the reasoning behind this, as we do not want to turn the blog into a dating site.

But one thing I am certain to tell, and I will try to give a brief explanation for this. Think about the movies. Most of the times we got a sequence of people passed on, and at the end more sensual girl and a boy left and they leave the picture happily as they become more involved. Those movies would be in full of boredom if the picture goes on, compared to its previous exciting moments.

I gave that to submit a perspective. A real Aqua feels like that. I mean if he can not expect to continue with the actual movie he would put himself apart and that’s one of the common things they do. As a Gemini you can not act artificially so the only way is to continue to wait his attention. And do not forget that he really likes that distant moments too. Not in orientalistic way, because probably his romantism is limited to his thoughts alone.

Again; God, that should be a balance in life. They present so much before an actual engagement, then more probability to fail compared to the other signs. May be for that reason I used the same words so much: “although almost all of my pals say that I should live in future, I feel that I should have lived in past, such as 400 years ago”. Why? simple. With that first stage the rest could have no chance to fail.

Jenn, with the things you wrote, if you ask me I can say that you will be more excited for his next moves. Then he will disappear again and this sequence will continue. Then you will feel a tension because everyone around has got a “normal” relationship, but you do not have it. At that moment if you still want to be with him you will try to talk. If that situation comes you will have more than you think, may be positive or negative, then welcome to the Aqua club!


239. NP - December 13, 2011

Dear Kendra

I will be honest. It’s better not to expect something deeply sensual at this meeting. He can say that it is over, or he can show some desire to continue.

If the second would be the case; probably he will try to understand your thoughts, but also he will hide his feelings as usual (for that aqua stuff we can not say anything about his thoughts atm).

Again for the second case;

– Do not ask questions such as “why did you go away like that?” or “do you know what did I feel during those days?”

– But of course he should be sure about your instability after his departure. Try this: “If you did that to increase my aspiration it is easy to understand, but I feel there is something other than this. I would like to know, because it can be a meaningful thing but it also includes some pain in it”. Bing! he is going to be confused a little bit. In short, most important thing is to hold the bridles in a clever way, surely not with complaints.

– Never use common words like “may be we need some time” or “don’t you think that we should re-evaluate the things happened”. Even if you say those from inside, he is not going to understand. Even if he comes with positive reflections these words would kill it, because one of the aquas’ weakness is inability to deal with node or tied situations in a relationship.

Of course, I wrote this stuff if you still think to continue with it.

One more hint: It is extremely hard to happen; but if he says “you do not know what is going on in my life, it is hard to explain”, that’s a good point to catch. You may go on frankly and say him: “you never asked me, may be that’s one of the first things to know about you”. But again, my guess is: it is extremely hard to have this word from him.

Hope everything goes well


240. xox - December 23, 2011

This was an interesting read, I must say. It describes my Aquarian man very well. At least as far as I can tell from my observations of him. He’s very hard to read and he’s sending me mixed signals. Very independent, for sure! And there’s definitely a communication breakdown when it comes to his real feelings. That’s alright. I’m a Scorpio female. I’m very secretive and I struggle with my emotions and expressing them. I feel very similar to my Aquarian man, in this regard. Albeit, I am aware of how unhealthy this can be for the relationship.

My man goes on his travels now and then. To explore, to get away, and relax. We have a very enjoyable and exciting relationship, but he still gets away every now and then. I respect this need to be alone, because I’m also very independent (maybe not as much emotionally, though), and I’m as much an introvert as I am an extrovert. Apart from his sudden bouts of gloominess (I have them too), everything is usually great. The sex is amazing too. He usually refers to sex as ‘lovemaking’. It surprises me that he uses this term, because apparently they aren’t known to be that passionate or deep when it comes to love and sex? Love is a nice idea for me, but I feel it complicates things too much, and I don’t want to ruin things.. We’re sort of running on autopilot, so to speak. Just taking it as it comes. Not wanting to really force any changes. Live and let live as they say. I let him explore and he comes right back to me.

We’ve been together for about 9 months now. I’m just enjoying it while it’s good :)…Hoping I didn’t read wrong and he feels the same about me.

241. pri - December 31, 2011

Really an interesting read….Im a capricorn girl and just met this aqua guy and he just blew me out …I did not imagine them to be so nice and courteous….
I would like to ask ..as he came to visit his home town ….we went on first date on x-mas and it was kinda of nice…he made sure I reach home and call n stuff…paid the bill …and just being nice…now if he texts me or call me from abroad as its a long distance relationship …..
does that means did he like me or do i intrigue him cz he kept saying I am a person who is very guarded ….not money minded…a lil fickle…and shy …and i can say he kinda of figured me to a T…
so i really dunno why he keeps saying im guarded cz we just met once we talk cz he makes that efforts…can anyone tell me does that mean he likes me or does that mean just a curious interest…cz he does drop hints if he hasnt scared me off already ….and in his own way said why would i be talking to u…and wasting time,…if there was no sparks…or sthg….he didnt say exactly but in small many words he has hinted the same . when he reached back his home after flight he texted me he reached safely, also he called me afterwards…and keeps telling me to come to his home town where he presently lives..

any inputs by anyone are welcome……im so confused abt this man…do i let myself open and feel that free spirit or be ready to get hurt badly in life yet again….which is a prime reason for me to be so guarded…..am i so friggin confused at the moment…what do i do ..im cappy and yet very emotional person im not practical at all….you can say foollll !!!!!!!!!!!!!

242. V - January 1, 2012

hey Kendra & NP — just wanted to say Happy New Year to you both! it was great exchanging thoughts with you, hope 2012 brings you lots of love & happiness!

hi Pri…welcome…hmm…hard to tell; I would definitely proceed with caution until you get to know him a bit better — being too much of an open book is def not the way to go with these cryptic, exciting fellows! best of luck & happy new year!

love to all,

kendra - January 1, 2012

Dear V, you have been in my thoughts over this holiday season! Thinking you may have been busy dancing through it 🙂 hope it was a dance which brought you warmth and smiles! As I wrote earlier, we met up again, I had thought he meant, he preferred to keep his options open, when he told me he likes to have several “hens in the coop”…ahh but after spending 2 days with him over xmas found out the guy I fell in love with has a frigin’ harram…wish he had been up front from the beginning, would have diverted a lot of confusion on my part 😦 Leaves me wondering, is it possible to be insecure and egotistical all at once, lol!?! Knowing all I now know and understand… I still love him….what I will do with that is another question…but it does help to be informed. We spent 2 days and nights together over xmas, now who knows which other one he is with as we enter 2012 tonight.

I don’t even look back at these posts, it hurts to think about them and how crazy in love I was. I feel like I’ve aged 20 years in the past month…but in all honesty…between the tears, I’m actually ok 🙂

I hope you have found happiness V, or at the very least all the happiness you deserve will find you in 2012 xoxo

NP, I think of you often, even though I don’t look back at these past post. Happy New Year to you! xoxo

Cheers to my very kind friends,

243. V - January 3, 2012

hi Kendra,

Yep…that sounds like pretty much what I went through a year ago with ‘my’ Aqua…hmmm…well, I guess time will tell. Just make sure you don’t invest your heart too deeply, don’t want you to get hurt. As long as you’re having fun and not deceived…

for my part, haven’t seen ‘my’ Aquarius for a while…our schedules are very different. but I have recently started dating someone else, who, as it turns out, is… (wait for it): an Aquarius!

Here we go again!

will keep you posted – 2012, here we come!

244. NP - January 9, 2012

Lol. You are all mad to be with aquarius and V you have no excuse for this 🙂

Kendra. Shake yourself and leave that illusion. Because these guys are living with illusions. If you ask my honest comment I would say that these are the most real things I live, even though they can be seen unrealistic to the others. But you know the famous motto: “Ignorance is Bliss”.

Who cares how much effort I spent to stop my brain. Hmm? That’s my personal sickness, in fact as Aman said, that’s my curse. There is no peace for aquarius Kendra, it is all set up. If you ask my personal opinion, you deserve more than this, more than aquarians.

You should know that this distinction is clear to them. I mean they know that bunch of cliches do not work. Precious ones always lie on peace, in fact hand to hand. If you find their stuff “cool” please re-evaluate it. They suffer and none should suffer with them, in particular for these reasons.

I checked so many times. For example I lived with a dream of a picture for 10 years. Then I went there. I found maybe 10 percent of my imagination. Worst thing is? I still keep this perfect picture. You can’t understand. You should live it. And hopefully you don’t.

Life is short and it is going on. Find good people. Good enough to share with you. Good enough to undertand that dreams can be true, only if they would not exceed their own personality.

And beware that even if you understand their vibration, you can’t share it.

God be with you


245. aqualove - January 12, 2012

wow read the posts and i’m speechless
my aqua and i met a year ago, online then text on and off havent heard from him then after a month met him at work crazy world isnt it? lol then he and the rest is history… he’s charming, good looking and intelligent, good natured. im not a casual person but this man turned my world upside down and he said he was crazy about me too… im a cancer but a cuspian cancer-leo double trouble right? big on romance, self expression and communication… we text here and there meet once a monthi tried so hard to understand him his ways how his mind works… being a cancer we have this kind of absorbing othere people’s feelings we get a certain vibe from people… but i cant get that from him i was trying hard to penetrate his soul but he is like a ghost. our relationship is ambigous like you guys but he was upfront that he wasnt looking for a relationship because of his crazy life year after year some strange things happen to him and after years of not dating i guess hes damaged from a past relationship coz he cant talk about it then had an argument about him being a “diva” to be continued…

246. aqualove - January 12, 2012

then things went downhill…. he slowly faded out, called him out bout what he did waited a month for explanation he was sorry and admitted he was wrong for his actions… we met after a month talked about what happened said we are not on the same wavelength. texted after that i remember he told me not to let him know if im meeting somebody else cause it will hurt him, and he said we will always be “friends with benefits” we still text but not as often as before after 2 mos invited him for a dinner my bday. spent the night with him it was cute and then the next days were blah hehehe we text once a month and i am always the one who intiates it… yeah i dropped the L word before he said he loves me as a friend. i still like him i tought it was a case of he’s life hard so a matter of timing when we met but as mentioned in the post yeah they are difficult people NP what do you think any advice?

NP - January 16, 2012

Dear aqualove

I guess I wrote that somewhere in this blog; if an aquaman was hurted in his past affairs he could be very cold somehow. It is hard to understand for other zodiac signs but for aquas love is another dimension in this life. You may understand the reasoning behind this. Think about his nature and how he is alone among the others (that’s another story).

So a close affair would always have a special position in his life, and may be love is at the top of it. Also that’s why people call aquas “social monsters” as they have lots of friends. They are very communicable and keep good level of intellectuality. In fact I can say that they may get 1000 people in the outlook address book within 2-3 years. But if you ask me only 5 or 10 of them could have “special” status for friendship and for real love they believe, only one. Problem is: real love doesn’t mean a healthy real affair.

All the things you see from outside is true. I mean they do not act with a mask for sure. Problem is, other people get the stuff according to their expectations, and generally acquas see that very easily (aqua 6th sense is well known). You may say that if they see these expectations, why they do not react to put the things in front of the others. Aquas are like cats. Their independency always has a reservation for this kind of an attitude.

In your case I’m pretty sure that you feel something “strange” about his past experiences. I mean you said that he doesn’t want to talk about them so much and behaves weird when you open a topic. It seems that he is not close for a relationship atm. Probably his fears are about you, not himself. Or it can be said in another way: he is scared of hurting you. On these days of modernity there are lots of sensual vampires walking around. These people are just looking what they can get; only laugh, joy and fun. I don’t know his story but from your description it is possible that he was hurted badly.

If you ask me what to do, depends on the situation. If he is playing the noble knight, as I told above, you can approach him slowly ans softly. That can work in a long period of time. But if he buried some of his senses because of the past bad experiences, he could try to expel you from his life. Aquas may wear a mask only if they find a holy reason. So this can be a such reason and he may even try to show you that he is looking for someone else.

And third, short option. He is one of the vampires I said about before. It is not easy to know this from this distance, you will decide. If that’s the case, run away 🙂 Because an aqua vampire means: he lost most of his qualities, but still has this 6th sense and he can produce lots of things to convince you. I can assure you that convincing concept was created for them, as they can see the world from a different perspective, like looking with a telescope situated on the moon. I am totally objective for them, even though I am a typical aqua. I can clearly say that if an aqua is such a vampire surely there is a reason behind this. Childhood, bad social environment, etc. But for this third case you should focus on the reason, not the cause. Because it’s your own life and you are not a social worker.

Lastly; with your cancer-leo mixture probably you experience some amount of discomfort inside of you (water-fire contrast). For all the people who experience this kind of a contrast I say one thing: You may raise the negatives of both, or you may live the positives of them. Third option is not possible. I don’t need to describe the reason, I think you you already know how it is painful to do with your own life. Now I know you’re saying: “as a cancer observation is my personality”. Stop doing this. I mean I know what you mean, as one of my brothers has a cancer sign. I recommend you one motto: “every being is (or has) a unique universe. If you look at those universes but forget out tiny “Milky Way” you could loose them both. I agree that aquas can do the both, and they do this very satisfactorily. But they sacrifice so much for this. But if so why they do it? They could never feel comfortable otherwise. But as a cancer you got a chance.



NP - January 16, 2012

One more thing: all the the things you feel bad about your inside are a one-way ticket. I mean they are connected to your cancer sign and your leo effect blowing the things to it. Your leo says you are a special one for all the stuff but your cancer says it is non-sense or even a shame to feel it. Surpress the cancer first. That doesn’t mean your leo side tells the truth, but if there is a priority you should start like that. Because by time it is easy to understand that you are not at the top of all, but not easy to leave shaming yourself. And this life always needs to stand over your legs. You decide: is it easy to forgive yourself when you think that you are persistent, or when you feel sorrow for you.



247. aqualove - January 18, 2012

thanks np for breaking it down for me… we havent seen each other for months and i miss him… its a struggle really im a living contradiction… and you are right about that, its like night and day. being spontaneous and adventurous then censoring my self and feel guilty for allowing myself in this situation. one is proud and one is humbled by the experience im afraid to get stuck on this and now its hard to shake it off and even if i think im back to my normal self (a bit) its like im still waiting to exhale… hehe never tought we will meet but the universe has its own weird way hehe… i felt the connection so i allowed it to happen hes the first guy that ive been intimate with never had a bf and im on my late 20’s hes on his mid early 30’s. he said that he hated that we met at his most vulnerable and said he’s sorry that it is his fault that i didnt get a real bias of him. hes life is pretty hard right now. he was open to me about his regrets his hardship but that the only one that im curious about is his last relationship for 3 years and he is still being haunted by that he admitted it to me and said was/is in love by the last one but said in time he will be able to tell the story. he had 3 relationships each lasted 3 years. before he told me that in his mind he wants to experiment because he doesnt know where this is going but we will always be friends with benefits. he thinks im perfect and amazing and thankful for being supportive but we only text we never talk on the phone we did a few and he feels uncomfy when we talk in person he cant even look into my eyes but he’s articulate and assertive but when we are together there’s distance… im very understanding and accepting of this what can i do i met him on this stage of his life (i kinda have a florence nightingale complex) lol. hes special to me hes the only one who has gotten this far with me… oh before i asked him what he’s mind is like because i think he’s special he’s an artist, activist, musician and a social worker he said he doesn’t want any of it he will trade it for happines a normal life now it makes sense after reading your post about what aquas inside is. so do i fall under the “special” status? or just an experience? so he’s done with real love because it happened to him already? what do you think np?

NP - January 18, 2012

Dear aqualove

After your second post I have a clearer picture right now. Seems that he was hurted so badly in his past affairs and he thinks that he should understand your affair before getting in. Because he doesn’t wanna hurt himself and also you at the same time.

I am not writing this with any arrogance but these guys naturally have the capacity for an attraction. “But” I mean only the “first stage”. Even in physics nothing can be completed without being completed, so I recommend you to push that first part a little bit down and start to think the next stages. I wrote that before. They are half spaceman and half earthman, then maybe (if you ask me, most probably) this first portion makes them attractive, but the confusion between these two makes the things hard and complicated. Well. Some say this is “kharma” isn’t it. A balance.

Of course we know that aquas are not aliens coming from other constellations. But think about a music equaliser. Within the same song you can get completely different sounds by changing its adjustments. Aquas have a very very different settings compared to the other signs, even from the signs belonging to the same air group. If you rank them in a same pattern, think that aquas are vibrating on the air, rarely grounding on the earth. Geminis are like vibrating by jumping between the air and the ground. Libras are jumping on the ground.

What makes them to land then. As I told before, special relations. They are very sticked to friendship because it’s the easiest way to satisfy this need (and perfectly matches with their humanist nature). Love? Desperately they seek for sure. But when they make a voyage they need to look at their side seats sometimes, not always at the air.

Almost all of the aquas I know have at least one disappointment from their sensual relationships. Let me give you an explanation. Aqua trait has a return ticket (kharma again, very important fact in their lives). They see and realise other’s intentions very quickly. But most of the times they choose the images created within their hearts and brains. At the same time they play the game according to the book, because they already have a vision to understand these books and it is not so hard for them to do so. Why? you know, some poems and novelists say that “feeling of love alone is better than living it”. This is not their intention but result of this first stage is like that mostly.

As they can’t be restless romantics (their idealistic nature stops them at one point, because they start to realise it is becoming like a “real game”) they stop after a while.

Now there are two options. First, their inner stuff wakes their independency and they escape (or try to escape). In your case you should decide which one of this. For Kendra I commented like that, because clues were totally directing it. How can the second, or other option may happen. Well, according to my opinion ratio for the first choice is like 70 percent. If you say with your observation your affair has the other 30 percent, go directly to below statements. It has a rare possibility but you said that he suffered 3 times before and he behaves very kind. Let’s think positively, he can be a mature one and he may look for a total peace.

Let’s go back to his past failures. Then their humanistic character gets into the second stage. They totally focus on the others expectations. It is not complicated as it seems, if you take out the non-real imagination they got, that is the result and they also feel that they should land like others (this feeling survives with lots of sacrifices, primarily from their independency. but if so, it arises with this phase and it is understandable). I mentioned those sensual vampires. If there are some of them around, now they see a kind and an obeying man around. They got attraction and cool stuff but also ready to acquire. Don’t need to tell the rest after this point I guess, total suckage.

Of course, as I told before, after these experiences your aqua may have become a little bit mature of this. Problem is: he should find the way to behave differently, different than he did before. If you ask my opinion, but please take that as an opinion as I am not a fortuneteller, he feels that same special stuff with you, as exactly he did before. But he also feels that you are not a vampire. But this doesn’t prevent his fears, because now the potential of “hurting” became doubled (attention! crossing: even if he is trying to escape he would feel this fear of hurting you). If he fails he will not be alone to be hurted, you will be inside of this pot too.

I hope I can give a figure of it. Now the hard part is coming. Do not expect that he can change his imagination part. In fact it’s so beautiful to him and probably it is one of the reasons you find him attractive. Second, only way to deal with it is to share it. You can’t indeed! So you have to surround him, and you have to do this to a huge circle, because they got a very big imagination. But you know every situation has a quick guideline, a manual and you can try this.

Again if you ask me, just tell these things directly to him. Tell that it is not possible to decide on the faith of something if there are the things untold (believe me although they do this in practice sometimes, oh lol may be most of the times, they hate to leave a situation untold. you may say it with “as I guess you do not like untold situations”). Tell him that you are ready to listen what he feels at first instance, and in particular you are not the one who would exploit them.

I will be more open right now. Whatever you have a level of attraction as a female, very high or not, do not start with it if you can meet him in a real place. You may not do that intentionally, but you know, e.g. before getting around a table in a dinner you can look at him with a special attractive gaze, etc. Instead, show some energy and awareness of the stuff around; like commenting about to be inside, good, because you feel warm, etc. Remember that even if his eyes covered with affection, he can still feel the things after a half an hour. That doesn’t mean you would not do it totally of course.

From this point I will open this issue a little bit. Yep, aqua males are attracted with physical stuff as other do, but think about it as a horizontal factor. When you make a tiramisu you put all stuff together, you dont serve some of them as a sauce. And you got an advantage: beware that he already thought your wake-up figure before seeing it everyday. This means he is aware that physical beauty can change, but combination never dies.

It all depends how you behave aqualove. If you want it so much, you would try. Of course it would be non-sense to make a comment on this from my side. They are valuable, but they got spines too.



248. NP - January 18, 2012

Hi Aman

Thanks a lot for this post. I really want to have your opinions to the comments listed here (for mines, in particular for the last one, as it is a little bit deeper than the others).

If you find time I would be glad to see you make a comment.



249. V - January 18, 2012

NP – what do you mean by “untold situations” exactly? I’m very intrigued by what you write.

Aman – yes, where have you hidden yourself? are you Oracle’ing on Neptune? pls tell us your thoughts

aqualove- I have strong thoughts & feelings on your sitch but I would like to hear back from Aman (and of course NP) first….


NP - January 18, 2012

Hi V

Most of the times, I mean 90 percent, males rely on their pride. I hope that, I mean I wish that it would have been the case for aquas. But not. They are totally alien for the concept called “male pride”.

I said “untold” because how can you expect a human being can tell the reason for his “imaginations” for example. The motto “I wish we could see a male like that” is a lie in practice. None listens none and it became a common practice.

Because classical “giving everything” means a cliche for aquas. I mean may be you don’t see as a cliche but they do. Remember Avatar movie. They shared everything by connecting their tails to each other. Something is not easy to told but you just share. If you ask me I describe love with it. You may call me arrogant but in fact that’s how love should be.

Anyway It was just an expression.


250. kendra - January 18, 2012

Hi NP and V,

Seems I’ve missed quite a bit here in the past week. I find NP’s expression “sensual vampire” quite intriguing…wished I had known of this aqua trait many months ago, as I do believe my aqua is just that!!

A little catch up for you: I decided I would continue to spend time with him, if he asked and I was free. Reason: we do have a grand time together. Looking at us together anyone would think we are a loving couple, we talk about everything, laugh, listen, he is very complimentary as if he adores me and the physical piece is incredible. As I mentioned before he spends time with several different women, threw me at first but I no longer hold any expectations except to have a good time when we are together (while I find a new aqua to screw up my head further LOL!!). He also makes future plans for us now?

Here comes the confusing part: one of the women he sees every month or two as she lives in another state (she comes to him)….I think he began seeing her about the same time he started dating me. It is my understanding that they have recently started texting “falling for you”, “love you” back and forth. Yet he has been persuing me more than ever before. Also from what I understand, she is his total opposite…very orderly, prim and proper, white collar, holistic, “sober” if you know what I mean. I am sure, unlike the other women he sees – she has no idea he continues to spend time with other women. I almost feel sorry for her as I don’t see any happy endings in their relationship. Long distance relationships, what a joke, been there done / that and they rarely work.

I am really ok with this whole scenario as far as it affects me, as my eyes are completely wide open now (funny how that makes life so much easier). Just enjoying the ride! But I am completely dumbfounded as to why he is wanting to spend so much time with me lately if he is truly “loving” her? He knows I’m aware there are other women in his life, even her, but he isn’t aware I know about the “love” stuff between them. Thoughts please???

PS nice to read your opinions again NP 🙂 and nice to see V is still plugging along…I often send good wishes out to both of you!!


251. V - January 19, 2012

hi Kendra…

Hmm…my gut reaction is just that…hmmm…be careful. this could turn out to be a back-fire situation.

I know you’re fine with the situation as is, but from where I sit, it just seems like this guy has all this power — he gets to pick & choose who he spends time with, if one person doesn’t conform with his program, he can dump her for the week or the month or whatever, and dial someone else’s number…I also know that Aquas are super unpredictable. even though it seems like his situation with her is impossible, Aqua’s get really turned on by that — just the fact that it’s impossible makes them want to show they can make it possible. (and I wouldn’t trust his description of her, either — he may be describing her in this way just so you lower your guard and figure ‘oh, she’s not his #1 — I am.’)

I also know that they can drop the person who least expects it literally *on a dime* and never look back. sorry (it’s probably the party-pooper Capricorn in me), but just…be careful. i consider you a friend & I would feel guilty not offering my suggestion in all honesty. Also — what if this other woman finds out and goes berserk & comes looking for you (just kidding…I think ;-))

252. aqualove - January 19, 2012

thanks np and v

i would also like to hear aman’s opinion on this…

oh i remember one time he asked me to sing this song by depeche mode – somebody… so i kinda have an idea about what a sensual vampire is hehe maybe you should listen to that song kendra…

i learned things about myself and my view about what love is in a hard way hehehe

and np you are right with what you said that it depends on me now… i would like to see him again then i will just take it from there (it may take months/year)… just lower your expectations to none… if you can tone down your desire then being friends with them could work… i know its sounds unnatural but yeah thats the only way to meet them…

“It’s all an illusion
There’s too much confusion
I’ll make you feel better
If it’s bitter at the start
Then it’s sweeter in the end”

madonna -get together

253. kendra - January 19, 2012

Hi V,

Always appreciate your input. Yes, I agree with the “impossible” piece…I’m sure that plays big in his mind, as well as the whole illusion of mystery and infrequent time together. As I said I feel sorry for her. I’m sure he is on his “best” behavior when they are together, so she really has no sense of who he truly is…the entire relationship is an illusion for both of them, but she is the one with the most to loose or at least be shocked when she does finally understand.

I don’t ask him, nor has he told me anything about her. I learned all of the info from someone who has spent time with them together and I’ve seen pics of her and her family together. Clearly their worlds are very different. Leopards do not change their spots…and this leapard is not changing for anyone!

I believe I have fallen into the “friends” category with him. He is comfortable with me bc he can be himself. What I do understand now is how any committed relationship with him would come with more cons then pros. Not what I want, not how I want my life to look. But bc there is a part of him that is quite endearing…being in a friendship is acceptable for me.

As far as her going berserk…don’t think that would be her modus operandi…she seems to be a top shelf lady. My heart goes out to her to think this may go on for several years before she really knows what he is all about. But it is not my place to interfere where I do not belong.

V, how’s your new man (and your old flame)? BTW I have been reading Christian Carter at your suggestion, some interesting stuff. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

Smile..it increases your face value!!

254. NP - January 20, 2012

Hi folks

Thanks a lot for your wishes and greetings. Just wanna say one thing: Aquas or your aqua are not the criteria for love or feeling. I know the famous word and in fact it is true, “your life is your universe”. But if we seek truth here they can not be so.

I know how you feel. But I hope you kick the things when it is needed and when it is the right time. I didn’t write that in purpose. Please take it as a general remark.

ps: Kendra my opinion is your aqua is not a sensual vampire. Perhaps he is only trying to be one. But that doesn’t make any difference, because what you get is what you have. This is the fact with aquas, and it can be a motto for ones who love one of them.



255. kendra - January 20, 2012

Dear NP,

Yes, what you get is what you have….like it or not, lol! So if he is not a sensual vampire (please define that one more clearly), then thru the aqua eyes of a male, such as yourself, why is he behaving in such a manner?


PS aqualove, that song you mentioned “somebody”…wow the definition of the aqua man!!!

NP - January 20, 2012

Dear Kendra

I think I can clearly define what is a sensual vampire because during in my life I met plenty of them.

As an aqua socialization was not a matter for me, I used to get into the society very easily. Then again as a typical one I had lots of friends (not close ones so much; realized this later after those years). Relationships with females were easy and hard. Beginning of a new one was the easy part, but but hard part was my vision, I could not understood some of people’s traits. For example I always felt that there were masks over most of their faces, in fact I saw the reasons behind this too. Majority were doing it due to their fears, fearing that they can not be accepted by the others.

Then I decided to be “completely” easy one. I ignored these things and at first everything was going fine. But some females I met were always demanding, and they did this very intense, so that you can confuse it with romance. If everthing goes well you could find the reasons of anything. e.g. She does that because she loves me so much, look, she only does this to me, etc.

Please note that I am not a casanova of course, but I describe all kinds of stages, I mean from a first stage with a deep electric to a serious relationship.

Turning point was a typical scene. Funny thing is, first time in my life I started to think that I can go till the end with this girl. She loved my joy, energy, jokes and in fact everything. I felt same for her too. Sometimes I left her alone within her own social network in purpose (not for weeks or months, a day e.g. then it should not be confused with a typical aqua escape) so that she can enjoy her freedom too. But even for an hour I got reaction of complaints. This scene was her words: “never leave me alone, I want to carry you as a back bag for my entire life). I asked: “would you be happy if I work in your office, next table and go to everywhere you go? I mean for 24 hours?” she said yes.

I decided to make a test then. Just for a day I behaved as a sick, sad and disappointed man and I explained the reason as I had problems in my work. You may ask that didn’t I suffer from such a thing before when I was with her. Of course I did. But I never shown this in front of her, because I acted differently as I told above.

She was so different. Of course she was expecting a day shift, so I could change on the next day, act same as before. But that didn’t alter my feelings which are telling that she loves me not for who I am, but what I presented. Took long to make her confess (not with inquisition technics, lol, by warm chats) but when I achieved I saw an absence of a father figure in her life, and she said “you are better than my beloved father”. That was not true. Just she wished to see so.

I saw some intentional examples too. People thinking that there should no rule when the case is their core wishes within the life they live, or people living with lack of confidence to others. But the result was same. I picked up this example because it is the most distant and understandable one for a vampire trait, because it has a natural path. Other examples just contain selfish and looser parts.

Let’s go back to your aqua. You know aqua traits and capabilities right now as well their weaknesses. Typical sensual vampire could be recognized with his/her behaviours to the other people. If you ask me the first rule: if someone is a friend to anyone (there can be other people who are not vampires with this, but all sensual vampires have this trait). May be you know the motto, if some is a friend to anyone, he/she is a friend to none at all. Second rule: a vampire can not be ignored in your life. If you do this in purpose or in occasion, he or she will turn to you immediately, I mean if you ask my opinion in max. 2-3 days. Because they can not suffer any ignorance and this is always the case, does not matter what they got.

So what’s the situation. My opinion is, as I did that in my life before, trying to wear a mask to leave the circle he is in. Perhaps my Gemini character prevented me to be a vampire, I don’t know. Because I could’t be a consistent one, lol. Attention: I don’t say I didn’t act like that because I got high qualities or moral values (I believe that other people can evaluate you for it, and it is not a choice, physics rule: best way is to look from outside) as I know that any aqua has an enormous capacity to be like that. Because the first thing is to have an ability to convince. And as I said before, if they direct themselves so, they can convince anyone (except personal jealousy. that’s another and common story for aquas).

But again, what you get is what you have. Please do not feel sorrow for the others who were not chained in a dungeon and have ability to change. That’s your life and you deserve good. But of course if you ask me I wish it could be with him (as a sole wish).



256. V - January 20, 2012

hi guys-

NP – thanks for your writings…I have to admit I don’t always understand what you say, but the part of the masks…I agree that we are always wearing masks; it’s so rare & fortunate to find someone with whom a mask is not necessary. although no relationship is perfect, it’s tiring when it feels like it’s a performance (on either side) and not…a meeting of souls. but I guess that’s for the lucky few.

NP, would you mind telling (although I know it doesn’t matter) what sign the person was (in example above)?

Kendra – my status update is this: recent (aqua #2 ) is going OK; we’re still getting to know each other, so it’s all good; def taking it slow. Aqua #1 (original) is suddenly being super-nice (hmmm…I think he was trying different masks on me LOL.. unfortunately he’s out of luck b/c I love all his masks)…so for now I am just in observation mode…

Aqualove – I guess Aman is AWOL…I believe giving your Aqua space, but keeping in detached, friendly contact is the best bet. just my humble opinion. as long as you are living your best life, if he’s meant to be a part of it, he’ll return…

257. aqualove - January 21, 2012

hello guys…

so np a sensual vampire could also turn a person into one depends on the effect of that person to him eg. self gratification, absorbing one’s strength, etc … i saw your post somewhere like a word of caution “not becoming like him”. or a sensual vampire can leave you empty or damaged… hmmm…. i dont know if i make sense lol

i’m gonna ask you some personal questions np if i may lol

what is the common factor among the girls you dated?
do you over-intellectualize your emotions rather than simply feel them?
have you ever been in love? how was your experience? what was it like? was it real love? does it only happen once?
im just curious lol

kendra- yes the song somebody is a definition of an aquaman. never thought that song is a way for him to express his feelings lol
v- thank you for your advice actually that’s what im thinking too. if it happens ill be thankful. that is life’s mystery and im grateful.

258. NP - January 21, 2012

Hi V

The girl was a Virgo. In fact I was not interested with zodiac signs at that time. But she said that from the beginning and then I learned how people’s birhtdays are related to any sign. But if you ask my opinion it doesn’t matter, any sign can be like so. But in general air elements except Gemini could be perfect ones, if they choose to do so, of course. Gemini could be bored of this, lol.

Hi aqualove

Experience is something gained by time, but it does not reflect the capacity. By time I learned that there is no only white or black. In fact greys are much more than the others. Most of the sensual vampires think that they do everything normal and they don’t even know what they do to other people. If you ask me the key point is the approach for looking yourself. If you do the things wrong and if you evaluate this with your own thoughts you always fail in a circle. Let me give you a real example.

Couple of years ago I met a guy in a house party and he told that: “I always loved her but she never opened her heart to me. Recently we saw each other in a cafe by a total coincidence. She was disappointed from an affair and was in a terrible condition. She was looking for a sensual support and I acted as a warm-hearted, charming male. We spent that night in her apartement and everything was so nice. Then in the morning I found her crying in the bed. I never understand the women. Then I became a good men again, she was ok. Now I am looking for my second turn and I can’t wait for it”. Anyway, at least this one is a basic model. There are more complicated ones, some of them can really be sensitive. So I am not saying “be careful” or recommending you to call 911. But when you are in an affair if you see some strangeness do not ignore it. You can talk that for example.

For love I can’t say a common factor but values and virtues. After years in my life I realized that giving tolerance for love should be limited at some point. “If you love someone you can tolerate everything about him/her”. That’s a total lie. Why do you love him/her then? for fun? for joy? for food he/she cooks? etc. You can tolerate someone if there is a reason for the things he/she makes; and sure those reasons should not be selfish, shallow or “just wanna do it” stuff.

Every people intellectualize his/her emotions. It changes from one person to another, and depends on location, social status, vision, etc. But if you direct them to feel in a simple manner, you can achieve a big stuff. Then by sharing in love in time you can make them multiplied, because you can get the same (but different of course) from your partner. Almost all aquas have problems to direct their feelings, that’s for sure. But I can not blame them; you are in a desert and some unknown person gives you a bottle. Of course you can have suspects if the liquid is green or black, etc. But if it is clear as a water and if it is written “Evian” on it, it changes. Aquas think that they give water (that’s why people often call them “arrogant” most of the times).

Yep I fell in love twice. I mean real ones. For me they were real because I gave attention, time, careness, respect and enough space for the other one’s personality (for one of them it was at the end but I did it). Why or how they attracted me? At first they seemed natural to me, and they had a vibration giving the sense of “I know this girl since 2000 years”. It took time to turn this to love and I didn’t do it intentionally. But now I can confirm that it is the healthiest way to fall in love.

They were a horizontal thing in my life. Your inner energy gets higher because you feel that all usual boring stuff in your life gets down, and a different vibration takes in place. Of course it raises so much when you meet your partner. At first feeling breathless happens so often, even when you are not with your partner, just by thinking her. Then by time it slowly changes and merges with the time and moments you spent together. I mean the things you shared became special and they give you this feeling. At this stage you open your intellectuality (it happens without intention) and so many things are merging between.

You always miss her, but you are also becoming awared that love is growing with your own individual lives. I call this “anti-mother effect”. When you spend all of your time together this energy changes and becoming a different thing. You are changing yourself and also your partner changing artificially. Love is a strong feeling and naturally you want to keep it going. If you ignore your individuality both sides start to sacrifice from inside, and then becoming different characters. Then after a while suddenly you realize that you can’t find the person you loved. In both cases they accused me for being a strong character, dominating them with my own priorities. But in fact in both affairs I started a debate to discuss this shifting, before this everything was perfect from outside.

Does it only happens once? my opinion, no. First one is was so intense then I thought I could not feel it again. Then with the second one I changed my idea. After time I am not trying to look for anyone now. I got friends and some of them are more close. I am not a vampire but I like to go out in the weekends and meet people there. I never give promises because those accusations I heard is enough for me. May be strange but I am not missing falling in love.



ps: oops it’s me on the operation table now. no way!!

259. NP - January 21, 2012

An excerpt from a wondeful film. It is a war movie but so much in it. I recommend.

260. kendra - January 21, 2012

Hi NP,

I’m a little confused re: what you wrote here: “If you ask me the first rule: if someone is a friend to anyone… May be you know the motto, if some is a friend to anyone, he/she is a friend to none at all.” ???

I have many acquaintances, people I enjoy spending time with, but only a very few, close friends. And I am a good friend to them as well. So I’m not quite sure what you are referring to? Isn’t it good that he feels comfortable enough with me, to be himself, “take the mask off”? And this other woman…he wears a mask for her because…?

Again thanks for all your thoughts and input.
Regards, K

NP - January 21, 2012

Hi Kendra

I always keep trust all Roman Empire mottos, as they proven themselves in my own life, and in fact it is one of them.

I am pretty sure that you are not a friend of everyone that you have a kind of an affair, I mean in work, in family or in private stuff. But believe me that these people can do it. I tried to mention this. I mean from outside, as none can do it inside.

If you ask me he is not one of them, because from your descriptions that’s the result. But I think that he is trying to be one of them. Because, again from your writings, I feel that he is trying to create a social ego, which is almost impossible for the aquas. He wears a mask for that reason. I can crush this artificial mask easily but it would not impact on him as I am none. You can, but unfortunately it is very very hard to tell how to do it. Not a secret, just too complicated. If I were you and if I still on this guy, I would try to show this meaningless stuff by acting. You can act like you have a big ego I mean. Result? You can not walk for a result with these guys, but you can have a chance to have. If you ask me, try to break this aqua illusion at first.

In practice: he is still unstable and unreliable. That can change in a moment or in 3 years, who knows.

That’s why you should stay solid and live your life.



261. kendra - January 22, 2012

Dear NP,

As usual, thanks for your support. I’m feeling more confused then ever. Thought I had everything in a safe place, in which I could easily live with and still enjoy a friendship with him. But this wknd has totally messed up my head…

He called me fri. night as I was in the car with some friends headed out to listen to a band and dance. He wanted to make plans for Sat. night. Told him where I was going and yes I was free the next night. (I don’t initiate any contact with him anymore, as I’ve said if he calls me and I’m free, we get together). I never expected to see him fri. night…and there he was. In fact, he sat at the bar and watched me for a while, before joining us..and he told me this. We had fun, danced and I went home with my friends. Again he was very attentive. He called me Sat., we got together for a low key evening, watching a movie. He complimented me up one side and down the other…every compliment known to man. I stayed over and we had an incredible night.

The one thing that irks me, is he will say things like…I have to work tomm. or I’m meeting friends to watch the game etc., in other words don’t have any expectations for more time together after the sun rises. I already know this and his saying it is almost insulting to me. So this morning I said basically that to him, as well as “I have no expectations, except being friends. I know your mind is somewhere else and your heart is with someone else.” He simply raised his eyebrows at that and then said, “we are friends, I’d like to go out to brkfst with you and spend more time with you, but I have other things I have to do.” I told him I understood all of that and have no delusions, it is what it is.

I see now as much as I would like to think I have pulled it all together in a safe place, my heart still wants him. V, how do you keep it together so well, for so long with #1 man? I think part of it, for me, is ego, how can he say all those sweet things to me, spend a great night together…and as soon as I leave, I’m sure he is calling/emailing her with words of love. The thought of it truly blows my mind. (we have spent part of the last 3 wknds together, with him saying all those same sweet things?) How is it he enjoys my company so much, when he proclaims love to another woman?

I’ll be cool in another day. I just find after spending quality time with him, his energy hangs on swirling all around me. It is the most bizzare relationship I have ever been involved with. I know I have the choice to walk away from it, but I’m just not ready to loose him as a part of my life. And I guess that makes me just as screwed up as he is, lol!!

Thanks for letting me vent! Any new thoughts on my crazy life are appreciated… Why did the universe bring him into my life!?!?

Blessings to all,

262. kendra - January 22, 2012

Dear NP,

I just had a thought and I think you are the only one who might have an insight to it. Is it possible he is imagining that I am “her” when we are together? That would explain all the lovely compliments. Do aqua men have that capacity to transfer who they are with into who they wish they were with? I really hope you say NO, that is not something inherent to the aqua male…. 😦

In my heart, I honestly believe she is simply an illusion to him, much like your picture of the cruise ship… the distance and infrequent time spent together make it all that much bigger to him.

But if you tell me YES, it is possible that is what he is doing…I really will have to consider walking away from him.


263. NP - January 22, 2012

Hi Kendra

I am not quite sure if it matches your case (like you seem to be sure) but my reply is: yes.

When they fell in love their inside vibrating so much. Think it that way: They can convince lots of people, but for most of the cases they should convince themselves. That’s a hard thing for them. They should believe what they are doing in such a “shaken” state, and they must do it before an affair. Otherwise this “cruise” stuff “may” appear irregularly. This convincing has nothing about the partner. Directly about them.

Imagine that during this irregularity he wanted to have a mother figure (‘he felt’ is a better explanation, most probably he can’t name it). When it combines with already existing instability, these kinds of examples might occur, I mean his current status. That’s why I told you that he is not a vampire, but unintentionally he is trying to be one.

I suffered same things so much before (and we discussed it in the previous posts). You are in a place you want to be, you are with people you like the most, everything is OK, weather, environment, etc. Then you feel an incredible amount of vacuum inside, your inside is totally empty and you are not even like someone else. Total loneliness. Then you are trying to pick the moments in your brain to complete your puzzle. It seems that your aqua is feeling extremely lonely. So his pieces are not coming from hobbies or the things done in isolation.

Again we discussed before that they are very sensitive about their inner stuff. At this situation they can leave everything and trying to collect their pieces, one by one. It is like kharma again. They have great ability to socialize, real social monkeys. But when they open the box, probability of this vacuum increases (think about it as pulses, number of pulses blows). And it is not hard to guess that love opens everything. So they escape. Couple of times in the past I was waking up in the morning and trying to collect myself, day by day. Usual depression modes are not valid for aqua males. If you can find a psychiatrist dealing with astrology he/she would easily confirm this.

I guess you combined something now; our present wdiscussion with “cruise” mode and escaping. Let’s add another one; we know that they are hardly reachable, seems that they always hid something, because everything is about themselves. They should adjust their inside to begin something. Some of them know this some others feel it as they experienced so much. For that reason most of them are well know with their discreet attitude.


264. kendra - January 22, 2012

Wow, NP, quite an explanation! So I will understand correctly, when he is with me, he is playing in his head that it is her…I don’t even play a part in our time together…WOW again. You have literally taken my breath away. That explains all the fancy talk and compliments….wow, wow, wow……..

265. NP - January 22, 2012

Just one difference Kendra. It is not a must that she was in his head when he was with you. This is not a necessity. After some time this woman can feel the same because he can escape again.

Remember that we discussed one expression: “shooting a moving target”. Imagine he found a woman to fill a piece in his brain. When all the pieces come together this single one could be meaningless. So, even this figure matches with this single piece at first, there is no guarantee that it will continue after the puzzle completed.

I told before that “e.g. I dream a place, then I go to there, I see nothing about my dreams; but I still keep this dream, this vision inside”. Because this piece is coming from there, that’s why aquas should resolve the things within their inside at first.

What’s that in practice? They got a huge a vision for life. But real life is something else. They must land on earth to begin something. There are two ways to do this: 1) you can surpress this vision part (like I did) or 2) you can direct all your vision to creativity, then you can present art samples, scientific experiements, cinema movies, music pieces or literature works. For that reason there have been so much aquas in world history doing these creative stuff: Mozart, Edison, Francis Bacon, Dickens, Lincoln, Darwin, Jules Verne, Christian Dios, Roosevelt, etc.


266. NP - January 23, 2012

and about the songs for aquas.

You can’t appoint a song believe me. Because it’s a sign of songs. They were born with it.

For the first time I will be arrogant. Because it’s real. If you push or think a tune they would have already got a higher one before you.

Believe me 🙂



267. V - January 24, 2012

hi Kendra-

…’to love him is to ignore him….’ our mantra…

NP – close your eyes – the part below is for K’s eyes only 😉

maybe try being more elusive; not mean, just…make him chase you a little more. don’t accept a saturday night date on friday night (whether or not you have plans). be the first one to walk away, be busy, to have so much to do that you can’t spend any more time w/him. and really, have something to do, so you don’t feel fake about it. don’t sleep over his place. once in a while, don’t even sleep with him. 😉

maybe try that and see if it’s helpful …not sure what would work, but everything in life is an experiment anyway

Kendra - January 24, 2012

Dear, sweet V, you are truly a gem! Was patting myself on the back for not initiating any contact with him, lol! You are absolutely right and don’t think I haven’t already had those same thoughts….so dang hard 🙂 … but I know you are thinking more clearly, than I am. Promise to try this … nothing to loose! Hope this finds you smiling! K, xox

268. jennifer - January 24, 2012

I am a Sag dating (or was) an Aquarius.We met through a dating site and immediately started asking when he could meet me.I had just ended my marriage of 12 yrs 6 mths before so put it off meeting him for three weeks,all the while he text-ed me all the time plus phone calls.We met and it was magic.I have got nervous a few times because he came on so strong and told me he was …and I quote”I am falling deeply in love with you”..This scared the bajesus out of me since I,too was feeling very,very strong emotions for him.I did tell him I was falling for him too.I told him had I had been hurt in my last relationship and still have lingering trust issues(not infidelity,just trust in general)He kept trying to convince and reassure me that he was indeed head over heals in love with me and that I should”just let him love me” So as a Sag,I take my time and try to delve into the darkest deths of my soul and his, to find the truth.I finally believe him wich was not easy to do but as a Sag,Its my trade mark to have eternal optimisim….Soooo now I love him and and he lives 2 hrs away.we said we could manage it….Now it seems as if he is doing the classic distancing things that everyone on here is talking about.I am being me(since thats all I know how to do) and sending him a note here or there saying good morning,but he went from texting me morning noon and night to just 1 time on sunday(said he loved me) and 1 time yesterday,in which he said he loved me AND missed me…..I am thinking it is fine and I’ll let him have his space,but I also feel like I shouldnt be the one to contact him…I should let him contact me?But I soooo dont wanna play games and sensor my actions…..what should I do?

jennifer - January 24, 2012

and that should read *censor*

269. kendra - January 24, 2012

Oh boy, another lovely lady getting snagged by the elusive aqua~man! Sorry to hear of your quandary Jennifer. It is always a predicament as to which direction is best to move in. Let me ask you a couple questions: how long ago did you first meet, did he visit you or you him, how often are you able to see one another?

I’m sure you have read our mantra …’to love him is to ignore him….’ and it has proven correct time and time again. (thx for the reminder V 🙂

One word of warning (I learned the hard way), if he says “I don’t lie” this does not mean he is disclosing the truth…not lying and telling the complete truth are 2 completely different entities to them.

Hang tough (and turn off that text!)
Look forward to hearing back,

jennifer - January 24, 2012

oh,and he came to me because I made up a lame excuse that I wanted to see a live local band because I was petrified of the whole meeting online thing

270. jennifer - January 24, 2012

Well i have to say that as far as consistency goes,,,,He has been perfect for my taste.He hasn’t missed calling me or keeping in contact with me at all….Just less frequent.
And to answer your question Kendra, We first met (in person) on Jan 7th before that we were just texting and using yahoo messenger to keep in contact.we have seen each other 2 other times since that,He actually asked his parents if I could come sspend the weekend.He has been living with them since he pays his ex-wife alimony even though she is REMARRIED….Total BS,but hes trying to take care of that as well and I carefully worded inviting him to come spend the weekend with me this weekend and he accepted. I can accept that he needs time,i do too…As a Sag,I love my solitude so no big deal,but when I asked him if he would consider coming to stay with me for the weekend,he said”that sounds like a good idea” not yes and not no…lol…So I saw him on yahoo this morning and just came out and asked him:”When you said that it was a good idea,did that mean you were able to do that?because it would take some prep on my part with the children”….and he said”I am 99% sure of it”….So far he has not faltered.I think we are perfect for each other and from all that i have read about us being compatible…It says we are THE most compatible combination out of all of the signs.We see through to each other soul it seems ….In my 42 yrs of life…That has never happened and I’m not about to screw it up….Hence,the asking for advice..lol
Thank you for any advice!

271. kendra - January 24, 2012

Glad to hear you have good news Jennifer. Yes, Sag and Aqua are very good together, esp. in a long distance relationship as yours, bc you each respect each others freedom. All I can recommend now is to take it slow, remain somewhat elusive, have a good sense of humor and enjoy!!

272. NP - January 24, 2012

Hi V

Of course I closed my eyes 🙂 But after all those texts you should have understood me that I am not a spy for them, but maybe yours 🙂

It may sound crazy for some people (of course mostly for aquas) but I do not want that precious aqua vision. Its attractive and addictive side doesn’t mean anymore to me. Because I spent considerable amount of my time in life to discover that reality. And one thing about Jennifer, if I had a chance to re-born into this world, I would have definitely chosen Sagittarius.

Bonne chance


jennifer - January 25, 2012

Why would you chose to be a sag?What sign are you?

273. NP - January 25, 2012

Anyway. Not kidding or joking. I am very glad to see that ladies always may find a way. Rangers lead the way you know.

God I am fuckin tired of everything. There is a thick line between the expectations of people in your life (not you folks, I mean physical world) and the things you must do. You know, last line of defense always drawn with the latter. But if you feel so much (god damn aqua stuff) sometimes they are all mixed. I do not try to make a comment, as V said once, most of them are not understandable I know 🙂

Forget it. Aman, thanks for this marvellous blog. We have reached 273th comment and it is amazing. I read it somewhere that you wrote something like: “and let some of them be hidden (or kept)”. I know what you mean brother. But let me add one thing for you: I know you would make what you got in mind; whether it was seen correctly or not by the others. I know you don’t care what the others feel. Very well bro. I do not know anything about you, but a general remark: don’t do this to the people you feel near. Otherwise aqua determination is beyond all the things, we know it.

It is time to shut down HAL for here. I expect to see this blog ongoing and at the same time not a trace of a reply mentioning a farewell or even my name. Because it is reality, not a usual sad chat conversation (what’s a sad thing for this anyway).



V - January 26, 2012

NP – what are you talking about???? what is HAL?

274. kendra - January 26, 2012

Wow #273 took my breath away more than #264 did! Just want to remind you (no names mentioned, at your request) the sad chats were small compared to the friendships made, inspiration given, learning of new ideas/ideals, support shown, and smiles shared!! Life ain’t always easy (whether you are an aqua or curious about one, or anything in between), so you have to turn it into a beautiful ride. I have never blogged before this site, in fact this is the only one I continue to read and write on. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to vent, share and learn from you, V and others. I do believe it made me a better person….and anything/person that is able to do this for another can never be wrong.

Hope you get a good rest and feel revived…sooner than later 🙂

275. V - January 26, 2012

dear NP,

…OK, I definitely second what Kendra said! your contributions to this site are world-class and we definitely need your insight…

NP, you are probably giving too much, and working too hard, as most Aqua’s do…I hope you will give yourself the opportunity to replenish yourself, and take some time for yourself (after all, the doctor needs to heal himself from time to time!)


276. aqualove - January 26, 2012

dear readers,

i agree to what the readers mentioned above… i learned alot from this blogsite, from you who dont want be named. hehe i can relate to their stories, help me better understand people, and i appreciate your POVs.

277. Diva - January 27, 2012

I am madly in love with an aquarius man. I constantly read what linda goodman says to help me understand him. Im trying to be paitent for our realtionship to go to the next level. But it seems like the longer we are together (6 yrs) the more he doesnt like me. Just like what linda says. Or is it bc hes finally comming around to want to get married? Its so confusing bc i know he loves me. Our love is something else.. Lol he does have a unique way of telegraphing his feelings. Im just scared that when he does act funny my reactions are pushing him away. What should i do? What shouldnt i do if im trying to wait?

278. NP - January 27, 2012

I hope it is understood that there is nothing about you (and of course Kendra) and your comments. About HAL, I wrote that because almost all aquas can see what it is (no arrogance for you about it).

Last but not least. If you can understand how much an aqua needs peace in this life, you can have a full sympathy about them. But you can’t feel as them and it would be artificial to think like this, because everything has a kharma. In abstract and that’s why: leave them with their curse.

By the way my tired stuff is not with you or this blog but my own personal life. Something to fix before looking forward and future.

Same as your good wishes


By the way: Here is HAL 🙂

NP - January 27, 2012

And don’t forget to keep your tail high. e.g. after 5 years I wanna see you shifted into your best position in life. Papa NP will be watching 🙂

NP - January 27, 2012

Omg so much for reserve. The heading of the video is saying: “Best Death Scenes” but it is just due to logistics purposes. That was the best video I found about HAL alone (better than a whole movie). I accept that heading is something nervous and sorry for this 🙂



279. Bizarre Porn Tube - January 29, 2012

I’m not certain where you’re getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend a while learning much more or figuring out more. Thank you for great info I was in search of this info for my mission.

280. Khi'yah - January 30, 2012

Hi, I came across this in some research I was doing to try and better my relationship. After reading through the comments I was hoping maybe someone would stumble across mine and may comment and put thier comments to shed light to what they believe. I am an Aquarius woman dating an Aquarius man for about 2 years now. The article easily could have been a model foor the beginnings of our relationship. It was definitely more of a friendship and I dont know why he decided to finally settle after the claasic excuse that he wanted to be more financially settled and together. Anyways so he has told me he loves me several times now and he is in the military. Recently left for his 1st deployment during which I lost our child to miscarriage. After which I became quite emotional and it was hard to cope still is especially with him gone still. The problem seems to be; hoever, he is looking for that strong willed detached independent girl from before and I’m not that for just now. The miscarriage has shattered pieces of me and I’m afraid if I can not piece them together I will lose him to. I tried to deal emotionally on my own and through our email and skype try to be more stron and “like normal” so to speak but he still sees right through that. At first he was very understanding but I can tell he’s getting annoyed. Any ideas on how I can save what we have before it’s too late. Thank you! All comment idea and suggestions recommended.

Irisi - February 4, 2012

Hi, I’m not an expert but I want to offer my deepest apology I know that must have been hard for you. Don’t worry too much hun I doubt he will leave you or break things off with. Aquarius men tend to keep friendships or relationships for life. I doubt he is getting annoyed it may appear to be that way but he is going through alot also. He does not know what to say or do he’s away from you and isn’t much he can do in terms of comforting you physically. Take your time to grieve and try not to worry so much he loves you. They don’t say those words often and when they do they mean it. Be honest tell him how you feel but try not to make any demands or put any pressure on him. Take it one day at a time. You both are going through alot. Good luck and blessings

281. Adult Sex Toys Movies - January 30, 2012

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282. Manya - January 31, 2012

I have fallen for an Aqua-man…he is sometimes caring & sometimes totally cold & blunt on me. Then again he’d turn all inquisitive & caring…and again cold…

Can you plz help me understand wht is he upto??
I sometimes feel as if he is interested in me but sometimes i feel that it’s my illusion.

How can i ascertain this?

I really want to spend the rest of my life with him…


(Libran lady)

Irisi - February 3, 2012

Hi I’m with an aqua man and we have been together for a year but we have known each other for 6years. From my experience what I can tell you is this. They do not move off of emotion!!! That’s biggest and most important thing for you to remember. We as women have a tendency to be emotional and look for our partners or potential partners to show signs of emotions. An aqua man is very special. Leave him alone, do not try to figure out what’s the matter but instead let him have his space. It’s not something that you did but this is his nature. You need to try and understand him first before trying to be in a relationship with him otherwise you will have conflict. Trust me I know me and my partner have been friends for 6 years. That’s how long it took me to crack his code. Now I understand why he reacts to certain situations the way he does, and says the things he says. You will save yourself much time if you take the time to get to know him better as friends then proceed to romance. Just don’t try to jump right in. Aquarius men are special, and they walk to a different beat then those other horoscope signs who tend to move off of emotions. He is interested in you, that’s just his nature. They are the life of the party they tend to be very private people and somewhat of a loner. So keep that in mind and do not be fooled by what you perceive to be true about them it is the opposite of what you think. They do not show their emotions because they are not ruled by them, the way we are. But trust me they feel everything we feel. They are truly unique. My advice is if you want to be with him forever, be his friend, do not be demanding and have no expectations. They are not traditional people and live outside the box. You must be willing to have an open mind if you don’t have one already. Forget what you think is normal. Once you understand how his mind works you will no longer guess why he does certain things. Another thing is never play games with him, or lie, he will surely cut you off but he will do so in a way that you won’t even know it because he will still make you feel special. Aquarius men are very very smart, smarter than you average in fact. Any relationship or friendship is one that he will keep for life. He will not cut you off unless you do something that he considers unforgivable. Accept him the way he is because he can’t change. Hope this helps. I’m a Virgo and I love my Aquarius man! 14 months strong!! Good luck!

283. kendra - February 5, 2012

Hi NP, V and everyone else,

I’m still confused (so what’s new about that,lol!). As mentioned previously, I know he is seeing someone from out of state about once a month, she flys here to see him. And I know they share the “love” word back and forth. (as I’ve said, he has not told me any of this and we don’t discuss anything about her when we are together, but I know as a fact they do state their love for each other)

V suggested I remain busy, which I’ve done and bc of this had to honestly turn down some invites from him. But this wknd was his b-day, so I gave in and we had a lovely evening together. I’ve come to think of our relationship as one of friends who enjoy each other’s company (with some other benefits!) I believe he trusts me and is able to remove any mask he might wear bc we share a sort of kindred friendship w/o any words of love shared. (although in my note to him in Nov., when I tried to end it with him, I did tell him I had fallen in love with him…has he forgotten that lol…but have never said it to him since our reunion of sorts in Dec.)

My confusion lies in the fact that when an aqua man says “I love you”…my belief was those words are sacred to them…not ever lightly spoken. So I still can not understand why he spends intimate time with me while at the same time proclaiming love to her. I’m sure she is unaware of his philandering, and to find out would be quite devastating to her.

Please understand, this in no way freaks me out….I just don’t get it??
If loving some one is so sacred to the aqua man as well as proclaiming this in words, then why does he continue to seek my company, almost weekly?

Maybe only an aqua man has insight to answer these questions (NP?) but I would be interested in hearing any one else’s thoughts, as well.

Hope NP is feeling stronger! Hope V is continuing to smile on this roller coaster of life…miss you both 🙂


NP - February 6, 2012

Answer is simple for me: as I said before, he is trying to catch a moment to get a ground. Most probably his mind is so scattered right now. If you still see him (as I understood from your expressions you do) please ask him a simple question without putting any word in front or after: “is your living room and even your life messy nowadays”. Or you can try to learn how much is he drinking, if he uses alcohol normally.

You should understand that aqua males are born sooo lonely. So lonely more than you can imagine, that you can’t apply usual criticism to them; I mean “they do that because they are good/or they are horrible” labelling. Of course that doesn’t mean they are untouchables for their actions, but if you judge them with ordinary values you can simply fail. You feel depression when you fail with your expectations; they feel this depression when they are not in peace from inside, whether they find their dreams or not; and mostly it is very hard for them to find the reason. But at the end you should have a judgement because this is your life. Understanding something is a thing but your precious life is another one. Again, at the end best one is to judge with your own priorities first.

Let me explain this serious stuff with an example. At one day, before sleeping, I counted the things happened in a day of my life, important things I should arrange to complete (you know, you have to put them within an array according to their importance; your job things, things happened in your personal life, etc. all together); because I was feeling the heavy load of them. Answer was 14 and I am not joking. Why this is important? Normally they do this without thinking, just by instinct. Imagine that an aqua male can’t arrange anything, a single event, while living in this situation. They can be on time for their meetings, e.g. but it would be like a clockwork orange, never in their minds.

Since I started to write this possibility, I mean his status (it is a living situation, I started to write this after your remarks), I also tried to mention that: live your life independently. I am pretty aware that you love him so much. But it is so hard to make him landed over the ground from the outside, believe me.

Worst thing is? He can come to you after several weeks, months or may be even years, I mean only to you. At that moment he could be free from his inner chaos. But until what time you will wait for that? If I were you I wouldn’t. On the other side I can’t be a good example as I play a cold monkey in my life atm.

Lastly, I agree with Irisi about their smart stuff. I wish I were not be. Our popular culture praises intelligence; but ignorance is bliss believe me. And as a side effect it creates hunger for information. Even at my present suppressed case I surf on wikipedia, on the net and look at a relevant book at the same time for 7-8 hours, sometimes till the morning in a week day, and it all starts with a single article to look on. It’s like a haircut stuff. You feel uncomfortable when you don’t do it at this specific time.

284. kendra - February 7, 2012

Dear NP,

That one simple word “lonely” explains volumes to me. Did we ever discuss this in the past? Maybe, and I didn’t heed it bc he always seemed so full of life. But once again you have opened a new door of understanding to me…thank you. (it at least makes me feel better about “me”…was starting to think what does all this say about me and who I am and who I surround myself with)

And thank you NP for always reminding me to put myself/life first. I am thinking of speaking with him in person to say…his life is his choice, I won’t judge him, but it is not the same as what I am looking for in my life. As much as we enjoy each others company, bc of his choices, I’m always left feeling a bit empty after our time together…

I want it all, I want the fairy tale….is that too much to ask for?

princess K (lol)
xo to NP, once again my knight in shining armor 🙂

NP - February 7, 2012

Thanx for your good comments about me.

The things you ask for are nothing about fairy tales. I said that before: “whatever you do, don’t resemble him”. Peace&love together is a fairy tale for aqua males but should not be same for you. By saying this I am not mentioning that they always look for non-real stuff; whether it is real or not, love is like a tale for them.

OK. I think I know how to describe it now. There is an aqua man living in a black&white world. Most of them don’t even deal with what’s going on around, even though they spot all of the things happening and notice every piece one by one. Now there are two factors. One is about their inner peace and the other is about, erm, the other one. It’s like a radio signal. First you should have the transmitter and then you must get a receiver. When they find peace inside and when they see a different colour, they go there. That’s the ideal situation.

You can have the best transmitter inda world, but if his receiver is not properly working, no matters. And you can’t claim that it is due to this receiver, because even he, has nothing to do about it most of the times. Believe me, I always ignore to write how much they suffer with it, and I said little words about, you know. Because it is their suffering Kendra, and never and ever, it should not hinder your own life if you got a relationship with one of them.

They can deal with Oracle stuff to direct their minds, or they can choose to read whatever they can get, it is their suffering and can not be shared at the end. I act like a heartless bastard, because aquas themselves like to give examples from extreme cases 🙂 Or, extreme is our brother’s name.

I give value to your hearts because good hearts are the most precious things in that planet. You always heard about aqua curse; here it is: feeling all of the things, but restricted to touch, more than the others. Why? because simply, “you can’t touch this” 🙂

Always take care yourself first.


285. Mira - February 8, 2012

I know this aquarian, mature. I known him for almost a year. Were good friends, I’m capricorn. We both value our friendship, in fact, we see each other 1 or 2X’s a week.

Lately, I started growing feelings for him. So one day I kinda asked him out, hoping not to scare him away or something, he responded with a light rejection.

He just wants to be friends bc its risky to become romantic, it could ruin the relationship and we both have different paths in life.
Since then, I feel its going to be rough me to see him as a friend because I want more than that.

Any advice?

V - February 10, 2012


i’m a capricorn too…some thoughts: because both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn (in Aqua’s case, only partially), we are very similar. which can figure positively for a friendship, but maybe not so much for a romance…

in short, we Cap’s tend to be very direct & consistent in our love relationships. We like affirmation. Aquarians are not like that in love: they are ambiguous, detached, and prefer someone who DOES NOT need re-assurance.

therefore, while Caps and Aquas may get along great at work & as friends, our needs in love are very different (unless the rest of the chart indicates some compatibility). so that can make things rocky. on the positive side, he likes you as a friend, which is fundamental for aquarius man.

with your Aqua man, you will need to be less direct, less dominant…he needs to make the moves forward, and you have to be a bit more mysterious. I don’t know your chart, but for most Capricorns, these adjustments will feel unnatural and uncomfortable. Aquarius men tend to need to feel that they’re not being bossed or possessed, and to feel that the parameters of the relationship are fluid. can you handle that? only you can answer that…

patience & detachment are key. if you want to seduce this man, you’re going to have to let go of your natural Cap tendency to lead & direct. keep being friends if you’re still interested, and perhaps one day he’ll surprise you…

keep us posted! good luck capricorn sister 🙂

286. V - February 10, 2012

so annoyed! i wrote a long response to Kendra’s post, and then my Internet connection flipped out, and it didn’t post! argh…

well the jist of it was this: yes, take care of you first, Kendra, he surely is assuming that’s what you’re doing. if he is telling this woman he loves her…I don’t know, that’s pretty heavy, unless he’s even worse than we figured. don’t invest too much of your deepest self…don’t want you to get hurt here…

NP – happy birthday, Aquarius! hope you celebrate it well with your beloved ones.

I will write more later…happy weekend everyone…

kendra - February 10, 2012

Thanks V, always good to hear from you!

Yes, Happy Birthday NP, CHEERS to you!!!

V - February 10, 2012

Kendra…I feel like your aqua is hedging…each of you provides a ‘buffer’ against the other woman… and her potential intensity. well, if you really care about him, you can always stick around (unless something better presents itself)…sometimes it’s a matter of being the last one standing (and having a low boiling point)….

as far as my aqua’s — aqua #1 was acting amorous, now (and just this morning) he’s gotten all distant again (which is fine, all fine). aqua #2 is traveling 4 work, but we’re progressing slowly. aqua #1 is my truest love, but….yeah. i’m going zen on that one. there’s actually an aqua #3 that has entered the scene (an old friend who has suddenly started showing interest), but i am tired, so tired…LOL

i want to take a break from dating…that will be my valentine’s gift to myself!…hang with friends and let the chips fall where they may. life is good………….

287. kendra - February 10, 2012

V, Three aqua’s…holy guacomole!!! Soon you will know more than NP about our crazy, endearing, “make one insane” friends! Though I think you are right on, now, in understanding their wily ways. I’m with you on valentine’s day (wish we could spend it together in person, what a ride that would be!). Always disliked that “holiday” even when I was involved with someone 🙂

Not sure where I’m headed. The “loneliness” part that NP mentioned, made a lot of sense (in this circumstance) as to why he was living his life in such a manner…yet that is no excuse for treating others like ping pong balls. I certainly don’t want to be the “other” woman… I’ve played out both extremes in my head…from walking away and not looking back, to talking to him, to hanging in (not letting him know the things I know) and find out who the last one standing is… I find myself quite grounded with the distance in time we go with out speaking or spending time together (1-2 wks). It is right after I have been with him, and his energy is all around me…goofs up my head for about 24 hrs. It def. helps (and to be honest, sometimes hurts) to have more understanding of what is being played out. I still never initiate contact. As I’ve mentioned before this is the most convoluted relationship I have ever experienced…and yet I have learned so very much from it…not a bad thing! And I continue to search the abyss for some other aqua (or any sign) to learn new lessons with 🙂

Have a good wknd V…hang tough and smile!

NP - February 10, 2012

You are right Kendra, I am pretty surprised with 3 aquas !! You will read one of my stupid experiences below. After this I can not blame V for that number, because life is really a journey. She is a dancer and she is quicker than us.

Kendra that’s why you should look forward for your own life. If you say your second woman concern to him, he will escape again (may be not from you but from this expression), because most probably he would not want to face this reality atm.

And if you ask me it would be great if you come and drink together while chatting. If it is not this 14th of February, could be later.

kendra - February 10, 2012

Re: good conversation shared and a drink…I hope you will join us NP, when that day arrives 🙂

Re: my guy, I meant talking to him about my understanding he was in a relationship with someone else and we could not continue in the way we have, as I would not feel good about myself, if we did. I did not in any way mean, I would give him an ultimatum …. I have learned some things from you and V, lol!

I think for now I will see what plays out…..

xoxox to my valentine buddies and aqua lovers

288. NP - February 10, 2012

I am grateful for your birthday wishes. Everything goes steady, except my aqua sense about time: it is like really moving faster than the past; technical evaluation, not a fear for aging 🙂

Strange that one of my disappointments in love was with a Capricorn lady. I didn’t know that she had a Capricorn sign at that time, but she was born in 1st of January, easy to remember later.

After those years I could match the situation with the things written by V, and it filled the black holes. Now with this info I guess I can clearly reflect the case (by the way I agree with V’s comments about Mira’s situation). She was in between me and an asshole; really he was, only a hunter&gatherer type (because I knew him from a college friend of mine). Surprisingly I put myself into the stage and presented my intention, and she got it very quickly. Her scale started to shift and she was leaning on me time by time. That hunter&gatherer had a clever mind, a kind of self-educated human engineer, and spotted this from the beginning. It was like a competition which aquas hate very much actually. Mostly that’s why I started to stand in a more passive way and waited for her reaction (reason explained below). At the end I lost it with a distant score.

Yep she was straight and this disturbed me very at the beginning. But this was not the primary concern. It is a little bit complicated to tell, but aqua mind works like that (we wrote so many messages but we also still find something to add; enormous): There should be essential qualities for people, if you loose your precious ones just because they did not show those traits, no need to cry as it would be a failure to continue anyhow. During this competition our guy got the result as he has shown full intention, at least from the outside.

For me the most interesting thing was the last chat with the Capricorn, as she moved away with him (invented another reason but it was clear). I don’t remember the details but it was like:

me – “so it was short but we shared lots of things, thanks for your friendship”
cap – “did you take all of those things as a friendship or you continue to keep yourself again”
(after a short pause)
me – “does it matter?”
cap – “not now. surely not”
me – “so we are still friends”
cap – “why you suffer to put the things into their right place; i mean all of your behaviour and your words”
(it is stupid now but I found her a little bit arrogant and felt stressed to talk directly)
me – “this dual stuff. it was stupid. i was not born to describe myself to the people each time, again and again.”
cap – “then allright. you can keep to look at the mirrors”.
(really felt her anger; and only after couple of months understood that she was still offering a chance).

Well, there is no connection with your affair Mira. Just a past story of mine to tell 🙂

V - February 11, 2012

NP…thank you sincerely for sharing your experience…it definitely sounds familiar to me, from other experiences I’ve had with aquarius men…

sometimes there’s like just a small gap in communication. but i guess sometimes those small gaps make all the difference….only w/patience & maturity can the people involved move past it

just wondering…was there anything you were expecting to get from her that you weren’t getting? (Not sure if I’m phrasing that well)…I guess I mean…Were you waiting for her to do or say something in order to move forward (and that she didn’t do…), and what was it?

NP - February 12, 2012

In fact I expected to see a more open attitude. For example, when we were in a home party we were chatting together and she was so interested. Then the other guy came, obviously he felt depressed from our conversation and distracted our chat. She did not show any reaction and started to talk to him too. After a while I was bored as the conversation was apparently artificial, invented by him to intrude. I created a reason and moved towards other friends. After couple of days I saw her again and her first sentence was: “ah, last time you were bored and I hope you will not again now”. What did I expect? She knew that he made this in purpose and it was rude. But she was just interested with his strong interest. It was clear that she wanted from me to show same kind of stuff. That’s almost inacceptible for aquas. Imagine that even in a mechanical the final result can’t tell anything about the process itself. And this was all about us, humans.

I always felt her dominance, if you ask this. My feeling told me she was thinking like: “all men are same animals, and they are a little bit different than us, women, other animals.” I explained aqua approach in my previous post. I noticed incoherence with her moves. One day she was like a lion and you could approach her only when she wanted, other day she was almost crying in your arms, talking so warm, because she was in depression for a reason. Of course I do not mean that she was like a psycho and changing herself in each hour. But I am sure you understood what I mean. Now I can say that she was behaving with her principles but her mistake was her scope for the world. Not every human being is same and life is beyond every single perspective. And think more, we aquas like to talk about universe, but she had problems in our mother earth.

No positive stuff? Of course there was. First she was clever and I did not hear any shallow conversation whenever we made together (except in the moments like in that party case). Second, as I said above, she had principles, whether I liked them or not. And third one was sensual perspective. Well that was one of the problems. Horizontally you could see that she had all the capacity to feel, but my opinion she didn’t know this and for that reason she was showing some very strong and good pieces, but not a whole picture. It is like, erm, hurted from a past experience. Of course I tried to learn the reason but she never allowed me. By the way we aquas feel those potentials, but as poor bastards we think that they should be full revealed by the people who keep them if they are hidden. Only exception, they react to push them out when they feel special for someone.

Physically she was attractive not because she was very beautiful, but she had a good sense to combine her image with the outer shell. She knew how to care her her image, what to wear, how to make up and I noticed a significant difference from the other earth signs, Virgo and Taurus, she was doing this mainly for herself, not for the other people. She was attractive for me, but reason was different, typical aqua stuff: I told that I realised something about her, only after several years. I guess this mystery pushed me on (could not push now for sure). And of course the other factor: I found a quick and meaningful reply from her from the beginning.

Another info: 5 years ago I heard that she married with that guy and they had 2 children at this time. Funny that I learned this by full coincidence; first coincidence my encounter with the guy’s boss, who is an old friend of mine who did not see me since so many years. Second one was the info I got, because I saw his full name while my friend was showing a document for the company meeting, prepared by him. I ensured the security, my pal will never tell anything about this coincidence, and of course he already doesn’t know this story about her. He thinks that I do not want to meet this guy because we had a conflict for another reason. But the funniest thing was my friend’s words: “this guys works well, one of my favourite employees, but you know I am a little bit macho guy; I never understood him with that sense. Almost all of his friends at work are females”. lol. Seriously, may be because most of the males are not conversable, who knows.

Lastly my present feeling: Honestly I do not feel anything special for her now and I am not regretful for the things I have done during this time. For me the criteria are the moments, when you meet the people after some time; and I am fully confident for such a meeting quite by chance. Why? Simply don’t know. Perhaps my feelings were not real.

Hope that I could give the full picture V.

ps: common girls; Spike was cool but he is not like in real life as in the movies. and I always respect girl chats. they share so much when they do it in circle.

289. NP - February 10, 2012

No no it is not a good idea for me to join a drink-chat environment. I am like a Spike in Notting Hill, not a William there or even Bruce Wills mode type. If I find good amount of spirits you could spend important amount of time to carry my fully drunk body into the woollen carpet only after 2 hours. And imagine that how it could be so boring with my comments on V’s 3 aquas. That should be a girl-chat.

I am not a Brit nor American but do not forget to toast a pint of a Guinness in a pub for me at first!

V - February 11, 2012

NP, you are the critical member of our group. we cannot possibly have drinks without you….

Spike from Notting Hill was awesome!

290. Mira - February 10, 2012

Interesting points. Thanks. Lately, I have been pondering about the situation. I really had a gut feeling this guy liked me more than a friend. Damn, he taught me a lot and we had so many fun adventures, makes me smile. His eyes always sParkled, huge smile wen he was happy, and playful. Always made me laugh. Yeah I noticed he was distance but totally didn’t bother me, I like my time alone. I recently gave him an awesome kickass gift for his bday, and he was shocked n said it was the best gift anyone gave him. The afterward that wen I asked him the ‘question’ . So with this light rejection, I just feel embarrased, fooled, like the one with the ‘one-sided-lovE-interest! I haven’t really talk to him since. But I guess iS best for me to just keep him as a facebook friend. I can’t be friends with someone who I have feelings for. At least that’s my resolve.

291. Mira - February 11, 2012

Interesting points. Thanks. Lately, I have been pondering about the situation. I really had a gut feeling this guy liked me more than a friend. Damn, he taught me a lot and we had so many fun adventures, makes me smile. Obvious signs such as his eyes sparkling, huge smile wen he was happy, and playful. Always made me laugh.
Yeah I noticed he was distance but totally didn’t bother me, I like my time alone. I recently gave him an awesome kickass gift for his bday, and he was shocked n said it was the best gift anyone gave him. Then afterward that wen I asked him the ‘question’ . He used excuses how it cud ruin are friendship wen we become romantic n how he’s moving away. So with this light rejection, I just feel embarrased, fooled, And how I’m the one with the ‘one-sided-lovE-interest! I haven’t really talk to him since. But I guess iS best for me to just keep him as a facebook friend. It wud be hard to be friends with someone who I have feelings for but just want to be friends. . At least that’s my resolve.

NP - February 12, 2012

I fully agree with Kendra (I can say that she and V are the true experts for aquas now). Do not expect anything for now. Let time goes by and play the middle. Do not show full interest but also do not stay calm or cold too. In facebook or in another platform, if you join into the same environment try to act as an ordinary member, I mean like other members. It is like: “hey this is a good video” comment, if he says “I am glad you like it”, you reply “well I like these movies”. Nothing special about him, but also no sign of distraction. Keep connected but no private chat initiated from your side. If he starts to speak you should be steady in your words until the first level. How to know when it comes? Any request for a private contact. Then you can raise the level according to him, again not by your own feelings.

292. kendra - February 11, 2012

Nay, Nay NP….you are not getting out of this one so easily…it would not be complete w/o you! And I agree with V…Spike rules!!

Mira, time is your friend when dealing with an aqua man. Go live your life and see what life brings you while you are doing that!!

293. Milf Porn Tube - February 11, 2012

It’s truly a great and useful piece of info. I am glad that you just shared this useful information with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.

294. kendra - February 29, 2012

Hey Dude (NP) and Dudette (V), It’s been a couple weeks since our last chat, how’s life treating you? I’m starting a new job tomorrow
and have today off 🙂 Haven’t seen or heard from “you know who” in over 3 weeks, since our lovely time together on his birthday. I just keep moving forward and have not contacted him in any form, either. Thought maybe he had turned into a “standup” guy by making a choice to share time only with her. Then a friend told me he had been on the dating site last week?? Clearly he is one confused pup! Though his actions continue to confuse me, I feel I am growing stronger with this time spent away from him. Not sure where his head/heart are at, but also not sure I can respect someone who seems to “play” with so many women’s heart strings at once.

Hope this finds you well.

V - March 17, 2012

hi K!

sorry been so long in writing…i have been taking a break from the dating scene…I need time to sort out my feelings and let go of some of the hurts from ‘my original aqua.’ I really think it’s the only way to move forward authentically….

on the good side, i’ve been keeping very busy with career & friends. so there’s that.

your Aqua is just sowing his wild oats, it seems. I hope you have let him go as well, and that you’re finding someone worthy of your time & love….but of course, if he mends his ways, there’s always a 2nd chance!

xoxoxo all best,

NP - March 19, 2012

Hi Kendra!

Contrary to V, I was not doing something special but concentrating on my miserable life as all Aquas do! I can say only one thing special for these times: I discovered a cheap but good vodka from Belorussia in my all-time shopping market.

For your aqua I can say a brief thing atm: I guess he can’t see so then he can’t accept that he plays with so many hearts. But as I told before he is a naturally born talent to do so. I don’t play the arrogant one, and I can’t be, cause not now but inda past I have never chosen those things intentionally.

Good to see that you start a new job with a smile on your face 🙂 I have a great adaptability to get a new stuff, my last 20 years have shown that I can forget the physical places of my old home or work only in 2 weeks; and indeed planned to shift my job so many times before, but a hidden force interrupted me always. Your move encouraged me I should say. Thanks.

Hope you are doing well.


295. dee - March 2, 2012

i just chanced upon your blog aman. i met an aqua male abt a month back online. i dint bother much and ws pretty cold and indifferent and rude. btw m a leo woman. he got intrigued and we somehow ended up chtting quite a bit. he stays abt 3 hours drive from where i stay. v met up soon and our first meeting was awsm..we ended up spending 6 hours toegther just chatting. and we bth felt a strng attrction to each other. he is a workaholic, successful and alwys wrks till late in the nite. and he alwys has these regulr business dinrs and travels reg. its beeen a mnth since our 1st meeting. V hv kept in tch thru this entire mnth via bbm or instant msngr. while i hv tried to be open and communicative, he remains closed, nvr volunteering any info unless asked. i told him he needs to open up or else this wl nvr wrk. he assured me he will try and he likes me. but i dnt really seee any effort on his part. whn i dnt contct him, he revrts wid where i hv been and how i hve been. his behaviour just dsnt make any sense to me. his reponses are limited to monosylabels. i hv given him the option of cutting this short and v just being frnds. but he dsnt agree. i really m quite fedup of pandering to his convenience and one sided conversation where i keep ramblig away like a dimwit. and funny thng is there is just no arguing wid this man.he just dsnt believ in arguing. he is remote, distant, elusive and comes across as pretty cold. u alwys feel as if hes nt quite there wid u. since our 1st meetin was sooo awsm i thot i shld stick arnd and try to know this man. but there is simply no way that i can figure will help me know him betr.

2dy is friday, he has told me he will come dwn and meet me over the wknd since its been soo long. but its past nooon and i still dnt know wehthr he will cm dwn 2rw or on sunday. i mean really m geting quite fed up of his high handed ways. reading few of the above comments, i feel i am just wasting my time and need to just chuck this whole thng. i dnt see him making any grt changes to accomodate me..

296. dee - March 2, 2012

i shld prob make it clear here that we both met wid the intention of getin into smthng serious, long term relationship, marrige. and we both dicussed and agreed that we would like to explore whether this cld lead to smthng serious and did not want to get into casual stuff o simple dating. but his behaviour is baffling. he keeps in tch but its only hellos and how r u. he expects me to ask qstns, get to know him betr. and he dsnt even promptly respond.and whn my qstns get too probing, he dsnt answer.whn i dnt bother he gets in tch..when i talk of cutting this off, he revrts wid a n..seriously guys wht do u make of such a guy????

297. dee - March 3, 2012

yesterdy i had read a few commens and today a few more. my story sounds exactly like that of on fire, gina and many others here. i had decided to give this guy a months time and see where this thng btwn us heads. sorry to say but he stuck to his ways.

i had told him i cant read silences and he needs to open up more. he dint really. but yes if i dnt bother for a cpla days he does initiate contact. initially this was fine but for how long. i cant wait forever in the hope he wld start communicating more. he had told me he wld come dwn this wknd to see me on his own accord but true to his form till friday evening, i dint hear from him. while i am fine wid ppl having to cancel plans, wht i am not fine wid is not infoming others abt such cancellation. being elusive, reclusive is fine but this is sheer dis respect for other peoples time, their honest approach. i cant stand cat and mouse games atleast not beynd a certain point. initially its fun. but as time progresses u want substance.

i decided m nt gona stand for such impolite behaviour. I have deleted him from my bbm list. and am not going to ever get in touch with hm again. if he thnks m worth it, he will make the next move. if he doesnt, then i nyways did the rite thing. if he cant see the obvious, then he dsnt deserve me. besides u cant force some1 to want u in their life, cnt force them to make space in their life for u, cant force sm1 to love u. i may feeel a litl low for a couple of days but thts ok. there r many ways to occupy my mind. and aftr 3/4 days, u will be back on track..:-)

my suggestion to all, do give ppl time and space but in the processs dnt let urself get tooo obsessed with geting them. its not doing any of us gud and v wont even get the guy in the end! besides why are we mind f@#king ourselves?? lets just chill and njy..cheeers to all

298. Paige - March 5, 2012

My bf of 5 years is an Aquarius and I’m an Aries.. I don’t believe most of this to be true for him.. we broke up once for a short period of time and he told me the reason why. He’s always straight forward with me and he wears his emotions on his sleeve when it comes to being around me anyways. We were physical before we got to know each other. he’s a home body and would much rather spend time with me at home then be out with his friends which annoys me sometimes. he claimed me his girlfriend before we actually started dating to all his friends and others in the neighborhood. He’s an introvert. He told me he loved me first. He brought up the fact we should get married and i freaked out and told him i wasn’t ready for that step in my life yet and the same with having children. He can be very clingy, jealous and possessive at times and it’s clearly not hidden and when he wants something and he know he can’t have it he will throw a hissy fit, which i find funny for our age. I support the both of us fininicaly. He doesn’t understand or like team work he wants to do everything on his own. in the beginning he would rather be physical then have a conversation or debate now it’s the opposite which i find to be rather relaxing and nice for a change. he knew to be with me he had to change some of his ways so he did just that, otherwise i let him be and do himself. It has been a roller coaster ride with him but it’s rather exciting so it always held my interest, so has his mind. He has a great personality and he’s very loving, gentle and compassionate towards me. He’s always on time, if he says he’s going to do something he usually see through it, he has never canceled a date or time together. He only talked about his ex girlfriends except for one time and it was the reason they broke up otherwise he never talks about his ex girlfriends. he likes to shower me with gifts even though i tell him not to and he never forgets a holiday i guess it’s an excuse for him to celebrate something. he’s romantic at heart he just shows it differently then most.

299. dee - March 5, 2012

paige ur guy is the only aqua male who is behaving this way..:-)..

my guy is an entrepreneur and v successful at tht..he loves his work.. he worships his wrk i shld say..i am a legal professional and doing fine but def nowhere as sucessful as him.. and he dint contct me ovr the wknd nor today..which just goes to shw i was prob rite in cutting him out. i hv to say thou i feeel a litl sad i dint let that get me dwn.. kept my mind engaged and caught up wid frnds, a nice book to get me thru.

some of the thngs shared by pppl on this blog had me really scared. no point in plottin and planning and trying to be smthng i am not just to hook a man i like. for how long can i keep subduing my real personality? while sm compromises and changes are fine, i dnt want to be the only one who keees trying to get this going.

300. dee - March 7, 2012

hey guys..just a quick update.. its mid week but he stl hasnt got in tch wid me..its wierd bec in our last convo he had actually mentioned that he wd make more of an effort bec he knows m worth it.. duno whether i shld feel annoyed or amused. reading the above mails, i realised that if i give in i wll be setting the pattern for future. i hv decided to go out on dates wid other guys and do mybest to forget him… m sure by next weeek i wld no longer even feel tthe urge to get in tch..

301. maverick - March 16, 2012

I’m an aquarian… wondered if other aqua men felt this… but sometimes I’m high and sometimes so depressed to contemplate killing myself, has anyone else felt this?

V - March 17, 2012

Maverick —

I believe we all go thru such high’s and low’s, otherwise we wouldn’t be human. I hope you don’t contemplate the self-destructive/suicidal thoughts too much — your life is too precious…and I believe tomorrow really is another day…tomorrow could bring the surprise that makes it all worth the struggle. we have all been there.

My spirituality has really helped me fight against low feelings — try meditation, or yoga, or going to Christ with your troubles….or try finding some spirituality that sustains you…try volunteering, helping someone less fortunate than yourself (like someone with cancer or a homeless person) – it certainly does help…

God be with you,

NP - March 19, 2012

hi maverick

I’m an aqua male too. I have no claim that I’m an expert on this. But; I know that sometimes you feel “special” with it, I mean you think that you are different. Can you tell your troubles by excluding these feelings?

Other people may say that I’m crazy, because you never mentioned any one of those senses. But I know you keep. it is important to releive that artificial feelings to describe the marks in your life.


PS: I know you like to stare at the stars when you want to be alone.

NP - March 20, 2012

i should write this.


your brain and soul work so well but think about it. you want to kill yourself because you can’t match the things you imagine with the real life you face. i know how you feel mate. and even i can hear you saying: “they are not my dreams, my visions”.

try to direct them to something. i mean music, painting, photography or architecture. more the cliches squeezing more you get apart. but don’t let it go like this. again, try to direct this energy. you feel that sometimes you imagine the impossible places or persons. try to come them closer into this life. because we don’t have another one. and stop thinking that it is a curse. it is. but you can overcome it.

anytime you need.


302. Willowwitch - March 16, 2012

Hi maverick,
I am a leo female and I am sorry to hear you feel that way, the good thing about this site is alot of people do care and all of us are having some difficulty. I think aquarian’s keep it all inside too much and sometime’s afraid to show the real you. Share yourself with us as no one will really know who you are………take the risk you really have nothing to loose!
I would like to say a great big THANKYOU to DILLENGER his advice was fantastic and he seemed such a lovely person<3
Now for the silly bit I have lost it for a really scared Aquarian man he is devoted to me as in he is everywhere I am almost like a stalker and after reading this I now know I have done the wrong thing by being to predictable, letting him find me, because I want to see him too. However it is all done from a distance, if I get to close he is like a rabbit in the headlights previously we did meet up had a lovely time but he backed out and now its all picture and no sound.
Any thought's, neither of us is involved with anyone else, yes it's weird and then some. I need an aquarius man to tell me what is this about.
Maverick come back and tell us your story :0)

NP - March 20, 2012

Dear Willowwitch

You may be sure that the reason is not about personal fears. Kendra and V understood it so much, up to the distance for a person from outside, and I hail them.

The things you love him the most, in fact the curse he’s got. I mean it is not because of you; but you love him for certain qualities, and these qualities are his worse parts in front of the society, perhaps you.

Please believe me that there is no arrogance with it. In fact people here know that I hate it. But you must be an aqua to understand this totally. That’s why I always told the people that (including aquas) the only important thing is to what you see and get.

First, these people have enormous ability to survive while they are alone. Because the dreams they keep are beyond anything you can imagine. You know the stuff that everything lies within your brain. They don’t know it, they live it. Is this healthy? may be somewhere else but not in our mother earth. So you are successful as long as you make them out but also share as it is your own.




303. Dania - March 18, 2012

ok I did not wish my Aqua man on his birthday?is that a reason for him to dump me?

304. beyonder33 - March 19, 2012

I need help/advice from an AQUA MAN or Aqua Man expert Please

I am a bit scattered brained so please bare with me!

I am a Gemini Woman(6/20) 32 yo – Working from home
He’s an Aquarius Guy(1/25) 22yo – He is a Student

We met on an line dating site. We started simply as fun and friendly. And live close to one another. A 15 mte walk away.
When he and I met(on the site) I was talking to another guy whom he knew about. I told him about him and since things didn’t work out with that guy(he was Taurus)
He and I (the aqua guy) started to have fun and flirtatious conversations.
I warned him though at first, that I was emotional and said: You don’t want to get involved because I’m 1. emotional and 2.Highly sexual.
He said he was ok with this.
So we kept on speaking fun and flirty.
We contemplated meeting.
We both wanted it, so to speak.

Fast forward
I created a new fake account to test him.
And he failed. As he contemplated meeting that fake person and left them his newly made email to receive photos. (No he did not know it was me)
I messaged him as MY account. The one he and I met with.
And told him: My cousin WILL NOT be sending you those photos!
His excuse was: hahaha I didn’t really intend to meet up, I only say things because it entertains me.
Ok I took his word for it. This was the beginning of February Last Month
Friends said this was the FIRST and should have been the FINAL Red Flag!

Since we first Met… Things went fine. but. I haven’t heard from him since Tuesday Night. Am I overreacting for feeling worried sick almost? I’ve been crying these past few days. Feeling almost sure that he’s avoiding me for some reason. I wish he could come to me, or call me at least or answer my calls and texts to assure me he’s ok. Even if he says he’s no longer interested. Because as a Gemini I’m so communicative. Maybe he felt like I was demanding too much of his time? We only saw eachother no more than once a week. twice one week a few weeks back.
Please clear this up with me.
I was concerned at first thinking maybe he met someone else
(Mind you, the day we met I asked:so are we BF & GF? he goes: Yeah I thought we established that)
Are they known for lying to keep the peace?

My first LOVE was aquarius and that lasted 2.5 years. It was great!

This guy….is 22yo I’m 32yo. Do you think our age difference is the problem?
Was he just not ready for a serious relationship? I try to joke in my texts some times.
I don’t know if my Grandmother threw him off. Last time he visited me he said: She was just staring at me.

The problem is: He’s so very shy and quiet around people. He mainly speaks when I ask him something but, the last time I saw him..2 Fridays back the 9th he actually seemed a bit more comfortable to spark the conversation first. We connect physically and so passionately. I almost feel lost without him. I dont’ know.
We can lay down and hug and we’re comfortable. If he could stay all night I would love him to but he can’t. He lives with his parents. He’s a student and I work from home.

I’m sorry for going in to so much detail but I need to know what I”VE done wrong.

Even if I haven’t it’s hard to say or know because with his lack of communication or responses I feel like he’s avoiding me.
Whether he met someone new or realizes that he has fallen madly for me I wouldn’t know.

I’ve even felt compelled to call hospital patience information to see if he’s been admitted. Worse case scenario is he either has lost interest over whatever or he’s hurt or worse. 😦

My best friend of 23 years said: When you talk to him don’t talk personal stuff about the 2 of you. Talk about worldly topics like politics etc etc. He’s not into that.
He’s oppositive of me. I love R&B he’s into Rock. I don’t care though!

I even re joined the site where he and I met. I feel no one compares though. What we had in the past 6 weeks! It doesn’t seem to matter how Handsome, charming, rich or smart another is. I need and want to hear from my aqua Man. I’m so worried half the time that he’s hurt or in dire straits. Of course the worse case scenarios have popped in my head. I feel like a tortured soul. Without him I suddenly feel incomplete. I’m crying and tired of it. All’s I want is for him to communicate to me. Anything so I know that he’s ok.

I mean men do that whole: sparing of their woman’s/gf’s feelings by not telling us. But what they need to understand is that the NOT KNOWING actually does more harm. We’re left wondering and guessing, imagining even what we could have done wrong. I know what most have said. To move on or give him time. But time for what? Maybe he can’t handle the maturity that I exude. I mean maybe he’s still mentally a 15 yo kid! Any advice/suggestions??????

NP - March 20, 2012

Dear beyonder

At first as a gemini you are one of the closest signs to him. But no sign can get closer anyway at the end.

No matter how he remarks about anything. You can be sure about his natural behaviour, no hidden comment, positive or negative. Age difference? You can totally ignore this. First, this difference is not too much (I am an aq but objectively it is not) and be sure that he doesn’t care it all. And if you wait enough he could be the best friend to your grandma believe me.

Conversation. Problems with aquas (although I never saw it as a problem, let’s say difference from the other 11 signs) they can be social more than you may imagine. But at first they can look shy, because they need to be convinced primarily. Like me. For most of the times I kept distance at first, because the reason was not my fears, just because I respected the others. Think about this motto, it is typical aquarian: if someone is a friend of everyone he is not a friend of anyone.

He is not menthally like a 15 years old, let me give it more clear. Today I saw an advertisement board on the streets, saying that in short: “young people have a voice for that”. Suddenly I felt myself among them, then I realised that I’m around 40! But for maturity? I keep the same since my childhood, when I was 5 I never understood that why kids are doing those silly games!

Let’s go practical. Try to understand his passions and wishes. Even for aquas there are hidden deams behind their outer shell. Never suggest one-way stuff, I mean you can offer a weekend trip in wildlife, but with photography. And for the first moments try to suggest it within a community, I mean in a tour e.g. The only thing you should care is about the organization: it should not be in a Japanese style, “shoot and leave”. First, show that you are already active for something, then try to pull him there.

Finally, never feel disturbed as you post these words on here. As an aqua man I bet I can post the worst if I choose 🙂

beyonder33 - March 20, 2012

I should change my name it Miss Scatter Brain LOL

Yeah lol I feel like a Mental case!
Again another relative said: maybe his Mother doesn’t approve. I do have a Daughter after all. I know he said to me once that his Mother was incredibly religious.

I know you can’t decide for a person. I know he makes up his own mind.
Maybe he got bored with me. Maybe it was all in my head. So many what if’s and maybe’s.

The connection I thought we had. Maybe he was just testing waters. But who really knows? Not me!

All I know is I’m over the crying. I need to learn to love me. I started my sugar detox and am feeling great!

Whether he comes back to me or not I have to put me first. I need to cry for myself. Crave myself. Put myself first!

For lack of having a Father figure (like a friend said) I’ve looked for love and acceptance in the wrong places.

I have this feeling deep inside that he has a soft spot for me. But whatever this reason that is coming between us is just too great for him to break. Whatever this barrier is. I cannot focus on it any more. I will not contact him any more.

Today is Tuesday March 19th early evening. It makes approximately one week since he last communicated with me.

I will share what I said to him before his last words to me. I was being sort of cute and poetic. In text
Quoting a song I said to him: I only think of you, on 2 occasions!
He responded with: What 2 occasions?

LOL. My response was: That’s Day and Night :* 🙂
His response back to me was 🙂 :* <THIS happened to be the last thing I've heard from him since last week today.

After that I've said other cutesy flirty things. The next day. Which I've always done. After not hearing from him the next day. I was starting to worry.

But does he suddenly feel put off?

Anyway enough with the questions. I will try to erase him from my mind and as I said again focus on me.

It may seem funny that I explain the situation like this. Like I said it hasn't even been 2 Months since we met but….

I feel like I was a drug addict, given a new drug(him)
Then suddenly the drug was snatched away from me.
And now I'm craving this drug so badly.

I don't know how else to explain it.

I need to get the DRUG OF CHOICE out of my system!

Is it to challenge us? To see if we like this game of Cat and mouse where they run and we chase after you? To see if we could keep up! But I freaking LOVE it. I love a challenge! Trying to peak into his mind. I was intrigued at first because he was so quiet and I even told him I found his quietness sexy!

lol I know I said I'll stop but there's so much I want to know now. So when/if I finally see him I need to remember to ask him all these questions. Instead of diving into physicality!

Three things I know he loves is Video Games, hanging with his friends and sleeping.

His profile said he likes to travel. Really? Where to? I hope I have the opportunity to ask!

I feel high because like anyone with an addiction, know they are about to reach/obtain the object of their addiction and they get this super HIGH feeling of…almost out of this world reality. Euphoric almost. (except it's been a week since I've heard from him) so I don't know when/if I'll hear from him. (redundant I know)

I feel intrigued. By the mystery, It's like he's a puzzle and I'm relentless in my endeavors. My endeavor is trying to pick him apart and figure him out!

This Blog is almost like a mutual meeting of drug addicts accept the drug is the Aqua Man and we're just discussing our lives and comparing notes! o.O

What do I do???????????

305. beyonder33 - March 19, 2012

In regards to rejoining the site. WE both deleted our accounts to show, I guess our devotion to one another? That was about a Month or so ago.

306. dee - March 19, 2012

hey maverick.. wht u feeel is not so uncommon. smtms u get in a rut in life, lose momentum, personal life and professinal life seem the same, thngs feel boring, routineish. no excitement, no looking forward to. u feeel listless. hppens to all.. happen to the best…just wait it out.. we all hv gud, not so gud, and bad phases. just tide it out. try and take interest in thngs arnd u, try developing new interests, meeet ppl, cultivate new frdships etc..whn i feeel dwn, i write my thots..uncensored. it helps to understnd ur thot processes.

if u wana share ur personal experience wid us please do.. perhaps there is a simple solution to your issues which u may not have beeen able to see???

NP - March 19, 2012

Hi dee

I wish your comments were true for an aquaman. And I’m really honest for that wish. But I share a common thought with you: he should share his feelings.



307. dee - March 19, 2012

beyonder 33 -i think you need to just give the guy some space mantain total silence from your end and let him revrt. dunt follow him. its not wrking anywys..m sure he will wonder whr u r aftr few days of silence. hopefully he wld revert.

try to do other thngs and divert your mind. thts wht i did..

beyonder33 - March 20, 2012

I will heed your advice. And will not contact him at all.

It may seem funny that I explain the situation like this. Like I said it hasn’t even been 2 Months since we met but….

I feel like I was a drug addict, given a new drug(him)
Then suddenly the drug was snatched away from me.
And now I’m craving this drug so badly.

I don’t know how else to explain it.

Thank goodness I haven’t cried once today. I think that as long as I believe that he’ll eventually get in touch that I’ll be fine. Because if I assume he won’t then it literally stresses me out!

308. beyonder33 - March 19, 2012

It will be hard but I will try. My first thought was that he’s moved on to someone else. So I truly hope that he takes into consideration my feelings.
My patience will allow me maybe 2 Months of waiting. After that I cannot say that I’ll feel inclined to wait any more.
I’ve done the waiting game b4 to no avail.
I just hope that he’s ok, both physically and emotionally!
I’ve exchanged numbers with another Man in the mean time and his efforts to try to help me forget about my aqua man are actually putting me off. He goes: how can I help you forget if you won’t meet with me.
1. I told him. I don’t want to jump into anything physical. Done it too many times only to get hurt in the end.
2. Let’s just talk. He’s obviously annoyed because he wants to be physical.

My Goodness can’t we just talk for a while and feel each other out? Why must we meet physically? A date I understand but I don’t want to meet physically.
I could hear in his voice his annoyance of wanting to wait on who he calls a kid. Because of our age difference. Again I’m 32 and my aqua Guy is 22.

I want to work on me and in hopes my aqua man comes back he will find me to be a little more appealing. Mentally and Physically and spiritually!

309. kendra - March 20, 2012

Dear V and NP,

Just typed a note to you both and somehow they disappeared into the abyss? Running out of battery now…so short and sweet…. The best part of meeting “him” was bonding with you two 🙂 You both remain in my heart…and sending big hugs to V as I read between your lovely lines.

I’m ok and growing stronger every day w/o him around.

Will write again soon.
Kendra, xoxo
PS ~ NP russian vodka is the BeSt !!

NP - March 20, 2012

hi Kendra

problem is: hard to find a real russian one nowadays 🙂

and i can say only one thing certain for aquas: leave their silly and meaningless addictions. they are close to third party stuff like alcohol. but they hate to be bound to anything and it balances this. may be that’s why i can swim in a vodka pool but then i can run away from any alcohol for over 6 months.

it’s like a polar stuff. let’s wait for the other half year.

310. dee - March 20, 2012

hey np. thnx for the quick note. i did give my aquarian guy anthr chance. he behaved in the same fashion agn.. so i hv given up and no longer even thnk of geting to know him betr or meet him agn. i have absolutely no idea why he behaved the way he did. sweet, frndly and caring one day but also distant and remote, the next day. he just ignored me compleletly..weird..

apart frm tying him up and making him answer or pushing myslf dwn his throat, i dnt see any quick solution to my situation. and well if i evr smhw find myself in tch wid him agn, i wld like to know the reason behind his blow hot blow cold behaviour. dnt thnk he will b too kindly disposed towards giving me an explanation. And well i cant handle such silly childish games. it just screws up my mind. so i thnk this is it for me. my brief daliance with the aquarian guy comes to an end. a litl sad since i thnk we did hv grt chem btwn us.. shrug..c”est la vie.. thats life i gues..


311. Waxflower - March 20, 2012

thank you very much….a really interesting read. However, i need idea abt wats happening in my life. I am talking to an acquarius guy over the last 2 months. We havnt met till date. Initially, he probed a lot into my past and my inner feelings. He told me a couple of times dat he really loves me and misses me. However, he confessed dat he is not ready for marriage. at the same time, he said he doesnt wana lose me or share me with anybody else on this earth.He also told me not to see anybody else as he would not be happy about it. I was pretty excited and i really love him a lot and am attached to him. Offlate,we havent been talking to each ohter much and i from my end, feel that we are growing distant…He says he is irritated wid a couple of things in life/is busy wid too much work/or is tired….Am a widow wid kids and plan to settle down at the earliest…..wat do i do wid dis guy ????? Please advise….

312. dee - March 20, 2012

wax flower..o u hvent even met him.. how do u know if hes even for real? hve u verified his id? my aquarian guy? i hv met and he is also on my face book. i also googled abt him aftr our first meetin and realised he was talkng the truth abt himelf.. u need to meet him for real before u let urslf get so involved? and y hvnt u guys still met??

313. NP - March 22, 2012

Dear beyonder

In fact I just laugh but in bitter sense. I will start from the outer shell. Video Games? yep. Hanging with friends? yep (definition of “friends” is not a common thing as most of the people share, but it is) and sleeping? definitely yes. Travel? you found a good spot at least. Not that earth is enough but need universe. But too lazy to move. Reason is not physical. e.g. for more than 10 times I have chosen to walk instead of getting into my chaps’ cars and the distance was not less than 5 km for most cases; just because of my principles, whether they are universally small or not. So what’s this laziness then? Absolutely menthal.

I cursed my life with my aqua curse. I mean I don’t need to show something as I already decided that I will keep my identity within this nick-based blog. But truth is: I minimized myself to avoid infecting with this aqua effect. You said: “I will try to erase him from my mind and as I said again focus on me.” If you ask my personal opinion just do it, for real.

I’m not trying to draw a Holywood picture with it. Of course I got my own life and I’m not a robot. But I will tell the same stuff as I told to others, you must live your life and that’s the unique one given to yourself. I know that you faced an approach totally unusual to anything. Do you know, there is a big contradiction between the images you have seen and the reality for aquas. You see a totally ignorant man but in fact it is different. But it is so different and you should avoid it. If you don’t want to float within this you must make a certain decision for it “now”. Because he can come back.

If you still ask me keep it firm and solid



beyonder33 - March 28, 2012

Hey NP this is Beyonder again

I have a simple question. Do you believe he will contact me at all? I feel like he may not. For all I know he could have me blocked. Simply because no matter what I say he does not respond.

I mean it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve heard from him and I know 2 weeks doesn’t seem like a long time. But from everything that I’ve ready I realized it wasn’t me. Aqua Men run when they feel tied down and would rather keep it friendly. So instead of showing just a little bit of emotion to him I should have shown none. I just sent him one final message to him yesterday saying:
I no longer feel the urge to communicate with you so don’t expect to hear from me again, probably ever. Since I’m deleting your number! Had u said u just wanted to be friends I would’ve been kool with that but….we both know we had a good time and that’s all it was. Do I care about you? Yeah somewhat but, will no longer worry since I got bigger/better things to do. We had our cake and ate it too. Was kool knowing you! Bye!

Did I blow any chance of communication with him? I mean I would rather be friends than nothing. I do care about him and had ideas about him. But I still feel intrigued to get to know him more. He took that opportunity away from me. The mystery is still there for me. Maybe that’s why I was missing him so much. Now not so much. But had to let him know that I’m moving on and no longer expecting any thing from him!

314. kendra - March 22, 2012

Russian Standard NP, best!

I am stronger than ever, but reading here again makes me realize if he contacted me in the near future (and I do believe he will, at some point)..some of that strength would crumble. I believe I am better with out him, as you have often mentioned, yet understanding what I do know about the aqua man (thx to you), wonder what is my best approach in responding to him. I probably already know what you will say, but need to have re-enforcement! Thx ahead of time NP.

315. harshit - March 25, 2012

linda goodman in nothing less than a goddess

316. Grace Martins - March 26, 2012

I am gemini woman and read this cos I am dating an Aquarian guy. Well I love him so much ro the extent that If I dont read from him or get any call I feel sick with worry that he doesn’t care. Then later I tried talking about marriage with him to see his own view and he gave mi some excuses.. Smiles) sometimes when I call him late at night we’ll be fine gisting and all of a sudden he will tell mi he has to go that something Jst came up n he has to see to it,- here I think he was trying to make mi jealous, to make mi think there Is someone with him. So one day I confronted him n he told plainly that it’s not like he doesn’t think of mi bt I should try and understand that he has got pride not to show his feelings. Well I really really want to understand him more. What new things do i do to make him come after mi? want this to last and also want him to pop the question..

beyonder33 - March 26, 2012

Dear Grace Martins

From what I understand and from what the majority of folks say: It’s best to ignore them. (Yes I need to follow my own advice)
But the difference for me is that tomorrow makes 2 weeks since I’ve heard from my aqua man and I have a feeling I won’t be hearing from him. Possibly not ever 😦

So keep busy(as they say) and show no care. Then he will come running to you. And act more like a friend. They get this feeling of being trapped because as a Gemini Woman myself We are more about speaking our feelings and don’t like to hold back!


317. Rachel1323 - April 3, 2012

i hate aquarius man , he made me failed in my life, i cried,i hurt, and i been in pain, i know not more aquarius man evil like this, but the aquarius man i know is stupid and all he wants is satisfaction treating me as his experiment in his private laboratory i guess? so frustrating, be strong girls. dont fall in their trap so fast……feeling so stupid all awhile. dont waste your time who treat you like a puppet, and puff, theyre gone, puff,theyre suddenly changing into evil egomaniac guy full of sarcasm etc???? WHY? i gave him all his freedom he wants, i always try to take care of his feelings, but he always took advantage from that. he walks all over just like that, i never show intense emotions,bla bla, whatever. my life ended so bad but i want to start all over again, i love being independent woman, finding mr right who really can take care of me,perhaps, he just a monster for me………..hahaha.xx.

318. InnerAdrenaline - April 7, 2012

First, this is me pretty much, dead on. In short, let’s just say it’s like a spectrum – you got sane on one side, and madness on the other.

I always feel I’m in between. Keeps hovering uncertainly, changing – fast, slow, mellow-ish, hardcore.

When I’m detached, I can look like a serial killer. Or so I was told. 😛

To anyone who is heartbroken because of AN Aquarius man – no one says we’re Superman(s). Plus, everyone… I mean EVERYONE must have something unbearable about them. It’s normal, we’re all still just human.

To the writer, please if I could just kiss you… xD kidding.

But this made my day seriously, so thanks a lot.

319. dee - April 9, 2012

@ Inner Adrenaline .. u seem quite proud of aquarian man traits.. trust me its no picnic. atlst nt for people who desire transparency and straightforwardness in their relationships but have the misfortune to fall in love wid a typ aquarian man.

after 2 months of hide and seek, i finally gave up. i cant handle blow hot and blow cold relationship where u really hv no idea whether u coming or going.

i just hve one thng to say..if these people are acting cagey, just dnt bother wid them anymore. leave them to their own devices. its simply not worth ur time nor effort.


320. beyonder33 - April 11, 2012

Hello everyone. It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted and guess what? Still no thing. Almost a Month I’m pondering and trying to figure it out even less these days. Though there’s a new Man trying to come in to my life. My last attempt was this past week. Still no answer. Someone else suggested maybe something bad happened? Well guess what? I’m starting to wonder less and less. How can someone who says one thing about wanting to be with you, act with no regard for your feelings? All I can do is either move forward with my life and try to forget about him or simply wait and see. Which I’m not so sure that I can do. I do know where he lives and could go check but that would seem desperate and stalkerish on my part. So before anyone says NOT TO read the entire post!

I really wish to know that he’s ok. Simple as that. Even if he can’t give me closure about our relationship, just knowing that he’s ok would suffice.

I’m afraid that if I move forward with the new guy (a Taurus Man) that he(the aqua guy) may pop back in to my life to say something like: Oh I was sick or yada yada blah blah. Well I’m not psychic and cannot know what will happen 3 Months from now. But I hope he doesn’t forget the times we spent. I’m sure he couldn’t completely. unless he found a young HOTTIE. I asked him to let me know these things. But it would seem it went in one ear and out the other. Maybe I was too demanding on asking him to call me regularly? That was the main thing I asked of him. I guess he couldn’t handle it? Who knows? Not me!

321. dee - April 13, 2012

My personal opn? he’s fine and has just gone into his shell like many auarian men. if he wasnt wel or smthng had happened, his fone wldnt stl be operational. or atlst sm1 else wld have picked it up.

ur doing just fine. keep movin on in life and dnt try to luk back. if he eva comes back, deal wid it then.. for now keep doing wht u doing and u wl b fine. m doing the same. i finally gave up aftr 2 mnths since i had set my self a 2 mnth deadline.

i thnk one thng we keep forgetting is if these ppl really wntd to keep in tch or talk to us they wld hv contacted us.. the thng is they dnt want to (for whtever reason) and so they hvnt.. we wntd to get to know them btr so we tried.

close this chapter ANM and stop doubting urself.

beyonder33 - April 13, 2012

lol You must be Dani from that other blog? :p

sudeepjp - April 13, 2012

best thing to do !! 😀

322. sudeepjp - April 13, 2012

the best way to u’stand aquarius men, is not to try to u’stand ’em !

323. dee - April 13, 2012

yeah we dnt mind going one step further and that is to also leave them alone..lol

sudeepjp - April 13, 2012

best thing to do 😀

324. dee - April 16, 2012

@anm..yeah its me dani.:).figured i shld let other women know abt my experience wid aqariain men and how maddening it is to interact wid them. but i have to say the other site gave more insight..

@sudeepjp..yeah thats wht m doing not tht i was chasin the guy earier..

325. sudeepjp - April 16, 2012

one thing about aqua men…wid us..life can be heaven..or life can be hell..whichever u choose 😀

326. dee - April 16, 2012

@ sudeep..who will choose hell? certainly not me…lol.. in my case he was the one to approach me.. not me. i did find him very intelligent, charming in person but also v unemotional cold and remote. despite asking him to open up, he nvr did..alwys almost nvr responded to any kinda serious conversation… i hv given up.. i dnt see myself contacting him agn and i also dont see him making any effort to get in tch either… so its ovr..

No point gettin sad abt things which are just not hapening. i wrote few lines based on my interaction wid aquarian men, must share: its funny actually.

There is a system that is always but always followed by aquarian men, leme take u through it:
(1). Firstly all the questions put to them, are run through a scanner for processing;
(2). If those qstns are irrelevant and mundane and can be answred in monosyllables which dnt give away their state of mind, then those r taken up n answerd strictly in this fashion: (i) yes baby; (ii) no hun (iii)ok baby; and if they in a great mood, the answrs are accompanied by kisses..
(3). But if there is a remotestestestestestestestest possibility that the response to the question could reveal: (i) even the tiniest bit of their emotions (not necessarily romantic), or (ii) that they are normal human beings capable of normal feelings and doing normal stuff, god forbid if that happens;
(4). A biggggggg flashyyyyy brightttt RED light gets activated, and an alarm goes off in their head simultaenously;
(5). The qstn then gets automatically discarded, their antenna gets switched on and they go offline;
(6). And once that antenna gets switched on and they go offline, all the poor qstns that come aftr, whatever they maybe, keep getting dumped (at supersonic speed) in a continuous outgoin process, to the trash bin;
(7). To stop this abundant continuous flow to the trashbin, another irrelevant n mundane qstn has to be put forth to them for processing but but but ONLY after a decent interval;

i told him he is inhuman and i am fed up of his stupid crapp system.. he nevr got in tch aftr that and neither did i… end of story….

onFire - April 16, 2012

haha I laughed out loud at your description of their answering process. It’s funny because it’s generally true. Unless they’re in the mood to chat, anything relating to what they may be feeling/doing gets completely ignored. Bringing up the subject of them ignoring your enquiries is likely to prolong the silence even more. It’s quite hilarious.
At a point you learn to leave it while the going is good. They’ll probably come running talking about something completely unrelated the next day.

beyonder33 - April 17, 2012

Dee. it’s me ANM

I understand it all. I’m moving on just fine. What I can’t do is forget. I TRY AND I TRY AND I TRY! To no avail. I tell you. What he said about Hell…yes It’s hell without my aqua man. I felt awesome when I was with him. I’m pretty sure he felt the same…well NOT Simple as that…………I know something that I said put him off. Whether it was me not liking going more than a day without hearing from him….. or> I didn’t mean to but I know something I said came off as demanding. Maybe it was the fact that I knew his daily schedule? Not that I had to know. I only asked about school, his Family and friends at times. He always answered. I guess he didn’t like me knowing so much about him? Snap me out of it please! LOL

I tell you though. I felt like writing him a letter. Maybe I shouldn’t. I know what you’re going to say: Forget about him. move on…

Remember I was telling you about a Taurus guy on the other blog? It was over b4 it started lol. He’s just into playing games and I’m glad I figured this out as soon as I did. So…no dates for him!

327. sudeepjp - April 17, 2012

dee : u r pretty much creative in writing 🙂 liked it !!!

beyonder33 : does nt matter what others say…what books say…but aqua men r pretty much emotional. only the difference is that they have the ability to move on faster den any other signs.

328. dee - April 17, 2012

@onFire – no i wasnt really bombarding him with questions.. its funny bec one day he wld reciprocate and the next he wld ignore..i mean there were times whn i wld get irritated and simply tell him to get i tch when he was free frm his work. i mean a person can simply say hes busy..he nvr did tht. also throughout the week he wld say sure lets meet ovr the wknd when evr i wld bring up the topic and whn wknd arrived he wld just go silent.. strange behaviour.. i must say..

@ANM – do u really thnk writing letters wld help? if u thnk it wld then go ahead..but my personal opn based on my experience, ltd as it is, says he wldnt bothr if u talk abt ur feelings, emotions, etc.. and he wld stay underground…dnt forget him, just shift him at the back of ur mind. and let thngs be for a while. its not tht easy but wht else can u do??

@ sudeep..thankyooooou :-)..evn i laughed when i finished writing it.. pity the aquarian guy dint find it funny..lol..

onFire - April 17, 2012

@dee: I’m not saying that you were bombarding with questions, but I found that if it at all seems like they’re being closed off, it’s better to not even bother…with anything, because that just makes you even crazier (at least that’s the case for me). I’ve known mine for maybe a year and a half now, and some things I found:
a) If making plans of any sort, don’t make them concrete or make it sound like a commitment. Those are always bound to fall through. Last time I invited him out, at first I said “I’m going there and there with my friends, you should come”. No response. As soon as I said, “well I let you know, so think about it”, he responds with Yeah I might come. I didn’t bring it up for over a week and briefly mentioned it a couple of days beforehand…He came out :).
b) I used to get mad when the conversations would just end and I would try to start them over again the next day. It’s better to just wait until they get back to you themselves. At least then you know you aren’t forcing them into the conversation over and over again.
c)If they’re busy with ANYthing, don’t even try talking to them. I’m the kind of person who will respond at all times, even if I have a gazillion things going on..it seems like that’s not the case for them. Once again, just wait, no need to get upset. They will respond when they can give you their full attention.

Even though I realize and understand all of his traits, it does not mean I don’t get frustrated sometimes. I’m not dating this guy, but taking it day by day. I don’t know if agree entirely with people saying that they always move slow in relationships, because his last one happened extremely quick…lasted only a couple of months though. Not sure how that would be explained though. I think I’m going to try the “friendship” route hehe.

329. sudeepjp - April 17, 2012

seems like u r taking out ur anger on entire acquarian community because of someone’s mistakes/faults 😀 all are not same. and if something went wrong den somewhr der must ur fault as well…u cant clap with a single hand 🙂 but anyways..r u a writer by instinct or tht acquarian guy turned u into a great writer ? :p

330. dee - April 17, 2012

no no no..u misread me totally.. not mad really..just tht i cldnt understnd his cagey behaviour. non committal responses..so cold and remote and detached over chat.. but in person he came aross as charming interesting attentive in control and attrctive… hence i felt more intrigued.. the min any conversaton got serious or deep, he dint respond or maybe just a smiley u know. he kept me guessing and frustrated.

based on wht ppl here had shared abt ther experience, i realised he is not really gona change. And to be honest the last few weeks tht i interacted wid him was more or less to just observe his behaviour and whether he followed the same old pattern. he did!! i dnt thnk any1’s at fault. my only grudge is please be honest abt wht u really feel and want and cut out the game.. especally if the other person is being upfrnt and straight wid u. in my case i was, rite after the first meeting.. i was nvr too emotional nor sad nor desperate nor too lovey dovey wid him. i used to just get mad….

i am keying all this not bec i lost the “LOVE” of my life but just hoping my posts wld help others..

u caught my secret…I like to write poetry at times. m a closet poet.. thou i have to say what i wrote above was truly and deeply inspired by “the man”…:-).. so tht piece is strictly deidicated to “the man” ..:-)

331. sudeepjp - April 17, 2012

hmm..ok…fair enough.
and grt..u r apoet..saru che..post some of ur poems wud like to read ’em 🙂

332. dee - April 17, 2012

oye gujju bhai!!!:-).. i dnt mind posting but m sure others wld nt approve since this particular thread is devoted mostly to learning abt and understanding Aq men..in fact u shld be handing out tips on how best to counter their silly behaviour, u being one of the infamous aquarian tribe!!!

333. sudeepjp - April 17, 2012

m not gujju..mi marathi 😀 and already so many ppl have shared so many things on handling aqua men (including u) ..what tips one would want ?? 😛

beyonder33 - April 18, 2012

My tip is: Don’t go into it expecting more than friendship! ;o)

sudeepjp - April 18, 2012

aww thts a bummer !! 😀 lol

334. dee - April 18, 2012

haha..@ beyonder- u sooo rite..
@ sudeepjp – that means no woman will evr get involved wid aq men.. if u want tht not to happn, u shld try teling others here y u aquarian men behave the way u do…help women get an insight on how u men thnk…

sudeepjp - April 18, 2012

well in that case..my tip would be..if u r a lovey dovey kinda person and expect love life like a fairy tale..stay way far away .. wid aq. men u can only expect the unexpected in completely unconventional way. e.g. if u r expecting roses and flowers on valentine day.. sorry. but the day u ll get roses and flowers…will b a valentine day for aq. men. trust me tht is more pleasant and exciting and surprising when a girl gets such things on an odd day. we aq. men think tht on valentine day every one will give something to someone. whts exciting in tht. its very conventional and boring and such stereotype. and top of tht..even if u ll get something on valentine day..it will be something creative. 🙂

Note : if any of the above point u feel is wrong..could be..all aq are diff. atleast i am like mentioned above.

And why we think like that, I dont know 😀

beyonder33 - April 18, 2012

OMG Dee….Guess what?????
I met a new Aqua guy from the same site I met the last aqua guy at. We’re hitting it off. Already texting back n forth. It seems the same as me and the last aqua guy. Fun and flirty. Would seem he’s already so eager to meet up but guess what? It’s not happening! I’ll keep up the chats with text messages but that’s as far as it’s going. He’s so handsome too. Gosh you aqua men are sexy lol. But I have to control my urges cause it’s so easy to give in and lose control. Of not just myself but of my dignity!. Dee HELP!!! lolol
I know I know. Keep it FRIENDLY ONLY! or better yet block him and run dontcha think??????????????????????
I told him of the last aqua guy and he said: You’ll find someone better. He was stupid to leave you behind…yeah yeah Mr Charming. You’re not charming my socks off! lol

335. dee - April 18, 2012

ok we will wait for next valentines day and see if that aquarian guy is stl arnd wht haens..:p

336. dee - April 18, 2012

@ANM – no no no r u mad?? dnt block him and dnt run away either.. but def take it slow and dnt get tooo carried away.. and dnt show ur eagerness and hold back a litl..

beyonder33 - April 18, 2012

I’m not blocking him. But I will keep talking. That’s just it..talking. Nothing else. He already wants to meet up like I said but I will make myself TOO BUSY for a meeting up. He knows that I have a Daughter(with special needs). We def need time to get to know each other. He probably has 4 other girlfriends waiting to hear from him. After all…isn’t that what yall do? When one bores you you disappear and go running to the other?

337. sudeepjp - April 18, 2012

@Dee : even if u ll not get a personal experience…ask ur friends having aq.bf..u ll get to hear some exciting stories 😀

@beyonder33 : one tip..dont ever play games wid aq.men..like “hard to get”..”keep him wait for long b4 u text him next”..and blah blah blah..he ll run away 😉

beyonder33 - April 18, 2012

What????????? I don’t understand. You’re saying don’t play games but to keep him waiting? Huh? I’m confuzzled lol.
I’m flirting equally what he’s flirting with me. No more, no less. HE’S THE ONE who’s eager to meet up. BUt like I said. We’ll be talking a few Months before we do. With the last guy we only knew each other about 2 weeks b4 we met up. Things were great but he’s GONE GONE GONE. NO WORD WORD WORD and NO ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS! I would hold on for him if and only IF I knew he was coming back for sure. I mean it’s been over a Month since I’ve heard a peep/whisper from him………… What am I supposed to do? Wait for him forever? I was almost willing to do that but I’ve done that in the past for someone. Waited almost a year to find out they were NOT coming back to me! Never again!

338. dee - April 18, 2012

sudeepjp – this is allll so confusing. r u saying gameplaying is only confined to aq men but if women do that its not gona wrk? if we show enthusiasm tht dsnt work either. wht the hell does work wid these guys then??? i know as far i am concernd i was straight and pretty honest abt wht i thot and felt atr meeting him.

infact he promised to meet up on the wknd and come friday he just went silent wid no word at all.. when i asked if its on, he dint even answer!!! i was pissed at his behaviour so deleted him frm my bbm. he dint try to get in tch aftr that..infact aftr a 2 week period i added him back and he immediately added me. when i asked y he did wht he did he aplogised and said he dint know tht the meeting was 100% confirmed. he also said that he was so busywid wrk the past 2 weeks that he dint realise i was no longe onhis bbm list. how is that possible? prior to deletion we chattd everyday for a mnth even if the conversations were gen brief. but after re-adding him he nvr really initiated any conversation, i have to say that.

i dnt get it really? y wld sm1 readd u when they have changed their mind abt u?? he is alwys polite but answers only when it dsnt give anythng away. somewhere the dynamics changed after he readded me on bbm..i had infact sent him that lovely “how aq men respond” note over 2 weeks back.. and told him m fed up.. aftr that hes still there on my bbm list he hasnt deleted me and neither hv i. but he dsnt talk and neither do i….

i was totally confused and a litl mindf*** wondering just whts going on..but then gave up.. but still smtms i wonder just wht the heck happened or wht went wrng??? it was difficult to accept that there are no answers forthcoming my way.. basically wid aq men there is nvr any closure so ppl cn nvr fully put it behind them and forget.. m sure mny ladies here agree wid me.

339. Willowwitch - April 18, 2012

Yes I certainly agree with you! If we were not told he was an Aquarius man we would just consider him to be rude, selfish and without any respect for woman.
That is why you have to respect yourself and make no excuses because if they really wanted you they certainly would not behave in such a way. Neither would we really be happy or secure in relationship’s where there is a lack of communication, any real sense of love or emotion or as stated before RESPECT.
We can talk and talk and talk, it’s like rewarding a child with bad behaviour, best just to ignore them…………permently!.

340. sudeepjp - April 18, 2012

@beyonder : i am saying dont play any games if they are stereotyped. i dont knw how to explain this..rather i shud not otherwise u will read me completely in some other way 🙂

@dee : he must have lost his interest..m sorry to say dis..but dis cud b d case. 😦

341. dee - April 18, 2012

lol..maybe he did.. girls pls ay attention. the simple answer is he lost interest…so dnt break ur heads wondering..haha

342. dee - April 18, 2012

@willowwitch.. i agree wid u totally.

343. sudeepjp - April 18, 2012

@dee : haha…why…is it hard to digest that a guy cant loose hi interest in a girl 😀

344. dee - April 18, 2012

@sudeep..thts ok..m nt on tht fact and cn certainly handle a “no”.. the probem is he nvr said “no” … nywys gota signoff now..done wid wrk for the day..

beyonder33 - April 19, 2012

Did I forget to mention my aqua Male friend from India? I was crushing on him early this year and persued(spell check) him heavily…And at first he seemed disinterested. That’s when I met Wilson…on that site. Then when I met wilson aqua guy No.1 I was ignoring the guy from India….then he began persueing me more(Indian aqua guy) . How crazy is this? and all of a sudden He’s mentioning coming to the USA to come see me o.O Holy cow what the heck have I gotten myself into? I told him I care for him but that am considering myself single. Geese Louise…wants to go hide o.O
Remember yesterday I mentioned hitting it off with yet another aqua guy? Well like I said. We’re just talking but am not saying for certain to No one that I’m truly and genuinely interested in taking our relationship to another level. Right now I need to focus on ME, loving me, Putting me first. Besides my Family. I just had a death in my Family. My Grandmother whom I’ve lived with since I was 3 days old was hospitalized with a mild heart attack. My father just got out of the hospital yesterday after being treated with pneumonia. All this makes me want to focus on me more. I don’t mind talking with guys but Need to let them know that I’m not into the games of cat n mouse. Nor that I’m willing to settle…….. Like a relative said though: I’m a serial Monogamist…not used to being single :\

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

m sorry about ur grandmother and hope ur dad recovers soon.
and u should always focus on yourself more den anybody else. if u can make and keep yourself happy..u can make/keep anyone happy. but if u fail to keep yourself good and happy..u will never be able to make someone smile.
and being single does nt mean alone.. i think being single is d best thing in life..u can hang out wid so many ppl whom u had lost ur contacts wid while u were in a relation coz all your time was his.
i think whtever u r doing is d best thing oto do 🙂

beyonder33 - November 22, 2012

My Uncle passed on March 30th of this year. My Father passed on June 2nd of this year. (after a series of strokes)That was a 2 Month gap between the 2 deaths. Very sad year indeed but, I know both my Uncle and Father are doing Okay. I visualize them in peace and with the Lord above. I mourned briefly because I taught myself that in life comes death. One ❤

345. Willowwitch - April 18, 2012

Its never the fact that they loose interest of course that is ok.
When you treat people with any level of decency it’s best to make that clear and it can be done in a nice way. No one want’ s to be with someone who really isnt interested, it is just the fact that they can’t say I have moved on, the other person has feelings and as Dee said she was always upfront and your inclined to expect the same in return. My opinion is and certainly reading these comment’s has confirmed that their behaviour is cruel and a bit twisted they seem to be lacking a backbone. I believe in treating people as I wish to be treated and Dee there is such a thing as karma and what goes round comes round. Some people seem to spend years trying to accept the unacceptable just for them to vanish.
Dee I know you are hurting……. but I think you may be a very lucky Girl and there is someone else for you ❤

beyonder33 - April 18, 2012

100 % Truth Willow. And it’s not so much a feeling of entitlement as it is about feeling a certain level of respect for each other. Doesn’t it feel awful though? You both claim exclusivity in your relationship then he suddenly disappears without so much as a BYE? It hurt me for a few weeks there but I’m tired of it. I’m ready to move on. Even if I can imagine that he’d come back to me. I didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I was always upfront about my sentiments. I didn’t know I was supposed to be a robot!

Miasma85 - April 19, 2012

Willowwitch, that is so true what you said about Aq men lacking a backbone! I wish mine would grow a pair! These men are so polite, charming, etc, etc, but when it comes to admitting things, and telling women how they REALLY feel, they just run for the mountains and hide! It drives me nuts! It seems like my Aq men may have genuine feelings for me, but he just doesn’t fight for anything! He says he’s not a controlling person and would never try to control anyone, but I wish he’d realize that being controlling or jealous, or feeling something out of the ordinary (for Aq men, anyway) sometimes shows us that they care. Even if they can’t bring themselves to tell us, they should at least ACT like they care, so we know what the hell is going on! I’m a Scorpio and I expect emotions, but I’m not demanding and I’m pretty sure my Aq man feels something for me, he just doesn’t say anything. I’m starting to pull away…seems like the best thing to do now!

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

before pulling yourself away…just try to talk to him once. we aq. are not very good in u’standing other persons needs (emotional needs). but just talk to him and tell him what do u expect out of him. talking is very important. i can say these coz this has happened wid me as well…i hav true feelings for my girl .. but like all aq. men..i didnt say/act anything caring and blah blah..coz for us..its the feeling that counts..and not “saying” over and over again..but anyways..i also agree that sometimes you need to express yourself to make someone happy.. and dats wht my girl told me and explained me..and after that my relation went pretty smooth for 4 years. though our relation didnt end up in marriage coz of family issues..but nothing was wrong between us.

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

and what u said about “He says he’s not a controlling person and would never try to control anyone”..is nt it good ? coz once he ll start controlling .. u ll complaint that “he does nt gives you space and he sticks around like a gum and why should i tell him everything i do..”

Miasma85 - April 19, 2012

sudeepjp – thanks for your input. He’s so good at giving the cold shoulder, though. It makes things even more awkward when probing for answers. And I like that he’s not controlling. I’m just saying that it seems like he doesn’t react at all to anything, but just goes with the flow. It seems like he doesn’t have the guts to put himself out there and look a little weak and vulnerable sometimes. He wants to always appear cool and calm, like he’s not phased by anything, but I know things bother him sometimes and he just (somewhat) suffers silently. Honestly, ironically, I think it’s kind of a weak trait with this Aqua man.

346. Willowwitch - April 18, 2012

Hi Beyonder,
Thank you for your comment, I’m glad you were not a Robot!
I think there is alway right and wrong and when you look back on a relationship with someone that you were so obviously fond of it’s nice to be able to say you did you’re best and I know sometime that is what really hurt’s.
You probably just never stood a chance next time you would know what you are up against. Aquarius=Beware just very different tactics.
Engage your brain and not your heart………Friendly and don’t know about “Friends” as I have expectation’s there as well and choose them carefully! I expect loyalty, honesty and decency not to mention respect.
I am just old fashioned and expect a man to SAY WHAT HE MEANS AND MEAN WHAT HE SAYS. Yea no GAMES JUST GROW A PAIR!
I think I’ve said too much,but I know you get the idea.
Lots of Love cause thats what makes the world go round for me not ROBOTS
Now I am gone.

347. ladymaria87 - April 19, 2012

I’m a scorpio in love with an aquarius man, he’s also in love. I’ve been extremely heart broken by my ex and so for that even if I’m so in love with my new guy I for some reason keep this push and pull relationship with him. I’m afraid I’m gonna lose him because I keep going back and forth about him. I’m so afraid and he knows that I am, I tell him everything I feel. He hasn’t replied to my txt or calls for a couple days but I’m used to it he has his moments. The last thing he’s said is he loves me, but I just want him to comfort me when I’m freaking out. am I gonna lose him if I keep freaking out saying I don’t want to lose myself in a relationship, or I don’t want to be vulnerable again. I’m in love, but I don’t want to be weak. When he’s here for me he’s there everyday, he calls often if I don’t answer, he will text sweet nothings but when he’s in his world, he rarely replies. Idk he has said he thinks I deserve better, he thinks he’s not good enough but then turns around to say he loves me. I feel as if he tests me with pushing me away saying things like that. Can an aquarius man help me???

Miasma85 - April 19, 2012

Ladymaria, if he loves you, you should just go with it. I’m a scorpio woman too and not everyone is ready to give love so easily. If you love him back, just do it. He sounds like a good guy. And honestly, him saying that he’s not good enough for you, shows that he thinks you’re such a great person and he’s so lucky to have you, he just can’t believe it. You should know that not all Aq men will reveal that much about themselves. He’s obviously into you. Worshiping the past only leaves you sad and lonely and then it’s not long before that turns into bitterness. Just go with it! You’ll be fine 🙂

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

i think…more den him…u need to comfort him. coz you are holding your past..not him.
if you ll keep on swinging back and forth..he ll be in dis-comfort more den you.
first of all … YOU need to decide whether you want to be wid dis guy or not (always give more priority to yourself and your decisions). once u have made your decision…let this guy know your exact feelings..you ll see the difference.
we aq. men are not afraid of commitments…(does nt matters wht others say and wht “all the books” have to say).. but before commitment…we need to be sure enough that dis girl will be der in thick and thins.
in love..once we r committed..thts it..we can go to any extents..u cant even imagine of.

And…love is not life…its a part of life..i think engaging oneself into some/many activities is always better…even if you are in a relation..even you are not.

purplestar9 - April 19, 2012

i agree. i freaked out yesterday and he ignored me all day until today only to ask a simple question and then ignore me. so i told him, ” do you love me or not?” “Whatever, I’m tired of this. Bye” ” You know how I feel, if you care to love me back its all up to you. I will be here and just keep going about my life. Love you, and bless you. Thats all I will say because yeah.” I understand I’m flip flopping and he may be thinking things through or he thinks i need to think things through. idk but im kinda tired of thinking about him, lol. i like drama but it gets old and i just want him to love me back. I’m planning on just leaving things at that and giving him space and letting myself think more clearly. i need to see if i completely stop talking to him if i will miss him or would I forget him. I guess I will see.

348. dee - April 19, 2012

@willowwitch..i did feel hurt for a while but mre than that i was confused. bec he said one did and did smthn else altogeter. but m ok now. just took a long hard look at the situation and decided this is not wht i want..

@beyonder33 – njy.. take your time and get to know ppl. -)

@Miasma85 & willowwitch- u guys have got tht bang on..

@ladymaria87 – think u need to sort out your mind… try to chill.. if my bf wld keep freaking out on me,even i wld gt irritated.

@ sudeepppp..See so many ladies share my story…

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

dee…i can see that.. but i m thinking wht goes wrong in d case of aq. men.
coz i never had such issues .. my gf never complaint abt any of the things mentioned till now… so just wondering wht goes wrong .. i think lots of girl expects a lot without uttering a word .. and i guess aq.men are not good at u’standing signals.
next time..just try to talk things out..and don’t just expect…probably it will help..not sure thou

purplestar9 - April 20, 2012

lLA DNA I need your advice. I’ve told him I missed him and that I need to know how he feels because I feel as if he doesn’t love me or is pushing me away. His reply, ” Babe, I do love you, but im dealing with alot of family issues right now that I dont wanna talk about. Things are just very difficult right now and I dont wanna make you feel bad but I’ve already done that so I think its best to not talk right now. Im sorry. I hope you understand. Goodnight” from all the things I’ve read about aquarians, he’s does slip away but texts me every other day to show he’s still around. But he said he loved me from the beginning, he is very sweet and always says goodnight, swt drms, xoxo hes even was the first to say I love you. He calls day and night but when it comes down to being on a real date he always has an excuse.. Why do you think we rarely see each other but talk all day?

beyonder33 - April 21, 2012

Dee…I knew the guy from India for over 2 years. It wasn’t til earlier in the year til I had feelings for him. He and I still talk now a days but I’ve made it very clear to him that I have no intentions other than friendship with him.
As for Wilson…. I only have a big ???? still. Don’t know what happened there but the new guy I started talking to? We’re just starting and he seems cool. At least he has a job and he lives about 30 minutes away. I know he’s busy most days so I don’t even sweat it if I don’t hear from him. I’ve learned my lesson..finally!

Now what’s funny is I started conversing today with a new guy. Guess what his sign is? OMG He’s already seeming eager to exchange numbers, go out etc. But no way. It’s not happening!

I think I’m going to change my name to: Aquarius Magnet…sheesh!

349. dee - April 19, 2012

@ sudeepjpg – no thats not it..dint u read carefuly? women r vocal men arnt..lol. and therein lies the problem…

i dnt knw abt others but in my case it ws v clear. rite aftr the first meeting, told him: (i) m nt into casual dating; (ii) like him and m attrcted (iii) wana know him betr wid a view to this leading to a meaningful relationship (iv) if he doesnt want all this to cut thngs off rt at the start…… his response lets meeet soon, v sooon..

Can any1 get any more clear than that??? people are free to change their minds, thats alrt. happens often… but y cant they convey tht its nt working for them nymore…thats all.. and thats the big issue. but the answer i thnk is not so simple. these guys are gen interested but dnt wana committ.. are mostly emotionally totally closed.. so somewere wht really happens is a woman gets more interested thn usual bec she dsnt know whts hapening.. ur intrigued..atlst thts hw it was for me.. but then u realise in the process u r geting mind f**** … so then if betr sense prevails, u quit…lol

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

lol..i guess u caught up wid wrong acquarian.. 😀

350. dee - April 19, 2012

yeah… there is a site abt aq men which discusses: (i) best case scenario wid aq men and (ii) worst case scenario..

u must read thats wht it says: :

“The Worst Case Scenario with an Aquarius Man

You’re having fun, fun, fun, laughter, laughter, laugher, sex, sex, sex time out, time out, time out. The last time you met you really connected and you arrange to meet again in a few days time. You’re there, eager and happy but he dumps you in the most cowardly way by not turning up. After that, you don’t hear anything from him so – eventually when you can’t take anymore not knowing – you call him. He’s in a really foul mood but cannot give a reason for dumping you.Hang on though, this isn’t the end of it! Over the next few months he starts calling you again, all the feelings come flooding back – they are mutual – things go really well again and then he dumps you. Then, guess what? Exactly, repeat stages 1, 2 and 3 ad infinitum or get real. The problem is with the negative Aquarius man – even if you’re the most compatible prospective partner – there’s something in him which can’t commit – particularly if his first love went bad (he married a supreme tart for instance). If you are his perfect match that can unsettle him and (this will hurt you but) many Aquarius men will often settle for Ms or Mr Average than Ms or Mr Wonderful.

What it is about Aquarius that leads to this? It could be that Aquarius man feels uncomfortable playing for or with high stakes (ie the man or woman of his dreams) – he finds it exhilarating, fantastic even but can’t be live with (for example) intense passion because he worries what will happen when it is taken away.

Meanwhile, my advice to any woman caught up in the worst case scenario with an Aquarius is to cut your losses – dump him!”

Thts exactly what i thnk has happened wid most women who have commented here. they realise that there is an underlying chem and thngs are gud but they cant quite figure out why then is the guy behaving so erratically?? is he interested or not??

cool ha?

sudeepjp - April 19, 2012

and what is best case scenario ? mind to share that as well ?

beyonder33 - April 19, 2012

But it’s gotta be obvious if you haven’t heard from him in over a Month, that he is NOT interested!. .

My first love was a best case scenario. I don’t ever recall feeling abandoned. I know that if we weren’t spending the day together that we’d spend hours on the phone!

I just think with any Man…if he cares for a Woman and really wants to he WILL find a way to her!!!!! Yes

Miasma85 - April 20, 2012

This makes sense, or it’s at least comforting. I ALMOST feel like this the case with me! But how do we know for sure that they think that? If I feel totally compatible with this guy, how can I tell if he feels the same way? Are there signs to read? So confused!

sudeepjp - April 20, 2012

der r no signs at all.. dont even try to find the signs in case of aq.men. u ll get even more confused. just trust his words. if he says..i feel for u…it will b der..if he says he dont..u can do whtever u want..he ll nvr feel tht way for u..if he says lets spend some time together den will decide..tht means he is not sure and u need to spend some more time together

351. dee - April 20, 2012

hey. dnt really know wht u guys shld be doing..as for me, my short tale is over and i am not here luking for clues or advise for reviving thngs.i wont approach him again and i am v dbtful abt him geting in tch. u stay happy in ur space and leme be happy in mine. besides this is bound to happen over and over agn.. m i ready to live wid his crap? nope..

@sudeep as reqested:

The Best Case Scenario with an Aquarius Man

Get ready for a life which follows this pattern if you’ve bagged yourself an Aquarius: fun, fun, fun, laughter, laughter, laughter, sex, sex, sex, time out, time out, time out. If you like this sort of thing (and surprisingly many women don’t) then you’ve scored here. If you like being called on the phone all the time (surprisingly many women do) you’ve scored here too. You cheer him up and you love the way it makes you feel. Best thing though (and this suits modern career women) he’ll want you to get on and will be your greatest supporter, fan and champion. If you’ve pulled one of these Aquarius men – not the easiest of tasks – then well done! I mean it. Really well done!

352. dee - April 20, 2012

@sudeep.. haha..just read ur last post..:p..worst case scenario acq men say many thngs but when it comes to acting on it, they smhw go deaf, mute, blind and handicapped…hhehehe….

sudeepjp - April 20, 2012

lol..i think u need to go out and meet n number of ppl..1 aq. guy is not the representative of men community..or rather aq. tribe 😀

sudeepjp - April 20, 2012

and do u think tht if tht guy was not an aq. he wud have been wid u ?

353. dee - April 23, 2012

why get into hypothetical situations? fact is he is an aqua guy and he behaved like all the othr aqua men these women have cribbed abt.. i dnt know wh others want, but i no longer want to be wid the aqua guy m talking abt..

Lens - April 27, 2012

Hi everyone. Struggling with Aqua man, I am Leo. What is written here is a bit of the opposite how my guy behaves. He is going crazy. It all started pretty strange. From sexual attraction and I didn’t take him seriously. He was after me despite this. I was emotional, we fight all the time for many month now. He wants a relationship, and I don’t know if I can trust him. He sais he lives, ready for commitment but I don’t. I tell him honestly the truth. On some reason I don’t trust him. Now I asked for a time out to think and I could tell it hurt him. But I don’t know what to do. For me – he is not really whom I want. No stability. And I tell it to him straight. His answer to that-communication. I don’t know what to do. It’s impossible to break apart since he doesn’t let go no matter what I say and do. And it’s painful for me smtimes to be with him. He can be nice. But other moment he sais smth so horrible-it kills everything in one go in me. Any advices?

beyonder33 - May 12, 2012

Dee you may already have read this somewehre but I have to share this here too

Even though I’m seeing someone new and sparks/feelings are flying, I decided To try to call Wilson…just to see if he’d pick up. WOW was I surprised when he answered. We spoke for approximately 14 minutes and change. I was telling him how I wondered what happened. He said HE WAS SHOCKED I called….really? I mean if a man cares for his woman wouldn’t he make any effort he could to see her? It’s not like he didn’t know where I lived. Life can’t be that busy to prevent you from seeing your love interest duhhhh… Any way
I asked straightforwardly even. His answer was that he was in school/working in school and that he got a car. Also said he lost his phone in Virginia and I believe he said he just got a phone or his phone back but. What perturbs me is: If you had your phone LOST this whole time why would it just ring? I would think that if I lost a phone that I’d have it disconnected. I even asked if he was seeing someone else when he disappeared on me and he said he wasn’t. I’m going to show my BFF Of over 20 years this blog and she’s going to add her 2 cents to it. She thinks his answers were all lies. Because I asked if he was seeing someone now and he even said: NO. But I told him that I was and that I would like to be friends if nothing at all…if he didn’t mind. He said he wouldn’t mind being friends. I hope he doesn’t expect me to make booty calls cause that’s not the kind of friend I had in mind. I really should just not consider him at all. But yeah I got closure. Whether he lied or NOT at least I know for now that he’s ok!!!! And no. There’s no point in telling my current bf about the phone call..after all I don’t have any intentions to see Wilson now that I have Justin 🙂

Any opinions ideas? Anyone else believe what he said was true or lies? I am just not sure. Nor should I care. I just know he’s ok. That’s all that matters!

354. dee - April 27, 2012

why dnt u trust him? y do u thnk there is no stability wid him? u say he is not wht u want. so wht is it tat u want?

355. Shavon - May 15, 2012

I been in a relationship with a Aquarian man for 16 months +days +hours +mins +secs, this has been the most challenging experience I ever had. I don’t know where this Roller coaster going but I am not getting off this ride until it stops. This man drive me crazy insane. He don’t have to say a kind word to me, but I see it in his eyes and feel him when he is near. I can’t explain what I feel. Something about this man that I want full experience. He don’t have to marry me right away but he will be my husband one day.

356. dee - May 21, 2012

@shavon.. does he contact u reg? r do u have to initiate contact wid him always? does he evr say he misses u? does he keeps his dates wid u? does he disappear on you sudnly wid no explanations? does he say lets meet this wknd and then dsnt bother toeven contact or the weeknd?

i am done wid my aqua guy..he alwys responds whenever i try initiating contact wid him. but dsnt get in tch wid me on his own. and when i ask he alwys maintains there is grt chem btwn us. its been mnths since we last met.

i finally had to see the truth and whts plain in front of me. he is not tht into me. if he was he wld hv wntd to take this thng forward and meet me. so aftr trying and gving it my best shot, i gave up. when i thnk abt my first and last meeting, i stll feel a litl pinch. bec it was amazing. and to give up smthng which was so awsm widout even trying, seems like a crime. but i cnt clap wid one hand. so aftr lot of thinking i had t let go and giveup.

or maybe as one of my frnds explained to me, it is quite simple. he does like u n is into u say 80%. but instead of that 80%, he is more keen on that bal 20% which he thnks is missing. or rather he wants 100% in a relationship. who knows? or maybe he is also seeing sm1 else? i wl nve have the real answr.

357. dee - June 12, 2012

hey all..i have posted here after long. would like to say my aquarian guy whom i hd given up on, asked me if i wld like to meet him for a drink over the wknd since he was travelling to where i stay for wrk.
out of the blue and a complete surprise. and i ended up meeting him for a fab date..

we just had so much to talk to and shared an amazing chem. v met aftr 4 months. he is going away for 10 days out of the country for wrk but promised me this time he wld meet me just as soon as he lands back. i hv to add here that he was alwys contactable on my bbm and ims. i alwys send forwards/jokes to all the ppl on my list and so i sent to him as well. but nvr tried to talk to him or initiate any chat aftr the first 2/3 mnths. i hd given up. so him asking to meet him was a total unexpected surprise.

but based on my past experience,m nt jumping into thngs nor leting myself get carried away romantically this time. and i made it known tht if he dsnt make more of an effort, we will just stay the way we are. casual frnds. i want more thn one meeting once every 2/3 mnths. m just gona play it by the ear…v can talk for hours and v share a fab chem.. he will be an idiot really if he dsnt make more of an effort to get to know me betr. he is a workaholic and spends 12/14 hrs wrking.

his only excuses? he was like realy tied up wid his various businesses and that initially he thot i insisted too much of his attention, so he was in 2 minds. but then he realised i wasnt so needy/dependant, so he changed his mind abt me favorably.

358. gemini/cancer - July 17, 2012

hi there,

i find this site interesting and provided a lot of information on aquarian guys.

i am currently dating one and his actions are pretty confusing. i’m a gemini/cancer cusp. i’ve never dated an aquarian before and now i’m getting a taste of it.

we’ve been dating for 2 mths now. first two weeks it was great, he introduced me to all his friends and we seem to get along pretty well. then he went on a week vacation w/ his friends, he would text me everyday, telling me where he is, etc. etc.

2 weeks ago, i started feeling that he’s being a bit distance. but i would still get a good morning text from him everyday. when he goes out with his friends, he would text me and let me know, and when he gets home, he would text me “i’m home, gonna get ready for bed, have a great night.” to me i took the message as “i’m home, i’m going to bed, don’t bother me, ok?” it’s like he wouldn’t even spare me a text or two to ask him how his day went.

we see each other once a week. when i’m over at his place, he’s always on his phone playing games, or just sit there watching tv. seems like there’s no communication.

last weekend, i almost had “the talk” w/ him. however i stopped myself because i’m afraid the talk might scare him away.

not quite sure what to do anymore. i know he doesnt like needy/clingy girls and i’m trying not to be one.

is he losing interest? i just couldn’t tell anymore. i was thinking to myself, if he doesnt like me, why would he still text me good mornings. but when we are hanging out, it seems like we’re not doing anything. he hardly hold my hand when we go out, unless his friends are there, he will hold my hand, and i find that pretty weird.

has anyone experience this w/ an aqua guy? is this normal? or he is losing interest?

thank you in advance.


359. dee - July 24, 2012

@ gemini/cancer…gud thng that he texts u reg.

About u interpreting his “i’m home, gonna get ready for bed, have a great night.” as “i’m home, i’m going to bed, don’t bother me, ok?” to me it sounds like he wants you to know that he is back home and safe after a long day so that u dont wonder and worry. I dont thnk you shld thnk too negatively abt this one.

But yeah the fact that ur just 2 months into the relationship yet are not really into communicating could be a problem. Just greeting mornings/night doesnt signify any real communication.


360. jo chow - July 27, 2012

Hi,i am a scorpio woman,i like an aquaries man,tell me the pros and cons of our relationship,plzzzzzzzz

361. gemini/cancer - July 27, 2012

@ dee,

i haven’t heard from him since last Friday. I thought things were getting better because we actually talked more. I texted him Friday night and asked what he was doing, he replied he went out for a drink and asked what i was doing, so i told him i just got home and have fun (didn’t want to bother him while he’s out w/ his friends). then he responded “ok. ttyl.” That was it, I haven’t heard from him since.

i find that it was weird that i haven’t received a good morning text from him Saturday morning, and since i read about aquarius (personality wise), i was thinking he wanted his “space” and also he told me 2 weeks ago that he has 60 online courses to take by August 4th ,so I decided to leave him alone. However, it’s been a week, I still haven’t heard from him. I thought about texting him, but I’m afraid that’ll push him away more if he does decide to come back.

The other thing is, it’s fine if he wants to end this, just let me know. He doesn’t have to tell me the reasons, but a simple text saying “hi, i don’t think this is gonna work out” will do instead of making me all confuse.

Anyways, I’m not sure what to think or do anymore, but thanks for listening.


362. dee - July 30, 2012

@ gemini/cancer… thats the whole point.. or rather the problem. they nvr say that. even if u ask, they stay silent. in my case that happened. no “no” and no “yes” .. drives u completely nutty and makes u behave like a lunatic..if u try to seek answers or try to probe, they go underground even more..

happened wid me a few times. whenever we met, we always had loads of fun, lots to talk abt and grt chemistry. But it was diffcult to make sense of just what we had. i dint message him continuously nor kept calling him. infact i hrdly evr called.

Came to the conclusion finally after few mnths that i needed to stay away. and i did. i found it hard initially but once u make up ur mind its nt so hard. its clear u cant be in a relationhip wid sm1 who behaves like this. who doesnt want to be in nor wants to opt out. u go mad wondering. I just decided one day m no longr going to make any effort to keep in tch and stuck with that. i no longer message him and neither does he. there was no major breakup scene nor gudbye drama. I just quietly gracefully quit the scene.

But last nite he pinged me on gtalk out of the blue after almost a mnth. just a casual hello. he was on the invisible mode so he neednt have said hello out of courtesy since i wldnt hv anywys known he was also online. anywys i behaved casually said my hellos and hws u in response. aftr 2 mins i told him m sleepy so wl talk to him latr. and logged off.

i had decided not to make any more efforts on this thng and am sticking to that. no melo dramatic goodbyes or how hurt I am. if he gets in touch agn, i wl def say hello. but i wont bother beynd that.. not anymore. i have started dating agn and meeting other men.

If in ur case hes always been the one who initiated dialogues or conversation or made efforts to get and say in touch excpt for this once, i dnt see y u cant get in touch this time. u can alwys say hey whts happening. but if its u who has been initiating since the past few weeks, then i gues u need to let him get in tch.

Luk I made my point very clear wid my aqua guy last month yet he chose to stay silent. I set a deadline in my head and when he dint revrt within that time, i decided to opt out. with no gud byes or y dint u accusations. i still like him but its also clear that this is a dead end. So whats the sense beating my head agnst the wall.

hope this helps u..

363. kendra - August 16, 2012


Thinking about you tonight for no particular reason…hope this finds you well…dancing your heart away 🙂 (you too NP 🙂

I’m AOK, no~one new, but living life the way we should.

Thanks again for your ear and heart…you are a treasure amongst rubble…someone I will always remember fondly…


V - October 15, 2012

hi Kendra!

So sorry it took me this long to check back in! Wow…glad to hear you’re well and taking this time for you. I also left that Aqua love to the wind, which is I guess where he is happiest…

I am dating around, hoping to find my one & only, but still searching. there is one Aquarius man who I see every now and again, but my hopes are not set on him.

Of course I remember you both fondly as well. Do you keep in touch with your Aqua-man? I am sure you will find someone (whether it’s him or someone else)…you are such a warm-hearted, exciting woman. I believe it’s a matter of never giving up hope….

talk soon!

364. beyonder33 - November 22, 2012

Hello Everyone. It’s Thanksgiving day and I remember NP and DEE responding to me about Wilson. Earlier this year. Well after having spoken with him on the phone that day. Back in May I think it was(remember when we met we were together maybe a Month then he disappeared on me for almost 2 Months but I did get into contact within those 2 Months?) Well since then we started seeing each other again and have been together 5 Months. This is how I see it. We may not talk every day but I know he cares for me as I care for him. The secret is to keep space in not just visitations but communication as well. I just saw him the other day after having not see him for a few weeks and already feel crazy about him.(blame it on Hurricane Sandy!) More so than I thought I did the last time I saw him. I also feel that he’s getting more comfortable talking to me. I mean when I had him alone he seemed nervous HEE HEE. But when I asked him a question about something he was surprisingly more open about his answer than he ever was before. This shows that he’s more comfortable. I also felt nervous when we were alone. But immediately relaxed as we hugged!
My problem now is that my feelings are growing stronger for him. I have even fantasized about marrying him but, would not dare tell him for fear of making him run off. I do like what he and I have. Slow and controlled, room for growth and I said this to him last week. He feels the same. We communicate several times a week. I think as long as I don’t get super emotional and too clingy on him that he feels at least half the same for me.
I know it sounds like a long way to go but, I want to wait until we make 2 years before I get emotional on him. Even then it may scare him but 2 years is all I’m willing to invest in time and space between him and my sentiments towards him!
I am 33 now and he’s going to be 23 in January. Hmmm I would like suggestions as far as Birthday gifts are concerned?

365. dee - November 29, 2012

@beyonder 33..o hey hows u??? long time..i just decided to check on a whim and lo there u r..:-) ..u got bac wid wilson…i like. u were totally absolutely completely nuts abt him. haha..

m sure ur curious to know what happened wid my aqua guy..nothing. same thing continued wid him. the min i thought we made some progress and got closer, he wld take 50 steps back. if i initiated he talkd. if i initiated after a gap, he talked more than usual..but that was about it. after few ultimatums, professions, nothing really took off. he never ever said no to me.. he always rt till the end always said he likes me..but that was it.. i reached the most logical conclusion after months that though he likes me hes not really that into me..

And so i am not really in touch with him anymore. he’s there on my list on all the social netwrking sites but he dsn’t try to talk and neither do i..i also know very welll if i start agn smthng even today, he wl not ignore me nor teme to get lost. but honestly i lost all my enthu and fervour. m bac in the dating game and meeting different ppl.

beyonder33 - November 30, 2012

Hi Dee. I’m sorry you’re not having luck with your Aqua Guy
and I know that not all are alike. Similar yes but not exactly alike.

I’m so emotional bc I’m having stronger feelings for him every day. Yet I hold back for fear of making him scared. I mean I don’t want to risk our relationship by telling him that I have these feelings but. What do I have to lose? If I tell him either he says nothing(like he usually does) He’s so quiet/timid with me at times.
If I don’t tell him I wait until we hit the 2 year mark?(Do you think that I intimidate him?) I don’t think so, well not that much. I think that would be better. If I wanted until we hit 2 years. We met back in Feb and he’s GROWING on me. I mean maybe he’s not ready but I am. I’m not saying I want to get married even though I’ve fantasized about it. I just want to know that he thinks about me half as much as I think about him. My dilemma is small compared to most pple. I am just so used to getting my heart broken you know?
I do miss him. I haven’t seen him since Last Tuesday but did last speak with him 2 days ago.

I invited him to my Grandmother’s surprise 93rd birthday party on the 22nd at a relatives house. His answer to that was: I’ll see if I can go.

I mean if he invited me to a Family gathering I would be a bit nervous about it too. I wouldn’t know anyone but him and I can be shy around strangers.

He’s super shy and quiet so I don’t know if he even wants to go. I told him he’d get to meet my crazy Family. I asked my relative if I could invite him she goes: yeah tell him it’s about time we meet him. He better get his bu77 over here!
And you know something? I don’t even know if HIS Family knows about me! That would be bad wouldn’t it? Am I crazy for thinking about asking him if his Family knows about me?

366. dee - December 1, 2012

@ beyonder 33..ur not crazy..ur just into this guy too much..and bec u dont know wht he thinks or feels, u end up speculating a lot.. his quiet and introvert nature doesnt help ur cause. All this speculation makes you kind of overly obsessive abt him. which as any1 wld tell u, is not gud for u, him or the relationship.

From what you say, you guys come across more as casual frnds, unless you are lovers? I doubt he wl come to any of your family gatherings. u know that kind of puts an official stamp on ur friendship/relationship. And his behaviour indicates he is nowhere ready for that.. i will be pleasantly surprised for u if he does end up coming u know.

Your still plotting and planning to be with him. i think the call of the hour is that u distance mentally and emotionally a little bit and take your friendship with him on a more casual basis in your head. marriage? woaaaaa….your jumping the gun..

btw what happens if you dont contact him at all? does he get in touch or is it only u who initiates most contacts?

beyonder33 - December 1, 2012

LOL This is going to be the Shocker of a lifetime. But, I saw him last night. We spent about 2 hours talking. And believe it or not, we professed our feelings. I can’t believe it bc I’m so happy. We are(believe it or not) IN LOVE. It’s like nothing I have ever felt before. I’ve been sucker punched by him and he didn’t even know it lol. He’s so Shy, Gentle and nervous still with me. But that’s ok. My Gut is telling me he’s just as interested as I am. You just know when it happens. I cry tears of joy still bc I cannot believe we are on the same page. All the questions that I had have been answered by him. See I confessed to him that my feelings were a bit stronger than I ever let on, and he said he felt the same. I am way more talkative than him. But that’s not a problem with me. He knows he can trust me and Yes it’s much more than friendship. It’s a spiritual connection. I just wish more people could feel this! And Yes if i don’t contact him for a few days he does take the initiative to contact me. We just can’t be that long without seeing/talking to each other! I’m so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

367. beyonder33 - December 1, 2012

On another note. You just know when you talk to someone if they’re sincere or not. He is. We are so on the same wave length. And are so much alike. Much more than I thought. His personality and mine are about 75percent the same in that we both have a hard time verbalizing out feelings. Yet I can write my a55 off about it. It’s just refreshing for once to be sure about something.

368. dee - December 3, 2012

:-).. m happy for u..u stuck arnd long based on ur gut instinct and what u felt and he finally seems to be coming arnd. grt..now just ensure he dsnt retreat into his shell agn and that u guys only move forwrd in ur relationship..but at the same time its imp that he shld nt get the feeling of being closed in or boxed in or caustrophobic or else he may withdraw agn.. u need now to maintain a healthy balance and ensure u dn’t trip over too much on his side in your excitement and inadvertently push him away…

damn i wish my aqua man wld have come arnd too..but i dnt hv ur patience i supose. he used to tell me that he likes me a lot but thngs nvr went beynd that point..

keep me updated abt whats happening in the coming weeks and all da best and loads of hugs and love


beyonder33 - December 5, 2012

Swift update. And it’s not good. AT least not in my opinion. This may seem stupid or even desperate. To have thought that things would change after our confession. It’s Wednesday the 5th of December. I last heard from him 3 days ago ON sunday. I attempted to text him several times yesterday to no avail lol. Of course the worse case scenario came to mind. But being that he’s sort of an empath like me, maybe he just needs some time to himself to regroup and I have to respect that. What I don’t like is that I contact him NOT as his gf but more on a friendly tip. Yet he couldn’t answer me? Makes me feel well, if he’s with another Lady maybe he doesn’t want them to see him texting me back? But that was a perios of about 6 hours yesterday between all my messages to him. He never spent that much time with me so why WOULDN”T HE answer me back? Because when he’s with me he won’t answer his phone unless it’s one of his parents. Other than that he may just read his messages in front of me. So maybe I’m jumping to conclusions. Or as someone said: Maybe he’s not mature enough? I do miss him. My best friend of 25 years and I were speaking about this last night and we came to the conclusion that I need to let him roam free and spread his wings to his own liking. It’s not like we’re married. I just want security and yes I have trust issues with him and have every reason to have them. Since in the beginning of the relationship, when he and I first met there was that one red flag. lol
Dam Men!

369. beyonder33 - December 6, 2012

It’s not his fault. I’t my impatience. And guess what? I spoke to him since I last wrote lol I’m not as patient as I like to think sometimes. HA. not funny. Sort of shameful but We’re ok. He forgot to answer me bc he was in the middle of writing an essay for school.

V - December 11, 2012

@beyonder33 – what sign are you girl?

beyonder33 - December 11, 2012

I am the most moody GEMINI you will ever meet!

370. beyonder33 - December 11, 2012

I am a hopeless Romantic you can say. I see him in my future. Most say he may not see the same but I can feel what he feels. We just have separate lives even though we live so close to each other. I was writing in one of my other blogging spots anonymously and this is what I wrote:
You wanna know what’s funny first? Is when I professed my feelings for him I did so through writing. I have a hard time expressing myself face to face..ok here it is

Missing piece of the puzzle
I’m content. Every thing and everyone in my life is right. Except you. Where are you? What have you been up to? Have you thought about me half as much as I’ve thought about you? I’m thinking no. If that were the case you would most definitely go out of your way to catch up. Get it? Make like a tomato and Ketchup! Har har har(corny joke drums to follow)
I feel like every time I’m close to finishing this puzzle..that final piece just never really seems to fit and I wind up looking for a new set to put together. Just to make sure that you fit. If this makes any sense. I know I won’t give up, but may do so if you don’t come around eventually.
I know you’re so close yet you feel so far. I’m afraid though. And I wish you’d reassure me that I shouldn’t be. It’s just so hard. I feel like I’m the rookie and you’re the Newby. Or does it sound the other way around?
I better just let you spread those wings(not loins) and fly LOLOL

371. beyonder33 - December 11, 2012

Boy was I wrong about him. And thinking he felt the same? Not a bit. I just had a break through with him tonight. Oh boy here it goes. So, we text back n forth and I shared a poem. Then sent him another one warning him: I told you and warned you that I was a hopeless romantic and that I believe in love. He answers back with: Yeah I Just don’t think I”m ready for anything too serious.

Was I shocked?
More like confused/hurt

so long story short he said not LOVE
Just that he Really likes me and cares about me.
I said: Well caring equates to love(in a sense)

Then I asked: So you’r just not feeling it like I thought u were?
He goes: I mean like love
I said: I didn’t mean marriage lol

After 5 MOnths? really no love? WTF?????

I asked him: So after 5 Months you’d rather stay the same or move forward and see others?
He said: He’s rather stay the same but asked what I wanted?
I said: So do I but honestly my fears have always been the obvious. Because ur younger u could easily find a young hottie. heck I could get another guy no problem, not bragging im just saying it the best way I know: I’m addicted to your love(meaning you, your kisses) I never felt that way w/another guy and ive had my fair share of exes unf. but if need be I can/will put my emotions to the back burner. u just don’t know what I would do to keep that high!

a few minutes afterwards I said: I said way too much and can’t blame you if you never want to speak to me again lol Gnight.

Still haven’t heard back from him and can honestly say it truthfully. If what I said tonight scared him to run off then it is what it is. I can’t be emotional about it. The signs have always been there. Friends with benefits was always what we were. but like i said to him: he grew on me. Maybe I’m mistaken and mistook the good feelings with love? I don’t know. This is another lesson in my life. I just don’t want to cry about it. I’d rather move on with my life. Even if it means moving on without him!……sighs

ANd yes he’s very young. possibly just not mature enough to understand. Even though his longest relationship was over 2 years. Maybe he knows what true love feels like. Heck I don’t know….but if we make it past 2 years and haven’t had a breakthrough…then it will be time to move on and say bye to him!

I’m just completely numb right now…NUMB!

Aqua'd Out Girl - December 12, 2012

Hey Beyonder33…

Totally understand; can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard the same kind of tale with Aqua men…they just do the detached thing better than anyone & everyone. It is EVIL. haha.

I am currently un-involved with an Aquarius…I just can’t get over him yet. mine is also younger (about 5 years)…we are both in our 30s, but he’s like a 19 year old! I’m resigned to letting him go. but I know the moment I completely forget him, he’ll show up on my doorstep. They are psychic like that.

Can you give him the cold shoulder for a while? Do you think you could bear it? But like in a friendly way, not like in an angry way?

He’s 23 so it’s a huge challenge (not that you’re not hot, but he’s a baby!). but hey, Demi Moore (a Scorpio) got her Aquarius (Ashton K)…even if only for a little while…

sending you love sister,

beyonder33 - December 12, 2012

Ok after another little back n forth with him He admitted he’s not ready for love right now(just wishes to remain in the dating phase) and I said I would be down with dating him. He assured me he’s NOT SEEING ANYONE else that is the biggest issue with me. THat is my biggest fear. So with that said. (shoot I should copy all of our texts from yesterday/today.) I’m not giving up on him. I know he’s my other half. Though I won’t say this to him…yet. But if he’s still not ready for love by the 2 year mark then I will be forced to cut him loose for good!
Sure I can give him the cold shoulder but the longest we’ve gone without communication is maybe 4 or 5 days. Shoot I feel like I’m having withdrawals if I don’t hear from him in over 2 days lol. So how long should I wait b4 I message him again? a week? ugh lol Ok gonna work on copying our texts from yesterday and today. You may think I sound desperate in some of my messages or even stupid but I’m just trying to show him that I don’t give up in LOVE!

372. beyonder33 - December 12, 2012

Ok here are our texts from yesterday and today. I hope there’s room for all of it
Monday December 10th
Me to him: Hey
Him to me: Hey 🙂
Me to him: how’s it hanging?
him to me: To the left :p lol
Me to him: lol
Him to me: lol how are you?
Me to him: Pretty good, just finished some weight training, but im having a dilemma with this guy ive been telling u about
Him to me: What’s the dilemma?
Me to him: I have something that I wrote for him saved to my cell, I’ll sent it to u for u to understand…and be honest. Do u think it would freak him out?
Me to him:
Can’t sleep, thoughts keep creep
in my subconscience. b4 u came in tha pic
never thought I would feel like this…again, feels so ironic
Never thought Id fall 4 anotha, but this is real,
I think I found a friend. better yet I think I found a lova!
If u give me a rason to. I could easily fall outta luv wit u.
but don’t eva take me for granted. cause I know I can b the one u always wanted.
Me to Him again: Of course we both know it’s u but if this scares/bothers u in any way don’t hesitate to let me know. i warned u I’m a hopelss ramantic! and believe in love!
HIM to ME: Yeah I just don’t think I’m ready for anything too seriou(my heart dropped when I read this)
Me to him: I know….so question
Me to him: What do u mean when u say too seroius? I’m not talking marriage lol
Him to me: I mean like love
Me to him: hmm ok so you’re just not feeling it like I thought u were? and y other guess was prolly right too. u just don’t want to say it to my face
Him to me: Like I really like you and I care about you but I’m just not ready for love. And what other guess?
Me to him:Yes but caring equates to love(in a sense) i can say I like u a lot too. I don’t know how seroius ur last long relationship was but after almost 5 Months you’d rather stay the same? Or move on and see others?
Him to me: What would you rather? I don’t mind staying the same, I enjoy the time we’re together.
Me to him: So do I, but honestly my fears have always been the obvious. Because ur younger u could easily find another young hottie. heck I could get another guy no problem. I’m not bragging I’m just saying it the best way I know how: I’m addicted to your love(meaning YOU, Your Kisses) I never felt that way w/another guy and I’ve had my fair share of exes unf. But if need be I can/will put my emotions to the back burner. U just don’t know what I would do to keep that high!
By this time he fell asleep before my last message was sent but I sent him another before the night was over
Me to him: I know I said way too much and this is all prolly just buggin u out so I shouldn’t be surprised if I never hear from u again lol…gnight

Today December 11th
Me to HIM: Lol
Him to me: lol hey kind of KO’d Yesterday
Me to Him: What knocked out? How u dewin?
Him to me: Yeah lol I’m good you?
Me to Him: Im annoyed, had to take Nat to the ER this am but Gramma was too sick for me to leave her alone so I’m taking her later, she has missed so much school :l
Him to me: I’m pretty sure the school will understand.I hope she gets better.
Me to him: And feeling like an ass for what I said to u last nighit….i should’ve known better than to say all that….
Him to me: Lol don’t feel that way
By this time I was heading with Nat(my daughter to the ER cause of a bad chest cold)
Me to him: Y not? are we exclusive or not? BC when you said u didn’t want anything too serious I took that to mean Me on lock down for you and u free to do what u want am I right or am I wrong?
Me to him: Seriously, I hate how analytical/emotional I can be but that’s how I am…tell me u want out now so I can shut the f up
On my way to the ER with Nat
Me to him: nevermind…I’m heading to the ER with Nat. I think my wittle friend is coming :l ttyl
Him to me: I didn’t mean it u locked down for me and I’m free to do what I want, I meant like us dating but I’m just not ready to love and get all lovey dovey with someone. And if you’re not ok with that I understand and we can move on and see other people if you want.
Me to him: I don’t want to see other people(i only want u). I honestly do…but I would like to see if WE(u and I) could eventually evolve some time, maybe down the road, does that sound crazu to u?
Him to me: No that doesn’t, and yeah maybe eventually we can evolve.
Me to him: But we do get lovey dovey…knocking da boots lovey dovey :p
Him to me: Lmao :p
The rest was about me being at the ER with Nat and how super packed it was…..
See? Told ya I’m not giving up!

Aqua'd Out Girl - December 12, 2012

Yep, that sounds like an Aquarius guy for sure…

I think you could keep him interested if you just play it cool (don’t ask for dating or love and don’t even mention the ‘m’ word….even if to say ‘I don’t want marriage’)….

I would give it 6 months – 1 year, not 2…because you know how those deadlines always get extended out. Don’t want you to get hurt.

What do you think would make him change his mind & evolve…just time? Or something else? I repeat, I’m only saying this b/c I don’t want you to get hurt, and believe me I’ve been there…I wasted 3 years on an Aquarius who was never going to commit to me, I was hoping it would evolve…

beyonder33 - December 12, 2012

I think what u said b4, giving him the cold shoulder a bit but in a friendly way. Making him think I’m too busy to communicate etc. If I keep getting emotional on him this would just make him run off. So with that said I will retract the emotional part of me towards him. And give him space. That’s what I’ll have to do if I want to keep it moving with him. Otherwise I’d have to just end it. I can wait til June because 6 Months would mean end of Jan beginning of Feb. Also I believe what another friend told me: That he’s scared she said: Yeah, he’s scared, you may have to give him some time. Just try to have fun and make him want you…sometimes men take more time to figure it out. Be so much fun that he wants to spend time with you, and avoid the love word for now, just show him how you feel. I wouldn’t give up if you want him.

My first love was aqua by the way. We were together 2.5 years. And that was over 16 years ago. I still think about him since bc what we had was so pure and real. I also know that what I have w/my current guy is also. It’s just a spiritual explosion when I’m with him. Nothing like it!

373. Aqua'd Out Girl - December 13, 2012

Very cool. enjoy!

374. beyonder33 - December 15, 2012

I hate this LOL. It’s Friday afternoon. I haven’t heard from him since Tuesday and I”m fighting the URGE to text him. The urge comes and goes lol Help me! Lord help me! lol

375. beyonder33 - December 15, 2012


OK ok I confess. I sent him a HI message. I assume he will either get back to me later if not tomorrow -.-

376. beyonder33 - December 15, 2012

Maybe just maybe my patience is wearing thin. Because all of a sudden I feel this need to date others. Not to get physical or anything like that but to see what else is out there. I don’t like waiting games. Even though I am patient. Maybe it will take him almost losing me to see what I mean to him? Ugh I’m so emotional today. On top of not hearing from him in 3 days that psycho that shot all those kids over in Connecticut. SICK just SICK!

377. beyonder33 - December 15, 2012

No I don’t want to date anyone else. I don’t want to even bother. It’s the Holidays. We’re all sick. Maybe he is too but how would I know?

Happy Holidays everyone!

378. beyonder33 - December 16, 2012

I know I’ve updated enough but this is the tip of the iceberg.
Guess who reactivateD his okcupid.com account? That’s right, He did. and when he and I first started talking again in July He mentioned that he had deactivated it. According to his account his last log in was just 2-3 weeks ago. Do I sound paranoid? Am I jumping to conclusions? I text him twice yesterday, on a friendly note. He didn’t answer. Same thing today. Still no answer. I would hate to think he’s avoiding me as his way of breaking up. Why must guys do this? I am suddenly sure that he’s seeing someone else because according to his okcupid account he is fake. He acts one way with me but his answers are completely different. I don’t want to but I’m starting to HATE HIS GUTS! UGHGHGHGH

379. beyonder33 - December 16, 2012

I wish I didn’t care :*(

380. beyonder33 - December 16, 2012

This is funny as hell. I made this adage up but if you dig for 5hi7 you will find 5hi7 right? Why all of my male aqua friends like me, even say they have love for me. BUt my supposed boyfriend is acting like he doesn’t all of a sudden? Lol omg I swear if I see him again I might as well just take the initiative to end it with him……..ugh lol

381. beyonder33 - December 16, 2012

Has anyone read my previous posts? Does anyone have advice? Please please. I am pretty good today. But know I will have those bad days where I miss him. And worse when I imagine him being with someone else….that is what hurts and scares me the most. Blah

I’ve heard that When aquas and their significant others are having mutual feelings that Aquas tend to sense when the other person is upset/happy/sad? Maybe I’m just too intense and once again have to put my emotions on check. I don’t want to lose him but the fact that he has his okcupid account open again shows little to no respect for me.
I’ve told him my fear of him being able to go with others. Yet he has not said that he was seeing anyone else. Nor did he say that he wasn’t.

Yes I have trust issues. I have my reasons. With him because of that red flag in the beginning. sighs

Aqua'd Out Girl - December 21, 2012

hey Beyonder33 – sorry to leave you hanging, things have been busy. my own Aquarius and I still haven’t reunited. but he “likes” all my Facebook posts, LOL!

this is a bad season to ask for emotional reassurance. my own mother is an Aquarius and she hasn’t called me in 3-ish days (and we are close). don’t sweat it, try meditation. seriously.

yes, he’ll sense you are missing him, so if you need to go out on another date or two, do it. he’s likely scared things (you) are getting too serious. so check it b4 you wreck it 🙂

maybe the mayan apocalypse will take away all the Aquarius men. and then we can all live in harmony.

382. beyonder33 - December 21, 2012

we spoke today and We’re gonna hangout tomorrow. I’ll update this weekend 🙂

383. dee - December 21, 2012

hey beyonder.. i haven’t logged on for like 2 weeks.. just read some of your posts.. seems u r back to square one.. seriously I dn’t thnk 6 months, 1 year or 2 years would make any difference at all. hes got u all on tender hooks and u jump when he says.. he’s just nt ready or not tht into you or has his own issues, you will probably never know. he never comes clean or he keeps changing his mind every few days. some days he’s in, somedays he’s out. sometimes he’s open and most times cagey. all the speculation doesnt do u or ur mental health any gud.

leme tell u abt my aqua guy. I gave up finally after issuing an ultimatum. even now if I ever say hello he alwys responds and we talk once a way..but alwys only on my initiation. like you, I alwys thot, felt we had sm amazing chem going on. I feel the same towards him even today. but he never helped to take this any further btwn us. so I gave up aftr lot of trying. he says m a sweet litl girl. according to him I project a v rude and bitchy and tuff exterior to the world but deep dwn m just a swt litl girl.. i feel he goads me in a sarcasticic way bec i refused to slp wid him.

I am trying for this new job and met the head of that business group for an initial interview. i screwed it up due to my stupidity. the head was sweet and asked me to meet him agn next week and gave me another opportunity for a try again for this job. He reminded me a lot like my aqua guy who himself is a very successful entrepreneur.

SO i got in tch wid my aqua guy yesterdy aftr mnths to seek his views/ advice on what happened and how I could crack the next meeting. I asked him wht time wld be convenient to talk and at his suggestion i pinged him at that time. what an arse. he didnt bother so I asked him if hes busy. no reply. i was so irritated that i just told him y r u so obnoxiously rude. he replied to tht saying no hes not. and hes sorry but its just that hes stil working and stuck at his office. if ur busy y the hell cant u just say it instead of staying silent??? I tell u these men dnt behave normally. I have to say I lost my head and let go a long tirade of rude words at him. whts the big deal in saying things as they are, yes or no, when ppl ask u.

I am not involved wid him nor seeking him out for any emotional stuff. what i asked was generic and work related. was seeking his advice as a professional. and he agreed to give me a listen and give his opinion. but when the time approached he just stayed silent. comeon even on such issues these guys behave oddly. they just dont say no even when they feel/thnk no in their head! they wld rather stay silent and drive ppl up the wall bec of that.

He told you “I didn’t mean it u locked down for me and I’m free to do what I want, I meant like us dating but I’m just not ready to love and get all lovey dovey with someone. And if you’re not ok with that I understand and we can move on and see other people if you want.”…

Beyonder he has made it so clear finally.. he doesn’t want to get into an intense love affair with you. what part are you finding difficult to understnd? a man will contact u every day only when he is in the midst of a love affair or a relationship. but you guys are not, its casual dating. so why shld he get in touch with you every day? i think you just don’t want to pay any real attention to what he is saying bec you are in love with him. your in the denial mode.

Looking at things positively, atlst he has made his intentions clear to you finally. hes finally told you wht he feels and wants from you. so please snap out of ur love cloud and see thngs the way they are. your lucky that you dnt hv to speculate anymore. in my case he always told me he wl nvr say no to me bec he doesn’t feel that way and he likes me. and he sees no reason y we cant be together as a couple in future smtime. it took a lot of effort for me to turn my bac and just stop trying. atlst you know where thngs stand with him.

I am afraid your constant pestering will just push him away. u hv to give space. let him seek you out. u have to be patient and just stay away and let him miss you. your not doing that, nt one bit.. based on his replies, he i thnk has made it clear that its just casual dating with him for now and things may evolve later or they may not. hes not giving any committment to you at this stage which your so desperate to have.

beyonder33 - December 21, 2012

I find him more than not, saying one thing and doing another. This is where the confusion leads me to. And like I said, I will update this weekend after I have seen him today.

384. beyonder33 - December 23, 2012

Things went quite well. We have a movie date coming up soon. 🙂
Will update again. Happy Holidays E1!

385. dee - December 24, 2012

U get so desolate when he ignores u. and so chirpy when hes in touch..ur happiness and sadness are all soo dependant on him. hope thngs go well wid u guys..njy ur holidays..c ya latr

386. dee - December 25, 2012

@beyonder: its certified now..lol. aqua men are like really wierd. the aqua man i was interested in earlier abt whom I had discussed. strangely i had a long chat wid him ystrdy after months and he seemed intrstd in me. Ofcrse i fancy him so i reciprocated and we interacted. he is still single and not dating sm1 or going steady wid anyone. but his past track record not good so I am nt really gona bother this time. And i can lay a bet if i dnt pursue his renewed interest he wldnt do much to push this along.

beyonder33 - December 25, 2012

I don’t know how to explain it. The one in particular is confusing as hell to me. It’s like: When things are good, You’re all happy and things seem fine. Then you make an attempt to contact him via text(nothing serious just as a friend) and he won’t answer for whatever reason. It’s frustrating because I’m left to wonder: Is he ignoring me or is he that busy? If I asked him dead to his face and he answered me without blinking about his interest in me, do I take his word for it or believe that he lied to keep the peace. I”m getting really tired of his Dr. Jekyl Mr. Hyde persona and cannot/will not put up with it much longer. I don’t know why he came into my life. Right now I have another guy who really wants to get to know me. We’ve been talking about 4 days straight and he’s a virgo. Seems to know what he likes and wants and has no qualms about letting me know.

My aqua guy will lose me eventually. I can only wait for so long for his feelings to catch up. But honestly I feel he is the ying to my yang. Right now he is on a Month break from school. And when I hadn’t heard from him for almost a week, then sent him a goodbye message he texts me suddenly to apologize for not answering me and to say it was becuz of school. Well I believe him. I’ve spoken to male Friends and a couple of them think that he’s playing me. And that he may have other GF’s. I would like to think not since when I asked him about this he said no without any hesitations.

If I could magically forget about him, if there was something that would make him realize that I’m the one for him please give it to me. In the meantime I will just be patient and wait for his feelings to catch up. The virgo Man waiting for me is going to have to wait a few Months b4 he can get so much as a date from me.
Yes I am smitten by my aqua guy and I hate it.
It’s like he has this magical hold on me.
And how do you ask?
When we’re together it’s like our souls are dancing.
I know he feels it too he even told me he did.
And when we’re apart I know he’s thinking of me too.
I think that because he’s still very much younger than me that he cannot handle how in tuned I am with my sentiments. I am very open about them with him but, am willing(as I told him this) to compromise and hold back on them. If it means not losing him.

Sounds like I will bend over backwards for him yes. But when you have something so precious to you like nothing you’ve ever had b4, somewhat of a twinflame, I would like to think that you wouldn’t want to let it go.

Call me sucker or stupid or even desperate if want. But I know what we have isn’t just in my imagination. To me he is worth waiting a life time for. If my patience allows for it though.

387. dillinger - December 25, 2012

Good to see that this blog got large.


First of all, you should realize that almost all aqua men look like “ying-yang” for most of the people, I mean in terms of a relationship. I am not saying that your relationship is a regular one or not real. In fact that’s the problem with aquas: it can be true but first thing to do: you must understand that. I am an aqua male and I can realize all the facts you told. Let me tell you a true story, in fact two stories from my life, then you may understand something about them.

There was a woman who arrived at my job as a regular, but she was like dropped from the sky, suddenly and apparently. The other people did not like her so much, as she seemed like a “someone’s stuff” at first instance and that went so much time. As an aqua, I could not keep myself apart and tried to communicate her. Then I realized that she’s got some inner problems as she recently lost her father, etc. and I opened myself to cure her troubles. I acted like a mediator and she was fine after a period of time, actually she was ok with our work environment and moreover with her life. The other continued to act in the same way, because they did not see the things they want to see. “But” after a while her husband got a very good position in a good company outside. I never thought that as a priority and I was same as before. But other people started to be close to her, and it was so apparent that the reason was that husband. After a while she and her husband were abroad for a long period of time, and as an aquarian, I never called them regularly or checked if they are near or OK. But surprise: the other did. Now here is the situation: when she sees me she behaves like I am a stranger and the others are like her best friends. Same thing happened for another person, indeed the difference was deep, because in that case “the others” were not only apart at the beginning, but also complaining about the person in the story. Guess what: same result.

To be honest I always have two remarks for the people in this world (regardless of any situation, including yours): 1) how do you know that your love, friendship or affair is the right and proper one, so that you can criticize the others at the spot, 2) people are always subjective, and they tend to react according to the reactions they got from the outside; but this makes them vulnerable, because reality is not the first thing they seek in fact.

Aquas are the most lonely zodiac sign among 12. Because they have the independence and power to opt to be alone. I can hear you that love is another thing and that’s true; it is the most precious one and that’s why aquas (mostly males, that’s my observation; aqua males and females are so much different like two separate signs) apply their principles more than any other affair on it.

One last thing to remember: all the principles of aqua males are not personal choices or preferences. They always try to apply universal stuff. As an example, if you wanna catch their soft point, make them concentrated on this.

beyonder33 - December 26, 2012

Lonely because instead of opening themselves up to the possibility of love they’d rather stay closed off and keep people guessing. My philosophy is: If you want something, go for it. Stop holding back and being Anal. I for one am not putting up with his hot/cold behavior much longer. And he will know this soon enough. I hate guessing games, and def. hate waiting games. Life is too short to waste it on someone who is too chicken 5hit to share what they want with me.

Stick a fork in me cause I’m just about done!

388. dillinger - December 27, 2012


Of course nothing to blame, On the contrary this is your original choice and that’s the most important thing in your life.

But the point is: while you are accepting that your choice is the right one, don’t blame them too. Believe me for an aqua male there is no easy way to tell his vision of life. Think that in this way (not a good example but you may understand): you go to a market and you know what to buy. While walking around you see something very interesting and attractive for you, then you buy it. At home that product doesn’t give the things you expected to see, and like everyone does at the end, you dump it. Then you start to think about yourself, if it was so attractive why I made this and if I am doing the wright thing, etc.

You made the right thing because you have chosen what you want. But could that make the dumped one less valuable? Let me tell you: yes it could. Aqua males have a wider vision of life (sorry, not for arrogance, but that’s true) more than you imagine. I am not saying they are the worst or the superior one, I mean just “different”. To be honest you don’t need to get even half of this difference. So your decision is the right choice. And this would not put you into a low position. Because we know that love is about matches.

By the way I always had bad experiences with earth signs (like Virgo) but it is not about your case indeed.

Have a nice life then

beyonder33 - December 27, 2012

lol trust me when I tell you that I have not expressed not even 3/4 of the frustrations that I have with him from here. He has no idea. I just accept him for face value but have little heart breaks on the side. He messaged me today and we set up a movie date. Oh my and between him and all my aqua male friends(about 6 total). The picture is becoming more and more clear. I think he likes me a lot but acts differently so’s to not seem vulnerable lol.

Thanks for your input Dillinger. Now I’m sure you think I’m a headcase! Ha! I’m Gemini by the way.

389. dillinger - December 27, 2012


Worst scenario is true: he knows almost all of your frustrations. I know this makes him more @!x&! but that’s pretty much like it. It’s true that you have right to see him like you told and same for all other aquas. Actually that’s the part you should be interested. Rest is their problem and I say that in full honest.

Aqua males keep a real and good heaven inside and but most of the times, only inside. This is the curse with them. If you can’t wait enough (and most of the times it’s so hard to wait) let them go with it. You know, it is like: you feel all sacred & beautiful places in the world, you don’t have to see them, you just feel. But you also want to keep them untouched. I am sure after 6 aquas you understood that they are not part of this time; they should be either before or after now. Never tuned.

Liked your humour, typical Gemini one. One suggestion: You will like all Libras.

beyonder33 - December 27, 2012

Oh no, not all are heavenly. One in particular said: Fu** you Bi*ch to me because he said he wanted me to be his and I said NO. I asked him to leave me alone after this. That was so rude of him. I only love the one aqua guy tho. He’s my little piece of heaven. My roller coaster ride. That which keeps me guessing and yes. The one I’ve been talking about since the beginning!

390. beyonder33 - December 27, 2012

And no thanks on the Libras :p

391. dillinger - December 28, 2012


I said heaven “inside” and of course not all aquas are gentlemen, same as the rest of people. And to be honest: if you name that aqua “your roller coster” for me it seems that he was pretty trained and lost his identity 🙂 Or the worst case: he is acting so.

Also, Libras are better than Virgos for you, that’s for sure.

beyonder33 - December 28, 2012

I do not understand this and cannot explain why. But since the last time that I wrote here I have made a new Friend. And guess what his sign is? No I didn’t seek him. He found me! Crazy World. But know we are only speaking as friends. Nothing more! o.O

Again I say no to Libras because of my experience with them being superficial and caring too much about outer appearance. I’m too down to earth and caring for that. I’m the complete opposite of materialistic. Ask any friend/relative and they will agree. Virgos I like because we can carry conversations comfortably. But never been in a relationship with one.

My only issue in regards to relationships is: I care too much. I don’t put up with B.S and can always tell in my gut when something is wrong.
I’m cursed I tell you!

392. dillinger - December 28, 2012


If aqua males are approaching you first, probably you have got an aura close to them. Both are air elements, and Libra too, but there are differences among them.

Of course within borders of the air group, Libras are always close to earth, They care their appereance and give attention to others’ critics more than other two. Gemini is in between. They are in that earth, but they know how to make fun of dump issues when they face one. We might say that they can separate real life issues from less important stuff. Aquas are the more distant cousins in terms of living in this earth. Normally air element group is well known with this phenomenon, but we can say that aquas are far away from earth’s soil compared to Gemini and Libra.

The other dimensions in the universe is vast compared to our tiny world. That makes aquas subject to a wide range of effects, so that’s why they are always unbalanced on the side of our earth. For example, when one of your friends is suddenly lost and none knows where she/he is, you may think thousands of possibilities, because you do not know where and how is she/he. Similar like that. While they float within this uncertainty, they can come with original ideas, but also keep this ambiguity.

You like Virgos and the reason for it explains one of Gemini behaviour. Your dual character may feel comfortable with that good moments (I am not talking about hypocrisy and I am sure you understood what I mean), but for aquas it is hard to see a portion of a person, because they tend to see people as a whole. Reason is simple: when you feel both dimensions, you are using a large binocular to have a vision. When you focus on a person with that you get troubles if you see inconsistencies.

Now we came to a different wording. You said “I care too much. I don’t put up with B.S and can always tell in my gut when something is wrong”. Yep that’s true, but imagine that you show this attitude by the ability to have good portions of people, then think about how the aquas are suffering.

It’s always said that aquas have small tolerance, so the reason is told above.

beyonder33 - December 28, 2012

I love this blog! lol

I was wondering if you or anyone here is aware of their personality type? I took one recently and found out that I am ENFP, Which means that I’m a feeler more than a thinker. But I feel indifferent to this slightly. I do think a lot. I just have trouble focusing on one thing unless it’s of great interest to me.
I also found out that I am an empath. Which means that I pick up on people’s energy/intentions/burdens.
I’ve always had this gift, I guess some may say it’s a curse.
I’m keeping cool lately because I know that the fact that I keep myself protected inwardly/outwardly bounces off of people. And they in turn pick up my energy. Does this make sense to you?

I haven’t mentioned this either but I have the gift of Reiki(I know off topic) Which means that I can use meditation/visualization to help myself and others feel better. I did this a few years back with a relative that was in a coma from brain swelling. I did 3 small sessions on her while visiting and the very next day they said her swelling went down.

Now I didn’t finish school(several years ago) to take care of my Grandmother full time. She’s currently 93. But soon I will have home care for her and plan on returning to college for psychology/naturpathic Medicine.
I want to do this to help people who suffer from depression/panic/stress. Using self help techniques. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this. But I believe that everything doesn’t need medication.

I hope I see new updates soon with some positive feed back 🙂

P.S to Dillinger
I was mistaken when I said: I don’t put up with B.S. but I do. I can be very tolerant of heavily burdened people. I’m gently in my approach. I just speak my mind whenever I’m feeling used!

dillinger - December 28, 2012


I can grab your words because almost all of the mediums I met told me that your star is low in this life (it is independent from what sign are you). That means: people may suck my energy easily than I suck energy from the others. lol.

You have got a strong character. I mean your way of life and you heart, which always beat for others. Now for me it is more clear that why it is attractive but also scary after for aquas. Besides the thing I told, there are more things to explain it, but believe me no need to do that. Because In that blog I always tried to avoid personal stuff for aquas, they are about their inner suffering and they couldn’t help for any common purpose.

I have been interested with spiritual things since my childhood. And my aqua character doubled it. But personally I have reservations on Reiki in particular. You know what Reiki is, I can not accapt to have a “master” from another dimension if I don’t know what it is, even though it tells good things and direct me into good paths till the end of my life. The reason is: I believe in total outcome. May be I should suffer a lot, but at the end it would yield a good thing with my presence of life. Because life and our spirits are more complicated then our imagination.

You are like a real angel. Hope that you keep on this way. And no need to explain that specific sentence, I understood from the beginning. In fact this Gemini character is nice as they can differentiate good and bad things while still being in this life. I used it to tell one of aqua behaviour.

393. dillinger - December 28, 2012

By the way let me explain one stuff:

Having a large binocular with a larger vision doesn’t just mean a superior thing. If we talk the concept of “wider visions” yes, they have the ability to have this but it depends on what they choose as sometimes people are missing things even though they have a clear vision.

On the other hand, this position may put you into a different situation and in fact I know almost all the aqua males suffer with it (I explained in one of my previous posts how aqua males and females are different, so that’s why I am only using the word ‘males’). They have troubles to understand the others. Yep, they are talented with social affairs, I mean personally I have examples like meeting a person in the morning and after 2 hours having a lunch together. And they are well known as good listeners and team-work organizers. HOWEVER: when the issue comes to share their private stuff, it usually fails at first instance and with 50 percent possibility, it goes like that in the next periods of time. I told the reason above. Now let me tell you how they try to overcome this.

As they have problems on focusing people, they opt to choose universal values to assess them. This is a very fragile concept though. If anyone chooses universal virtues, they should adopt them for themselves too for an inner peace. Some of them fall during that stage and become a dangereous social monsters, because for them it is easy to socialize and at that stage they can ignore the others very easily, because they can create hundreds of reasons, such as: poor people.

The others, I mean the successful ones still face with other problems because of one basic sentence: none is perfect. Within this group another team opts for another thing: They suppress their inner visions and establish good connections with people. But this destroys important amount of those visions, then they say: “who needs them anyway”.

Tiny percentage selects the fourth road and they concentrate on science, music, politics and other similar things. These people become Edison, Mozart and Lincoln. They would have chance to raise one of the virtues aquas got (coming from that greater vision): humanism.

Hope that I can describe them with that two posts.

394. beyonder33 - January 4, 2013

Today we had a movie date but cancelled. Instead he came over and I made him breakfast.
Afterwards we sat down and spoke. I asked him a few questions and told him that since I expressed that I had feelings for him, that I felt as if he was pulling away from me. He told me he didn’t think he was. And I also asked him if he wanted to date outside of the relationship to which he answered no. But then asked if I wanted to. I said: you know I don’t’

Moral of my story. Maybe I need to relax and have more patience for him!

I could write a million times that I don’t but I do have a Great sense of Love for him. Maybe I’m just insecure still but, I know that he loves me in a sense too…..sighs

Happy New Year E1!

395. dillinger - January 5, 2013


Best to do is introducing him to me but of course it is almost impossible 🙂 If so and if could, I could get the answers you want directly.

You need a different kind of a patience: if he says he wants to be apart, you have to watch him from a distance. If he says he wants to be closer, again you have to watch him from a distance. Same I mean.

But all stuck on a question: do you want him that much, to watch him from that distance. When you answer this inside you will get the reply soon.

396. beyonder33 - January 5, 2013

The time that we spend apart makes it more magical each time that we do get together. I am an admitted hopeless Romantic who needs affection/attention and regular communication. Yes I’m admitting it. But I’m learning that every one isn’t the same. In the mean time. I’m waiting on my psychology books and should be delving myself into them quite heavily.
I don’t think I could introduce him to you or you to him. He’s not very active online. Well not to my knowledge.

397. dee - January 8, 2013

snap out of ur obsession..he is a reclusive aqua, reluctant, still a student and there is a decade long age gap btwn u guys..its now been so many mnths since u started posting ur comments. yet u dnt seem to have reached anywhere as regards this relation. do u want to do this for anthr 2 years???? y wld u do this to urself i wonder??

beyonder33 - January 8, 2013

NO I’m not giving him 2 years. One year maybe but in the meantime I’ve given others my time of day.(not going out just talking) I realize the age difference. Hello! I’m not bargaining my soul for him. I Just know that what he and I have is NOT imagined!
But I know that the day that I finally put my foot down will def get his attention.
And yes my MIDDLE name is Relentless. I don’t give up easily. But I haven’t been stressing it like the FIRST TIME that he disappeared on me. Why? Because I know he’s there!

398. dillinger - January 8, 2013

Let me go step by step. First, that age difference doesn’t mean aything for an aqua male; but I am not saying it may be totally forgotten. At the end it takes two to tango.

I am not an arrogant person, indeed I hate that stuff by each cell in my body. But: in most of the times aqua males have a big effect in a relationship. I am telling this because I know that you can’t handle them as you deal with others while waiting. Because it is not like you live your life and you keep them in a safe distance. At that point I agree with dee.

Thirdly: no written stuff or a sociological book can explain them. Don’t misunderstand me, I am on the other side, the side of the sufferers with it. You must know what you are dealing with. Thay can be anywhere on this earth while they are sitting on chair in their tiny apartment; let me correct it, they can even be in the universe by imagination. But in fact, it’s not totally an imagination because their half part feels it really.

That’s the key for everything: If you can land them on, I mean on the soil, you can win. And it takes so much, as they are the masters of the words, you shoukd convince them by living and make them living.

399. dillinger - January 9, 2013

One more thing: I never believed the word “cool” (so much to tell for a reason) and most of the aqua males are labelled with it. Because, as I explained before, they can feel in 360 degrees and this is rare among people.

But take care: it doesn’t mean that they are perfect (in fact nothing is perfect in the universe) and I tried to explain different kinds of aqua males in one of my previous posts. And if you do not believe the word “cool” like me, rest is apparent and easy: thats means you are just dealing with an unusual creature. Creature term can disturb you, but can’t them. Most of the aquas tend to underestimate human being as they have ability to see them from “outside”. In my case my underestimation halted by my faith. And some of them stop it with the basic rule of acceptance.

My suggestion (if you want him that much): first try to catch his tendencies for it then you can move according the result. If you feel his acceptance (whether by faith or socialization) youcan concentrate on the other priorities.

400. dillinger - January 9, 2013

And first time about my personal opinion: Yep, human being is the worst creature in that universe. How they are always fool to adopt themselves. But that’s personel matter anyway.

401. dillinger - January 9, 2013

If you don’t believe me watch this:

402. dee - January 9, 2013

what i said wsn’t said wid any malice so i hope u dnt misunderstnd. but comeon u are still so uncertain and insecure and hv no clue as to whts going on. put ur foot dwn and firm up. i dnt mean giving ultimatums or snapping ties but u must realize this thng is going anywhere. besides u r not giving him any opportunity to miss u even a little bit. and u probably keep tab of each day tht goes by widout any communication.

age gap relationships r difficult to maintain .. but i meant more from the point of view that he is still a student who needs to chart out his career, get started. whereas u probably are more set in life and luking for a steady relatnship. its just that ur at different stages in life currently. once hes out of school he will be focussed on geting a gud job, geting settled in his career. he has anyways told u he is nt serious nor luking for sm intense love affair. and by his actions it comes across that while he certainly likes u, its nt like hes desperate to spend more time wid u or misses u much.

i seriously hoped thngs wrkd for u but u know ur probably in the same boat as me. v bth met out our aqua guys in feb 2012. and now its been almost a year. f i talkd to my aqua guy and made efforts he alwys responded. infct he made it more obvious than me that hes attrcted to me. but the thng is he dint intiate much and alwys strangely disappeard whenver it appeared we were talking more. it kept happening for few mnths and i kept telling myslf thngs wld change. but there came a point when i cldnt deny it anymore and i stopped making the effort. for sm reason he didnt wnt thngs to get emotional and he alwys kept his distance. u really cant do much if the man dsnt wnt to let u in too close. besides whts the charm in being wid a man who dsnt show he misses u, dsnt do special thngs for u ever, nvr appreciates u, dsnt seek u out? i gave up long time bac and nw we just casual frnds.

back off give it space and time. stiop putting in so much effort. just sit bac and then see what happens. does he come to u after long gap? seriously u must have a serious thot abt this and take sm practical and hard decisions. u can stay frnds but u need to start withdrawing ur slf emotionally. wld he even notice? and if he does wld he say anythng? try to ask u why? u been thinking and acting wid yr heart i thnk all this while perhaps its time u start thinking wid ur head now? just my honest opinion but i gues u must do wht u thnk and feel is rite for u.

tc, dee

beyonder33 - January 9, 2013

I do give him space. I let days go by(as much as a week) before sending him a funny or friendly text. He does contact me first most times. I do notice if I say anything funny/friendly to him after not hearing from him for a few days that he does answer me almost immediately. Like last week. I said: No more pie for you!… He texts me back with: No more pie? lol
So we went back n forth with that.

I can sense your frustration with me in thinking I’m wasting my time. That’s why I said it that way. But honestly, I know the bed that I’ve made. If I could have known the hastle that I’d be going through with him do you think I would have pursued the relationship? Hell no!

I cannot stress that I need space myself. I don’t like feeling tied down. This is why when I text him, if he doesn’t answer me back I know better than to jump to conclusions any more. But honestly Dee. Can you blame me? When after our first Month he disappeared from me for almost 3 Months? It took me 3 days of crying and confusion to give up and try to move on. This lead to a short lived relationship with yet another aqua guy(his name was Justin) He was all talking marriage, love, giving my Daughter his last name. But when I said something to him via facebook. Even after he knew that my Father was dying and he hadn’t contacted me. I was willing to try to talk things out. He didn’t seem to care tho. So I left him alone. Shortly after, My current guy and I started talking again and have been supposedly together since July. And yes he knew about Justin once we started talking again.

This is why I’m confused.
In the very beginning when I asked: Are we exclusive? he goes: yeah I thought we established that. Doesn’t that mean the same as serious in a sense? Maybe I need to look more at his actions rather than his wording?
I understand that sharing that poem with him is what probably lead him to think: oh she wants me to get lovey dovey. But I explained that it wasn’t what I meant. I’m just very expressive and sentimental. And have no qualms about admitting to it.

Haven’t seen or heard from him since Thur. it’s Tuesday. I’m ok tho.
I know he is too. The energy that he left me with was the calmest that I ever felt from him. Where as each time before I was so scared it was my last time seeing him lol.

I remember a few weeks back telling him: I know It may seem strange coming from me. But I am very proud of you for continuing your education because a lot of Men his age don’t care for school. Well, where I live they don’t.
His response was the same as most times. I could see he was thinking of what to say but just didn’t. I had a Big smile and told him: Don’t ever change!

Well I don’t know why I’m sharing this lol
I know that sooner or later. If it continues this way that I will break it off. A relationship should evolve. Don’t you think?

If I had never met him, I would have never come to this blog to seek help. I’m still learning. But know that I put others first. I’ve lived with my Grandmother since I was 3 days old. Now she’s 93 and I take care of her full time. But not for much longer. It’s hard putting others first all the time. I’ve started taking care of myself to the point of losing 32 lbs recently but need to lose more. Not to mention I have an 8yo Autistic Child. I need to focus on HER and not HIM!
I know that once I get my Grandmother a Home attendant I will do one or both to Continue my education where I left off/get a job.

I just received one of m psychology books so I’m going to begin reading that.
Take Care.

P.S Dee
My New Year Resolution was this
“To start thinking with my Head instead of my Heart’

But I’m more than 75% feeler than thinker. lol not good. ENFP here!

403. dillinger - January 9, 2013


In case for aquas you should think with your brain more then your heart. And dee is telling nice stuff all I can say.

Whatever the case, do not let aynone to break your heart. Because it’s already precious believe me. So precious that regulars can’t notice it.

If you decide so, you may be comfortable to kick some aqua ass. In fact people should seek your value, if they don’t, that’s their problem.

Honestly I saw only few people who bear a strong and good heart like you, and I can never exaggarate something, it is aganst my spirit.

Rise a knight! Just concentrate on the things you already feel. You just need to understand your huge potential, I mean you do feel but you should need more realization. And again, I say that things in full honest.

Aquas? well they should think what they are, first.

404. dee - January 9, 2013

beyonder- he does like u.v bth know tht. just that it appears tht thngs prob will just be casual banter btwn u guys. if i talk to my aqua guy after a week, he too instantly responds. that doesnt mean nythng thou as i found out cpla mnths down the lane. lol. and he is nvr rude nver says mean thngs to any1. but all that doesnt show much u know? i mean we bth want more that wht these men hv to offer currently.

And u caught tht bang on, abt being frustrated. .thou we hv nvr met and dunt know each other, i did feel like shaking u up and make u see thngs as they are. i am taking a sabbatical from my job for a cpla mnths so hv time on my hands.

taking care of yr elderly gandma and ur kid, thats any way quite demanding. wonder why u wld wana keep banging ur head agnst this aqua wall. i thnk if u step out for education/job, you will evolve more as you will meet more people, learn more, get more confident and self assured. ur world will widen. I have always workd and am generally occupied. so when m upset i focus on work and when tht doesnt help do other thngs. i also pen dwn my thots, poetry etc. download music, wtch movies,workout etc.

there is def more to life than chasing dwn reluctant men.. let them be. 🙂

405. beyonder33 - January 11, 2013

You know how they say: Feeling a little nervous is healthy?
Well now I know why I felt so calm after the last time I saw him.

I honestly don’t know when I’ll hear from or see him again.
I’m thinking 2 to 4 weeks maybe.

Long story short :

His phone is temporarily OUT OF SERVICE!

I know he couldn’t afford to pay it this Month 😦

Now I have no way to contact him. I would’ve offered to help him pay!

Am I being tested or am I imagining this? lol

406. dee - January 11, 2013

🙂 see the universe is helping you get the answers since ur nt ready to see wht’s right in front of u. this is the best thing tht cld have happened i think. do nothing. he knows u can’t contact him. the balls in his court. lets see when he reverts. whether u like it or not u will get ur answers. All the best..

beyonder33 - January 12, 2013

Like I said: 2 to 4 weeks maybe. I’m not going to wait no 2 to 3 Months like the first time(well I didn’t really wait) But I will most likely send him to hell in my own mind If more than a Month goes by that I don’t hear from him.
My time is too precious to waste on a mongrel who doesn’t know how good he has it or what he has right in front of him! Blahh

407. dee - January 12, 2013

comeon..dnt be a meanie now. lol. just bec he dsnt reciprocate the way u wld like him to doesnt mean he is a mongrel..i dnt know abt others but it certainly helps me to thnk that perhaps the other person doesnt feel as intensely as me and hence his efforts are more diluted. hey just let go widout any neg thots or hgh expectations..who knows wht future holds..

beyonder33 - January 12, 2013

Right now, that’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. Of course I wouldn’t actually call him names to his face. I’m just annoyed and frustrated and come here to vent freely
No guilt!
He’s trying to play me like a yo yo it feels. Mr. Wanna be Clueless. I’m tired of games!
Next time, if there is a next time, I’ll make sure he’s closer to my Age!

408. dee - January 13, 2013

thats wht i used to think initially too. and i think thats where most of us went wrong. that they upto some game. but i dnt think so. thats just the way they operate. they not sure whether they want a deeper relationship currently or wid u but they do like u. so they will nvr say no to u bec they dnt want u to get lost. but they wont go out of their way to keep in touch. my hunch is he wont really bother and tht u guys hv been in touch all this while bec of ur efforts. i hope i am proved wrong though..

beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

Having had as much experience as I have with Men, in all my years. I should have known better than to even have begun anything with him. Like I told you all: I warned him before meeting me about how I was in regards to being sentimental. He took the chance anyway. Now look where it got us?
You know my history with him. I’ve told you every tid bit but. I haven’t told you. Every time he puts me through this(Days of no communication) I think of what I want to say when I see him.
I say it over and over and over and it sounds PERFECT in my head.
And I’m sure it’s what needs to be said.
Then when I do see him it either comes out way wrong or doesn’t come out at all.
Then when i see him again it’s like he’s my weakness. My Kriptonite. He has this hold on me and I don’t like it.
I know maybe you don’t want me to share this with you but you know he and I have been intimate right? Many times. And as a Woman I tend to become attached once we go there. It sucks major time. I understand that right now he is financially unstable. But what the hell would it cost to come walk to my door, leave a note or better yet KNOCK or something?
For crying out loud. Get your frakking pride out of your arse. Or say something when I ask do you want to see others? But noooo he goes: No. Whatever. I just don’t know if we’re going to last at all. I”m not even sure we could remain friends. It would be too awkward. Mr. Shy!
You frustrate and confuse the hell outta me ufffffffffffff
Ok Final vent for the day.
Sorry :

409. dee - January 13, 2013

na its ok lady..i get u perfectly well. but i dnt thnk any sense of false pride or ego holds him back. thats ok being intimate. u been crazy abt him so thats but natural.but dnt just pay attention to his words. also look at his actions. and thats what u nt doing. he maybe thnks of u as a casual frnd and a booty call. hv u thot abt tht?

beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

Oh I know and have been told by many friends the same. It pisses the ship outta me too. Maybe just maybe if we continue to see each other …I should withhold giving him any cookies. See how he starts acting afterwards. As if that would really work? hmmmm

410. dee - January 13, 2013

na dnt thnk so..it wld be obvious ur withholding for sm ulterior motive. dnt u get it? this is a nvr ending web. ur still plotting wht u shld do to get him bac and its been a year. u hv tried everythng but its nt wrking. let go and dnt luk back nor make any attempts to luk bac. its difficult but nt impossible. u wl feel sad depressed for few days bt its nt the end of the world. let it go..

beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

Yes easier said than done -.-

411. dee - January 13, 2013

u dnt have a choice.. srry to say this but u dnt.. some wrk out some dont..nt the end of the world. u tried evrythng even slping wid him. but he is still a reluctant lover.. move on gal..

412. dee - January 13, 2013

ok o this. make a pact wid urself. give urself 2 mnths time. in this 2 mnths u dnt get in tch and try and forget. if after 2 mnths u still feel the same, then rethink. i bet by the end of those 2 mnths u wld hv gotn ovr the worst of ur obsession.

beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

It is not obsession wanting closure in a relationship. The way that things have been happening betrween him and me I believe are tests being given to me. Have I always passed? Nope. Patience in regards to MEN IS thin. But like I said b4. I’m still learning in that regards. I know what I want in life and confusion is not one of them.

413. beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

What do you think I tried to do? I didn’t try to make him do nothing. All I know is he couldn’t afford to pay his bill this Month and it is off lol. Also why we couldn’t watch the movie last week(he told me he was broke) I believed him.
Call me whatever you want but I know he has feelings for me too. It’s not my gut lying to me. But honestly, so many guys have tried talking to me lately and they all immediately show that they want one thing. Yuck and no TY!
I’ve backed off trust me. Enough to give another decent guy an opportunity to get to know me. He knows my current situation and I even told him: I only want to be friends and chat buddies nothing more. He’s been nothing but respectful and friendly with me also(he’s Scorpio believe it or not)
Who knows where we could be a year from now. But he knows I’m not jumping into any relationships at the moment.

414. dee - January 13, 2013

if u know he has feelings for u why r u trying to set yrself wid sm1 as a backup for future?? nywys u know best..all da best.. 🙂

beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

I’m not setting myself up with anyone. We are chat buddies, as I told you, he knows this. No flirtations have happened and it will remain that way!
Like I’ve said b4 also: I’m giving him a set amount of time. He if he fails well then that will be it for us. And I will say my Goodbye. Whether he wants to hear it or not. Too bad. Get with the program called communication cause I don’t know any Ladies in the world who want or like playing cat and mouse with their partners!

I’m going to get my aggression out now with some Kick boxing. I’ll be back tonight to read/write some more ^_^

415. dee - January 13, 2013

u hv been setting yrslf sm time limit for the past so many mnths. u just dnt wana see thngs. so u come here asking ppl their advice. and till they are positive u hear them out. the min they get practical and tel u maybe its time to move on, u get defensive and aggressive. and fall bac on the fact that u know he feels smthng and u cnt be wrng. shrug. u just dnt wana see thngs gal. and u dnt hv to say a formal goodbye.. just drop out of sight widout so much as a word ..let him come aftr u :-)..

beyonder33 - January 13, 2013

Time heals
Truth hurts
and so does Love!

416. dee - January 13, 2013

its really nt the end of the world u know.. let him get back to u. and even if he does which cld be aftr a week, 2 weeks or 3, do u think thngs btwn u guys wld evolve? i am nt luking necessarily at marriage but serious involvement? or wld u always hv to keep waiting for him to revert at his convenience like u doing now. tht dsnt sound like lotsa fun either. he has his cake in his hand and is eating it too at the same time.. best of both the worlds. he knows u wl alwys be arnd so y change thngs?

my aqua guy knew i wsnt interested in casual relatnships. I alwys kept him at bay until i saw more investment in terms of time and effort on his part, which i didnt. but i cn’t deny there was a strng physical chem btwn us rt from the min we met. and i alwys tried to keep tht in check.

i told u i am in on/off touch wid him even today. he is now a casual frnd. theres no acrimony nor bad blood btwn us. most of the feelings, sadness, plotting and hurt was all in my heart and mind. not his u know. v got too involved too soon wid these aqua men. in their minds, they hdn’t reached that stage as yet. they were just not that involved i feel. so it dint make much difference to them when we lost touch. bec they wern’t invested much other than feelin a superficial liking. and its only bec of that its easy for them to rekindle or maintain casual frndly frndships wid u even today.

recently my aqua frnd said he still wants me and y did i nt let him get too close? u know in an intimate way. that was the starting point for him and if that wrkd well maybe thngs cld hv progressed or nt maybe depending on how v evolved as a couple. thats his take. and no i didnt prod him nor tried to get bac wid him. he is a worldly successful self made guy and has had numerous flings wid many women. we chatted for few hours on/off thru till late evening coupl of weeks bac. i cld hv pushd thngs forward frm that point on. bec he made it clear he still wnts me. but i didnt. wld hv made me look too desperate. ready to jump in the min he gave the nod. besides i dnt know if i want to even try again to be honest even thou i stl find him attrctv. maybe thngs cld develop btwn us in future or nt. maybe we may hv a fling or not i dont know. or v may just stay casual frnds. at this point i am more inclined towards casual vanilla frndship.

its ok is what am trying to tell u. u hv to break away and do sm introspection. mindless chasing, giving in alwys to ur weakness, is nt working. changing ur tactics and moving away silently widout formal goodbyes also smtms wrk. atlst that wld ensure u hv left open some doors for u if u ever wana try those agn in the future .

Need Aqua help - January 18, 2013

Hi Dee, sorry for the intrusion but reading this has been most helpful. I have been venting about my Aqua man for a few months now on another one of Amans blogs.

Would you mind if you have time having a look at my story and sheding some light on my situation.

Many thanks

417. beyonder33 - January 15, 2013

Guess who just messaged me? Yeah he did.
He goes: Hey it’s (his name here)
I go: Hey what’s up
He goes NM You?
I’m saying nothing back. Will answer tomorrow with something like: NM same ole Same ole. Maybe I’ll wait til Friday?
I’ve been busy taking care of some loose ends for my Grandmother’s medical insurance.
To be continued.

418. dee - January 15, 2013

way to go….(y)..na dnt say NM..just make out tht u been busy wid few thngs..

419. beyonder33 - January 15, 2013

Well I haven’t answered back and he explained(today) that he had cancelled his previous plan fone and is waiting to change plans and can only message via an app on his current fone. I’m still not answering. HA! I will on Friday though. I’m glad I’ve been busy. Keeps HIM Off my mind!

This strike with the yellow buses sucks. My Daughter has to miss Wed, Thur and Friday due to this. Her school sn on the other side of my Borough and can’t even pay to take her in taxi. Sighs. Monday I should be able to. Why of all times must they do this now? I understand they want a pay raise but don’t make the Children suffer!

420. dee - January 16, 2013

haha..let him wonder y u hvnt answered on the same day for a change.

tht sounds inconvenient. m sure thngs wld retrn to normalcy soon.

421. dillinger - January 17, 2013

dee I read your comments and all I can say is: you are a an aqua male expert atm. for real.

Here is the song for aquas (by the way it seems that A-Ha created for them):

422. dee - January 18, 2013

whos missing whom i wonder.. lol..

423. beyonder33 - January 18, 2013

He messaged me last night and asked to see me today. I said yea. But then this morning I asked to postpone. So I’m supposed to see him tomorrow for a bit. I’m not expecting a big difference in his behavior. But I will be more distant. Sort of giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Either I come out and tell him my every desire for a relationship(BIG NO NO) He should know this by now though Or.
Become a reflection of him. Hmmm What do you think I should do? Become a reflection of him it shall be!
I know the last couple of times I took a different approach to him he asked me: are you ok? Because he’s so used to me being aggressive. But It will be so different this time. He’s going to start questioning MY FEELINGS FOR HIM this time. No more acting like the victim.
Cause I honestly know what I want!
You all know it too.
It’s about letting him come out on his own about things. Patience!
He told me he had a job interview this morning. I wished him luck and that was it. Will update tomorrow night Lord willing.

I have an hour commute by bus then train to take my Daughter to school in the morning. And again to come home. Then repeat in the afternoon to pick her up. oh boy!

So any ideas as to what I should do or say?

424. dee - January 18, 2013

i guess ur geting more response frm him now whn ur not going all out for him. no i dnt thnk u shld do any confessions. besides he alrdy knows wht u feel. u hv made it amply clear. and that may probably unravel all ur recent efforts to get closer to him. just keep doing wht u doing now. intrstd and casual but nt over the top and nt tooo lovey dovey. all da best..

Need Aqua help - January 18, 2013

Hi Dee

I have left you a message on your comment dated 13th Jan, would you mind taking a look. Thanks

beyonder33 - January 18, 2013

He has come and gone today. It’s funny he actually spoke up more. Asked me this and that n asked me if I had plans this weekend. Said he may want to see me this weekend.
I showed no emotion! He was def more attentive to me 🙂
It’s funny how this works with them isn’t?
Have a good weekend Everyone!

425. dee - January 18, 2013

@Need Aqua help..sorry i missed ur earlier post. since i am on a long break sure wl go thru ur posts and revert. but before i do that i hv to say all my posts have been based on my interaction wid that single aqua man i met last year and ofcrse on all the observations made by others here. since I am nt wid that aqua man, r u sure i wld be able to help u??

Need Aqua help - January 18, 2013

Well the things I have read from you, you seem to be spot on with you advice. I am still with my Aqua and have been for 2 and half years now. But I still get so many mixed messages from him it’s mind blowing.

426. dee - January 19, 2013

i did read some of the posts by u and Aqua to Aqua i think. i thnk we all hv had similar experiences wid our aqua men. i wish i cld really hv that one magic advice which wld put all of u out of ur misery and on track… from wht i cld make out u guys were over analysing and trying to go into pros and cons and ys and y nts of each word and action of ur aqua men. just reminded me that thats how I acted in my initial months. i wld call it/us pathetic if only it wsnt so sad. and u been doing this for such a long time.

mixed signals thts hw thngs were in my case too. whenevr u wld have that one deep interesting conversation, u wld go to bed thinking finally this is evolving. but lo behold the next day and for days to come, he pulls a disappearing act. and when u do talk nxt time, he acts as if nthing has happened. and when u meet, he is so charming, so gracious, polite and so attentive and so beautifully flirtish, u think this is it. and since the time spent was soo magical and fun, hw can it be one sided. it cannot be. but each time he proves us wrong. deleting names and nos and readding. i hv done all of those.

it happened wid me many times.but bec the attraction and chemistry i felt was so strong i kept making excuses in my head and kept trying. Also i fel i owed it to myself to try since i dnt usually feel so intensely. but nothing changes really. in my case it didnt. i threw ultimatums, reasoned, acted like a pest, grew angry, but nothing really worked. he still maintains m a very sweet “girl” and he finds me v attrtcive. i thnk in a way he taunts me bec i nvr slpt wid him. or i dunt know. my last conversatn wid my aqua guy was 3 weeks bac and he still aftr so many mnths of non comunicatn still behaved v frndly and charming. shrug.

i wonder hw u guys can still carry on like this for years. i cldnt. i mean u can plot and discuss for sm time but this is geting too awfully long. its nerve racking and blows ur self esteem, lowers ur self confidence. u need to step bac and introspect. thts wht i did. dnt cut off but i thnk the need of the hour is to push him to the back burner for sm time and treat him more like a casual frnd. breaking off, formal gudbyes shws u care too much. besides u must do all of those only when u sure u can cut him frm ur life and mind totally widout falling weak and readding or making a move.

i realized my attrction was too strng for him so i dint wana cut off totally bec i knew during sm weak moment or aftr cpla glasses of wine, i wld wonder and wonder and who knows maybe try to recontact/reconnect. but if hes around u dnt hv to wonder, thngs r not so mysterious any more. so i decided to keep him arnd as a casual frnd. most of us hv so many of those so one more dsnt matter. he is present in my frnd lists of most chat messengers/social netwrking sites. we connect on and off and i hv now put him at the back of my mind.

Need Aqua help - January 19, 2013

Thank you for that!!

How long were you together and when did you decide to give up with him.

Blows my mind how Aquas are so much the same. Hard work or what??

427. dee - January 19, 2013

u guys seem to be in a deeper relationship wid ur aqua men. so maybe alls not lost?? but still u cant live ur life at his beck and call, at his convenience. thr r tms when u wana meet but hes nowhere arnd or he is on one of his disappearing act phase. maybe u need to pull a disappearing act of ur own for sm time and show by just nt yr words but also ur action that u wont be arnd at his whims and fancies. all tht serious emotional talk is nt wrking. dnt be arnd the next time he calls or for next meeting. show ur nt meeting bec ur busy wid other stuff rather than showing that ur nt meeting him just by way of reaction. try this out. put urself first and try nt depending on him for ur next dose of happiness or excitement. I am no expert but u hv tried evrythng else and its high time u take sm tuff decisions.

428. Aqua'd Out Girl - January 19, 2013

Hi Dee, Dillinger and Beyonder33…in you guys’ experience, do Aquarius men usually remember birthdays?

(I have a feeling what you all will say, but thought I’d ask all the same…)

I totally messed up, showing too much emotion with my Aqua. My #1 2013 NY’s resolution was to forget him, but I just can’t quit him! LOL

beyonder33 - January 19, 2013

Holy cow I thought you asked if they care about their birthday and wrote all this stuff below.
But to answer your question. I’m not even sure. I vote towards no since their approach is that Birthdays are just another day in their opinions?

(This is where my confusing answer is) sorry lol
It’s so funny that you ask this lol
Today when He and I were talking I go: Your birthday is coming up! Will you be doing anything? He said no
I asked: Why just another day? He said yeah 🙂 with a smile
I do believe that if they receive a gift that they would go: oh you shouldn’t have. But that deep down inside they’d be jumping for joy that we even thought about them.
For whatever reason excitement doesn’t seem to be a word in their vocabulary. Subtlety is best. So if you honestly think he wouldn’t enjoy a gift don’t get him anything(This is where you realize I completely mis-read your question lol)
But something as innocent as a book should be fine. Especially if it’s something that peaks his interest dontcha think? I think a simple book(or whatever you get him) with no card should suffice in their complex world.

Before Christmas I asked him about his favorite rock bands. Had a voucher for merchandise on a music site. Got him a T. Shirt with the band.
When I gave it to him He was smiling and sort of giggly. Said the name of the band on the T. Shirt and the fact that it was Green!
I had no idea Green was his favorite color!

So as similar as these aqua guys may be all of our situations are a bit different.

If you know for a fact that your guy would not enjoy receiving a gift just don’t.( I know. What the heck am I talking about?) lol
Take him to dinner if he’s into that, instead.

Hmmm I ran on in this one lol

Sorry :/

Aqua'd Out Girl - January 19, 2013

Haha, thanks for your answer, beyonder. 🙂 I meant do they remember other people’s b-days…

beyonder33 - January 22, 2013

oops…sorry I went on and on about nothing o.O

429. dee - January 19, 2013

@need aqua help..just for few months. then i stopped trying and puting in efforts and it came dwn to nought.. but strangely the attrction is stil there i thnk for bth bec he did tel me he finds me attrctive recently. but i dn’t wana take this forward anymore. its too much hard wrk and its a total mind breaker. since u guys are much closer and u do hv sm relation of sorts, i told u nt to cut it out completely. it anywys wont be possibe for u. just try nt to revolve all ur waking hours around him or thinking abt him. u guys hv put in years and so much efforts now is the time to make this really work and ensure tha thngs evolve and u get on the next step on ur relatnship. dnt quit, dnt give up. dnt fight, dnt give ultimatums. tht wont wrk. just try and make sm distance. he shld get the idea tht u wont take his shit anymore.

Need Aqua help - January 19, 2013

Thanks Dee

Yes they do enjoy making it all hard work. Mine even admitted that to me once. Your right!! When I have to tell him “sorry can’t do tonight” he hates it! But has no problem doing it to me. I think I’m getting the hang of it at long last. Treat em mean keep em keen really does work with them.

Aquad Out Girl

Yes they remember birthdays, but they don’t like you to know they remembered. In other words you are lucky if you get so much as a happy birthday from them.

This was my third birthday with mine and this was the first year he bothered about it. He did remember the other two years

Need Aqua help - January 19, 2013

ooops should have finished by saying. He did remember the other two years but did nothing about it. For some reason they like to shock/upset you over things like this. When I acted like I wasn’t bothered about a card from him I GOT ONE

430. dillinger - January 20, 2013

Aqua’d Out Girl

My experience (as an aqua male) yes I remember birthdays. But despite my passion for social environments I never care about them. Because I need to be convinced that nice or positive people are over there, and in birthdays all people come regardless you like them or not. That’s why I go to a birthday party like I go to a compulsory service and generally people could not understand what’s wrong with me. And mostly I don’t call or send messages to people for their birthdays.

But in my case I have bad memories in my childhood, so I may not be a good example for all aqua males.

Aqua'd Out Girl - January 23, 2013

Thanks for your response, Dillinger; I do believe you are a good example. My Aquarius male friends — the ones who are truly & purely FRIENDS — always remember my birthday.

The ones who are potential love interests always seem to go out of their way to ‘forget’ my birthday, as if to show me that: ‘you’re nothing special’, or ‘why should I bother to wish you a Happy Birthday or come to a get-together in your honor?’

Well, we are now officially in the Age of Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18th), so I will wish you a very Happy Birthday, Dillinger! You are very gracious & a good soul for offering your insights to us!

dillinger - January 24, 2013

Aqua’d Out Girl

Thanks for your kind comments. In fact I am not surprised to see those common aqua male attitudes, I discovered that long time ago.

Wow. Seems that you are very popular among your friends. I should say that generally aqua males do not approach popular females so much even when they like or love them (to be honest in particular if they feel so), but instead they watch from a distance. If you ask my opinion the reasons you listed may not be the real ones for their ignorance, but the stuff I told could be. Due to the presence of the aqua vision they can play “the cool man” image without any persuasion (one of the essential tools they use to be on the safe but close distance) so you may think that they are cool and ignorant people.

It is a little bit complicated, but if I say with couple of sentences, they expect so much from a relationship but at the same time they give less than they expected. If you understand their menthality it is predictable, as they wish to get something which are not easily achievable. It is trued that their vision is so big in this universe and they think people live their lives in an ordinary way. Love is a special thing and it should be “something different” than going out and eating pop-corns in a cinema. This is an illusion and guess what happens when they fail (most of the times they do of course) they adopt an ordinary and an anti-social life style that is more “common” than they criticize. Why they give less than they expect; well, they are human being at all. They do not see so often but they are limited creatures too and most importantly, our times limit our lives whether we like or not.

Thanks for your birthday wishes! I am a Feb aqua and this makes me a typical one (unfortunately). Astrologers claim that we are in the Age of Aquarius, but not for 30 days, for hundreds of years! They say the world enters into zodiac ages at every 2.150 years and now we are in first quarter of AoA. That’s why we are experiencing so much changes compared to old times.

431. dee - January 21, 2013

now guys this I have to share with u. guess what? i reactivated my smartfone aftr almost a month and got in tch wid all old frnds who were in my instant messagenger list. giving all my new no. the aqua guy was also on my list so i gave the new no to him as well. we chatted a bit and he asked me a cpla times just where was I for the past mnth! as I hv mentioned before if we talk aftr a gap, hes alwys v frndly and available to chat! he asked me how my love life is and tht his is rocking.when i told him thats cool and he atlst seemd to hv found his woman, he said nooo. he has just found for himself a reg f**** buddy. he said he has made it v clear thats all he wants frm her and he doesnt bother to woo her. he has no time for that and the min he closes on his special woman, he will end this booty affair. he said the lady is fine wid this arragement. when i said wow thats being pretty blunt, he said he believes in being staright and having no time for games. can u dig that? he actually said tht. i laughed at him and said thats rich coming frm him bec he is the most elusive guy arnd and that he was nvr direct wid me.

he denied it and said he neevr said no to me bec it was nvr a no from him. he cldnt say yes either bec he didnt know me wel enuf and he wasnt sure. he said he likes me but thngs nvr really took off. so lets start agn wid being frnds.

when we chatted agn late nite, i gen asked him wht he thot abt me? his honest opn. he said he has no thoughts other thn the fact that i am a sweet lady. !!!lolol ..i was like wht the f*** is that??? he said he likes me but thngs nvr really took off and for that he needs to meet me more. it was kinda wierd to hear him say he has had no major thots abt me. buthe clarified that its nt just sex he is luking for frm me and he nywys has enuf f** buddies. u know this interaction reminds me of what i posetd some days back. check my post no 416 dated jan 13 2013. i has said “v got too involved too soon wid these aqua men. in their minds, they hdn’t reached that stage as yet. they were just not that involved i feel. so it dint make much difference to them when we lost touch. bec they wern’t invested much other than feelin a superficial liking. and its only bec of that its easy for them to rekindle or maintain casual frndly frndships wid u even today. ”

i gues after last nights conversation i realised just hw rite i was. anywys i asked him wht u said cut me down to size. u hvnt thot much abt me till now. so now where do v stand? he asked me whr do i want us to stand? i said this time he needs to answer. gues wht? he just dint answer. and in the mrning i got a sorry i dozed off message. and my question remains unanswerd.

beyonder33 - January 21, 2013

So Dee will you remain just the same? Or give him an opportunity to get to know you better? I think I know the answer to this.

I think it just takes a very strong Woman to put up with their hot/cold nature in regards to relationships. You’re either willing to put up with it or not. You can either be a friend with no benefits, or a friend with benefits(doesn’t all mean the same thing.

And Dee you’re right.
I have many Male aqua friends. And I have not had anything more than just a friends type of relationship with them all. Not including the Main guy that I started posting about. They are all very flirty, highly sexual. When I’ve contacted them just to say Hi, they’ve all said hi back almost immediately. That is because we are not attached in any way.
Though at one time or another we had some flirty words back and forth.
You either forget them and move on or you let them rent space in your head until you think you have them. Then they disappear on you again lol(my Guy lol)
You all know what I’ve been through with my guy by now
And I can honestly say that I Don’t have any expectations as far as change is concerned.
I don’t expect him to suddenly begin telling me how much he misses me yada yada. He’s not that way.
I have an older male friend Old enough to be my Father. He’s 53 and he’s always asking me: How are you, How’s Grandma and your Daughter. I just think that because he’s older and has been around more that he’s more in tuned with How to treat a Woman in regards to sentiments.

They tend to have Many Female f*** buddies. Maybe not all.
Just to fill that need. And though they say they don’t care I know that they do in a way. Regardless of how bad they speak of their Lady friends. I think it’s a front. They don’t like breaking hearts so they go from one to the other without saying goodbye.

I know my Guy is sort of introverted and very passive. It’s like I said, about letting him come in to his own world. And having patience to put up with it.
It’s up to US to decide on whether or not we have the patience to do so!

I think I’m about ready to let my thoughts of him fade away…..

Need Aqua help - January 22, 2013

Oh he doesn’t sound very nice to me. I’m all for people being blunt and to the point, but he sounds an ass!! I don’t think I would want to know where I stud with someone like him. Not when you don’t know where he’s been!!! “if you know what I mean”

They are sooo good at not answering questions that you want to know the answer to. They only want you to know what they want to tell you.

He needs to meet you more?? Who does he think he is?? As if your sat about waiting for him or something. I have had my problems with my Aqua but never anything like that. If he had spoken to me like that I would have told him his F buddys can have him with my blessing!!!

432. dee - January 22, 2013

i@need aqua help- am not so affected nor agitated as u r. or maybe his general detachment and his blow hot blow cold behaviour alwys ensured i dnit get in this way over my head. so i supose u can say that i can actually stand at a distance this time and evaluate cooly wht he said. he just said hes seeing sm1 casually. its only whn i asked him details he dint mince his words. he is clear abt wht he wants and if he tells the woman u r going to be just my booty call and shes ok with that, then well i gues gud for both. to be honest, i dint find that offensive. 2 consenting adults choosing wht they want. who m I to judge?

its v obvious. he will do what he wants and only thngs that suit him. he sees me as just some woman he met casually to whom hes attrcted to. hes uninvolved as of now mentally and emotionally wid me and thts wht he said. his past actions support what he said. he says he doesnt think “no” even today wrt me bec he dsnt thnk no. its nt yes bec he dsnt know me much. besides he knows m nt a woman u can hv sex with and forget abt it. i dnt go for casual stuff. nywys he also told me hes nt thnking of sex bec that he can easily have.

guys answr is simple. he for once i thnk was v clear. widout geting the aqua factor into play, its a usual case of one person being more into the other. i can actually go all out, work my charms and try and get him interested in me bec the basic liking n attrction is still there. or i just chuck it for the moment and let him remain a casual frnd.

i m more inclined to settle for the latter. Rt now with the way thngs are, i feel its stupid to habour any kinda romantic notions abt him. so i wont. if in future he changes his mind and if m still unattached and still find him attrctiv, i will let him in. or I may decide to go in for the kill and play the femme fatale and try and win him ovr, i really dont know. but for the present he remains in all my lists as a casual frnd and no more speculations. m done here for the present.

433. dee - January 22, 2013

@beyonder.. i wont bother anymore. i will keep him around as a casual frnd. he shows no inclination to put in any efforts so its a no go. we really dint hv anythng going for the past few mnths. but to be honest, m just glad there is a closure to this chapter.

434. beyonder33 - January 24, 2013

His Birthday is tomorrow. I saw/heard from him last Friday. I know exactly what I’m going to say to him Tomorrow: Hey just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope you’re doing well!

I don’t have any expectations as far as him responding is concerned. He will either respond back with a TY, Hey or whatever or he won’t
I know that much by now.
Like I said in my last post. I’m ready to let my thoughts of him fade away. It hasn’t happened completely though.

I just spent the past hour reading almost all the posts(on both sides) and WOW they all sound so similar don’t they? All of their ears must be ringing though. Ha!

dillinger - January 25, 2013


An usual aqua male can live a life alone and even in that case the others could not reach his visions. In fact that’s the most important part I can not tell you. You must be an aqua male to feel it. The usual problem is the things I mentioned above: They are human beings at all and restricted as others. So that’s the point: they usually leave this illusion at a very old age. So why should you wait for it. He touched on something, and feeling & sharing it makes you crazy. But: “the thing he touched” is not a part of our lives. You are attracted because you feel something different about him. But: “even he” doesn’t know how to deal with it. In abstract: if he doesn’t respond as much as you like, leave him. That’s his path (or curse).

That will be painful but I must say: you didn’t love him. You loved the things he brought. AND THAT’S TOTALLY NORMAL.

I could write here in full honest because I killed the most important part of my heart & brain: aqua part. Do I miss them? Like hell. But I also understood that I have to live an ordinary, vision-less life. Please let you see that the word “regular” is not a bad thing.

After these comments if you still feel that aqua males are arrogants, I invite you to think more to see how they suffer. But his suffering is not your concern. Live your life girl! Because you got a very very good heart and soul.

beyonder33 - January 25, 2013

I understand they/you have fears and suffer in silence. But, when one makes it clear that THEY(the aqua male) are special to them. Why would they not themselves give in for the sake of love? Is love that evil to them? Forget the fear! I fear getting my heart broken too. But I don’t use them to test them in any sense for that matter.
I am a Woman who knows what I want. I’ve learned my lessons in this life so far so good. Still have more learning to do.
It’s not about being easy either it’s about taking a chance and letting your heart lead you.
If you honestly think I didn’t love/Don’t love him then you don’t know me. I care for him a great deal. And like him a lot(minus the obvious and have Love for him. But will not be the guinea pig in his experiment any more!

This is me:
You don’t know exactly what path it will lead you to but I’m so excited to start the new journey. As long as it’s HIM(the one who holds the chain to my heart) who takes the walk with me!
But yes his suffering is my concern. I still care for him a great deal. I’ve just taught myself(recently) to not let him rent this space in my head for free any more! He has to start earning it! Which I don’t see him trying to do any time soon!

Trust me I haven’t 100 percent given up on him. I’m just not going to ‘try’ any more. If anyone of us(him anc I) needs or wants to make an improvement in this relationship it’s going to have to be him.

435. beyonder33 - January 25, 2013

well shoot lol
according to this blog it’s already his Birthday lol hahahaha
Not here…not yet :p

436. dillinger - January 25, 2013


Problem is the difference between what you and they understand love in fact.

You are completely right: we feel fear to love someone and bound to it. But that’s not a usual teen stuff. What you didn’t get: I will never tell the details, because it will hurt both sides. Aman is the owner of this blog but rarely comments. I am sure he knows what I say as an aqua, I mean the things of “exist” and “absent” are not same for you and for aquas. Just one clue: you may be bored to listen how they are deep in love so they are fetiscists of something, because it’s a part of sharing something in deep.

During all my posts I tried to tell that why aqua males behaving like that, etc. Now let me turn to the other side. I do not know about yourself or your potential of love, “I am talking generally”, and indeed I can not make any courtesy naturally. What I said is my true belief.

e.g. if I say that someone is beautiful, truly I consider that she or he is. But our life (human as general) is full of that sheat false stuff. And who can claim that she or he has a true love and the other side does not respond for it. What are the signs for it, I mean what are the criteria for a true love.

Oh girl, I feel every part of this world and I do not need any other thing to do it. In fact it is beyond this, I feel this universe, those stars you see when you chill out. In abstract: I see how small we are, with our daily preferences, personal non-sense customs, our prejudicements, our fears in front of the others, our plans for an already planned future, etc. Now you come with a concept called “love”. Then you expect no fear about it from the other side. How? when we fall, Holywood made Pocahontas will lead the way? When we have arguments, chilling out would solve them? Because you insert that love concept into your daily life, could it save us.

I choose to opt not to destroy it because only true can live it.

437. dee - January 25, 2013

wow sm really deep talks going on here. beyonder i dnt thnk all this talk is doing u or ur state of mind any gud. at the end of the day wht u feel is important. and the fact is being in love wid him is giving u lotsa uncertainity, sleepless nites, mind ache, heart ache and for what?? its been a year and u are still suffering. i think wht u decided to do now is the best possibl thng to do in the given circumstnce. u hv tried all but if hes just nt leting u in wht else can u do? other than beat urself up? which u alrdy hv done in so many ways. i dnt thnk giving ultimatums, explaining how u feel, showing anger, hurt, etc. nothing is gona help. i tried them all. dnt cut off. but dnt let him rule ur head and heart anymore. push him down ur list of priorities. its nt difficult, trust me. cut ur losses short and move on in ur mind. i did the same.

whn i cut him off completely and dleted him frm my msging list, i kept wondering where how, wht if i did this or that blah blah and so it went. infact doing that kinda glorified him more in my head. it doesnt work reakky. and u and i both know that if we give ultimatum and disappear they wil nt really come aftr u. not in todays scenario. so whts the point?? so i readded him back and now he remains in the list. if they can ignore us so can we. if they dnt need us even we can do widout them.

i used to date sm1 years back. we lived in diffrnt countries. a long distance relationship. we had sm major fights but the attrction remained. i tried to patch up but he was adamant and told me to cool it. and lets just remain frnds. and so i gave up and we remained frnds. after cpla years whn he visited my country and we met agn sparks flew agn and we got together. so u see if it has to happen it will. i am still close to him thou we are no longer romantically involved. he remains my gud frnd even today. wht i am trying to say is at times it makes sense to simply let go of the reins which hold them to us. u anywys accomplish nthing by holding on to them whn they r just nt ready to stay arnd. simple no??

dnt worry. 🙂

beyonder33 - January 25, 2013

I haven’t given him any ultimatums. Matter of fact I only sent him a simple happy birthday message this morning.
My thing is that I’m giving up on trying with him
That is all
I’m not putting efforts to forget about him either. It’s just happening on it’s own.
When I give you flowers and I get shi7 in return I eventually start returning the shi7 back to you. Get my drift? In my case that shi7 is NOTHING actually. Silence is what it is.
I don’t need to tell him nothing.
I’m so over him and ready to forget that is what I’m saying.
I wish him the best but just want to forget!

Need Aqua help - January 25, 2013

You deserve better!! You sound to have so much love to give so don’t waste anymore time on him. Find someone who deserves and respects what you have to give. Someone who wants to give it back.

Life is too short for heartache like you are having and at the end of the day it’s his loss.

Find yourself a real man and let him be a boy. You deserve to be happy like the rest of us do. God knows you tried but you can’t do any more.

Take care and chin up, you can do it!!

Beyonder33 - February 3, 2020

I can’t believe it’s 7 years later. But glad to say I’m completely over him! I’m in a relationship with a steady Capricorn. No questioning myself nor his love for me. Communication is consistent. He’s a breath of fresh air. We love each other and we don’t hide secrets. Been with him since 09/26/2018!

Aqua'd Out Girl - January 26, 2013

hey beyonder33…did he ever answer your Happy Birthday message? Hope so. stay strong, girl.

beyonder33 - January 26, 2013

Yes he did.
Almost an hour later he went: Thanks 🙂
That was it

438. dee - January 26, 2013

way to go girl.. i gues any new reader on this blog can now undertsnd wht to do if faced if a reticient aqua. almost all of us cldnt manage to knock down the walls of a reluctant aqua. i gues the best advice is simply nt to take them too seriously and maintain ur distnce if they appear unsure rt frm the start.

439. dillinger - January 26, 2013

Yep, best to do is keeping yourself away and I am saying that in full honesty. beyonder my suggestion is: do not get any aqua close to your life.

On the other side, fully independent from my previous comment, I am stucked on those “deserve” and “respect” words. Just accept that it didn’t work. But please, keep away these two non-sense stuff. “deserve” lol, like you get what you want. so what happens when a serial killer gets when he/she does killing. “respect”? you must be kidding. In today’s world there are two ways to respect: fears and needs. You respect someone because you fear of him/her, you respect someone because you need him/her. Even some popular songs are made for that need stuff, with that “I need you” concept. e.g. you like him because he makes you laugh and gives you joy. What if he is paralysed and could not give the things you expect.

Anyway. Total illusions. but we live in a matrix and we should accept them at the end.

Good luck to all.

beyonder33 - January 26, 2013

Once again you say something to make me feel like I’m stupid because I do not understand what your referencing.
I’m about to be brash and honest in my own opinion about what you said. And because I’m still confused about the situation you may feel offended. I apologize ahead of time if I say anything to offend you.

But here you go making excuses for him because ONLY YOU understand what he’s going through?
Even if he were paralyzed, had he been the opposite of what he is now I can honestly say that YES I would be inclined to stay with him.
I’m not one to GIVE UP on something that I believe in. But like that saying goes: You can take the Horse to the River, but you can’t make him drink the water.(or something like that)

When you show respect it’s only normal to expect it in return. You deserve respect when it’s all you ever show.
The so called relationship that he and I had/have never had lack of respect. Totally out of context. I have my own complex views in life regarding love. Please stop making it seem more algebra is to Math than Feelings are to Love. Understand?
If you are in a relationship. And you put in efforts to make it work, it’s only FARE to expect the same from the other person.
There’s never lack of communication on my part. On his there is/has always been.
I wanted to not have to write here again but you go and say something else that totally annoys the hell outta me cause you make no kinda sense dillinger!

You said stay away from all aquas? How? I have about 6 Male aqua FRIENDS in my friend circle. I find them all to be quite smart/charming/kind/some moody/and very honest with me.
But NOT HIM. God forbid. And for lack of experience maybe that is why he is that way.
But what I consider him to be is the following:
Introverted(I can be 50/50 between this and extroverted)
passive(showing no emotion or rarely if at all)
Shy(I used to be this way but Grew out of it)

Now Like I said: I’m aware he needs to come in to his own.
That’s why I’ve let HIM go, from my mind almost.
From something I thought we might have had.
Now I have NO EXPECTATIONS FROM HIM whatsoever.

Here’s something I didn’t mention before to none of you and take it as you may, will and or like

I have a Dinner Date with my oldest of all the Aquarius Male(53yo) friends Next Saturday(and we keep contact EVERY DAY). Just to an Italian restaurant. He knows about my relationship with this guy. He’s told me I need to move on too.
The difference between the older Friend and THIS ONE(Wilson) is he(the older guy-Steve) Is more of a caring fellow. Now I’m not saying that It warrants signs for a relationship other than friendship. But it would be nice if THIS GUY had that going on about him.

I would never eat out of the palms of his hands But I would have been the type to hold his during difficult times. Had he given me the opportunity to. Or needed me to!!

dillinger - January 26, 2013

I posted last two messages because I just wanted to show some possible thoughts & comments you may have if you continue with that guy; I mean in rare times but again, quiet possible.

In one of my previous posts I told the difference between aqua friends and partners. They are the best friends you might find in the world. Good listeners, healers and able to make good humour. In fact they open themselves and in some cases this hurts them if others have a hidden agenda; it is hard for them to think that friends can be assholes.

But for love: for most of them, fluctuations are enormous; more than you imagine. One day so warm the other day far away like an alien. I am not saying I know all the aqua males and some of them can overcome their problems. In your aqua I don’t see this. So it is like constructing a skyscraper over a swamp field.

By the way; needs-caring-respect. Aqua males think that these are the things which should exist for a good friendship. If they can not evolve their inside as I said above, they expect something more or something do not exist when they face a special one, a love. On the contrary these are the basic elements for a relationship, not just for friends. I do not mean they escape when they see those three. It is like a spiritual error, think about it: as an immature aqua male you expect some imaginery things and you do not find them, but three elements still exist. Then you re-consider the situation, label it as “usual” as it can not be a real love, and go.

You made a good decision and my comment is also: move on.

440. dillinger - January 26, 2013

grammar correction: “I posted last two messages because I just wanted to show some possible thoughts & comments you may have FROM HIM…”

lol. Believe it or not, during writing these two messages I used my My Hyde side which was alive in the past, but suppressed for now.

Not totally related, but I found a link for a love match Capricorn-Aquarius.


Of course nothing about you but one sentence is interesting:

“For Capricorn, time is money; for Aquarius TIME IS AN ILLUSION. The latter doesn’t mind going off on tangents, job-hopping, and creating instant friends.”

This paragraphs is for career stuff, but that time illusion definition is horizontally true.

beyonder33 - January 26, 2013

But I know for a fact that they don’t just make instant friends in regards to their careers. They(YOU) make friends every where. It’s this crazy chemistry disguised as charm that draws people to you.
And what’s funny is: I don’t just know but I feel he is thinking about me right this very moment as I type this. Why? I have no idea. I just do. UGH darn to me trying to forget!

dillinger - January 26, 2013

During my life I have never tried to find a friend, they all came to me. If you ask me reason is: people make their lives boring and empty with all those artificial stuff to feel confident in life and to keep their feet on the ground. Then when they see someone different, they want to make him/her a friend. You are right, generally aquas have the first place for it, as they do not need to be confident. I am not saying they all walk on the right paths; like the other signs some of them do, some of them do not. But this sense exists.

Most of the people tend to yearn generally accepted happy times. Aquas can easily assess them and choose whatever they want (they have a sense of humour because of that). That’s one part of the big picture which makes them different. What important for aquas is the moments created by their visions. Sometimes they could want to be alone in Antarctica with a glass of cognac and watch the ice blue. Or just the other day they wish to be in a crowded party with full of friends. These moods may shift within a day and when you see it you do not undertand what is happening to them. Problematic? Sure. For example, when they see something egocentric they immediately escape. If they can not do this physically, they escape with their thoughts.

It is like in the movie “Amelie”. In my life experience I lived such a variety of daydreams (of course this is a metaphor, but I could not find any other word to describe this feeling). For example, during a weekend visit to a forest lake I was totally in a bad mood for couple of hours. When we came to the top of a small hill I saw the forest with a postcard view and the others spent 4-5 hours to convince me to leave there as the night was coming. At the end we put our tents over there and made the morning. Another example, for several years I insisted that all airports have a special kind of a smell :)) My friends were thinking that I am totally mad. I observed similarities with other aquas.

Anyway, these are long stories and as I explained above, we do not like boring moments, also for you 🙂

Here is a very good information about them, detailed and very close:


Aqua'd Out Girl - January 27, 2013

I am a Capricorn, dillinger. 🙂
Mozart, an Aquarius (born Jan 27th, was married to a Capricorn.

dillinger - January 29, 2013

Aqua’d Out Girl

Capricorn is the most distant sign in earth group. I mean if you ask my experience that earth element hierarchy is like (from stronger to weakest): taurus=virgo-capricorn.

And in the case of Mozart: He is a typical aqua, he didn’t care what he got, I mean in terms of outcomes of his talent; he never understood what were going on around him, because he just focused on his inspirations, and he could never land on the earth; but most probably if he could, he had no ability to use his inspiration. The strange thing was: He has never chosen to be alone. But it is understandable. He was dealing with music and he needed to show it up.

Aquas never and never look at special characters (or zodiac signs) when they decide to marry, if, they decide, they think that they can manage everything in it. Here a comment comes in deep, like people say that we don’t understand, the next question should be: what Mozart understood from a marriage. Did he realize that the other people in his time gave the outmost importance for it? Definitely no. He opened a gateway for his inspiration, and that gateway is beyond any modalities.

You may say he died in pure poverty. You might be sure that he opted for it. Of course not to die in pain but if you put this reality on the board it is just a consequence. Other signs have troubles to see it: most of them say you have to think the actions and results in combination. Well. Not for aquas.

441. dee - January 27, 2013

hey guys sorry to cut in. but dillinger i hv noticed u gen direct all the posts towards the deeper characteristics of an aqua. and frankly i dnt understnd most of what u try to say. i think wht we need now to see simply is that we tried our best ,(some coupla months and others years) to get the men we were intriqued by or in love with. but the end dint turn out the way we wanted it to.

i am not saying that any1 shld stay away from aqua men. just that they need to tread cautiously when they are on the verge of geting romantically emotionally involved wid a reluctant or unsure or confused aqua. bec in such scenarious most of us have been unable to help them make up their minds one way or another.

as i already mentioned in my earlier post, i have a different way of viewing this kinda situation and i hv discovered it helps me not feel bitter abt the situation or the other person. if he felt even half of what i did or beyonder, he wld hv never been so reluctant or confused.wld hv made more efforts and not been non chalant abt not seeing us. its really nt their fault that they are unable to feel so deeply abt us.

whats further establised is they will never say no to u. its just nt in their nature to turn dwn people. and they wld go to any length to avoid having to say no. we wish they wld give us clear cut answers like a yes or no. we are luking at having an ideal situation but things are alwys not so easy in life. i gues we need to read the litle signs they give which show that they are just nt that into u.

in beyonders case for instance. he has made it clear tht he is not luking for love or intense afafir nor deep emotional attachment. and his behaviour reflects that. maybe he is in his own way trying to let her down gently. wht she now needs to accept is that she tried her best to pursuade him and make him as involved as she is, but that dint work. thats ok u win some u lose some. she on her part knows she tried her best and there ws nthing she cld hv done more.

in my case, i gave up after couple of mnths. but he got in tch after few mnths, we met and i felt the same chem. i tried to talk to him and make this work but he behaved his usual reticient self. so i stoppd bothering. and he became just of my numerous casual frnds whom we talk to once in few mnths. its just recently that he clarified himself that he will not say no to me bec he dsnt thnk no and he thnks m v sweet. but its nt yes bec he dsnt know me wel and needs to meet me more. that was erly this week. but he nvr made any efforts to try and meet. now i can (i) keep thinking abt him and make myself sick. or (ii) make efforts to ensure we do meet and he starts feeling for me. here i am taking a chance. or (iii) i just pay attention to his actions which show that he is nt making efforts to geting to know me more. and so i just let go.

i thnk beyonder tried the 2nd alternative which didnt work. i am reluctant to go all out and try so m choosing the 3rd alternative.

dillinger - January 27, 2013

Hi dee

In fact there are no deeper or shallow versions and the link I gave in my message tells everything. I guess beyonder started to realize what’s going on, because in her last message she said:

“It’s this crazy chemistry disguised as charm that draws people to you.”

I can say that you have to understand them, otherwise if they come back after some time (even after couple of years, it is possible) you should stand as you did during your separation. If you say “I would not care” no problem. Just make sure that the situation does not get into a tom-jerry action. They can react from a distance and tend to be a platonic very easily. And this would consume years from your life.

In short, I would choose the 3rd one too. You got only one life.

beyonder33 - January 27, 2013

Exactly Dee.
So to make the WHOLE STORY SHORT(lol yeah right).
In the very beginning when I asked: Are we BF/GF? He went: Yeah I thought we established that while talking online etc.(So maybe he said what he needed to say to get what he wanted?)
From there I let my heart lead. Maybe I should have THUNK more in regards to giving it time to develop.
But I waited until we were (officially/unofficially) together for about 5 Months before I expressed that I had feelings for him. He said he did too but, when I shared that Poem(which was a bit lovey dovey) is when he went: Yeah I’m just not ready for anything too serious.

I think I know what’s going to happen over the coarse of the next few Months and unfortunately I believe he will get hurt in the long run!
It will not be my intention. But I know when he and I sit down to have a conversation, I will make him realize why I feel a certain way! If he asks. Sorry I make it sound like it’s all about me but that’s what happens when sentiments aren’t being reciprocated.
Maybe it won’t go this way exactly but I do want to know why his last LONG relationship ended. That relationship lasted about 2 years and a few Months he told me.Maybe he was hurt and is just trying to take it molasses slow? I know I shouldn’t waste my time. Do you think I Should just avoid him completely when he messages me? I know it won’t be as hard to ignore him but if I can talk to him again and have this conversation(even if it completely scares him off) I would at least have closure!

Me? I’ve been hurt(feeling used is more like it) and am tired of it. No more. I’m not a victim. I just am who I am! Take it or leave it!

dillinger - January 27, 2013

Instead of

“Take it or leave it!”

“Leave it”

could be the right stuff.

442. beyonder33 - January 28, 2013

Hey everyone. He just text me with: ‘Hey, what are you up to?’

What’s funny is that I don’t feel compelled to answer. Hmmm

I will wait til 2nite or maybe a few days to answer him, if at all!

443. dee - January 28, 2013

beyonder u apparently hvnt been reading wht we are telling u or u just dont wana understnd what we are trying to say. my post may sound brutal but if only u cld place urself in an objective position and read ur last post. u sound confused, nt ready to see realty and intent on blaming sm1 for ur short sightedness. really.

“Yeah I’m just not ready for anything too serious.” – what do u think ur aqua meant by that?? can a man get more clear than this?

“I think I know what’s going to happen over the coarse of the next few Months and unfortunately I believe he will get hurt in the long run!” – i am sorry but thats just plain funny. grow up. he geting hurt? darlin u shld be more concerned abt ur well being. besides the hurt bit, its obvious that u in ur mind are planning to let this drag on for more months. as if u hadnt had enuf u r already extending ur deadline.

“But I know when he and I sit down to have a conversation, I will make him realize why I feel a certain way!” – honey u guys have already talkd. dnt u realize that? u will make him realize? realize what? he already knows wht u feel!!!

“Maybe it won’t go this way exactly but I do want to know why his last LONG relationship ended.” – why in heavens name wld u want to do dat? how will it help u? and why shld he tell u abt his past relationship. and y shld u compare ur relationship wid his last one?? i dnt get it.

“Maybe he was hurt and is just trying to take it molasses slow?” – we all get hurt when relationships dnt work. whts the big deal in that? thats a normal after effect of a broken relationship. and ur still trying to cook up excuses for him not being willing to get into a serious relationship wid u. for whatever reason, he doesnt wnt to get serious wid u. y cant u simply respect his wishes?

“Do you think I Should just avoid him completely when he messages me? I know it won’t be as hard to ignore him but if I can talk to him again and have this conversation(even if it completely scares him off) I would at least have closure!” – u r acting delusional really. he has already told u he is nt serious and he dsnt wnt to be serious. his actions portray what he said. y shld u keep pushing a man into loving u when he has made his intentions clear? honey u r dragging this not him. he had told u his views. u chose to stick around. its ur bad luck u love him and want more when he doesnt love u nor want more. hes told u take it or leave it. there is closure u just dont wana see it.

“Me? I’ve been hurt(feeling used is more like it) and am tired of it. No more. I’m not a victim. I just am who I am! Take it or leave it! ”
– na i dnt think hes used u. hes told u wht he feels and wants clearly. its been ur decison to stick around despite that. u chose to stick around in the hope that he will start to love u and want more. but its been a year and its still the same. ur relationship has not evolved. u tried but it dint work. time to accept realty and move on. u r making urself the victim here nt him. open ur eyes and smell the coffee lady. ur behaving like ur 18+ and not 30+ lady.

beyonder33 - January 28, 2013

Yes and like I said to Dillinger I am still confused about the situation. We met a year ago we haven’t (been together) a year. Only half that time.
I’ve said it b4 and will say it again. The one year mark would be July/August. I know it’s not a relationship in your eyes. But to me it is in a sense. Whether it’s bull5hi7 or not.

Remember that I am Gemini. I can never tell how I’m going to feel from one day to the next. Which is why you think I can’t accept the facts. I have matter of fact. This is why I want to have a talk with him, even if it’s a FINAL talk! Closure in the form of a conversation. And he just sent me another message…… sighs

‘When you dig for 5hi7, you will find 5hi7’ ~Me


dillinger - January 29, 2013


I guess now you understand why I said: “I can say that you have to understand them, otherwise if they come back after some time (even after couple of years, it is possible) you should stand as you did during your separation.”

I am 41 now and I experienced too many strange things in my relationships; and couple of years ago I realized that most of them were with this aqua thing. In fact it is not just due to the reason that I discovered I am a pure aqua, moreover I have lots of aqua friends and we have been so close since the beginning, I mean we shared a lot. If you understand them you don’t need to suffer so much. Because in abstract it is simple: they are strange, they are different and you need so much patience to deal with it, of course if you still want to go on with their magic. I am not writing these things to be a cool man, actually if I had a choice I could opt for another path but I can not.

Now I see that most of the people do not understand what I wrote (I am pretty sure most of the aqua males did, and only they do). So my thought is: the situation is to be experienced, not told.

What I agree with you is beyonder’s case.

444. Clelia - January 28, 2013

So, reading this, I am curious as well. I’m a Libra woman in love with an Aquarius man and have been for many years. Recently, both of us ended a long term relationship with other people and decided to confess our love for one another. All was good until his divorce came and then he grew quiet and now does not speak to me what-so-ever, as if I fell off the face of the earth without any contact. I know he’s been hurt by all that is going on, not so much as the divorce but with the children involved yet I’m hurt to know he can just switch off his feelings as if I did not exist. I go with my heart in that he would not have confessed his love so many times, including sharing songs about his true inner feelings, but it is hard to know that he knows I am there but will do nothing. I’m so lost as my brain tells me to run and my heart says to hang on for a little while longer. Heart always wins of course but, still hurts.

beyonder33 - January 28, 2013

A few things you will learn from all of our posts is:
1. It is easy for them to Start relationships but
2. It is hard for them to end a relationship

Though their actions or lack there of speak volumes.
If he’s giving you the silent treatment during his divorce it could be because he doesn’t want to involve you in his own (personal) drama. And doesn’t wish to burden you with it.

I understand the part about brain saying one thing and the heart saying another.

My suggestion to you is since he knows you are there. Like they always do is to do nothing. Have some patience, keep busy and just wait. It’s already been years and now that he’s going through a hard time with Children involved I’m sure his sole focus will be them at the moment. The other posters here may have different opinions. But if you’re patient and willing to wait for whom you believe to be the Love of your life then do wait but just keep busy/occupied.
And feel free to come here, share and vent as you please. We will all be here to give advice and share opinions for you to better understand him and where his mind/heart may be at!

445. dee - January 28, 2013

o well beyonder since u hv made up ur mind to hang in, be patient not give up at any cost. i will wish u all da v best in your quest. i really do hope u are the exception whos gets the aqua man despote all odds. :). love dee

446. Clelia - January 28, 2013

Okay. You just made me cry yet I understand completely where you are coming from. I’m just the type of person that I wish to be there for all and he is the only one who has never came to me with issues, venting, anything. It’s hard because I can tell he is hurting when he is trying to put on a front with everyone else, trying to show that he is fine on the outside.

And since you all know where I am coming from, I will definitely come back. There are only few people who understand where I am coming from and there are so many levels the two of us connect on that I’ve never shared that with anyone else. It’s frightening and fearful and if I were to say I was not afraid, I would be lying, but I do know, he is more than worth the wait. Thank you.

beyonder33 - January 29, 2013

If you’ve read this whole page of posts lol
You may too think that I’m a lost cause because I can’t make up my mind. It’s not that I can’t make up my mind. It’s like I said: I can never tell how I’m going to feel from one day to the next.
One day I feel like it’s the end of the World and I want to give up on us. The next day I feel like things may be looking up. I know, Make up your mind already.
But a couple things you don’t know is that I’m very relentless and resilient! I complain my arse off because things aren’t going my way where communication is concerned. I may need more patience in his case this is true. And I’m not putting my life on hold for him. But like I said b4, I’m giving him room to grow into his own.

I know how you feel: When you’re with him it’s like heaven and ecstasy.
But when you’re apart you feel like he’s out of your reach and you fear never hearing from him again. As long as you feel him in your heart still I believe you are there in his also!

Clelia - January 29, 2013

You hit the nail on the head when you speak of him never coming back. THAT is my biggest and greatest fear and the more I push, the more he backs off, not that I am pushing the issue much…but when hearing nothing for a while from him is what hurts. Second thing is, it is a long distance relationship and both of us have spoken of the fear of the other finding someone else before we can actually “get together”.

We met many years ago and I was the one who ended the affair the first time because I did not believe his heart was in it completely. It was THE hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life and I never want to go down that road again. With many complications in the way among other things, I walked away yet I still believe it was the best thing to do, hard or not. Over the years, I learned after I married someone whom I did not love, I found that he would still keep in contact with me and it was then I realized that he truly did love me. Sad part is, knowing that the one person whom I loved completely was not my husband at the time was hard on me and my ex.

And the funny thing, is that the day my ex and I split up was the day this man walked back into my life yet again but it was not until months later that we actually started talking of being together again. Sometimes I want to write a book on this love affair because it would be something interesting to read….lol…but now I am more afraid than ever because for once in my life, I’ve given myself up completely. I never thought I would so loosing him this time around I cannot have and do not wish to ever venture down that road again. Too painful to survive a second time around. I just have to trust his words but trust to me from anyone at this point is something I’m finding hard to do, thanks to my ex.

Need Aqua help - January 29, 2013


He will be back!! They just have a hard time letting you in on the way they are feeling. They deal with there problems on there own, it’s just the way they are. He is sorting out his family issues and doesn’t want to involve you.

Mine did the same thing to me when he had family things going on, and I like you thought he didn’t want US anymore.

I had to wait and it took a month but he did get back to me. Told me what had been going on in his life and we are better than ever now.

Don’t put pressure on him to contact you, he will when he has sorted his own family props out. They are such private people but he will be back and he will tell you what’s been going on.

447. dillinger - January 29, 2013

You may call them arrogant:

But think twice

stendhal, jules verne, anton pavlovic cekhov, charles dickens, james joyce, john maxwell coetzee, bertolt brecht, boris pasternak, toni morrison, paul auster, colette, alessandro baricco, andre breton, nikos kazancakis, john grisham, ruth rendell, thomas alva edison, wolfgang amadeus mozart, franz schubert, kitaro, placido domingo, bob marley, sacha distel, phil collins, natalie cole, justin timberlake, loreena mckennitt, billy ocean, sheryl crow, robbie williams, federico fellini, david lynch, costa gavras, milos forman, john ford, istvan szabo, clark gable, ernest borgnine, james dean, paul newman, jack lemmon, gene hackman, kim novak, lana turner, burt reynolds, eva gabor, jack palance, betty friedan, jane seymour, mathilda may, elijah wood, heather graham, nastassia kinski, christina ricci, nick nolte, rene russo, denise richards, laura linney, laura dern, james spader, mena suvari, holly hunter, jennifer jason leigh, farrah fawcett, jennifer aniston, john travolta, mia farrow, cybill shepherd, geena davis, linda blair, matt dillon, bridget fonda, vanessa redgrave, christian bale, minnie driver, leslie nielsen, benny hill, ashton kutcher, sherilyn fenn, oprah winfrey, mark spitz, michael jordan, hakeem olajuwon, vlade divac, jason richardson, richard hamilton, steve nash, jalen rose, audre lorde, bobby robson, roberto baggio, christiano ronaldo, jose mourinho, olof palme, franklin delano roosevelt, abraham lincoln, charles darwin, francis bacon, galileo, alessandro volta, joseph schumpeter, francis galton, leo szilard, peter agre, jozef murgas, george hyman, vasco de gama, thomas more, mike patton, kevin keegan, dave lombardo, henry morton stanley, jeff waters, axl rose, alice cooper, john myung, cliff burton, margaret truman, ayn rand, richard brautigan, arthur rubinstein, douglas macarthur, matt groening, benicio del toro, eduard manet, rutger hauer, shakira, alicia keys, charles lindbergh, bill russell, peter gabriel, django reinhardt, stan getz, roberta flack, neil diamond, ernst mach, joseph banks, christian dior, peter allen, bobby robson, oliver reed, garth brooks, john mcenroe, georges simenon, anna pavlova, sarah mclachlan, michael hutchence, boris yeltsin, rihanna, eva cassidy, aaron neville, antonio carlos jobim, paul stanley, muriel spark, sonny bono, dan quayle, aaron burr, buzz aldrin, james watt, alan alda, robert wagner, tom selleck, john forsythe, ronald reagan, lewis carroll, emma roberts, norman mailer, molly ringwald, emily rose, john belushi, bill maher, jeremy bentham, corazon aquino, natalie imbruglia, jonny lang, rob thomas, edie van halen, robin zander, alfred adler, chris rock, alan cumming, george ade, alan bates, david brenner, alice walker, ernest shackleton, gertrude stein, donna reed, brandon lee, jackson pollock, marian anderson, lord byron, robert burns, george meredith, jeanne moreau, michael bloomberg, ken wilber, paul allen, nick carter, seth green, richard dean anderson,

and others.

I have nothing more. Byes all.

448. Annie - January 30, 2013

Hi Everyone,
When you start to write here, you should know you are in trouble,
the begining of the end and that depends on how slow a death you wish for. Otherwise just read it and weep and then MOVE ON!
Aquarius as a friend = GREAT
Aquarius in a relationship = alot of heartache.
As relationships are not easy for them for a great deal of different reasons you become a tagon, he is the puppet master and guess your part no matter how reluctant you may say you are.
Stand up and ask yourself is this really working for ME or do I deserve better? Bending over backwards and then some only works for so long and you begin to silently resent the treatment and your only outlet is here. Please think again.
I know Aquarius they dont want anyone who hangs on every word
waiting for every text or call.
Be strong Be Bold BE YOURSELF the person who you were before you met him. Remember that is what he was attracted too.
Sent with much love.

449. dee - January 31, 2013

@annie..u hit the nail on the head. i thnk its time many evaluate the scene, see things as they are and take a smart call. i mean how much patience can one have? how many excuses does one make for bad behaviour? is it that only they go thru bad patches? what abt when we go throu ours? will they be so bothered? or is it really bad behaviour? or maybe they dnt care at all. i thnk at the end of it all, it comes down to the fact that they are just nt that bothered nor that into u.

it took me few months to realize i admit but it hit me after months of making excuses that y the heck m i looking at teeny veeny signals from him and interpreting that as a possible yes? when all the bigger things and his action showed otherwise? and if thats his behaviour when he likes me, m i happy wid so little? it took lets of effort to get him out of my mind. these men can be utterly charming but i did.

i visit this site to check up on ladies who post here and see if there are any success stories.

beyonder33 - March 22, 2013

Hey Dee.
How have you been? In general? Even if the aqua guy isn’t around?

450. Annie - January 31, 2013

I forgot to say a really big thank you to Dillinger but with the greatest respect I did not alway’s understand what he meant even though he went to great pains to explain or maybe it was just that Aquarius Speak, which we were not suppose to understand it just sounded so good at the time lol. No seriously thank you!
Mr Aquarius should make us stronger, yea that what does not kill us.
You should know when a man is willing and able or is there a whiff of WEAKNESS that is very carefully disguised.
For some their aloofness can be deeply cruel to those with a tender heart.
They dont venture far from their comfort zone.
When in the company of Mr Aquarius PROTECT YOURSELF at all times.
Scrutinize them as much as they do you, you will see them in a different light.
With Love.

Need Aqua help - January 31, 2013

Hi Annie

Have you had a relationship with an Aqua man? What do you mean by protect yourself? Do you mean protect your heart?

dillinger - January 31, 2013

Thanks Annie. Your every word is a soft touch that can not be ignored. First time I see a mankind who has that aqua perspective without being an aqua. But how can you share that feeling Annie, can you tell that you suffer that greatest pain, because you do not want to live any modalities?

Well. Thanks for your understanding. If it is a curse I am already ready to live it. But you must understand it is a special one. That means you should not share it as it does not belong to you.

May the God mercy all of us.

Byes forever.

451. Annie - January 31, 2013

Thank you Dillinger,
I am deeply honoured by your words!
I am a Leo with a Libra moon, I am not at all a typical Leo although one look at me would tell you I AM.
Internally it would be a very different story although I have a real mix of strength and sensitivity and the big word resilience.
To tell my story would take too long and I am that word PRIVATE.
When I said protect yourself yes I should have said heart but I meant feelings and so many things.
You must also be telepathic if I did tell you some things you would think me mad and to others I might be, but what works for some!
My relationship with Mr Aquarius is Strange and deep but I would use the word DEVOTION but in a strange way.
With Love.

Need Aqua help - January 31, 2013

So how do you read their minds. I would love to know so I can know what my Aqua is playing at sometimes.

beyonder33 - January 31, 2013

I think I may know what she meant about being telepathic
In my relation to this I am a very empathic person. And tho I go thru the emotions I can pick up on whether or not someone has good/bad intentions. I can say the same about my aqua Man.
Remember when I said I saw that He had opened his okcupid.com account back in December? It was because my intuition told me he might be on the site. I re-activated mine and there he was.
He had already been active a few weeks but a few days after I saw his profile he closed it down. Then my intuition told me that he was rejected. Yeah I don’t care if any one thinks I’m crazy. I know my gifts and have no qualms about sharing them.

Though they will say he’s not mine. He’s no one’s and will never be just anyone’s.
But also about the chase I guess.
It’s about patience, understanding and yes being gentle with their hearts!

452. Annie - January 31, 2013

I can not tell you how to read someones mind. Im sorry it either happens or it does not. Although I am highly intutitive and do have a sixth sense about alot of things. Its just something different.
Its just knowing without words and this is how My Mr Aquarius works
and no I never had it with anyone else. If I were to wait on his words he would certainly leave me waiting at times he will say “You Know”
and by his actions I am never in any doubt,
So pay close attention!
With Love

453. beyonder33 - February 1, 2013

I had to cancel my Lunch date with Steve(my friend the older fella 54yo) that I had on Saturday.
After having not heard from him for a few days. He messages me back today with some nasty and hurtful things. Talking fresh,dirty words that before I would laff at. Today I wasn’t having it. Especially when he called me names. I asked him to delete my number and forget about me. What an ass he was! Mind you there’s no Love lost but I thought he was a good friend. A friend will not say hurtful things to me!

So I was supposed to see My Aqua Guy(Wilson) today but had to cancel due to my Daughter being sick today. And because she had to miss school. So Wilson and I have a Movie date on Sunday.

The BIG difference between Steve and Wilson is: Steve even though he’s more communicative he can be down right rude and hurtful. This is the 2nd time he did this to me. The first time I deleted and blocked him but then forgave. Now look what he did? If I could share the messages he sent me today you all would too agree that he was downright disrespectful and quite nasty!

Wilson has never spoken to me in a hurtful way. He is very respectful towards me. That is what I like/love about him. He’s never boastful or angry. But, I’ll take passive(with his positive attributes) Over Aggressive(rude and disrespectful arse hole) Pardon my France!

And yes they’re both aquas!

So even tho aquas seem special and unique and light years ahead of the rest of us mentally. No 2 are exactly alike!!
Lesson learned!

beyonder33 - February 1, 2013

So a needle pulling thread…………..lol

454. dillinger - February 3, 2013


There is nothing about being rude or polite for any zodiac sign. Otherwise it could be easy for potential lovers: take that and dont get the other. Life doesn’t present equal opportunities, and believe it or not, all human life is shaped around this fact. e.g. You had enough opportunity to educate, you change (not an university education I say, I got an M.Sc and I know these things have nothing about life); you have enough people around you to understand love, you change; you have nice environment to feel, you change.

There are only two exceptions: some people come to this earth with strong characters and they may shape their own reality by themselves, positive or negative. The other exception is called the factor X: some say it is luck, some say it is destiny, some others say it is chaos theory and others say it is the consequence of your re-incarnation circle (naturally, defenders of this last one also concerned with the first exception). But if you ask me the latter is always under the shadow of the first one. Because as a believer I think that God’s given rooms are endless.

If you say “so what those signs are for” I would say: traits coming from a character. Take the most sensitive man in the world, and take the most monstrous one too. Two can share same traits. You might think in that way: same engineering may build the most beautiful houses in the world, but also the dictatorial palaces. If you just look at with an engineering point of view, they may share the same excellence. But Humans have one important difference: even after the construction they have ability to change according to their qualities, which in that case: engineering excellence.


Keep that gift; of course for the other people around you, your beloved ones. May be you already know (I am sure you do) it will never help you directly. But the people you feel&help will add positive energy to you, whether they are aware of this or not. Because what people say is true: a candle can not light itself. One more thing (I am writing this with a guess on your dreams): Do not tell your dreams to anyone, choose persons to tell.

Need Aqua help

Let’s say Annie has that power. This power can not overcome the faith of you and your aqua partner. Because it would not work like online shopping. Of course this is my thought.

Need Aqua help - February 3, 2013


I meant are there things that Annie’s man does/doesn’t do, or says/doesn’t say that gives her hints as to what is going on in his head.

dillinger - February 4, 2013

Ah. Sorry then. You asked a clever question and I misunderstood it due to my little ignorance. Now I realized. Sorry again.

Hmm. I am getting older.

455. beyonder33 - February 3, 2013

Hi Dillinger!
He’s alive! lol
I used to be heavy into Astrology back in my teens. Not any more.
I’m not bragging but he(Wilson) has been in contact with me a lot more these past 2 weeks. I saw him yesterday and we have a Movie date Tomorrow.

Now Steve…has lost me as a Friend!
Though I’m not saying that if he took the initiative to apologize that I wouldn’t accept. Doesn’t mean I’d be there as a friend tho.

(off topic)
This crazy cold weather has me feeling like a bear who should be hibernating. I don’t feel like doing much. But I’m snapping out of it soon enough. I’m in a Glacial time zone. When will the Sun come and thaw this ice?
How is everyone else doing?

456. dillinger - February 3, 2013


Climate is getting crazy but this was expected by some. If you didn’t read them I can all say that it will get worse year by year, I mean in terms of the balance we are used to have. Otherwise people in Siberia could be happy with it. By the way those some said that the reason is beyond our science and I started to believe them.

457. Tanya - February 9, 2013

Hi dilinger!
I read your comments and i think you can help 🙂 so, i met this aqua guy almost a year ago. At first, he was chasing me, i was playing hard to get for a while :). He was great, texting me like 50 time a day, saying he misses me, how he likes me etc. Then, one day he starts talking about kids and our life together… I was a bit surprised but then I started fantasizing as well. And I was very kind to him, telling him i miss him too, sending him letters, poems, funny stuff….He said he liked it and he adores my attention. Then, all of a sudden he changed. He did send me texts but so often, and calls too….He started to make excuses about not be able to see me. I asked whats wrong and he said it’s nothing, he just needed some time. So, I gave him time. I wasn’t ignoring him, I sent him a text from time to time saying I miss him but I wasn’t questioning him about why he is so aloof . Three weeks ago he says he was sorry and stupid for behaving like that and that i’m too good to him and that is happy to have me. Everything was grat. And then, I went out with my friens, saw my ex…Nothing happened but I was stupid enough to tell my Aqua that. He became so cold and distant. I asked him to meet me later that day , he said he didn’t have time and then he blocks me on FB and skype!! I texted him a very angry message, saying some awfull stuff. Two days later he calls me but I never answered cause I was still upset for his behaviour. Then I send him a message “you called?” and no answer still…. Now, I know I was wrong to say all those things, but he hurt me too. I’m very proud but still… Why did he called? And what can I do now?
Thank you

dillinger - February 13, 2013

Hi Tanya

Thanks for your comments. I just try to explain my own experiences, and my other aqua friends’ experiences too, nothing else. So that means I am not a fortuneteller (not quoting this for your case, in general so).

Seems that your aqua was very close to you, telling you something about living together, kids, etc. I may say that if he reached that stage it is an enormous jump for his life. You say all of a sudden he stopped and he said he needs some time. That is also comprehensible for male aquas. Possible reason is: during this time he started to evaluate his life and assess whether he was suitable for a long term relationship or not; we can simply say it is about the tension between wishes and his reality.

For the next stage, you did nothing wrong, I mean for a big importance. But you must understand that aqua males need this time period for curing themselves (wishes-reality period I mean) and in the middle of it you gave a message that you saw and talked with your ex. Nothing wrong about it. But with his perspective he could consider this period of time is too long for you and you are searching for alternatives. If an aqua male browns off for something it is really hard to turn them back. But even at that point you got plenty of stuff to do.

First: reach him and tell that you never thought anyone else but him, and this new situation confuses you, moreover tearing your life apart. You should say that your meeting with your ex was a total coincidence, and you were confident to chat with him because you already left your ex behind. It is important because aquas are very rarely jealous.

Second: Do not ever and never start your conversation with those common life or kids stuff when you have a communication with him. You just start to say that your only aim is to meet him again and sharing the good moments you did before. You can even say that you are not able to name the stuff you share, but you only want his companion.

These two could make him back at least. Rest? rest is yours as it always happens.

458. dillinger - February 17, 2013

Lincoln movie is a good example for an aqua man. Indeed its a nice example for “the others” too, to show how fool mankind evaluates the things, even when they see a higher course. Indeed they are selfish and ready to be mistaken always. Choose a life, breed, that’s my last words here (this time for real):

“choose life. choose a job. choose a career. choose a family. choose a fucking big television. choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. choose a starter home. choose your friends. choose leisurewear and matching fabrics. choose diy and wondering who the fuck you are on a sunday morning. choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself. choose a future.”

Because you never understand what’s a spirit is…

byes forever & good luck.

459. annie - February 17, 2013



You have imparted so much to all of us and always very generous with it.
You will be very, very sadly missed.
I hope that like other AQUARIUS MEN you will pop up again ……..
For now please know that everything you ever said we are grateful for and it has been so appreciated.
With Love and much Respect.
Annie xx.

460. beyonder33 - March 16, 2013

This is a very rough time of the year. Since this Month my Uncle’s first Birthday in Heaven just passed. His B.day was Mar 7th. He passed on Mar 30th last year. Followed by my Father’s first B.day in heaven (4/15/55) He passed on June 2nd of last year. They both passed about 2 Months apart.
It was the most horrible time of my Family’s life. And I don’t say my life because I didn’t handle it as I think or thought I Should have. I think I actually handled their deaths quiet well. I was in mourning at different times.(in quiet and kept it to myself)
Shoot when they wanted to come deliver the news to Grandma(about my Uncle Louie), when I wasn’t here(mind you she was still 92 at the time) I cried hysterically fearing she would pass out or die from heart break. Good thing I came here to help when we all told her.
But guess who got the first call from the Nurse who saw my Father have his last breath? Me
I was sort of in shock becaue It was around 6:45 am est when she called: I’m sorry Miss —–
Your Father just passed shortly before I called.
I stood silent maybe 5 seconds b4 I said: oh(thinking to myself: Why me? Next of kin I know.
After the call I proceeded to call all of my Aunt’s and Uncles to let them know. I did this from outside of my Apartment door. Not wanting Granma to find out. I wanted my Aunt’s n Uncles to be there with me to bear the news 😦 Not again hoping Grandmas heart could handle it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel sorry for myself. But had I put myself first I wouldn’t be where I am now.

I know this has nothing to do with Aquarius really but
At the time of my Uncles’ death, shortly b4 that, my aqua guy had done the first and last disappearing act on me. It wasn’t until about a Month or so afterwards that I spoke with him and let him know. He said sorry about the passing. But around my Father’s death I still hadn’t been in regular contact w/him.
About a Month after my Father’s death I saw him/told him. Again he said sorry. That was it. I mean he wasn’t really THERE THERE but he knew.
I think he and I are alike in that we can hide our feelings well.
But in my case. When they both passed. I was able to use my gift(the gift of not allowing outside factors to effect my spirit/emotions) to protect myself. While watching Grandma closer than ever. See, shortly after my Uncle’s passing she suffered a Mild Heart attack. And her health hasn’t been the same since.
I do feel like a hermit at times. Being cooped up, not really living for myself but for her. That is my purpose right now and and I’m fulfilling it. My time will come to take care of me and to be able to go and do the things that I want to so desperately to further my education/career etc.

And I’m sorry to bore any of you who actually take the time to read this but I’m going to add a short Poem that I wrote for my Uncle’s B.day. He left behind his Daughter my Cousin Raquel.

Birthday in Heaven

Today is your first Birthday in Heaven. I know you are at peace. But today is a reminder. That you are no longer amongst the living.
That you will no longer be with us at Family gatherings.
You left us a gift though. Not just the memories.
The best gift you left us was the one that came from your seed.
Dearest Uncle Louie
We miss you, love you
See you soon

Hope everyone’s doing well.
Hugs and Light xoxo

461. beyonder33 - March 22, 2013

Sometimes the way that they act like they don’t care, forces us to forget about them. Then just as we’re forgetting about them it’s like they know this and don’t want us to. Then Bam there they are again. This hasn’t happened for a long while with him. But I’m thinking I should brace myself for the famous disappearing act they love to do on us.

462. ragazzo - March 30, 2013

on the road
noticed side walls
away from me
and from the skies
power inside me
grew like a flame
made me content
made the way clear
road was long
heart was open
then suddenly
and here is the dead end
turned back and front
then back
again the front
noticed the walls again
now also before me
tried to keep the heaven
but then pushed it
but sticked to me
no way to hit
emptied by the ground
sucked by soil
ah that earth
a chain you are
my fear is not you
it is for the other
what to do
if the other is like you

beyonder33 - April 2, 2013

Hi Ragazzo
Nice Poem!
Are you Aquarius? or Gemini?

463. aromaterapia - April 19, 2013

Nice post. I used to be checking continuously this blog and I’m inspired! Very helpful information particularly the last part 🙂 I take care of such info a lot. I was seeking this certain information for a long time. Thank you and best of luck.

464. ragazzo - April 26, 2013

im aquarius and the poem is coded for the people who understand it. aromaterapia you already lost because you stopped searching. es gibt kein richtiges leben im falschen.

beyonder33 - April 26, 2013

Awesome ragazzo!
You must be one of those secret heart breakers too :p
You don’t have to agree or disagree. And I’m sure you’ve been told that you are magical! :o) I’m sure you are!!

This Man goes above and beyond
is light years ahead of our time.
It doesn’t take the scent of nature
nor the weary words of rhyme.
In deep thought he stays
Pondering what to do next.
Planting himself on an invincible Planet
Racing through times vortex
He stays deep in thought
Though quiet he is from the naked eye
Yet he screams inside
Planning his next move
Successes to arise

You just inspired me to write this when I read your poem again ^_^

Hey Dillinger….where are you buddy???????
I know…. living life forgetting about the little people lol
Have a good weekend everyone.

465. ragazzo - April 26, 2013

all right. no need to hide. im an aquarius and found this site interesting. then posted an amateur poem which was written by a friend of mine. another aquarius. in fact he didnt write it. totally spelled it.

beyonder33 thanks for your comments. I appreciate it.

aromaterapia i have no idea what you found and what for 🙂

german phrase is a life long loved motto for me.

ps: dunno if something is coded. i guess not 🙂

anyway. still an interesting site you got.


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468. ragazzo - May 15, 2013

nice poem beyonder33. im not a heart breaker in fact people broke my heart so much 🙂 but indeed being an aquarius is a real chain. describe in short you love this world more than any other but also suffer because you cant easily adopt the whole going on around you. pathetic but simple 🙂

Beyonder33 - May 15, 2013

Yes I understand what you are saying but
Why when you guys having something good/wonderful/lovely going on with a significant other do you feel the need to test us? It feels like this because we are BIG on Communication and aren’t you too?
Why when we show or express affection do you run away or hide? And according to the other Ladies on these blogs I’m NOT the only one who feels like this. We KNOW this because you guys keep doing it to US.
Things have been good with my aqua so far. Can’t really complain.
When a Woman has years invested only to get shunned. Then he deserves the same treatment don’t you think? Some Ladies here do have very many years invested and though some are moving on, I know they cannot forget the Magic they felt with their aqua guys when they were together. So Ragazzo. Please explain to me. Are you guys just as afraid of getting hurt as we are? When we wear our hearts on our sleeves for you and share sweet nothings is that not enough for you to know we are in it to win it…with YOU and no one else?????

469. ragazzo - May 17, 2013

ok let me be honest. first i cant be sure if im a true sample but you need to understand that a woman for me is precious like any other human being. again but the issue is another concern. there is a huge blank hole in me. i cant describe it. i never suffered any problem for communication conversely people always called me over social. shun? yep i sometimes do. all i can say reason is not fear to get a hurt. i mean from people. but may be this big hole. your post cracked a new path and im sorry for my past troubles now 😦 you are not responsible for it. thats my personal evaluation.

Beyonder33 - May 18, 2013

so question
If you are in Love with a Woman and are in a loving relationship with her. Do you get quiet around her or talk more??????

Yes I understand you guys like to keep things on friendly terms.
AKA Friends only type of relationships
AKA Freedom to come and go as you please.
This Ragazzo is how we interpret the behavior of the majority of aquas……….

470. ragazzo - May 17, 2013

beyonder. did you understand the poem. im not testing you. sounds that you did. i just simply wonder.

Beyonder33 - May 18, 2013

Yes I understand that there is MORE to this life than what we see with the blind eye. I don’t know if you have read all of my posts here. I have mentioned using my gift of healing touch aka Reiki to help people. Also I have had spiritual encounters. I won’t get into too much detail about what I know I can FEEL as opposed to SEE with the blind eye.
I like to get lost in the stars and imagine what is out there, what I know is possibly invisible to the naked eye but what we feel which is all around us. Energy the life force that keeps us moving through time.
I get it. I can understand. I don’t like feeling tied or bound by anything or anyone. But
When someone gives you a gift of true compassion and love…you guys sometimes either don’t know how to handle it. Maybe you feel unworthy or, you guys don’t know how to reciprocate.
And I am not one to ask or request reciprocation however. If I have years of beautiful moments spent with you and you still seem constantly distant to me…don’t you think that eventually I will feel like I can’t take feeling shunned, forgotten or left out?
When all I want is to share more wonderful and special moment with you. You seem so afraid to express your sentiments to me. And though I can feel your love it is sometimes nice to SHOW or Say something to ensure that it is not something you should feel the need to keep inside.
So complicated yet so simple. I love him and just wrote this as if it was for his eyes.
So calm and centered.
The opposite of me.
The yin to my yan.
Not easily phased by stimuli like me.
Maybe you just internalize it keep it inside.
Observing my reactions.
Trying to learn about me, what you don’t yet know.
So that you can use it to understand what to do to get on my nerves if you ever feel the need to.
In case you think I have betrayed you in some way, shape or form.
He is and has been my drug for a very long time.
So close yet so far.
Like the wind
Every where and nowhere
You are the compass and I am the Map
You seem one place but are aware of each direction
I’m all over the place at times.
I like a challenge.

I’m sorry I have carried on and on and on
I am very ill right now.
I went to the emergency room on Wednesday.
Was treated as if it was just asthma but now I have pneumonia.
My Boyfriend knew I was there and living only minutes away from the hospital
couldn’t think to come visit me. It annoyed me that he could only wish me well via text.
Sure he may have had a very hard time finding parking space but if you cared
and thought I was worth it why wouldn’t you come visit me just to check up?
It’s a _itch!

471. sex cams amateur - May 22, 2013

May I just say what a relief to discover someone that genuinely understands what they are talking
about online. You actually understand how to bring an issue
to light and make it important. More people must read this and understand this side of your
story. It’s surprising you are not more popular given that you certainly possess the gift.

Beyonder33 - June 7, 2013

I wonder how many other blogs you’ve copy and pasted this comment to? It’s easy to figure out since your comment is so Non specific!

472. Louann - May 24, 2013

I really love your site.. Pleasant colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself?

Please reply back as I’m trying to create my own personal site and would love to find out where you got this from or exactly what the theme is called. Thank you!

473. remembering - May 26, 2013

I am no good at poetry but prose……
I remember so well the last time we parted. On a blustery mid-December afternoon with an air of Christmas and festivity and shops and glee and glitz. I did not know it was to be our last. You showed no sign, no clue that you had made your decision after two years to leave me. You kept that well hidden and to yourself. Your secret. Only to follow up with a message – written not spoken, to tell me that although you loved being with me, the time we spent apart, well you could easily just get on with it. Did you really mean it? How will i ever know, but those words crushed me and you will never know my suffering, the pain of knowing you but never really knowing you. The time I have spent just trying to get over you, and those final words, so final. And still, you will never know. If I could hate you, it would be a relief, but I dont, feel sad. If I had known, maybe I would have said something meaningful, something true, dared to show the intensity of my feelings, and not the words I sent back to You which were so untrue, face saving, dignified and gracious. I thought it could win you back. But no word, you seem to have moved on, without a backward glance. It hurts and I look forward to the day when it does not. He was an aquarius.

474. http://hen45apple.jigsy.com/ - May 31, 2013

Hi there to all, the contents present at this web page are really awesome for people
knowledge, well, keep up the nice work fellows.

475. annie - June 1, 2013

Dear Remembering,
That was truly beautiful, I felt your every word, your sadness and your pain.
Please believe me that the day will come when your heart will soar again but I know you will never forget.
Sent with love to you.

476. cellsea.com - June 3, 2013

Right here is the perfect webpage for everyone who wants to find out about this topic.
You understand a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that
I personally will need to…HaHa). You certainly put a new
spin on a topic which has been discussed for years.
Great stuff, just wonderful!

477. armorgames.com - June 8, 2013

Hi there exceptional website! Does running a blog similar to this take a great deal of work?
I have virtually no knowledge of coding however I had been hoping to start my own
blog soon. Anyhow, should you have any ideas or techniques for new blog
owners please share. I understand this is off topic however I simply needed to ask.

478. Sang - June 29, 2013

I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was curious what all is needed to get set up? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny?
I’m not very web savvy so I’m not 100% sure. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Beyonder33 - June 30, 2013

You can make a free blogging page/account here on wordpress.com or blogger.com I believe.

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482. apnea - July 26, 2013

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483. Iyah - August 1, 2013

I have met this aquarius man..after 1 week that weve been seeing each other, he told me that he wants me to be his gf and he is falling in love with me..its been like 2 mos now that we are together..he always says that he loves me, and he is a sweet talker, kept on saying that he wanna be with me only, that he dont cheat, but he’s talking to some random chick at internet and wanna meet them!(for what?!) i tried to break up with him many times but everytime that i am telling him that he need to give me a time and space, he dont want!and he kept on saying that we cant break up, he loves me more than his self, that he never felt this strong feelings towards other women that he dated before..but still, i dont believe him coz he is talking to a random chick at internet and wants to meet her…so pls help me, what he really wants from me?coz i dunno where i stand to him,he says im his gf that he loves me but he is talking to someone else…im a pisces woman btw

484. Nina - August 13, 2013

Hi.. I am Scorpio woman who is happily married. I met this aquarian man and there was attraction from the very fast moment… he’s married too but is going through a difficult time with his wife and is currently separated. we have become good friends and i care for him a lot.. sometimes we talk for hours on the net and its never a bore.. the problem is we have this physical attraction towards each other which we both know of. we actually once had cyber sex and even though i didn’t reveal anything he was actually quite exposed which was something new for him.. before that he told me that he finds me very attractive and the he feels something for me.. after a weak of good times.. he was suddenly disappearing… he wasn’t answering my texts or chats.. i hv reassured him that i am not falling in love with him and i don’t expect anything of him.. and whatever happens i wld like to be his friend at all times.. which is actually true..he started returning my msgs but then again he doesn’t seem to be willing to walk the path he had for a weak with me… which was absolutely great.. i am not looking for a long time relationship or commitment from him.. but it would be good to knw whether he has the interest he had shown in the beginning in me.. or whether i should just forget the whole thing.. one thing for sure.. i wld really like to be with him atleast for once.. because he once told me that he wants to make love to me… and the cyber connection was so fantastic,, i am not sure with his behaviour now whether he wld like to actually make love to me.. and whether i shld be one to bring up the subject and tell him first that i really want him to make love to me… there’s no question of commitment or exclusivity with him because i love my husband very much.. but i can’t seem to get the aqua out of my head…. he’s actually quite a popular guy and has many fans… but he’s really avoiding me or the subject of being close to me… wht shld i do????

485. ragazzo - August 14, 2013

hello everyone again

may be i am wrong but; i recently discovered that most of the aqua males i know, including me, show some degrees of obsessive compulsive disorder. in fact for me this degree is high i guess; but for some other aquas around it changes, high again or relatively low.

for medical experts the reason is clear but others saying that it may happen due to one’s intellectual level or some crazies even say it is common for indigos, etc, which said it is very intense among aquas.

you may help me for this observation with your experiences about your aqua men and with your own habits, Aman.

thanks in advance

486. annie - August 15, 2013

My first thought’s whilst reading this were ^PUT IT ON THE BACK BURNER^ I hope you understand what that means.
You really sound so ^Hot and Bothered^
Mr Aqua don’t need it or don’t want it.
At the least you would feel very used and in turn this would give Mr Aqua a very bad name.
If you are at all interested in this man I would keep my panties on.
If its sex you want………….its just the wrong way to go.

487. annie - August 16, 2013

He did the cyber sex thing and that was as personal as he wanted it to be, anything else in this situation would be a long time coming. Believe me you don’t have a clue what you are dealing with.
I don’t know either of you but if this is YOUR thinking I don’t ever see any sort of RELATIONSHIP here. This is just another situation which give Aquamen a bad name. This is really not what they are about and trust me you need to be very STRONG.
He is not in a good place at the moment and you do seem a little desperate for him.
You are very fortunate to have a good husband.
My advice is never dabble with an Aqua move on, if he wants you
he will come after you. They do love what they cant have.
I really hope this advice will help otherwise you will end up pretty messed up.
Good Luck Nina.

iqbalkabir - August 23, 2013

Dear Annie

Thx for ur reply. I understand what you say. You are right. I know we don’t have any future together… there is no destiny nor any ending to this whatever we have.. to be honest with you neither of us wants to go that way..but we do connect so well sometimes. The cyber thing happened again and later we spoke for hours. He is such a good caring friend.. I am not into this just to have sex..even though he is so desirable.. We saw each other couple of days later and for a brief period of time we were alone.. he came close to me and he kept on touching my face ever so tenderly.. and then he pulled me close and hugged me.. he was so still..we just kept on holding on to each other without saying anything.. couple of days later i went to his workplace.. he was home sleeping.. i told him not to come.. but he did and i could see that he was still very sleepy.. so he came..lied down.. and we were reading paper and watching tv together.. not talking.. but i could feel him so much..he was so close but we didn’t make any attempt to touch each other.. i was enjoying the feeling of him being near to me.. after a while he fell asleep and later on i left.. he called me after he awoke and we spoke very briefly.. we are quite formal over telephone..not at all like we are on the net..the whole thing is so… i don’t know how to put name into it.. but i can’t seem to stop caring for this man..

Thx again for your time..


Nina - August 23, 2013

And can anyone tell me.. if i want to cancel the posts… what to do???

488. Josephine - August 22, 2013

hej all. i have a friend who had a huge fight with his girlfriend. he’s aquarius so Im wondering if you have any advice I can give to him or his girlfriend (I’m friends with both, i just met him a year before they started to go out). Anyway, they had a huge fight, he said he wants to leave so she takes his stuff and throws it out the door, he goes out and she locks the door behind him… messed up :/ So, she is in a mess, doesn’t know what to do and he is too proud to contact her in any way, saying she’s crazy, deleting her from his phone… In my opinion, he’s acting like a child and she overreacted too. She said she only wanted to talk to him about something but he was being rude and refusing to listen, calling her crazy and then when he said he wanted to leave she snapped and done the thing mentioned above. Do you have any advice on how to handle both of them? They were really in love, planing future together, it wasn’t just some meaningless relationship…
Thank you 🙂

489. annie - August 23, 2013


Sometimes I think I come across a bit harsh or rude I’m sorry.
You do paint a rosy picture but my alarm bells are going off.
At best he is tapping his toe in the water you are all feeling and emotions.
I am worried for you. My advice is run and back to your husband who you say you LOVE……….. strange way of showing it!
Josephine he is only doing what every Aqua does very well the nice and the not so nice and this is just the beginning.
No one can tell you what to do you are not listening anyway.
The very fact you are on this page should tell you all you need to know.
Really do those few good moments snatched make up for all the time you feel really rotten not sure where you are.
Josephine I send this with Love to you as I know you have chosen a very rocky road.
Please stay in touch. However I can,t say I agree with any of it, I just feel for you.
Big Hug

Josephine - August 23, 2013

i’m a bit confused here…what husband are you talking about, Annie? Or was that an answer for some other “Josephine”? lol

490. annie - August 23, 2013

So sorry i MEANT THIS FOR NINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Josephine - August 23, 2013

heheh no problem :)) i have a boyfriend, not husband :)) if you have some advice for my friends mentioned above, it would be great. either one of you on this blog… today she called me all messed up, been crying for days… i wanna say something that will calm her down, and i wanna approach him too, a she is my friend too, but he is all closed up now…and i never dated aqua man so i have no advice for her in that matter….

491. annie - August 24, 2013

Hi Josephine,

I have been with my Aqua for year’s and of course they are all different he is the big talker and I know I could never talk him into anything he makes up his own mind so if he decided on something that would pretty well be that.
If we have a row I leave him to it. In cases like this they do require space to mull over every DETAIL and then some,.
I do wait until he comes round I find that works the best.
You say they love each other, then they will not be able to stay away from each other and in that, Aquas are no different.
So in that way it is also a test, I, like him can be quite stubborn, no really really stubborn but funnily enough he is the one who will come around and then I certainly will be all lovey dovey.
We all go through these things and it tests the strength of our relationship and perhaps she will learn in future that when he say’s he want’s to leave, leave it to him. He was probably testing her. Let him pack his own bags!
Aquas have huge egos, are very proud and do not crawl so perhaps there could be some middle ground but after this he will need a period to reflect.
On the other hand maybe he was looking to bolt like a lot do so she needs to work out what is really going on and that is sort of where you need to be clever, one step ahead etc.
So in a way it would be very interesting to see how he handles this
then she will really know what she is dealing with!
If it were me and someone told me they wanted to leave I would say ‘right your decision’ and leave them to it.
In this case I would be waiting and yes it would kill me if it were my man but he has to learn that he should not threaten to leave or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now someone else could handle this very differently but I am on her side as I would not want that said to me. I need stability and some Aquas don’t.
Good Luck Josephine.

Josephine - August 24, 2013

thank you so much for your answer. so, the point is- they both need time. and as I was reading this blog,Ii found out aquas need more tome then anyone. so, when some tome passes, he will be back (if he wants to, of course). Should she leave him alone and how much time is enough?

492. ragazzo - August 24, 2013

“Aquas have huge egos, are very proud and do not crawl so perhaps there could be some middle ground but after this he will need a period to reflect.”

Well I totally agree with this, except I do not call it an ‘ego’. Including me all aqua males I know hate egos. May be it is better to explain in that way: they need to keep the ground inside and outside. For aquas there are circles. First the inner circle with several universal & basic principles; these are independent from any human character, and they are well aware of this part. Then with the outer circles it’s getting more personal.

Whether they do the right things or not, all aquas think that the outer circles should totally be consistent with the inner one. My own experiences show that some of them fails to construct proper links in between and it is very hard to break it, because of the huge effect of inner circle on them, it is so powerful. They do everyhting to keep it untouched.

Let me more practical. Almost all of them have essentials; for example, people should be humanistic, caring, honest, self-respecting and modest, etc. But if their personal preferences are not consistent with those, it is hard to change them as they are generally sure about this consistency. It could be pointless to try to change an aqua, so this is also valid for inonsistent ones. But if you are determined to do, you must show these coherence problems he got (but without being insistent, that’s important).

493. annie - August 24, 2013

Thank you for your comments Ragazzo.
Please keep them coming as I am always happy to learn and to be able to understand the Aqua man’s mind a little better.
As for me I do need the practical stuff ……KEEP IT SIMPLE
I also really want to know why Aquas find it so difficult to show emotions.
Your views would be really appreciated.
As a Leo I only know what I have observed from my Aqua and he expects me to know things without him saying?????
Thank you,

ragazzo - August 25, 2013

OK annie there practical comes (not practical of course, I did my best to make it)

First, difficulty to show emotions. Aquas have huge amount of feelings for everything. That’s also same for love. But, and this part is really and really important, they think that those emotions are much beyond this earth’s modalities. Simply, they believe true emotions belong to a different world, different than we know. For that reason they seek very special stuff to express and live them (and they never consider they are not responsible as they are not different than the others in that sense). If you understand up to now then you can pass to the next stuff 🙂

Of course there’s a big issue with it. You know, it takes two to tango. One situation: aqua thinks his partner has got this special character, but he doesn’t have atm. He pulls himself out and waits to reach it. Other situation: aqua thinks he got it but other doesn’t have. And the result is a very short reaction to end, but kindly for sure. Almost all aquas have high amount of illusion, that’s why the first option has a great potential. What happens after this. First they try to increase their vibration to level up, I mean to catch the level they created for their partners (I said created because they evaluate it with their own criteria, most of the times it is not true).

At this moment options are simple. During that time some of them realize it is a total illusion, his partner is following an ordinary pattern (according to dreams they made up) so no point to continue and they quit. Some thinks the problem is on his side and he can never make it (with his perspective) and again quit.

Both are bad scenarios? Third and good scenario can only be achieved if an aqua understands everything at the beginning and leave his illusions. I am an aqua and I must say that I made it long time ago. But even in that case I have been thinking that I quit the essence of life; still the same at my side.

ragazzo - August 25, 2013

OK let me be more clear. Just imagine that aquas’ perspective for emotions can be explained with photography. In photography there are rules to follow, to make your photo more impressive and special, such as 1/3 rule. You put your figures at the left/right side at one third ratio of the image then it seems more beautiful. Or when you take pictures of the dawn you can never shift the line, the sea level should be totally horizontal etc.

If Virgo is obsessive about life at one dimention, for aquas it is three-dimentional + emotional. You are the girl in a city, but with you the city changes. You are the girl in a vacation, then this vacation is totally different because it can never be explained with any of the pictures of the same landspace. You may call this romance but usual romance stuff are categorized but this can not. In short, without time, place and weather, you have the ability to change everything for him.

And here comes the surprise. Why the aquas are different and attractive for most of the others? When they seek for the things I mentioned, they express their inside for them (as normal). So you are in a different world, independent from time, place and weather. It is up to now to name it. You may say that it is a total crap or it is the true one.

494. annie - August 24, 2013

Sorry that is impossible for me to answer but she needs to have boundaries and a limit. Only she will know how he feels and how close a relationship they have. Everyone handles things in their own way.
I would just say if it were me I would wait until he contacts me.
After getting over my hurt I would begin to feel annoyed if he wasn’t making contact in some way and that can be quite funny the things they dream up to do, so not to loose face!

495. ragazzo - August 25, 2013

And, I know I talked too much but, if you wanna understand more deeply I recommend you to watch the movie Cloud Atlas. Nothing specific for the characters but the whole idea. Imagine that you are feeling the world like it without knowing this presumed life sequence.

496. annie - August 25, 2013

Thank you Ragazzo,

I have read it and read it again! It will take some time to understand
Its what I call Aqua Speak. I find it very interesting and I will watch the movie. I think if I live with this man a lifetime I still will not understand.
Please continue to post your thoughts you will never bore me.

497. ragazzo - August 25, 2013

Hi Annie. In fact may be you will not totally understand him, but sure this is not your fault.

I am sure you know, aquas escape sometimes and need to be alone. I wrote that special girl thing. To be honest everything is in their minds so they are aware of one simple fact: they can never find someone who can fill it 100 %; how that can happen, even themselves have troubles with it.

That’s why they love&live with partners, wives, etc but they also want to be alone time to time to feed the rest, the unfilled parts (how? daytime dreams, thinking about the brilliant moments and generally going abroad to concentrate etc). Just leave him to do so when he acts like this.

And you already noticed perhaps, aquas rarely use the term romance. They are not candle-vine-dine types (does not mean they do not like, but) if you ask them they would prefer to drink vine from the bottle in the middle of a hill top at Grand Canyon, best during dawn 🙂

Here comes the question: so how those guys are monsters in city life, there are always people around them and they do not suffer any shortage for communication. Because it is a natural talent and aquas do not spend much energy for it. And if an aqua lives something inherently he would not give so much value for it. Then you can see the rest: with a special person and precious moments their behaviours are marked as extraordinary.

498. Beyonder33 - August 25, 2013

So I came across this Ladies youtube video about
‘Mars in Aquarius’
It’s interesting!

ragazzo - August 27, 2013

That’s my response to this video:

Sorry but total crap except you wanna see an aqua ‘cool’ with your stereotype. Sometimes we use these words so much. It seems so because you are used to have result-oriented animals. At first you have to learn the concept: anything special is horizontal. It is not like: I got that part from him, I got another from there, but I also need to have a total piece. Bull sheat. And that’s what you call ‘romance’.

And generally aquas are the targets for those total stuff. No room. First you have to get a life. Then you can discuss the rest.

ragazzo - August 27, 2013

Only thing about aquas, which can be seen as arrogance at all: do not evaluate people or history or human modalities before him. You can never win. Be sure that an aqua is always ahead. That’s the price of what he lost of being an aqua

499. ragazzo - August 27, 2013

OK need to give a more practical example. I read that from a post written by an aqua above. Imagine that a girl says “you are totally looser. you did not reply my love”. Than the aqua comes with:

“What love you are talking about”

“What sense made you sure that you offered a true love, not a crap”

“If it is not certain about love, how could you assess my responses”

Then you can not tell me that there is no logic behind them.

So the next question is: are you perfect enough to evaluate an aqua?

Beyonder33 - August 27, 2013

I sure HOPE you posted all these comments under the Youtube video itself on the youtube site. The video is NOT MINE. That is NOT ME in the video.
I have known about 7 aquas in my life and not all are like this. But in regards to love? It seems that (like I’ve said before) Aquas prefer to live in piece in their fantasies, than to take chances with real love! TRUTH!

Beyonder33 - August 27, 2013

and to answer your last question: No, No one is perfect!

500. ragazzo - August 28, 2013

Beyonder33. Of course I commented for the video, not to you. And your comment about aquas’ love, it can be true, because as a coincidence I broke up yesterday and I was nervous when I posted them. Sorry. Please forgive me.

I guess we, aquas are masters in heart-breaking, even though we want that as the last move.

501. ragazzo - August 28, 2013

OK let me give info about my recent failure so my humble excuse can have a meaning, as this post is about aquas.

We are mature lovers, I mean none expected teen-style surprises. She was always nice to me even for my short escapes. Last week she made a thing which increased my temper: she insisted on a vacation plan and she said: “I do not see any reason why you are saying no”. I tried to explain that it is pointless to go somewhere with people who I do not like some of them, I mean really. She said: “But you orient everything according to the people you like or you hate”. I said no, because for me a vacation should be full of time relaxing and didn’t understand why she insisted. Now only a day ago I realized that she did because she really nedeed this time.

This time,these people. Only thing I am certain: she was innocent but she left me with a feeling “full of shit”. You see, again none to blame but full of problems, that’s real.

God it is not a surprise that I hate summer.

Beyonder33 - August 29, 2013

I don’t know how long he and I have together but I cherish every moment we spend.
Yes he has made me worry before when he has gotten so busy that he forgot about me. I understand you guys do that. But what I understand also is that bringing it up to aquas without making them feel guilty really truly helps. I have underestimated him because he’s much stronger/tougher and tolerant of things than I could ever be. Oh boy do I respect him more because of this, and love him more and more.
And I’m glad I have a gift for this(approaching him with things in a subtle way). I hold my emotions back because I just don’t want to ever scare him off. But I do vent to him about Family and friends.
I never show sentiments towards him.
We are one and the same.
In that when we are together we forget about the World. We forget the past and future. We enjoy the here and now. The present is, when we are one.
And when we are one there’s no one else but US.
I’m glad I found this place with all of you to share experiences with. I have had my ups and downs with him but I hope I continue to have ups.
He loves me for me as he knows I love him for him. We said this to each other last week.
I can’t worry though.
This is only the beginning of the Story book!
Maybe I’m dreaming about him being my soul mate but please don’t wake me up!

502. annie - August 28, 2013

OH Ragazzo…………………………………………………………..

Well I’m glad you did see where she was coming from and of course there is always the word SORRY and she could go without you. What would you REALLY think about that? Would it have bothered you?,
Interesting that you said you hate summer and that you are Mature Lovers. I think it is good you explained that to us because I would not have guessed by your behaviour Mr Aqua.
Now Ragazzo I am really interested to see what you do NEXT!

Are you perfect enough to evaluate an Aqua?
I guess we Aquas are MASTERS at heart-breaking.
Yes very interesting!

503. ragazzo - August 29, 2013

Annie you are talking like her. You are talking like I am an alien, not a human being and behave so. After aday which will be spent to bring her back I will write the detailed story. Only I can say atm either I am an alien or I gave more room than needed.

504. shelly21 - September 1, 2013

Hi Im an Gemini woman who was dating an aqua man. he was younger than me.
I had a bad relationship previous (3 years ago) so when we met I was a little unsure on whether I should take the risk on him, we spent weeks texting and just meeting up now and then. All of a sudden he was practically living at my house, I was doing his washing, cooking for him etc, but he never gave away how he felt. 4 months into the relationship we had an argument over an ex texting him, he left my house upset and stayed away for the whole next day. We text a lot, this included me asking if he wanted to break up, he said he did not want this, he just needed time away now and then, which I said was fine, we would take things at his pace. All was fine then, he apologised and so did I. The next few months were fab, we did things together and separate. When we had been together 7 months, he had a few weekends away with his mates, When he came back all was fine he even admitted that he had missed me which was really unusual for him. it made me feel better tho. One day tho everything went wrong, he went to work in the morning and when I got home later that day he had taken all his stuff and went to his dads, he text saying we needed to talk, then he said someone had asked him where he wanted to be in 5 years time, which is what made him run away. He said that we could not be together as we both wanted different things, although this we had never discussed. I told him he needed to do what was best for him, but he said he thought it would be best for us. He told me I mean the world to him but we just wanted different things. I really did not know what to say or do so I thanked him for being honest with me and that I hoped he found what he was looking for, although this was killing me as I have really fallen for him and let my guard down. He stayed at his dads for a few days with no contact other than letting a mutual friend know when he was coming home which is not normal for him. When he left he took some of his stuff but left bits that were in his clear view, he also kept his key to my house.
I really want him back, do you think there is any chance he will come back to me

505. annie - September 1, 2013

Hi Shelly,
My heart goes out to you.
Reading this things always seemed a little rocky like a lot has happened in a few months.
I didn’t like to read that you were doing his washing and cooking for him I would say a big no, no!
However I am sure you can look back and see where you may have gone wrong.
In one way they would hold on to the key etc, to sort of keep you dangling………………….. just in case.
I feel you don’t know the full story of what is really going on!!!!!!

Please do not contact him it would only boost his ego no end.
He made the sneaky decision to leave all on his own that was ROTTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! certainly not someone I would like to put any trust in.
Protect yourself Shelly I really really mean that you really are in a no win situation with him.
Now sadly you say you really want him back, that could happen but Shelly there would be no change of character.
You said you have been hurt before, LESSON ARE REPEATED UNTIL THEY ARE LEARNED.
My advice and I think I may be known for saying the wrong thing but here goes again and ignore this advice if you wish.
LOCK THE DOOR you so deserve better!
Sent with much LOVE.

506. ragazzo - September 4, 2013

it is over. i tried for a period of time and her last words were: “you are a criminal, because you keep this for yourself without feeling it totally. you are well aware that it is so rare and beautiful, more than your personal preferences. may god mercy you”.

and this is my reply here (first sentence is from rosslyn chapel):

‘wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are stronger still, but truth conquers all’.

love? ‘for anyone who can not match its magic with a real life, it will only stay as a magic’.

sometimes you feel something different, something beyond your ordinary life. so, when you try to make it close, to live it, you may simply loose it. simple as it is. ‘two people should equally share this shift’. bull sheat. then you may find yourself sharing an icecream like in a romantic movie, nothing all. thus if you think that aquas have arrogance just leave them. your obsessions for that holywood style full ‘sharing’ stuff just kills the real one.

one example: annie commented my first trouble post with angry. because she does not know that i gave tolerance for her every kinds of suggestions, i participated in all her social parties (just for her) and even changed my dressing style according to her choices. now i think i was a fool move.

again, leave all aquas and run into your ‘top gun’ style romanticism. i am tired of ‘vampires’. yes. all females living with aqauas and making so much complaints are vampires for me now.

at least i can talk for myself. go and find your paper romeo. i am not interested.


507. ragazzo - September 4, 2013

and one more thing:

never think that they will suffer from a thing when they are alone.

they are the masters for living alone.

508. annie - September 4, 2013

Hi Ragazzo,
Your posts seem full of anger, thank you for explaining to us how much you felt you gave to this relationship. I believe that nothing is ever really lost Ragazzo that you will have learned many lessons during this period. Lots of relationships end that it just sadly part of life.
Sometimes I think you do contradict yourself you say you are not a teenager therefore I would say you could have had a few women during that time, yet you say you are Masters of being alone.
I dont know.
I think I have trouble with this title MASTER……………..a master of living alone, master of breaking hearts, your words, is this really how you wish to explain yourself.
I come here to learn Ragazzo I may jump to the wrong conclusion and I am very sorry for that. To me your are not presenting a loving relationship it is a sort of warped view. I know with someone else you will try again and she will be a new person a new kind of Love as nothing is set in stone.
I hope you feel better soon, I really do.
Love Annie.

509. Josephine - September 4, 2013

This is what happens when a love is “lost”. Or you think of it as lost…It is not over until it’s over!! You hurt now and projecting it in anger..it’s because you care. Take your time and just breathe. Relax and clear your mind. Look deep inside what you want. The answer is in your heart. What you feel is what you get. If you love someone, there is nothing in the word to stop you from being with this person. At least that’s what I think and this is how I act. If I love someone I would fight for them. No matter what. If you say “no” I say “why not?”. Don’t give up!! True love is so rare…fight for it. Get to know yourself first and see how you feel. Imagine yourself with the person you love…If it feels good, then FIGHT!

510. ragazzo - September 5, 2013

@annie you didn’t see any anger compared to what I got. second: you are still categorizing something, because it makes comfortable for you.

@Jeosephine it is really over because she knew my soft part. That’s why she tried to beat my conscience. In fact she was still an amateur, simply you can’t win with it.

All aquas are objective people. My partner’s vacational request was my first time to judge. From her comments now I understand that she really(!) gave so much things to be with me. OMG. What about love, purest of the relationships, needs to be honest for both sides, etc. Why should I have learned for that reality at the very end? Indeed it was always easy to communicate with me.

Abstract is: she did not love me but she adored what I brought. That’s the jackal’s way, I mean for people who want to get flesh in short. She have chosen me because she had no idea what’s real, typical for other zodiac signs. “lessons learned”? Sorry but I have no room to give and funny thing is: she accepted that by saying: “you can not handle your natural potential”, with an alleviation. But she also said: “you know, I am always open for 20 years until you show that sign”. What sign? She just meant obedience. God, love is not obedience and you guys, non-aquas, will suffer until you learn it.

511. Elsey - September 5, 2013

I agree Annie. When using a word such as ‘Master’ then that would imply that the significant other is a slave, and therefore dominance.dont like that at all. Relationships should be about partnerships not masters or slaves. We are in 2013. Your posts are great, not judgemental at all. It seems you have great experience.

512. Elsey - September 5, 2013

Annie, just to give you background without too much detail. I posted on Aman blog about 5 months ago. To end a relationship of two years, I received a text. A very confused text that I did not really understand but I believe it was a breakup. No contact since but just about over it. It takes time, I am now moving on to better things but still keep in touch with what is going on on this blog. Best wishes

513. annie - September 5, 2013

Firstly I did try to find your post quickly this morning but I must have missed it, I will look carefully at the weekend.
Thank you for your very kind comments, very much appreciated.
I do hope I help at times as that is my intention and yes I understand I do GET IT WRONG and I can only say I’m sorry.
I am very glad you are moving on and I know that it must have been and I’m sure still is very tough at times. Big Hug.
Ragazzo my Aqua I am very glad to say has a Soft side and I just LOVE it in fact if it wasn’t there I would not stay and I would never dream of taking advantage of it!
I find that I do try to keep an open minds so I am sorry I don’t understand what you refer to when you say I am comfortable with something and yes I have seen Aquarian anger.
Ragazzo your experience is very valued and please don’t think that I am trying to wind you up.
You are going through heartache whether you like to admit it or not
and you are entitled to your opinion as am I.
I do try to send my opinions in a loving way and I am always trying to learn. I do know from an other persons perspective a relationship with an aqua is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr frome easy.
Wishing you well Ragazzo
Lots of love,

514. Josephine - September 5, 2013

I get what you’re saying, Ragazzo. And I understand how you feel…to be exposed in front of other person, to let down your guard and then to feel something other then safety…i get it. But let me just say this – sometimes we do and say things we don’t really mean to say or do. I know, cause I’ve done it in the past..and ruin some nice things. But, everything happens for a reason. In this situation you can take time and get to know yourself. I’m not saying you are doing this but putting a blame on someone else is not good. There are two people involved. It’s not just one sided blame. You say she knew your soft part? Was that something that made you scared? just a little bit? I know it’s not easy for you aqua people (or men in general) to let other people see your soft part…Take time to see yourself and your mistakes. And her’s too… The worst thing is to cut it off like nothing. But you have to know what it means to you first to act on it.

515. annie - September 6, 2013

Hi Elsey,
I eventually found your posts on the other site Aqua man again.
Who could forget your post of March 16th, loved it then and still do a real classic you were really on a roll and it was just so on the money!
Keep writing them.
Take care.
Love Annie.

516. Elsey - September 6, 2013

Oh Annie, if only you knew. I am a real optimist, that is for sure.. I was on a roll yes, but that text broke my heart so much. Really. I think I spent more time getting over the text rather than the relationship. I just could not understand how anybody with any sense of fairness or respect or humanity or a heart could write a few lines like that after two years and then just opt out. It has taken me a long time for me to come to terms with that and to get from there to here. But I am here and doing fine but it has been at a cost. Had to revaluate it everything and even my choice in men. something has to be learnt. Thanks so much for the time it took you to get my original post, and the care. I appreciate. Very best.

517. annie - September 6, 2013

At the risk of boring you I will repeat because I really do believe it.
Nothing is ever wasted, everything really does happen for a reason and he did come into your life to teach you something,
I also believe that if you have your heart broken or come through significant pain it really can help you become a much better person not to mention wiser, although some take a different route………..
Stay Happy.
Love Annie.

518. ragazzo - September 7, 2013


You are lovely creatures. I am sure you know but, if an aqua says so it is truly real, at least for his perspective.

Josephine, I really understood what you meant. Indeed you have got such a sweet heart. But believe me, after her last words, I realized that it is all about sharing. She says I got something, something more than usual and it is brilliant. But at the same time she does not want to accept that it is a whole thing. I mean if it is beautiful enough just do not touch and change it. She tried that limit and she failed, that’s it. Everyone is talking about a world, but I presented her an universe. And simply, she could not handle it.

Annie, I am a soft version but it does not help. I always wanted to jump over (you know what I mean) but she feared. God, you can not help me because you can not teach how to accept a traditional vacation for example. I was always like so. Imagine that even during a course in my primary school I was thinking it is all non-sense. Thus: behavior can be soft but character is always same. I am really and really tired of this chemical attitude: love.

Then I will keep the holy one as she said. There are lots of possibilities. But even if she was true, I do not think that any human being existed to deserve it. Sorry.

Byes forever.

519. annie - September 7, 2013

No one said it was easy!

Beyonder33 - December 10, 2013

For everyone involved with an Aquarius in any way, who is frustrated with their lack of communication. And can relate to this song I’m sure

Happy Holidays!

Lauren - January 31, 2014

Ironically, the last time my Aquarian was acting distant, I was listening to this song.

crazyaboutaquas - February 5, 2014

Oh my gosh yes…that and Wrecking Ball..Lol…thanks for posting.

This is THE song!!!!

520. Josephine - September 8, 2013

I just love the way aquarius man get all firm and “it’s my way or the highway”. hehehe, there is more to it, dear… maybe she’s not the one for you but can’t expect people to read you mind and act the way you imagined it. good luck in whatever you decide.

521. doris-schlee.de - September 15, 2013

Amazing issues here. I’m very satisfied to see your post.
Thanks a lot and I’m having a look forward tto contact you.
Will you kindly drop me a mail?

522. http://www.insidecompracing.com/member.php?U=5566 - September 15, 2013

When someone writes an piece of writing he/she keeps the plan of a user in his/her mmind that how a user can understand it.
So that’s why this paragraph is perfect. Thanks!

523. Beyonder33 - November 6, 2013

Ok I saw your post in an email. Went to ‘reply’ but the page doesn’t take me to your actual post from today.
Glad you’ve resurfaced. Hope everyone is doing well. The Holidays are here and I can’t wait to celebrate!
I know that 15 months isn’t that long but me and my aqua are still together, 15 mths.
I give him space to do his own thing. Like now I know he’s in the middle of mid terms. So I keep busy with my life in the mean time.
So we are ok.
I hope you are too.

Off topic
Some strange and crazy things have been happening for us Indigo Children/Highly spiritual beings/Empaths what have you
So I’ve done a lot of reading, reflecting, contemplating and meditating.
Hey it helps keep one sane dontcha think?

Any who, Just wanted to wish EVERYONE Happy Holidays.
Love and Light

524. MC - December 16, 2013

I’m terribly bored just reading about how picky, unaware, and not giving your real feelings until 90? Lame grow the fu–up already. Get to the point. Is is real or not? Grow the fuck up Aquarians. I am a Virgo with an Aquarius because we have a child together, but if he acted like this…gross and pathetic.

Beyonder33 - January 25, 2014

Just as he and I were about to hit 1.5 years he calls it quits. I won’t go into details. Just that I’m confused cause just as I thought things were going ok for us BOOM. Nope

He’s 10 years younger than me and I don’t think he can handle love right now. I don’t know if I can wait forever but a 6 Month break may be exactly what we need. Sighs

525. Lauren - January 31, 2014

Oh my gosh! This sounds just like my brother who is a January 25th born Aquarian, and in many ways it sounds like my bf who is a January 29th born Aquarian. Crazy! My bf is definitely a bit more of a nuttier Aquarian than my brother though.

My bf has this thing where it seems like he’s pushing me away, and then all of a sudden he’s all romantic completely out of the blue. Funniest thing; in the beginning of our relationship, we did have a little break, because he thought I was ‘too good for him’. I thought it was the weirdest reason ever. Almost to the point where I thought there had to be something more to it than that. But anyway, at the time, we agreed that we would stay friends, and we did! But it only lasted that way for about a month. Even just as friends we were with each other almost every day, and we really could never be just friends. It always led to us not being able to keep our hands off of each other. After that long month of ‘just being friends’, he approached me one day saying that he couldn’t take it anymore. That he wanted us to be official again. And we still are right now 10 months later. But of course before we began dating the first time, we spoke a lot and built a friendship for about a yr in a half. Then finally we started dating for about 2 months, had the break, then got back on again.

Sometimes I worry that I love him more than he loves me. I’m a Taurus, ya know, so… we’re not exactly the most compatible with Aquarius in the book of astrology. But I think I have enough of the other signs in my chart that could make it work/compliment his sign. Its weird though, because we have so much fun together, and sometimes the things he talks about are just so interesting. But then there’s moments where he seems off in his own world or out with friends, that I feel he might have lost interest in me. But then just when I’m thinking that, it usually turns around. Example: The week before Christmas I went on a little trip, and for some reason I kept having these weird paranoia dreams that I was gonna go back home and he was gonna tell me he met someone new and was finished with me. But then I went back home, and he gave me this beautiful coat and an engagement ring that was passed down in his family. Along with that, he asked me to move in, and finally said the 3 words I was hoping to hear. Yet, I still feel like I need to keep him interested always. I don’t want to lose him, and I know Aquarius’ don’t really like talking about their feelings either, so I don’t want to pester him even though I sometimes worry if he’s getting bored of me. One time he told me that he likes to keep me on his toes. Eeek! I love him. I don’t feel like I need to be kept on my toes. Gaah! 😛 I need to keep my lips sealed. I don’t want to get too sappy and emotional on him. He even told me once that he doesn’t like showing how he feels all the time. He said he’s just not that kinda guy. I’m learning to deal with it. Since I really feel for him, I’m willing to work through our differences. I never really liked roller coasters before, but this is exciting! 😀

526. annie - February 2, 2014


I would say it is natural to worry and easy for me to say don’t.
However I would tell you just to enjoy it….. things seem pretty darn good to me! No relationship is perfect but I do feel he is trying his very best and if you read over what you have written the answers seem to be there.
Enjoy each other he sounds like a bit of a challenge but in a good way.
Sent with Love,

527. annie - February 2, 2014


528. crazyaboutaquas - February 5, 2014

I have done so much research my head spins daily. 🙂

I think part 1 and 2 are very insightful. I am having the hardest time figuring mine out.

We have been on again off again for almost a year…5 times. He comes back every time. I can’t shake him. 🙂 The best way I can describe it…he can’t commit but he won’t let go.

There is definitely an attraction..mentally… physically..sexually. It almost feels like a fwb…but then he has said he wants a relationship. He has had me over several times to cuddle and hang out.

Its like the old saying…we can’t live with or without each other. At times I feel like I am wasting my time…but only time will tell. I am guarded because I don’t know what to think…and I am even an Aquarius. 🙂

I have gotten used to the distance thing…maybe a few texts here and there…once a week or so. But he never goes more than a week without contact.

Good luck everyone 🙂

crazyaboutaquas - February 5, 2014

Oh and to add..

He is always saying he misses me. Dues to our latest breakup…by me…he came back…havent seen each other in a minth because of breakup…today he text me…”yeah I miss you” 😉

Beyonder33 - February 5, 2014

I don’t know how old you and he is but you too will eventually realize that you don’t need someone who is commitment phobe. And you will also realize that you deserve better than he can give.
Hope it works out for you in the end!

crazyaboutaquas - February 5, 2014


Thanks for your reply. Honestly we need to just have a good conversation.

He told me months ago that he would give me 100% maybe that all he knows how. He has been in 3 ltrs..married once….he is soon to be 42 and me 33.

We get along so freakin’ well. The only reasons we have broken up was…he thought we weren’t seeing each other enough…then the emotional garbage with me the rest. Instead of talking to him and pushing him…I let it build and then I go off. He never responds…he let’s me cool off and comes back stronger…idk. We talk about everything and joke constantly when we are together…we have a blast..its just the in betweens with lack of communication 😦

Beyonder33 - February 5, 2014

When the Neglect factor begins to outweigh the Charming factor…it’s just not worth staying in a relationship!

He and I never argued once. I only would ask him questions and yes I was being a little too complacent. I as a Gemini am adaptable. And like to be in the know. I can say that he as an aqua likes to keep you guessing. They lie to save their butts. They’re also secretive for a reason. Constantly dodging, avoiding, being detached for a reason. It isn’t until they hit their 40’s that I believe they start to mature emotionally.
I only gave him a piece of my mind the day we broke up. But I didn’t curse or insult him. That’s just not me!
Maybe you got a good one in your life.
I’m 34, my ex(the aqua) is 24 by the way.

crazyaboutaquas - February 5, 2014

Wow…it seems that you are still hurt…maybe better now

I can understand…there is something about these men that is addicting.

I have been in ah over mine but at this point I am just playing a bit hard to get with him. If he wants to constantly persue me after each and every breakup we have ever had….he needs to be aware of that. He chases me…but in the past I have given in..not this time. But I just feel if he is willing to come back time and time again…that SHOULD tell HIM something.

So at this point..in my mind he is a friend…and that’s how I am going to treat him. If he wants to truly be with me…then once I play hard to get for awhile…and do decide to see him…we are going to talk..not emotionally…but logically.

Its like I said..he won’t fully commit…but he wants to keep holding on. He is emotionally challenged 😉 and I am going to bring that up also.

Thanks for your input.. good luck to you

Beyonder33 - February 5, 2014

It’s only been 2 weeks

529. Beyonder33 - February 7, 2014

This sounds like it was written by an Aquarius

“Rather reserved and that always makes matters the worst/
cause I go on about my business and not act like it hurts/
but wait…/
it’s to the point I gotta ask myself/
why the f-ck is it so easy to detach myself/
maybe it aint you/
just something I lack myself/
but if these wounds are self inflicted I can patch myself…”
Those lyrics above from Joe Budden’s “Ordinary Love Part 1

530. confused - February 12, 2014

ive got one for you: I met my aqua man last november at a friends b’day party, im 30 he’s turning 40 in a few days. anyway im chillin with my mates n this guy comes n sits next to me n starts trying to talk to me, i accidently cut him off n he left to c him mates, anyway the nite progressed we all got a little more tipsy, n here he is starring at me from the seat across from me, and says your cute, starts selling himself to me lol, im like go annoy one of the other chicks they r single too, n he said no I want you, this is infront of everyone, anyway he asked for my number, i reluctently gave it too him, (ive been around the block a few times) anyway we talked for hours with eachother and our friends (im a virgo/libran cusp) which really stimulated me, i need intellect, conversation and friendship myself, anyway we hooked up, it was fun, I went home cause he passed out and i have responsibilities I needed to b home for the next morning. Anyway he msg me the next morning and continued to do so (and call) for the next month, as we live 200km away from eachother, he came to visit one weekend, which turned out really bad because of a third party (his good mate) anyway we made amends and continued to talk untill things from this third party got in the way again, I told my aqua man off in a big way!! we didn’t speak for a month. then his mate who caused all the trouble made effort to make amends with me, and persisted to tell me how much aqua man likes me, im like wtf? anyway, i msg aqua man and told him that we should have kept it friends n other things, he actually msg me back, now we r friends, he invited me to stay at his place not last weekend but the weekend b4, he has 2 roommates, it was nice, we spoke over a couple of drinks then ventured into his room to watch a movie, where he proceeded to come onto me, ive learnt my lesson see, keep it cool hahahah! let him come to me! he asked wot time I had to go home the next day, cause he would like to take me on a picnic at the river there was apparently a pretty little spot he wanted to show me, im like wtf that’s date stuff, im a fwb???? (i thought that in my head i didn’t say it too him) we unfortunately didn’t get to go cause it was raining. he has backed off abit since that weekend, but i figured that it’s an aqua man thing, maybe he felt something and that’s taboo lol. here’s the big question, does this bloke like me or am i just an interesting play toy, give it too me strait pls, and no neither of us has said we love eachother, we’ve only known eachother a few months, but it’s been an intense few months!

Beyonder33 - February 12, 2014

I need to brush up myself. Of all of us who have posted I wonder which one of us are STILL in a steady relationship with one? If you’re not being careful as a friend type of person I don’t know what else to say. I know they’re NOT ALL the same but according to these blogs……they all seem to disappear when things SEEM to be getting better. In our heads. I guess they pick up on this and get scared.
I don’t know what else to tell you other than to keep your guard up, keep it friendly and fun. Don’t show emotions but put your foot down as to what you will and will not put up with. Tell him you have a life too(which I think he does know) But do not make yourself available to him whenever that may be. They get use to that after a while and may get bored unfortunately.
I hate to sound like a Woman Scorned but I am. Haven’t seen or heard from my ex in over a Month and though I’m getting over him still I am no where near ready to get into another relationship.
I’m sure the other Ladies have way better advice for you about this.

They are like snakes though
Charming their way into our hearts then biting us when we least expect!

531. confused - February 12, 2014

i must add, that like all the other ladies, I really like this man, he sparks my interest, im not worried about the time apart stuff, i need my space aswell, but is the effort he is putting in really his intentions? or is he a master illusionist lol, i know most kinds of men, i have more bloke mates than chick friends, but he has eluded me, n with all the research ive been doing I now understand why. but still don’t know if he in romanticly interested! but we do get on like a house on fire, n wen we talk face to face we loose ourselves in eachothers eyes, also wen we r making love. im lost hahahaha

532. Aphiwe Sikobi - February 21, 2014

I’m inlove with this aqua man. And he just does’nt give anything away. He just stares at me with a blank stare. So confusing I’m a libra woman

533. dee - February 22, 2014

@ beyonder 33 – heyyy longgg time. i had completely forgotten about aqua men and the detailed discussions which we had on this site. i just remembered and decided to look in. and guess what was the precipitating factor? u guessed it rt… my old aqua love…

i was not in touch with him for more than 15 months i think. the last time i spoke with him he spoke about some f*** buddy he was seeing on and off. and he was so unabashed abt the fact that it was just a convenient thing and there was no promises made on either side. that’s pretty straight forward for an aqua i thot to tell the woman just exactly what she was getting into, while some people here voiced negative opinion abt that i was just glad that at least that woman who he was screwing knew exactly where she stood with him. so no mind f***ing for her atleast..

i am now kind of involved with someone who lives overseas. i have got my visa done and am waiting for march end. planning to go there and live with him for few months and then take a call on the future of our relationship. so yeah u can say i am in good space.

3/4 days back i had this crazy dream abt my aqua man whom i haven’t seen for almost 20 months and haven’t interacted with for 15 months. i got up at 3 am and looked up my emails to try and find his earlier no which i did. had this desperation which i don’t quite understand. and i felt this urgency which i cldn’t comprehend. comeon i havent talked to the man for ages so how does a day matter? i thot i was feeling this way bec of my dream so i decided to wait for a day. i did.

but that feeling which got into me from nowhere that I just had to reach out, didn’t go away. he was there on a chat messaging application and i just wished him belated H B’day next afternoon. ofcourse i cldn’t care much abt his b’day and least of all abt wishing him. i used that to get in touch. he acted the same!!!!!!!happy to hear from me. extremely polite. thankful . little curious abt what i been doing. it was awsm.. from there on it just went to a light flirting and then a little heavy. he asked me abt my dating scene and if am scr***ing anyone. i didn’t answer any of those things.

my god.. i don’t know what it is about these men which refuse to let us forget them completely. i was away wid no interaction at all for 15 months and yet all it took was a dream to take me back to feeling what i have been. And throughout the past couple of days i was thinking. damn. i didn’t even get intimate with this guy. i always called a halt and didn’t let it go far. i was too afraid to go the distance and get even more hurt. but guys despite me taking that precaution, the feelings i feel now are the same that i felt then.. its the same… just feel a regret that i didn’t get intimate with him earlier and kept myslf away from that pleasure. for what?? i mite as well had let myslf feel that pleasure then walked away.

i was maybe a little harsh on others here and tried to be v practical but… hvn’t spoken to him in ages till 2 days back and yet am all excited and at the same time torn apart with what i am going through. i spoke to a close frnd of mine yesterday and he said i should just go ahead, sleep with him and expunge from my life. once i have experienced that i would not be wondering. and then move on. i dont know what i will be doing. wl take the wknd and think things through..

Beyonder33 - February 22, 2014

Hey Dee
Nice to see you’re ok
Well My Aqua and I have been split since Jan 21st last Month and on Feb 4th I sent him a goodbye email(with love). He finally answered it yesterday. I will paste the link to the blog on the other side for you to catch up lol
Warning: Once you get intimate you might get HOOKED!
Gosh these guys are charming with or without sex blah

All About Aquarian Man….Again!

534. dee - February 23, 2014

hey beyonder.. the writing was on the wall for a v long time. u were just taking a long time to read through. it did drag on for many months for you i think only bec of yr persistent efforts.

in my case we did chat a bit for 2 days then 3rd day it was bac to square one. so when i woke up this morning i thot this time i wl nt get mind fucked by him. so decided i wont bother. and he msgd me in the morning. so i told him straight out this time i wont stand around for his blow hot and blow cold shit. if he is going to indulge in that i am taking off right now. he said no he doesnt think that way. he just gets v busy and so doesn’t message. he is a v successful entrepreneur who works till way past midnight most days and is involved in many ventures.

while there is no doubt that we all fell too deeply for the aqua men and some of them do have this innate magnetic pull which draws us in, i think what was also happening was that by getting into this aqua , characteristics too deeply, we had somehow started making excuses for their bad behavior by simply saying in our minds “o aqua man. so what he is doing is simply being true to his characteristics” and we just went on putting up with their shit. its we who romantacized
their “not so great behavior” and just went on putting up with it forgetting all rationale and logic which we wldnt have under normal circumstance.

i think aman put these characteristics on the blog to help us understand them a little bit better. but we took this as the bible leaving our brains and self respect out in the open and let them walk all over us. i don’t mean to criticise but i am just as guilty as many here.

Bec of the way i still feel for him, i think i owe it to me try this one last time. i think m going to be my natural self with him and wont plot and try and analyse like i did last time. will be more rational and straight forward and less emotional. that didn’t help at all last time. i just ended up looking too emotional and needy. if he acts cagey and moody and nonchalant, i will just march ahead and nt look back.

535. dee - February 24, 2014

@beyonder 33..same thing happened this time too..:-)..lol. we chatted quite a bit for the first couple of days then total silence from his part. he had mentioned yesterday morning thou lets try and meet this week.but that’s about it. y they do this is anybody’s guess. shrug. i will let him do his own thing and not connect with him at all. people say space is the key. so let him have all his space. i will post here if he reverts soon. if he doesn’t then that means he hasn’t gt in touch with me. though m not waiting here with baited breath. all the best to all.

Beyonder33 - February 25, 2014

He and I conversed for a few hours today.
Long story short: He admitted that he loved me but that he has a hard time expressing it. Said he wants to be with me again and that he’d be willing to do whatever it takes to be with me.
Sounds too good to be true right? I couldn’t believe it either 🙂
We’ll see!

536. dee - February 25, 2014

wow..lololol..when he realised that this time he blew u it, and u were not going to be bac, he changed his mind?? hope this time finally the fortunes turning ur way…

please hold strong this time and hold ur ground whenever he acts cagey..:-) dnt cave in and let him walk all over u.

my case i had pinged him on sat nite. he didn’t reply.. but he got in touch on sunday mrning. whn i told him i wont stand his replay of blow hot blow cold this time, he said he dsn’t do that. just that he gets busy. in the nite i just gen msged him. i didnt not get any reply to that. so i havent msgd him either.

as i said earlier, this time i decided that if anything at all has to happn with this aqua, it wl not be bec i overlook his bad behavior. i hv my dbts abt him reverting. but theres nothing i can do abt that..

wish u all the best beyonder.. my fngrs crossed for u..

Beyonder33 - February 25, 2014

I know I’m crazy for doing this. And sharing his and my personal conversations may seem even more so but I need you to understand what I SAID to get him to ADMIT he loved me.

Shall I share it? Say yea and I’ll post it lol

537. dee - February 25, 2014

ofcourse share it.. u wre are hopelessly in love with the man and didnt give up for more than a year..

Beyonder33 - February 25, 2014

Yesterday Feb 24th
Me: Enough about me.
How have you been doing?

Him:I’ve been good just been working and going to school. So do you think we should be friends or no? I understand where you are coming from.

Me:What do you think?
I know I can say what I feel or think and you could easily agree. But honestly Wilson, how do you feel about it and US as a whole?
You know I loved you, and I know I felt that you loved me.
If we decide to be ‘friends’ then there can be no rules. I can’t worry if I don’t hear from you for days, weeks or even Months. If that is the case.

Him:I think we could work out as being friends I think it’s better for us.

Me:Ok but no benefits 🙂

Him:Maybe a little? 😛 lol just kidding


Him: Fine you caught me lol, but I can agree with no benefits we can just be friends.

Me:Good cause we are not on the same page.
I am ready to be in a serious type of relationship, not so much about marriage.
But you aren’t.
We can’t keep doing the same things and expect different outcomes…

Him:Yeah you’re right

Me:Too bad for you cause you won’t be able to test my new mattress :p j/k

Him:have to rub it in huh lol wouldn’t you want to know if the mattress is good though? Lol 😛

Me: but
I already know ;p


Me:Any who
Grandma was in the ER last week for a couple days. And I have to take her to a follow up in about an hour or so. TTYS maybe

Him:I hope she’s okay, ttyl. Hopefully we can hang sometime 😉 lol jk

Me: I smell some Bull! You wish you were jk

Hiim: Lol I do

Me:You do what?

Him:Wish I were kidding but I’m not 😛 lol

Me: Are you saying you want to be back in my World? aka life? as more than just a friend though?

Him: Yeah

Me:So you love me and miss me and would be willing to do anything to be back with me.
And if you’re not kidding. Than get back to me tonight some time. Grandma’s taxi is coming to get us in the next half hour or so.
( I didn’t just take it too far) There is nothing wrong with admitting how one feels.

HIM:Can’t hang out tomorrow morning?

Me:Answer my question and I’ll answer yours!

Him:What question lol the first sentence?

Me:yes the first sentence!

I do love you and you know it, it’s just hard for me to say it but you’ve felt it. I do miss you a and yes I would.(after I read this I was floored, shocked and excited. My Grandmother must’ve thought I was coo coo cause I started jumping around, all happy as if I hit the lotto) LOL

Me: Ok
This will be a new beginning. If we make it work
What’s up with your phone? Do you still have mine? We are leaving in a few minutes.

the rest is irrelevant now…………

Later lol

538. dee - February 25, 2014

u sounded sure confident and upbeat.. keep it up… u shld hv done this long time bac.. taken time off.. put ur foot down..:-)

Beyonder33 - February 25, 2014

Now he’s questioning us again bc of something that I said that is true though: We can’t keep doing the same things and expect different outcomes…

I told him:
Yea cause LOOKING IN from the OUTSIDE
Our relationship looked like a FWB type of relationship. And if that is all you wanted from the beginning and still only want. Then I can’t do that. I again don’t mean you have to start professing your love and bringing me around your family and friends.(I should not have even said this part) But the one things I wanted from you seemed to be the hardest And that was communication.
And if you don’t love me at all like you said you did then you need to say this upfront. Don’t b.s me. I’m trying to give you another chance because I know we had something different/special. But if you dont’ feel that ‘this’ what we had is worth it then let’s just cut our losses.

Then I said: See I give you a lot to think about yes. But you’re a thinker already. If you go with the flow of how you feel it’s not that difficult to delve into something that you’re passionate about or love!
In order for ‘this’ to work out we have to find a Happy Medium. Other wise it won’t.

waiting for a response. He had to go somewhere with Mommy dearest.

539. dee - February 25, 2014

whats the big deal abt introducing his gf to his frnds? beynder u r finally geting thngs ur way.. do u thnk u shld get so pushy so soon?? cant u kinda try and ingratiate urself slowly deeper and wider in his life?? just a thot. m anywys no expert on whts the best approach to be adopted wid these men..lol..mine chickened out on me i think. he had menntioed lets meet this week. but i hv my dbts…

Beyonder33 - February 25, 2014

Well u know how they are, Blow hot/blow cold. That’s what he’s giving me now. I can’t stand when a guy can’t make up his mind. Yes I think a lot. Probably more than him. But we are a like in that sense.
So like I have been for a while now: Not holding my breath.
Wasn’t being pushy. Just because I said what it is I always wanted? And in the end I said we have to find a Happy Medium. Meaning give and take……compromise so to speak.
Funny he wanted to see me this morning. I asked him about this but then he suddenly remembered he had to go somewhere with mommy dearest. Ok I smell b.s on this.
He knew he wasn’t getting the Milk and cookies this time!

Beyonder33 - February 26, 2014

Either he confusing himself or I’m confusing him

Me: lol
Him:Yeah I agree our relationship was kinda like fwb, and that’s not all I wanted I liked spending time, relaxing and watching TV with you. But I feel like if we try again that’s what is going to happen again.

Me: Funny you say one thing then you say another.
lol but it’s all good though
I was already moving forward.
So do I need to lay rules and laws if we were to try to have a relationship again? Could you lay rules and laws? If we tried again?
Or you want absolutely nothing to do with me? After you said you loved me yesterday lol
You’re confusing the heck outta me now lol that’s what I find funny!

Seriously. Is he bi polar or am I just stupid?

I know I never wanted to have just a fwb type of rel. So wtf is that about? Now I don’t know what to do. I felt like saying: Ok I love you too. I won’t bother you any more. Take care!

540. dee - February 26, 2014

u think u shld just let him chill for sm days and not bother him at all?..i hv no idea wht hes talking honestly. its like he admits he likes u. but the min he realizes that cms wid sm responsibility, he wants to take steps backward. he wnts to hang arnd wid u with no strings attached. the min u talk heavy he ups and gets ready to run. he is just not comfy prob with the idea in his head..ur anywys geting ovr him just maintain ur distance for sm time. talk a bit i thnk but no heavy stuff..maybe u shld let the thot build in his head? and pls dont get sucked in so easily again. he needs to know what he wants and tell u exactly..its nt that diff. this is just playing arnd wid words..

mine dint revert. so i hv given up all hopes. wont try to talk wid him.. i felt a litl restless i admit thot of him for a cpla days. but i was nt tempted to try and talk to him this time. m nt running in that directn again..

Beyonder33 - February 26, 2014

I sent him this tonight and I’m not playing around

These will be my final words to you(maybe)
If you feel that it’s worth a try then I’m there with you.
Other wise I have to say a final goodbye and keep it at that.
I know what we had wasn’t all in my head. You know it too.
Maybe it’s for the best.
I love you
Take care

Yep I made him think too much. Now that he realizes how I felt/feel and think I got him on the fence. Whatever. Make up your freaking mind ugh!

541. dee - February 26, 2014

u shouldn’t hv sent that text.. y did u?? u showed once again ur more keen than him and ur more flustered than him. bad move i think.. don’t u still get it??? u hv done everything humanly possible to get him..now can u please ensure u just stay silent??

when he doesn’t respond, it doesn’t mean its a yes or a no..it simply means he needs time. and if he doesn’t respond even after sm days, he prob wants u to take a call. and if u decide to move on, he will just shrug his shoulders and move on thinking in his mind o she moved on so that’s that.. the thing is he may never ever make up his freaking mind.. so what will u do? hang arnd some more and then try another confrontation? hoping he will this time say a yes or a no?? this will go on forever…

i could have easily got in touch again wid my aqua guy and i know for sure he wld have responded too… but then this is what has been happening for ages and will continue to happen.. but what’s the point? i know he got with me bec i pushed him and nt of his own free will.

pls let him absorb all that heavy stuff which has been dished out in the past cpl of days. ..do not get in touch with him.. LET HIM REVERT.. till then please try not to brood and get on with your routine life.. DO NOT GET IN TOUCH WITH HIM..UNDER NO CONDITION…if he does not reply, pls take that as NO and move on… this is either the end of the road for u guys or beginning of new journey.

Beyonder33 - February 26, 2014

That is why I sent that last message Dee.
His phone isn’t even working now. He has to use an app to get messages. He said bc he didn’t pay his bill.
So we’ve been emailing back n forth. Regardless……….

I sent that last message bc before last Friday, I was already forgetting about him. Before he responded because in my mind, I knew he wouldn’t respond. And I was Moving on with the idea of not having him around or in my life.

He’s a lot more like me than I thought. If he admitted that what he did wants was more than a fwb type of rel then I was mistaken, and he was mistaken if that’s all he thought I wanted. Unfortunately, under certain circumstances out of his and my control we couldn’t go out more often. But now that I know what I have to do I will do it. For myself. And no one else.

Don’t worry though
I’m not contacting him again.
I got bigger more & important situations to deal with!

Like my Grandmother(94yo now) and my Daughter (9yo now)

Like having 2 kids……….^………………………………………^

542. dee - February 26, 2014

yes don’t…no more contacts please. u were jumping a day before and when u sat down to translate clearly what you guys discussed, he ensured that whatever he confessed or admitted, got edited out of your translation…false alarm. whew..

i got in touch with my aqua guy just a week back and i still feel the pinch of not being in touch. its like a sickness, addiction which really doesn’t make sense and ensnares u surreptitiously…its irrational. so i can imagine yr loss, pain, the empty feeling. but it gets better after a while. it has to, you don’t have a choice.

if i thought it would help, I would tie him down and make him spit out his mind..literally..:D torture till he talks. whatever.. gud or bad.. that’s a fantasy which m sure many women who get involved wid aqua men secretly harbor. i had mentioned it to him as well. but unfortunately that’s not an option and so we sadly but surely must start moving ahead without turning back.. i know we may not be able to completely forget him but atleast after a while we can remember and not feel the loss.

i think i have already wasted a week from my life by torturing my mind and making it go round in circles wondering abt this and that. no more..:-) .. u too snap out of this spell. realty beckons .

543. dee - February 26, 2014

check this site..http://aquasrbad4u.wordpress.com/.. i liked some words witten here. love is like a fart, if u have to force it, its prob shit!!! lol

Beyonder33 - February 26, 2014

So true
Thanks for the link
I’m reading this for sure!

Beyonder33 - February 26, 2014

This part here is so true

‘He’s already filed you away in his catalog of experiences, perhaps to be sampled again at some later date but for now he is content to move on…
Leaving you bereft, befuddled, and none to happy.’

544. Beyonder33 - February 26, 2014

Hmm I’ve actually come across this blog before. Just forgot about it. Good to re-read though. So true in all that she says. And the particular aqua man agreeing about how he is in his aqua world. Wow, if mine is like that then I def want NOTHING to do with him!

545. dee - February 26, 2014

don’t be bitter and don’t be angry..

its wierd but i suddenly feel why was i getting so agitated … i spoke to that man after more than a year and he was flirty and friendly with me. if he didn’t message me after that, so what? he isn’t bound to… i was the one who got in touch..not he..and he was friendly and polite.. quite sweet.. he can choose not to talk more or initiate further talks. and that’s alright..:-). i suppose if we step back and not react immediately our thought processes might change as more time passes..

applying the same yard stick, i gave your case a 2nd thought. i think u finally were getting him to accept his feelings after such a long time..instead of starting from that point as a fresh start and gradually putting your foot down, you pushed too many things on to his head.. it almost became forceful i feel. that last text was really not necessary. u made your point clear abt ur expectations. instead of giving him time to brood abt it, you pushed him and then just said goodbye.

so much hardwork down the drain… this is what i think right now..lets see what thoughts come to my head tomorrow.

chill and now stay calm and no more jumping the gun for u..:-).

Beyonder33 - February 27, 2014

I’m not bitter nor angry. Annoyed a bit yes.
But I’m just not ‘anticipating’ his response once again.

546. dee - February 27, 2014

and if he does respond u jump at it..instead of playing cool. ur making ur love for him a weight to be carried around.. instead of light and fun. u get tooo heavy each time.. don’t do it.. such times step back and dnt react..till probably nxt day. when ur in a betr fame of mid.

thats what i feel.

547. dee - March 1, 2014

my update. i thot abt stuff and realised m not intrstd in casual stuff. so i wont meet him even if he calls me. but the aqua man didn’t connect. pretty much like i expected. i sent a msg to him saying this wknd we were supposed to meet but m afraid m tied up so wont be able to meet. he didn’t even reply to my msg.. what a bad mannered man. and so weird!!! he was talking to me for hours just 4 days bac!!!! anyways it struck me what the hell m i doing trying to be frndly, civil or polite or normal with this guy. when hes neither of those. lol.

if he dsnt even stick to basic polite terms thn a big goodbye from me. i just told him wht a wierdo he is. and maybe mad. and deleted his no from my fone, mind and heart. i wl never ever connect with him again and if by chance he does, though i dbt that v much, i wl tell him to stay lost. if i ever run into him, m gona pretend i hv not seen him. at the end of the day, u see, it is so simple.. 🙂

Beyonder33 - March 1, 2014

I don’t know if it’s good or bad that we have to actually mimic them and their behavoir to feel ‘normal’?
What is normal? Communication is normal in ANY relationship
The way the so called aqua significant others treat us is the same way our non so aqua friends treat us. Disappear for days/weeks or Months without so much as a Hi……then BOOM here they are sending you a typical: ‘Hey, what have you been up to?’ or ‘Hi how are you doing?’
I been reading the blog in that link you shared the other day and no matter how long someone has been with one THEY ALL DO THE SAME FREAKING THING~ And it’s so frustrating to know that holding on to any type of hope for normalcy is useless.
I once again don’t think I’ll hear back from him any time soon. It’s still sinking in what I’ve said and like I told him: My mind seems clearer without him here in my ‘world’
But as a Gemini we are so much alike except, I don’t have any problems expressing my mind, feelings and sentiments.
Chasing and waiting to be chased IS like a high. And almost like a drug. Cause we’re happy when we have them, and we’re sad when we don’t. Almost like a drug per se.
I bet all the aquas of the World(well 99 percent of them) look at how we feel and think about them and probably think: They have us all wrong or have us right?
Any way yea
High 5 Dee
I’ll update you…….if it ever has to come to that again (rolls eyes)

548. dee - March 1, 2014

i think holding on to hope for normalcy is a waste of ur time and wl just end up mind f***kin you even more. how much more shit do you want to take? if aqua men act cagey then only answer is to move on and let them be. if they revert and act normal with you then that’s a rarity. and your one of the very few.

i wasn’t v emotional about teh aqua guy i was intrstd in. there was just this inexplicable chem that i felt. and then when i sudnly thought abt him aftr such a long time. i felt i owed it to myslf to explore just once more. and i did. just went on to prove his earlier behavior was not a figment of my imagination nor exaggeration. he is really weird.. and wont change.

they act frndly, polite and interested in you. so u feel ok this seems nice. what next? and bham.. haha.. they act as if u don’t even exist the next day. they ignore u totally!!!! how that works i still have no clue. you have a a pleasant time. nothing too heavy today. yet they just ignore you tomorrow as if you have plague. people i feel are entitled to change their mind. which is fine. so if they think ok this will not work after the initial interaction that’s fine. just tell the person that you have changed ur mind or let them down gently.

this recent encounter reassured me that i was right in walking away earlier and i wld be smart not to bother with him again. i felt disgusted at the person’s behavior, sheer lack of manners. u r at the end of the day educated smart and appear normal. so why these ppl dn’t act normally? anyone’s guess. as i said aqua men or not, if anyone displays such behavior for no reason, we can’t keep excusing such blatantly pathetic display of bad manners on their being born under the aqua sign.

if i need to be in a loving secure stable settled relationship, then expecting that from such aqua men is a sheer waste of time and total stupidity. if they initially acted cagey and kept this blow hot blow cold behavior, then i doubt they will behave any differently in the future.. they most prob nvr change. i hv never read in any blog about a single case where aqua men who have been acting cagey, hv turned over a new leaf. if they hv initial misgivings then those never ever get fully cleared. its best to pick urslf up and get going.

beyonder i know u invested a lot in this guy but u must wake up to the fact that he may keep doing this to you for years if u let him.. last week it was over. then he said he loves u. now back to the same silent shit. i don’t think it will change. they never change and things never change.

i will keep an eye on this site from time to time and hope atleast sm1 posts a successful happy turnabout story..:-)

549. Shirley - March 2, 2014

Hello Dee, hee hee you sum up the situation so well.

Have a good time, blow hot, blow cold, start stop, stop go, as you say it could go on for years and years. They have their hands on the steering wheel (control) but foot on the brake (control) and if we are not careful, we just sit in the passenger seat, going along for the ride to nowhere.

I think you can guess from my situation that I am planning the end to this ride. Bah, fed up with it all and time to exit stage left. Love him, Cried tears over him, buckets, but it does not seem to be enough and I am not even sure that he knows what the word Love means. I feel so silly to feel attached to a guy who seems so aloof and disengaged. Where is he now ? Can you sense my frustration ?

Only a question of time for me now and the right moment to say enough is finally enough. I get the feeling that you are still ‘piqued’ by your encounter with the emotional residue still hanging around.

As for Beyonder, you had a trump card, a big fat trump card and you…err…sorry, ummm, did not play it so well..so when he turns up again, and he will, have some fun, and plot your move, and don’t be so upfront !

And then, somebody out there must have a happy story to tell about ur-anus guys ? Lol.


550. dee - March 2, 2014

of course i am piqued. but that’s more at me then him. he has behaved like this in the past of course but then i felt low sad frustrated. and did not want to give up.. i just wonder why the heck did i act blind? i don’t know y but this time i just felt so disgusted at the way he behaved. totally put off.

believe you me. i am still not mad at him nor angry. he has been like this from the start. he is what he always has been. it is/was up to me, up to us, to be sensible and take smart decisions. i wonder why i kept looking back. because really there was nothing back there.

i don’t deny i fell in love. but it was one sided.shrug. if someone really likes u, he will not behave this way. with liking comes respect and if you really like someone you will not treat someone this disrespectfully. at the end of the day if he doesn’t like u enough that’s that. he cant force himself to feel what he really doesn’t feel deep down. and he can’t help the way he is. shrug. maybe if he really genuinely falls in love with someone unconditionally, he would behave differently or rather just like a reg guy would.

ofcrse i feel your frustration. i felt the same at one point. but i think its best to accept the fact that you cant change a thing and the best possible thing is for you to stop trying and let this go.

the good thing is i feel closure this time. so in a way i am q happy that i spoke to him again. i am being very emphatic in these mails so that other women who read this and who are undergoing what we went could learn lessons from our mistakes.

Beyonder33 - March 2, 2014

I feel like making a playlist for aquas and sharing it here with you

551. dee - March 2, 2014

all ur songs r so sad and full of yearning and kinda wimpy..lol..snap out of ur daze. its nt the end of ur world..listen to R-E-S-P-E-C-T, i will survive or beyonce’s You’re irreplaceable instead. :D…

love is supposed to empower u, make u happy. not make u weak and needy and clingy. after his latest stunt, u should now not even think of entertaining him. show him the door if he ever connects with you.

m very clear. that was the last chance and he splurged it.. i always thought if i ever run into him, i will be distant but polite. but now i think hes not even worth my friendship. best to ignore. m so done with him…

552. Shirley - March 2, 2014

Has the shoe ever been on the other foot, I mean you are the one being chased and you are the one holding back because you are just not interested and no connection.? Easy right, because you are not attached Or invested. I had that, on paper, a lovely guy, attentive, kind, available, regular but it didi not do it for me. I would either not return his calls or return them out of duty and take my time until finally I decided to do the honorable thing and tell him face to face that I wanted to move on. It lasted just a few months. I liked him, enjoyed his company, but nothing more than that. He was not the one. The more he chased me, the more he became unattractive to me and sad to say, I started to pity him and any attention I gave him was out of guilt rather than any real affection.

And now back to the present situation…..

You see, sometimes I think I am acting like him in this newish relationship. I think a lot about that lately. Could I be acting like him, the old boyfriend, and the roles are reversed? But wouldn’t you think that after all, a year is quite a long time and by now if he didn’t want to have any more to do with me, he would just be upfront and say it to my face. So much analyzing on my part and all because I cannot gt him to communicate, and therein lies the real problem, my friends. I think I maybe imagining a relationship that does not exist at all, being strung along. Gotta get outa there.

Any thoughts on that?

Beyonder33 - March 2, 2014

That’s the one side of it. I don’t even have a sad playlist for him
I have a play list which is about 40 songs strong all about Happiness/ good times/Love/etc etc lol
On the one side it’s sad yes
Then on the flip side you want to try again


The difference between HIM and ME is:
Soon as he and I broke up
I told my aqua male friend from India. Whom I’ve been friends with for about 5 years.
Soon as I told him, he tried to see if he and I could have something. Told me he still loved me. Asked if I loved him. I told him straight out: That I cared for him as my friend but that NO, I do not love you in the way you would like. And it’s not about considering his feelings. It’s about the fact that: Just b4 I found my ex, I did have feelings for him(Sathz)
And kinda went after him but he ignored me and didn’t entertain the idea. But soon as I found My ex(Wilson) and let him(Sathz) know, He was trying to get my attention.
I even told him about the recent encounter about how Wilson admitted to loving me(the ex) etc etc. And still it’s like he’s hoping it’s completely over so he and I have a chance.
See logically, Even if I were ‘into him’ like that. The distance is far too great to even consider having a relationship. I’m in the USA and he’s in India.
Wouldn’t work……no way Jose

Now in regards to past relationship. Have I ever completely ignored a Guy? Maybe 1 or 2…….but that was when I was in my teens/immature. My first relationship ever was a Kid named Michael. I was 14 he was 15. And this is why i remembered him. I felt awkward cause he was my first awkward kiss. After that I was grossed out. So I was ignoring all his calls. Then he left a message on my Aunt’s answering machine saying something like: ‘But I love you, don’t do this to me, I’m gonna find you and kill you’. Now I don’t even know if he was aqua or not. Just saying.

And the other Guy well, he was older and really lovely and into me. But I wasn’t into him. I actually lied about something then started ignoring him.

I’ve never really done that rude act as these guys seem to do to us! Maybe just once.
I’m too honest for that especially Now!

And the ONLY WAY to actually GET THEIR ATTENTION is to be JUST LIKE THEM!………….unfortunately!

Shirley you should read through all this: http://aquasrbad4u.wordpress.com/

i have and it’s Same shi7 different toilet!

553. dee - March 2, 2014

u guys have not told such men who hv chased u that u like them or that u fancy them enuf to want sleep with them one day.. and next day u disappeared. they did the chasing bec they fancied u and wanted to try and see if they cld make u change ur mind. there’s a difference. whereas in case of aqua men, they some days act and acknowledge that they like u, fancy u and want u. u guys have cozy dates but the next day itself they act as if u don’t exist or they disappear. they don’t care.

the point is you can analyse forever but u will still not get close enough to get an answer from them. they i doubt will tell you what is it exactly that makes them act like they do. u did analyse over a long period but your are still without any answers. the 2nd day of my renewed aquaintnce with my aqua frnd, i told him clearly if you behave in the same fashion i will not bother at all this time. ur behavior is a total deal breaker. but he did the same after just 5 days, so that’s that. no more.

let go of this unhealthy obsession and get on to something better. they are not the only men in the pond. instead of getting sad frustrated, turn your thoughts to feeling indignant. get a back bone show some attitude. how dare they treat u this way. your not a pushover. and u will not take this shit from them. get going . there are other men who will love you and treat you with respect just the way tu deserve to be treated. 🙂 .

Beyonder33 - March 5, 2014

Dee and Shirley

So I didn’t mention that I had sent him one more message. He answered it yesterday. I just saw him. He just left and we discussed giving it another go. Now I’m all about 2nd and sometimes 3rd chances. But I told him about putting Grandma down for a home attendant so I could go out more. And told him he needs to plan our outings. Even if they’re just once a Month!
He wants to try again so let’s see where it goes.

Now I’m not jumping for joy right now. But will update again soon……maybe

554. Shirley - March 4, 2014

Beyonder, read most of the wordpress blog….aquasrbad4u and it seems to be same ole, same ole. It is wonderfully laid out with spot on advice from the author…but the stories are very tough, ranging from wishy washy flakey to outright abuse and manipulation. You wonder how intelligent women get to that place but we do. An aqua man epidemic or maybe the same man doing the rounds lol. Anyway, glad I have found these blogs (and I am sure there are more of them). They give me a lot of food for thought. 🙂 🙂

555. dee - March 5, 2014

beyonder if u feel there is somethng there for u and its worth all the pain your going through, then u should go for it. 2nd, 3rd, 4th chance or whatever it takes. u should be convinced, that’s all. i gave plenty of chances 2 my aqua but it dint look things will ever change.

the last episode instead of despair just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. and the best of all, acceptance. which kind of granted me my freedom. its a little lonely in the head at the moment but def more peaceful. no more plotting, no more wondering. it seemed pointless all my efforts. i think i will always feel something for him but I now feel nothing’s ever going to happen between us. there is a finality this time to things and I no longer have any urge to connect or try to talk to him.

i do hope your story ends with a positive note or rather your story never ends. your old friend here is rooting for u. 🙂

556. Shirley - March 9, 2014


Go for it! You have already invested so much time in him that you may as well make a go of it and be happy. That was a smart move asking him to make plans and commit a little. I do hope it works. These fellows are tricky to deal with. If you can get good communication going, you may well find out that he is just indecisive, I mean about everything, not just love so you have to force it a little and take things in your own hands. Enjoy and be happy.
My new tactic of not going after him when he is in mode silent seems to be working. I rarely initiate conversations now but let him come to me. So far, so good!

Dee, at least you have made up your mind about your guy and you can go forward with an easy mind.


557. dee - March 9, 2014

But shirley thats the whole problm isn’ t it? she has been making a go at it for ages yet its not working that grt and she is mostly anxious and always waiting…its hot and cold.. if any of us cld have got gud communication going, thn we all would have cracked the deal rite? 😀

If he initiates thats gud i supose. in my initial months my aqua used to get in touch when he faced wid silence. but that was ages bac. so i supose all’s nt lost in ur case either.

i think mine is probably the worst or rather the coldest case. and well i dont thnk he cares even a bit now. whatever was there on his side at one time is all in the past. in such circumstance, i had no option but to bid adieu. :-)..

Beyonder33 - March 12, 2014

Well I now know that he is going through a lot at the moment. When I spoke with him yesterday he was on his way to visit his Mom at the Hospital. I asked and he told me she was getting surgery. I didn’t ask for what but told him I hope she’d be ok and wished her the best. Sent love and light for her. He said Thank you.
I know she has had Kidney failure for many years so maybe it’s related to that.

Yes Ladies here’s another video I wish to share with him some day

558. LoveJones - March 13, 2014

This was very well written & detailed first of all.. I am an aquarian woman & i just recently started dating an aquarian man.. he is extremely charming & magnetic (such as myself) but as much as we luv “freedom” Is it strange for him to say he luvs & wants to marry me in a matter of 2 months???? most of them run,from realationships, so ive heard..Let me also say..YES, We have had sex together but we have also started going to church together which is totally different….he knws what 2 say because thats his sign °charming° i think im going to suffer do to lack of “connection” u knw we hav thay “detach but really all in type of attitude”..letting us be is better cuz we show luv with everything we have…so do you think there could be something???? I wana scream so bad & this is the first place i ever wanted to ask this type of question..so please reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

559. annie - March 13, 2014

Hi LoveJones,

That sounds very…….. promising if it is what you want.
With anyone I would be a bit wary if they were speaking of marriage within two months! However it is not impossible.
You say ” We have had sex together, which seems a little out of context I would have expected “We made Love”.
Great that you are going to Church together, those who pray together stay together.
My advice would be slow down enjoy and all seems good to me.
He sounds quite the catch!

560. dee - March 17, 2014

hey beyonder and shirley.. just peeped in to say a quick hello and to give update. after the last time i chatted with him to tell him wknd meeting would nt be possible, to which i dint get any reply but ofcourse, so i told him he is a weirdo and still mad and wl prob nevr change with a cheeky grin.

i dint try to chat wid him after that. i did send a few forwards after that to show i suppose that his lack of response did not faze me this time and he responded a cpla tmes wid appropriate smileys. anywys i stopped sending even forwards aftr few days ending things from my side on a “not an angry mode”. i suppose am learning not to say emphatic no when situations don’t quite work out the way i want them to though in my mind i may know its over.

after silence for weeks i heard this morning from him wishing me. there is an ongoing festival here. to say i was shocked to hear from him is an understatement. but that was all. he just wished me but din’t try to talk to me. so aftr a cpl of hours i wished him bac wid a warm smile and thank you msg.

earlier if this wld have happened i wld hv been so excited and taken that as a sign from him that that he is still interested and started chatting with him again even though he had done so little. this time i stood my ground and gave as little as he gave me. i may on occasions send the occasional forwards on the instant msging platform just like i do wid other casual frnds but i wont initiate any more conversations..

hope u guys are having success..:-)

. ,

561. Shirley - March 18, 2014

Dee, you are right to tell him he is a weirdo, because he is, they are All weirdos, I mean really from the planet zog completely off this planet earth, away with the birds, disconnected, in their world, wherever that is, who knows, am becoming an expert now. They know how to seek us out.

Expect the unexpected. Inconsistency for them is consistency. They are weird and poor us to get entangled with them. Sorry to say, but they will bring you nothing but grief.

Just when you think all is ok, well it isn’t and just when you think it is all over, back they come again, to play a little because the know you are vulnerable. Great to hear from you tho. I am at the point of cutting loose to find another who is less complicated. Ciao.

562. dee - March 18, 2014

hahaha.. its kinda funny.. these lengthy discussions.. we are inexplicably fascinated by these men.

i think i was able to deal with this whole thing by accepting (a) the fact that I am crazy about my aqua guy and there is no logic or explanation to why i feel this way about him; and (b) that though i may feel this way maybe forever i will not get together with him no matter how much i break my head or cry or request or plead or get angry..

there are probably 2 types of aqua men. we have unfortunately ended up with the emotionally immature or unavailable one. till they grow up and decide to open up, nothing any1 can do. ad when that will happen is any1’s guess. shrug.

I was over at a friends’ place 3 days back and we all got drunk. and somewhere during the course of the evening, the topic of aqua guy came up. lol. we all were laughing at my crazy infatuation over the aqua man and the fact that he prob rt at that moment was out drinking with another woman not even thinking of me. how stupid could i be.

i suppose it was kinda therapeutic to acknowledge to friends that yeah m perhaps a little crazy to be in love with a man who isn’t even too aware of my existence. we could all laugh probably because there was no sadness attached to it just acceptability. and ofcourse the fact that i was mentally reconciled to what never will be.

so no tantrums at all this time around from me. and i just tried to act as cool as i could. wasn’t that difficult u know. i suppose i reconciled to the fact that i would rather feel lonely for a bit and miss him rather than keep contacting him and feel even more insecure, less confident, each time i initiated.

i also came across an article which cited that when you are faced with unpleasant situation, perhaps at times you must choose to do nothing. Maybe your first instinct is to do something – to send a text, to write an email, call, show up, and state your point of view. Maybe your instinct is to explain how unhappy you are with that person. Try this: don’t allow that person or situation to get you down. Don’t allow the negative feelings to take up your day any longer. And Choose to Do Nothing.

Wait and see. In a day or so, you may decide that Doing Nothing was the most brilliant response you could have chosen! You may be so glad that you decided to Do Nothing. You don’t have to continue dealing with that person if you don’t want to. But doing nothing Leaves All Your Options Open! Doing Nothing means you haven’t been rude to that person. You haven’t told him or her that it’s “over.” You simply taken a step back to remember that this is your life here – you don’t have to get caught up in someone else’s drama, even if this drama includes you.

Made so much sense to me. I find many times these days using this option instead of jumping in and shouting out my views. in the long run i have experienced that this perhaps is the best option.

so i think shirley you must choose to do nothing and just let it be. dnt shout out your views, don’t end it. do nothing.

Beyonder33 - March 20, 2014

Ok Ladies
and Aquas lol

I have a little update for you all
So I will be posting this on both aqua blogs for all to see. I’m still in shock.
Wilson(my Man) tried to see me yesterday but since I’m just getting over the flu I said NO.
He understood……..so that’s that.
What’s interesting though is something that has absolutely nothing to do with him….well kinda
You see last week on the night of the 13th I woke up at about 3am went to check my Emails/fb page as usual and Was SO SHOCKED to find a friend request from someone I swore I would never hear from again.
Guess who it was……….
Drum roll please
My first Love! Alex(and yes he’s aqua). After about 15 years of no contact and trying he finally found me. He said: He was in love with me back then. That he still loves me to this day. And that before he left NY he promised he’d be back in a year(back then) But he apologised cause he never came back. I don’t remember half the crap he remembered. Told him about having major CRS.

Said that had he come back when he said he was going to that he would have given me an engagement ring. Cause out of all the gf’s he had taken to his Mom back then (though not at the same time) he said I was the only one she liked and that she told him that I should be the one he marries?
Hmmm anyway Long story short he knows I’m in a relationship with another aqua(how funny) I just can’t excape these aqua guys.
The thing about Alex and my relationship was it wasn’t sexual at all. We were
toghether 2.5 years and were connected mentally and spiritually. When we didn’t see each other for a day we’d at least talk on the phone til the wee hours at night/morning.
I told him about the situation between me and Wilson and Alex calls him a jack ass o.O
Well I can understand from his standpoint. He told me he doesn’t think that Wilson will ever take ‘our’ relationship seriously since we were together over a year and still has yet to introduce me to his Parents.
(I thought about him too over the years and even tried to look him to no avail. I always wondered if he was ok ya know?)
We are ok I feel(Wilson and me)
And lately I’ve been focusing a little more on me and a little less on HIM. Been meditating more/doing some Yoga/relaxation videos etc etc. I’ve even considered unplugging for a couple weeks so that I can focus on the above mentioned and on this cleanse that I plan on doing. And no I’m not going to fast. I’m just going to eliminate dairy and meat for some time to clean out my body. This is what my body is asking me to do so I’m going to listen.
I hope everyone here is doing well.
Love and Light and infinite Blessings

563. dee - March 24, 2014

lololol..this is funny. my update.. my aqua guy now tells me hes easy to get along wid. he just goes in the silent mode when hes busy wid work. so if he dsn’t respnd it simply means hes in the midst of sm urgent work. he is an entrepreneur wid many ongoing projects. so i know that part is true. he works from 11 am till 11 pm most days. he works many wknds too.

he said that its not one sided at all and there is smthng special. and that hes not dating anyone nor is he interested in any1. of crse m nt jumping the gun. too many false alarms in the past. but its a kind of u know reassurance in the sense that it wasn’t all in my head. sooo unpredictable, these men…

Beyonder33 - March 27, 2015

Hey Dee and everyone. How’s everything? And I don’t just mean in the aqua department? lol
I will update soon.
I thought my account was hacked because I couldn’t get my pw figured out but obviously I did.

564. Sandra - April 29, 2014

Hi everyone. Aquas (as with all the other signs) can be divided in decanates. Personally I think it gives better info if you don’t have their birth data to draw their natal chart.
Decanates description for aquarius:

Birthday Jan 20 – 29
Aquarius Decan 1 is ruled by Venus. They seem to represent the quest for scientific knowledge and advancement, but also can over reach itself. These folk are a focused, bold, aspirational and quirky. They are forever chasing new horizons, and as they hover above the clouds their mind is always open and free to wonder and catch an innovative idea from the ether. They make great humanitarians, but are often accused of lacking compassion. This is because of their tendency to keep such a distance from those they are trying to “upgrade”….

Birthday Jan 30 – Feb 8
Aquarius Decan 2 is ruled by Mercury. This is a gentle breed of water bearer, things are a little more mellow here. In Decan 2 we find the brooding and sometimes insolent Aquarians. These are the folk who dig their fixed-sign heels real deep if you try to push them. These people are quietly alluring, peeping at you coyly with an inviting twinkle in their eye. These Aquarians have something very stately about them, they are proud and hold their head high through the most traumatic of situations. They are the ice kings and queens of the zodiac, if you dump them there will be no drama. They will simply glide away without a fuss…..

Birthday Feb 9 – Feb 18
Aquarius decan 3 is ruled by the Moon. It brings the confrontation of the old with the new, this is the most revolutionary and edgy decan of Aquarius. These people are the innovators, the breakers of moulds and societies catalysts for change. A restless, experimental, inventive mind will bring success in their career but inevitably their personal life suffers. It is very hard for these subjects to get excited about mundane, domestic matters and they are often accused of being cool, distant and distracted by their family. They get bored very easily and need constant novelty…..

565. dee - April 30, 2014

@sandra.. i think u nailed it.

Birthday Feb 9 – Feb 18
Aquarius decan 3 is ruled by the Moon. It brings the confrontation of the old with the new, this is the most revolutionary and edgy decan of Aquarius. These people are the innovators, the breakers of moulds and societies catalysts for change. A restless, experimental, inventive mind will bring success in their career but inevitably their personal life suffers. It is very hard for these subjects to get excited about mundane, domestic matters and they are often accused of being cool, distant and distracted by their family. They get bored very easily and need constant novelty…..

this is describing my aqua frnd exactly the way he is… m no longer in touch wid him. he was busy touring for work so just stoppd interacting or a one liner aftr few days. i too stopped msging. and thats that..lol

Sandra - April 30, 2014

Dee, Thanks. I could relate to it too. My friend is second decanate. Easier, but still complicated lol

Sagi+aqua - September 27, 2014

Pardon my poor English!
Need some advices from aquas man!
His date of birth is 5feb

My ex (call him R) and his ex-gf were together for three years and they have a lot of time out during the time when they’re together. During their time out period, his ex-gf cheated on him with 2 guys repeatedly. He forgave her again and again as he said this is the first time he is so serious in a relationship and he really love her a lot.. They broke up on 2012 and then patched back after he broke up with me few months later and they last for a few months. That girl, cheated behind him with her ex bf again.. And R was really hurt cause she’s his “first love”.

We know each other for arnd a year and we were rly clicked! But we were only tgt for a month and we broke up cause we drifted (jan13).. quarreled with him and asked him to fuck off and he deleted me in social platforms and block me in apps. im currently 20 and he is 23. I had a hard time forgetting R and it took me longer than usual to forget him… i finally “move on” without him and I went missing in action for a while and when I’m back (May14) he stroll back in my life like nothing happened and I’m still not completely over him. He text me and said he’s worried about me, asked where did i go and he misses me. Even though we didn’t talk, he still stalk on me regularly on social platform and see how am I doing..

I let him in agn… we text everyday and call each other almost everyday. As weeks goes by he finally open up to me and share with me his inner feeling. I started to fall for him agn and I did tell him abt how I feel about him but he did not reciprocate but he told me that i stand a special place in his heart. he said he don’t befriend with any of his ex-gfs and someone who ask him to fuck off lol.. I’ve never see the “distant” side of him these years cause he always prioritize me.. until one day (july-aug 2014 period) his ex text him telling him how much she misses him when she has a boyfriend!! He has mixed feeling and he’s been thinking a lot.. like why must she torture him by saying all these bullshit when he’s trying so hard to move on… What’s worst is he told him they day he patched with her on 2013 he was two timing him with another guy.

Like any normal day we continue to text, but I can feel that he’s cold towards me. From then, he often want his “alone time” and I gave it to him.. I didn’t know as he didn’t mention to me before and I was really shocked.. his mood really affect mine a lot. Out of sudden, I feel that we are back to strangers agn though he still give me goodmorning and night text.

I’m a Sagittarius born on 21dec and I’m not a good conversationalist otp cause I’m more to physical and I have walls build up high so I don’t share what’s on my mind with him.. he told me he’s always trying to keep the conversation going but i always end and left him speechless. We often have small argument because of my stubbornness and I don’t keep the conversation going.. but we are rly similar in some ways.

(approx 4wks ago) we quarreled cause i hate slow replies and i told him i want him to text me constantly. He told me he’s outside and his friends doesnt like it when someone keep uses the phone and he said lots of hurtful words.. I then told him he can tell me his friends mind so I wouldn’t wait for his text like an idiot but he didn’t want to hear me out.

I went to disco that night, he was there too with his friends but he didn’t talk to me cause we quarreled. I reached home at 5am and he called me that morning. We have cleared all our misunderstandings that morning and he apologize for saying things that’s not from bottom of his heart, I apologized too.

He then told me he did share abt our relationship with his cousins. He told them a lot about me and then they asked him if he still have feelings for me why not try it out once more? He then think a lot when he’s at disco. He told me he rly appreciate the things i do for him and asked me why can i bear with his nonsense & I told him i love him. conversation lasted for 2hrs & we hang up cause I need to wash up and he can’t seems to say what he wanna say to me. He take quite long to text me and praised me and said I’m beautiful and told me he don’t like it when i drink liquor.. I was shocked cause this is the first time he ever praise me.

After that day, he changed quite a lot (in my eyes) He give me fast replies everyday as he know I don’t like slow replies. He praised me almost everyday and he is rly sweet to me. (he don’t do that, never.) I told him that he changed a lot since that day and it feels rly weird. He asked if I’m uncomfortable and ask me not to push him away. For a moment I did thought that he like me but I dare to think too much.. so he called me one night and confessed that he likes me. Everything lasted for 2 weeks.

He’s back to normal with his few hrs of “alone time” a day. I give him all the space, freedom, time he needed. Texted him and asked him about his love life…. he told me he don’t want to have a girlfriend/relationship now cause he abandon all his friends when he was with his ex-gf, and now everyone is back by his side. All he want now is his social life.

Friends told me how can someone likes you, but don’t even want to go out with you. This few days he is hot&cold towards me & have his usual “alone time” for hours that i dont get to talk to him otp.. rly made me feel so distant but he reassured me his feelings towards me is still the same. I saw his efforts and everything… I rly dont know what he want. What should I do?

566. Sandra - April 30, 2014

Hello Aman, your blogs are great! I am wondering if I could ask you a question privately instead of posting here……. Thanks!

567. Fathi Taher - August 2, 2014

Im a 27 year old Aquarius male. I have to say the article made me shit in my pants for how accurate it is, despite my argument over some small little things on it. Even the physical desceiption of myself was extremely accurate too. I also had some good laughs while I was reading.


Beyonder33 - August 2, 2014

Nice and
Of course you are. Ya’ll are some good Looking …… …….!

fathi8787 - August 2, 2014

Hehe thanks although I dunno where to read your comment…im new to wordpress…but too many comments to go by to find mine and read what you wrote till the end. Just read a bit of it on the email.

Beyonder33 - August 2, 2014

My comments are on both pages. This one and the first part. Let me know if you want the link since I’ve been posting there recently

fathi8787 - August 2, 2014

No im afraid I just cant fully read your comments on the website itself apparently cause I have to scroll down endlessly on the smartphone to find my comment and then read yours which is near to impossible….I can only read half of it from the email notification…the link I press on to reply doesn’t take you directly to your own comment…you get what I mean ?

Beyonder33 - August 2, 2014

You’ll figure it our eventually. Have a good night 🙂

568. sagittariusxx - September 27, 2014

Pardon my poor English!
Need some advices from aquas man!
His date of birth is 5feb

My ex (call him R) and his ex-gf were together for three years and they have a lot of time out during the time when they’re together. During their time out period, his ex-gf cheated on him with 2 guys repeatedly. He forgave her again and again as he said this is the first time he is so serious in a relationship and he really love her a lot.. They broke up on 2012 and then patched back after he broke up with me few months later and they lasted for a few months. That girl, cheated behind him with her ex bf again.. And R was really hurt cause she’s his “first love”.

We know each other for arnd a year and we were rly clicked! But we were only tgt for a month and we broke up cause we drifted (jan13).. quarreled with him and asked him to fuck off and he deleted me in social platforms and block me in apps. im currently 20 and he is 23. I had a hard time forgetting R and it took me longer than usual to forget someone.. i finally “move on” without him and I went missing in action for a while and when I’m back (May14) he stroll back in my life like nothing happened and I’m still not completely over him. He text me and said he’s worried about me, asked where did i go and he misses me. Even though we didn’t talk, he still stalk on me regularly on social platform and see how am I doing..

I let him in agn… we texted everyday and call each other almost everyday. As weeks goes by he open up to me and share with me his inner feeling. Praised him for trying his best to open up for me. ☺ I started to fall for him agn and I did tell him abt how I feel about him but he did not reciprocate but he told me that i stand a special place in his heart. he said he don’t befriend with any of his ex-gfs and someone who ask him to fuck off lol.. I’ve never see the “distant” side of him these years cause he always prioritize me.. until one day (july-aug 2014 period) his ex text him telling him how much she misses him when she has a boyfriend!! He has mixed feeling and he’s been thinking a lot.. like why must she torture him by saying all these bullshit when he’s trying so hard to move on… What’s worst is he told him they day he patched with her on 2013 he was two timing him with another guy.

Like any normal day we continue to text, but I can feel that he’s cold towards me. From then, he often want his “alone time” and I gave it to him.. I didn’t know as he didn’t mention to me before and I was really shocked.. his mood really affect mine a lot. Out of sudden, I feel that we are back to strangers agn though he still give me goodmorning and night text.

I’m a Sagittarius born on 21dec and I’m not a good conversationalist otp cause I’m more to physical and I have walls build up high so I don’t share what’s on my mind with him.. he told me he’s always trying to keep the conversation going but i always end and left him speechless. We often have small argument because of my stubbornness and I don’t keep the conversation going.. but we are rly similar in some ways.

(approx 4wks ago) we quarreled cause i hate slow replies and i told him i want him to text me constantly. He told me he’s outside and his friends doesnt like it when someone keep uses the phone and he said lots of hurtful words.. I then told him he can tell me his friends mind so I wouldn’t wait for his text like an idiot but he didn’t want to hear me out.

I went to disco that night, he was there too with his friends but he didn’t talk to me cause we quarreled. I reached home at 5am and he called me that morning. We have cleared all our misunderstandings that morning and he apologize for saying things that’s not from bottom of his heart, I apologized too.

He then told me he did share abt our relationship/friendship with his cousins. He told them a lot about me and then they asked him if he still have feelings for me why not try it out once more? He then think a lot when he’s at disco. He told me he rly appreciate the things i do for him and asked me why can i bear with his nonsense & I told him i love him. conversation lasted for 2hrs & we hang up cause I need to wash up and he can’t seems to say what he wanna say to me. He take quite long to text me and praised me and said I’m beautiful and told me he don’t like it when i drink liquor.. I was shocked cause this is the first time he ever praise me. He told me he’s been treating me hot & cold cause he can’t confirm the feeling he had for me. He already felt something but he chose avoid it.

After that day, he changed quite a lot (in my eyes) He give me fast replies everyday as he know I don’t like slow replies. He praised me almost everyday and he is rly sweet to me. (he don’t do that, never.) and even though he has work next day morning, he will sacrifice his sleep to talk to me. I told him that he changed a lot since that day and i feels rly weird. (but i like it) He asked if I’m uncomfortable and ask me not to push him away. For a moment I did thought that he like me but I dare to think too much.. he called me one night and confessed that he likes me. Everything lasted for 2 weeks.

He’s back to normal with his few hrs of “alone time” a day. I give him all the space, freedom, time he needed. Texted him and asked him about his love life…. he told me he don’t want to have a girlfriend/relationship now cause he abandon all his friends when he was with his ex-gf, and now everyone is back by his side. All he want now is his social life.

Friends told me how can someone likes you but don’t even want to go out with you? This few days he has been rly hot&cold towards me & his usual “alone time” last for hours that i dont get to talk to him otp or i will fall asleep while waiting for him. He rly made me feel so distant but he reassured me his feelings towards me is still the same. I saw his efforts and everything… advice plz?

569. Nelly - October 11, 2014

Hi there great article, so informative! So I recently fell in love with an aquarius an older guy I met on vacation who I became good friends with. We connected later online and had a really good friendship going. I thought he was really amazing, never met a guy like him before and im a libra so it takes alot to even impress me. We talked as friends for a month all the while I had the biggest crush on him and dropped hints in things like poems, quotes, and art I would write/create and other things to make him wonder if I was talking about him. We would comment and like eachother’s posts daily since we live 10 hrs apart. I also kept his mind stimulated with brainteasers, puzzles, discussions about world topics, music we had in common and i was sure to praise and compliment him every chance I got. Well as time went on he eventually figured out that I was in love with him and all of a sudden acted completely shocked. He sent me a message saying that he was in a happy relationship but missed me, still wanted to be friends with me and wanted to see me again one day soon. I was disappointed but handled it like a pro and didnt try to make him feel bad or anything even though inside I was crushed. I think somehow he knew it. Over the next few days however he stopped talking to me and now completely ignores me. We went from talking everyday to me being kicked to the curb all because I had feelings for him. I dont think its fair and im really torn up about it i cant stop thinking about it. I wish I could get my friendship back or turn back time but its too late. Why did he say he wanted to remain friends and then just completely drop me out of his life? I need closure and I am seriously screwed up over this guy I fell in love with. I am trying not to be mad at him but I feel so betrayed and hurt. All i ever was was nice and loving to him. I dont deserve to be thrown away like trash because in his aquarius mind there is no room for emotions! Im sinking into despair and none of my friends / family give good advice. I dont know what to do. Please help. Im not trying to break up his relationship just trying to at least get my friend back with out chasing and begging him, i will not do that. Thnx

570. Marissa - November 22, 2014

I really dislike Aquarians for their tendency to switch between emotional states; sometimes very emotional, sometimes completely unemotional to the point of it being scary. They suck for this. Yeah and them being so mind oriented sucks too, especially in relationships. Sorry Aquas.

571. acenaushi - February 7, 2015

I met a friend for matrimony perspective. Things were going fine with this Aqua guy. Then on his birthday when I went to see him he was busy so I simply asked if he can meet. If not that is alright and I will leave for my place. He told me that he will definitely meet me post 1. But then he delayed. At 2.30 he said that he is held up with some unexpected guest (who was his ex girl). I said alright I will leave, but he insisted for me to wait and kept me waiting till 6 pm. And when we met, he did not even spend a decent 15 mins with me. All he had to do was go from one place to another, check out girls and stuffs and then we drove off. Finally I left, feeling frustrated.

I do not understand why make me wait with all that emotional melodrama when he was just not interested to spend time with me?

Please help…

Beyonder33 - February 24, 2015

testing testing
possiby hacked……

572. dee - March 28, 2015

hey beyonder… surprised to see your post. I checked duno after months. m gud and I hope u and others too.

I have met sm1 else thou its v early days. we are v different but share a grt connect. so checking to see if he can actually get into sm relatnship and hang arnd together despite our differences. if it works gud if it doesn’t I doubt I wld feel too sad.

that’s the problem I think. was so invested wid the aqua that others seem not so imp. for instance when v first kissed I got back to thinking abt the aqua and it was like its not so natural wid this one. wid the aqua we were so synced. even the first kiss was just perfect. it was like hey leme show u just hw I like. lol

m still in sporadic tch wid the aqua and keep having our skirmishes. I thnk hv accepted that nothing will ever happen wid my aqua and hv reconciled to it. I think.

hey all give updates pls…

xxxxx dee

Gone Girl - March 29, 2015

Hello Dee, I read your post with interest..so you are in a relationship but aqua still hovering around. So, let me tell you what it might actually be like to get into a relationship with him and how it might pan out, if you can go by my experience.

I used to post as Elsie years ago when a two year relationship came to an end with an e-dispatch, that was more than 4 years ago now and then last year I posted about the return of the ex and how I resisted and pretty much gave him a piece of my mind and sent him packing. Anyway, since then, he persisted. We met up before Christmas on a friendly basis, better to bury those hatchets!! Exchanged new year and birthday wishes, met again in January, again friends only and then, and then, a few weeks ago but this time he stayed two days at mine over a weekend, the whole deal this time. Now, I have to say, we spent lovely time together, I did not rake over old coals and neither did he, did not even mention his ex girlfriend he had left me for and kept it light, he was in no hurry leaving me and seemed genuinely happy to be with me, hugely attentive, affectionate. A girl might think that this was the beginning of a new story, the recovery of a love lost but here is the thing.. We exchanged texts on his return, and a few days later I decided to do something. As all our meet ups had been on his instigation, I decided to set him an agenda. I sent him a text, gave him a specific date when I would be available, mid-April and asked him if he would like to get together, not a hugely easy task as he lives around 500 miles away but is often here to visit his family. That will have been around 2 weeks ago and you have guessed it, no answer which I consider extremely rude and disrespectful and especially after such a special weekend, everything went swimmingly.

But something has changed as the ‘old me’ would have prompted him for a reply by now, even started to panic, but the ‘new me’ cannot be bothered, it would be like going down and old trodden road just to finish up with the same result… His Indifference to me. There is no excuse for a non-reply and to just ignore somebody. I say blah to all that, cannot waste energy on figuring it out and I especially do not want to give him any more of my time, or attention.

Am I annoyed I sent that that invitation. No, not at all because I have my answer which is his no answer. As many of you say, wtf, nothing ever changes with these guys. I wouldn’t mind but he is single now so nothing stopping him.

So for you Dee, stick with your new relationship and don’t let old aqua disturb you with his e-communications. Pretend he does not exist, except in your imagination. I am Gone Girl and intend to stay that way. And you know, I intuitively know he will tune back in, when he is ready, lonely bored and when it suits him but I won’t be replying this time. There are last chances and there are last chances. He blew it. Keep smiling :):). The unpredictable becomes very predictable in the end. Best wishes!

573. dee - March 31, 2015

o hey there. gone girl. sad to hear abt wht happened wid u recently but not surprised. and u r perfectly rt. one shld just banish them and not let them hover around. they sense that we are suckers as far as they are concerned and so they basically amuse themselves at our expense and emotions when they are bored.

Honestly? just few days bac I was out for drinks wid my buddy. he knows abt my fixation wid the aqua. while drinking I just asked him casually. if the aqua really wanted me like I do wouldn’t he have been wid me today?? what stops him?? why shld i not be wid sm1 i so adore? he looked at me and said exactly!! u need to snap out of it. he is not wid u bec he doesn’t want to. as simple as that.

I have no idea what happened to me that instant. but something flashed in that drunken head of mine. and i texted to the aqua, y are u not wid me? ofcrse i nvr got any response to that particular msg. things seemed white and black the next day to me after ages.

I have blocked him from what’s app. that’s how we used to communicate. deleted his no and blocked him. earlier i wld just delete but nvr block. he wld get in tch on sm silly pretext and thngs wld repeat. this time i blocked him. he can no longer get in touch. cant leave any room for him to sneak back in. I have a weakness as far as he is concerned. he inadvertently revealed that to me this time. he said u can try but the fact is u cant get me off ur mind. u msg me bec u cant forget me.

I wont let him back in again. he calls very rarely so I doubt he wld bother once he realises I have blocked him. I had told him I will block few days back. he said y wld u do that? u shouldn’t. he told me he will never delete nor block my no, no matr what. nywys he can keep my number and shove it, i am not going to bother again. told him ur stupid, but continue sitting on the fence if that makes u feel safe. i know i have tried to walk away and forget many times but this is time i think its final. frm my side.

574. dee - March 31, 2015

I think you did the rite thing by sending that invite. it just got reconfirmed what u anyways suspected deep down. nothings ever going change with these men. they will never be around when u need them or desire them. All the talks, friendship, desire, everything, will always be at their terms and convenience. and the min they feel things are getting deep, they wont bother. its the way they are wired. its actually amazing if u think about it. they actually stand at a distance and watch u go thru a gamut of emotions and finally lose it in despair and exasperation. and I bet njoy it with relish.

i guess my advice to all including me wld be to simply let this one go.

love and blessings to all

575. tiffanyinfinity - April 9, 2015

I feel that prety much all of this is true. It is still hard for me to really dig in deep with my aquarius love. I swear he us leaving and he thinks I am too. When I think we are getting close I get left in the dust. He seems ti have a jealous streak, ir it’s just him letting me know 1. He is assuming my time.is spent with some.one else or 2.he needs more. I am capricorn, stubbirn as hell and cold as ice. If my aquarius distances himself i am almost vengeful.fir.his attemtion. I have been om the same social media sites with him and stalked him and his friend comments adding his female friends. He appears not to notice. Idk waht he is thinking because his friends are no one I know personally. I have went out of my way to keep my aquarius happy. I sacrifice alot if myself for him. When he draws back and fires off relationship anxieties I point it out to him all the time. I have.ahlyes debates and he comea.back. Like I said in feeling, nit thinking too much, silent but he touches, bites, kisses me so amazingly. I feel desired. I also listen to the music he plays when we ride. He can get into a zone with a repeat song amd sometimes sends me hidden messages to clue in his feelings. I love it! It is like a puzzle for me to analyze. I also get a playlist for us hoing in my head. The sad part is whem we are arguing and in verge of letting go (because we are jealous and passionately wanting eachother all to our selves), I can’t tolerate the songs without crying. Then he checks up on me and I fall back in place with him in his arms. I can’t sleep without him sometimes…. i feel like he heals my body, he observes well and though he isn’t very nurturing in the way I want he fights like hell to get me better. He alwaya has suggestions but he doesn’t care to be a.part of negative drama. There is a passionatw lover in him it just has a different voice/touch/action. He is happy to know I watch and listen enough to get the messagea and I am so crazy over him.

576. dee - April 11, 2015

its just a vicious cycle. get out if the above comments resonates with your relationship. tuk me a long time to cut loose. but I finally did. have blocked him everywhere. wl not ever entertain or bother with him again. m soooooo over him.

577. Navamita - July 3, 2015

I am a Sagittarius girl n m hopelessly in love with an aquarius man. We are in an on/off relationship for 5 years. He has cheated me quite often and we have broken up n patched up for more than 20 times I knw m a foolish though as I always get influenced by the aqua man’s sweet talks n promises. I love him more than alot and this is the sole reason I forgive him each time he comes back saying “I love you”… he says that he thinks no one is better than me for him… n he admits his mistakes! But my trust has totally diminished but my love for him is still alive n same. When we meet he acts normal talks normal makes me laugh n says I love u also but aftr some time he drifts away don’t text me back nd ignores me too n I feel confused with a lot of questions in my mind that is he cheating me again or is he going to leave me again n these sort of terrible thoughts kill me everyday.. I cry my whole night wondering why m I trusting him again even aftr knowing all the past and yet aftr months when I text him “I miss u” he instantly replied back “miss u too” then he makes promises again that “I’ll love u forever” n keeps a good connection, gets touchy physically.. everything goes nice then aftr a week or so suddenly he goes back to his “alone time phase” n reasons me tht he is being busy in his work n ol… I too understand him n let him have his space but then again those thoughts of being ditched haunts me so plz can anyone help me tht how to deal with this sort of unpredicted behaviours of an aquarius man… aftr losing him so many times I don’t wan to lose him again 😦 does he even love me or m just a time pass for him m so confused and hurt … PLEASE I NEED URGENT HELP.

578. Sandy999 - August 5, 2015

Hi everyone!

I’m a Gemini whose been in a relationship with an Aquarius for the last 3 years.He told me he loves me after two weeks of being together. He is the most amazing boyfriend but like we all have concluded Aquarians have their good and bad days. We rarely fight but when we do fight it is usually a break for 14 days at which he kills me of his silent treatment and then also doesn’t call but somehow gets me to come back to him and makes it upto me. Recently we had a small argument after which i hung up his call and it’s been 11 days since we last spoke. I’m extremely upset because i tried reaching him and he won’t respond and i don’t know what to do. I’ve called him numerous times and he won’t respond and sent a million messages but he reads them and doesn’t reply. I don’t know what to do because it feels like someone has snatched my life away from me. I love him dearly. Please tell me what do i do and how mucb longer do i need to wait?

579. Annie - August 5, 2015

Hi Sandy, I am becoming more amused by people who ask for advice because I find that they end up doing there own thing. So you are both air signs and I am sure it is an interesting relationship. When I read it I very quickly thought play him at his own game girl!
Having said that I would also say think very carefully, anyone who stops speaking to you for 2 weeks over a small arguement sends alarm bells out to me.
If you are asking advice, mine would be ….from today make up your mind not to have anything to do with him for 2 full weeks, see how he likes it and during that time ask yourself some serious questions.Or you could end up doing your own thing and send him a million and ONE messages! The silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse fine for a while and I am guilty of it myself when someone has hurt me, I need time to lick my wounds but two weeks is too excessive. You really need to stop this behaviour or I would boldly predict your life would be miserable. Don’t ignore big red flags in your relationship and trust me that is unacceptable.
Be brave and lots of love … I know it won’t be easy.

Sandy999 - August 5, 2015

Hi Annie!

Thanks for the quick response. Yes you are absolutely right. It does raise red flags because how can someone be so cruel to someone they treat literally like a queen one day and the next they disappear. I am very hurt and upset and i miss him like crazy but i can’t let go because something deep down inside tells me he is furious and needs his time so i don’t want to give up so fast. He is all the things Aman has mentioned in his blog. He has done a lot for me in the past and has kept me like a princess. We have lived on and off together since we go to college in the same city so we are usually together most of the time. He has never given me a reason to be insecure or jealous. The only thing that i don’t understand is that if he is furious or needs his space/time why can’t he just tell me and i’ll back off. Is the silent treatment one of the common traits of an aqua man and how should i react. Giving up is not an option as i am too attached and i feel i haven’t had a connection like this with anyone. This guy has looked into my eyes and called me the love of his life and you all know how aqua men can sweep you off your feet. Please help me out and tell me should i just stop trying to contact him completely? Or shall i still let him know I’m here. I hear pestering an aqua is a bigger turn off. Please help me out. All advices are welcome! Thanks in advance.


580. Annie - August 5, 2015

If you are still wondering ask yourself what this behaviour says about his love for you and how can you respect someone who thinks this is acceptable in a relationship. This is just how I see it others may differ.

581. Annie - August 5, 2015

I do get into trouble for being too direct. However treating you like a princess and then like a leper is as you said cruel and controlling.
Trust me I understand you love him I really do, but put aside his Aqua traits, does that mean because he is an Aqua you need to put up with it because he can’t help himself?
I am a Leo and I admire a man who can teach me how to be a better person and I am old fashioned and guilty of looking for a man I can look up to… I know no relationship is perfect as no one is but he is bound to know he is hurting you!
I didn’t say stop contacting him completely but stop running after him he knows exactly where he has you……… And to spell it out how to find u.
If u don’t do something well you will keep going round in circles.
Sent with love.

582. Jas - October 3, 2015

Met an Aquarian a year back through a matchmaking site and he seemed to be interested in me for first few months however at times he used to be aloof. After he met me he said he liked me but love is important to get married. I accepted it but we continued to stay as friends and we kept talking. We even went for a trip together where he surprisingly came close. With his cold behaviour, i infact took him as a pure friend,however,during the trip he came close though he never said openly. I loved it for his genuine nature, discussing things on random and sometimes even crazy topics. Post the trip, we met few times and we got closer, however he never wanted a relation. At times, I did want to stay far from him as I knew he does not see any future with me, however he surprised me wishing on Valentine’s day, or messaging me something very sweet. He even said me at times, he did not want to hurt me by coming close to me. He only met me when he wanted to however I never forced him to come and meet me though at times I wanted to see him badly. There were many disappointing moments when he cancelled few meetings for other friends or ignored me completely. But I understood his fear of commitment and love of his freedom.

Post all this he went far for work and I accepted i should move on however with time my feelings grew for him. And one day I did confess my feelings for him but off coursehe replied with silence which was expected. I do know that we will never work out and I always thought I will never meet him again. However, few weeks back he surprised me again that he will be visiting my place and also would like to stay at my place during the visit. I feel if he does not like me he will stay at other’s place and will not choose to stay at my place. But he surprises me every time whenever I made my mind and tried to go away.

I am confused !!! Aquarian, why do you enjoy confusing others while I am trying to be there for you

583. annie - October 4, 2015

If it’s a relationship you want with all the love, care and respect that comes with that, you won’t find it with him.
If you wish to be messed around, disappointed and hurt with the odd surprise thrown in, well give it your all.
You will do what you feel inspite of anything you are told as I am sure you have read a few of the above.
If after all of that you are still confused asked him clearly for an explanation….if you really feel you need one.

Take care.

584. Jas - October 4, 2015

In all this time I have learnt not to expect anything from him and thought he will move on anyways. But why he keeps popping up.. May be Aman can answer 😛

585. Claire - October 12, 2015

Sagittarius women here, Aquarius makes are clever and by god they don’t half fool the crap out of you.
They treat you like a lady do everything for for you and tell you they love you, then one day throw you to the wolves!
They are actually very cold hearted and jump from one relationship to another, as if you wasn’t even that special person!

586. Ari - October 28, 2015


587. Alycia - April 26, 2016

I’m a female libra and I’ve been talking to aqua male for about two months. At first he was very interested, we talked every day for over a month and we finally hung out and he was very affectionate and we admitted to liking each other. I’ve opened up to him about my life a lot more than he has, which I don’t mind for now. What’s bothering me now is that now we barely talk. He told me too when we’ve hung out that he’s complicated and doesn’t like emotions. We both agreed to put the physical stuff to the side and just focus on the mental connection but now he doesn’t talk to me as much. I’m just not sure what it is that’s going on with him. Whether I turned him off or if he’s scared because he likes me. I’m not sure what to do….

588. dee - April 28, 2016

i have been in tch wid mine for over 4 years. on and off. its only in the past 2 mnths that he has started opening up. my aqua frnd is also totally closed emotionally. the only thing that I can say abt him after 4 years is that he no longer runs away frm my outbursts nor does he then ignore me. it was like that in the past. whenever I wld get irritated I wld pour out. he wld hear out but nt comment at all. and then there wld be total silence. and I wld frget. till the next time he wld connect. they are a litl weird. and emotionally distant. if its early days my advice wld be t write him off. or he will mess up ur head. trust me.

589. Monica - May 3, 2016

Simply amazingly put… thank you. I’m a Taurus woman (bull head) married for 10 years to the love of my life, my Aquarius man. He drives me crazy, makes me cry & laugh all in the same instance. I know completely insane. But I am madly in love with him… still learning so much about “his Aquarius moments”. It’s the toughest thing ever! But you helped me understand a bit more why certain things happen. Loved it!

590. dee - May 3, 2016

they r just v different. and it takes a lot of time patience and repeated interaction with them to finally understand them. i am a leo woman so prone to drama and outbursts. i like to verbalise how i feel when i feel intensely for a man thru action and words and demand attention.

i had absolutely no idea why he wld keep going into the silent mode. thot he was jerking me around. its only now i have learnt that thats his coping mechanism. my aqua guy doesn’t express disapproval and never says no. he would rather stay silent and drive the other person mad. he has in all the 4 years neevr ever used one rude word or adjective. and never said no to me. its q strange but thats how it is. It can be extremely tough for a person like me since am pretty upfront and direct.

One of the reasons i could attribute for things nvr working btwn us or progressing could also have to do with me. i always had outbursts and that just drove him back in his shell. and then i walked out. till the next time when either he or i reconnected. and then the same story repeated.

I found that there is a chance with these men only if u try and understand why they do what they do. they r alwys not right ofcourse but if u can understand their basic nature it will help. i alwys expected him to undergo changes to accommodate me. but its alwys a 2 way thing.

the pact we have made now is no matter how mad i am or exasperated or irritated i wont walk out. and he has promised me he will do his best to cut his to not sulk and go in his silent zone. so far its working. not to say there has been no outbursts or drama. there have been. but hes stuck arnd. xcept once when i think i pushed it too far he went silent. it tuk me a couple of days to get him around. so i will say its now more of a give and take and both trying to accommodate the other keeping in mind the other persons instinctive nature.

but these men are addictive. with their charismatic quiet and brooding personality. i dont know what the future will bring but m totally smitten by my aqua. i get soo mad at him but i also adore him..

591. Jaiyana - September 22, 2016

Oh my, your writing is so fun to read. It made me laugh joyously because of how true it is. I am Taurus woman and he is an Aquarius. We fell in love the first month of seeing each other. It was like a slap in the face, especially for him. I will give 2 examples of what you have written.

1. He asked for marriage the second week of knowing him. He said he wants family and is ready to settle down. I was shocked… a week later, he went to confused thoughts of I dont know what to do. It has been a back and forth thing with him on marriage and when we will finalize it. He tortures himself by trying to restrain himself from seeing me because he cannot resist me when we are together. He has even admitted it on numerous occasions, and he has even come so far to wear a baseball cap claiming it is our wall to prevent kissing.

He constantly expresses his love towards me, by saying he loves me very deep and that he loves me forever, sends me flowers and gives me sweet talk. And with excitement, he will say let’s get married, but then he backs out coming up with every excuse in the book and oftentimes blocks me from his life. Then he will come back from his retreat mode as if nothing had happened. He has come up with every excuse in the book to avoid the issue of marriage, and I think he has now ran out of excuses. But then he keeps coming back. My head is spinning.

2. You had mentioned, “You can expect the truth when you ask him a direct question. But if you doubt him and ask again, he’ll figure you don’t want the truth. To punish you, he’ll make up the wildest story he can dream of.” This happens to me on several occasions. Lol. And he will say something false to punish me. Haha

592. mellowfellow - November 11, 2016

Not sure if people are still writing here or if I’ll get a reply haha but im rly in need of some advice about this Aq guy so I’ll give it a try. You’re the best if you read the whole thing:)) I’ll try to keep it short haha…

I have my sun in cancer and moon in sagittarius (if thats any help lol) and met this guy, for the first time irl about two months ago, through mutual friends. The first time we met irl nothing happened since we didnt really know eachother and I had no intrest in him at that time. We talked a little bit but it wasn’t more than that.
Next time we met was at a friends party. We barely talked since we still didn’t really know eachother and I had no interest in approaching him. But I could feel him observing me during the night. While I was having conversations with friends he would jump in sometimes with a comment or two and he wanted to talk to me on the way home and be around me etc (we slept at the same place that night but nothing happened). He was very intrested in knowing what people I knew etcetc. Whenever I went out for a cigarette through out that night with a friend the Aq guy would join us. The times we actually talked that night we bonded really well, especially over music. But since I kept my distance this first night (cause I thought he was a lot at once and quite annoying lol) nothing flirtatious happened from my side.
The morning after when we all woke up he offered a cigarette and wanted to be on the balcony alone with me i guess, he threw it at me while I was sleeping but I was too tired haha.

The next time we all hung out I gave a shot with talking more to him one on one. When we started talking to eachother we just klicked right away. We danced and had a blast to a song that came on and that we both loved. After the club we all went to our friends place and hung out there for a while. Later that night me and one of my friends went home to call it a night and on our way home she (who has known the aq guy for quite a while but finds him quite annoying haha) said she thought he was really flirty with me that whole night and that she could see our chemistry and how she almost felt left out haha. I didn’t think about it too much afterwards but was quite surprised when she said that, although I can see what she means.

Next time we all hung out was at a bar and when I arrive my friend (who’s known the aq guy for years) takes me to the side and tells me how the aq guy has been asking her that night if I was joining them at or not. She also told me how the Aq guy always has been saying that he can’t hook up with someone if he’s not interested.
We were walking down the stairs while she said all of this to me and he saw us from distance talking. He wasn’t acting weird when we got to the table so idk if thats usuable information lol. Anyway, she also told me he had been saying that he’s not going clubbing if Im not because he ‘wants to be where she is’. He also told our mutual friend that he thinks I’m ‘so hard to read’ and that he didn’t understand if I was interested in him or not.
While we were hanging out at the bar I treated him like any other good friend who was there. After the bar he joined us to hang out at our friends place where we all just chilled. We had a good time and it was really chill, no pressuring tension between us. Although he did seem more tense/nervous this time? There was one moment though right before everyone started going to bed where me and the Aq guy were left in a room alone (by coinsidence) and he didn’t say anything I looked at him and he looked into my eyes and to not make it awkward I just gave him a casual smile and when I did that something in his eyes sparkled up? When that happened I went to the other room to see what everyone else were doing cause I didn’t feel like being all romantic, if that makes any sense?
All of us went off to bed and me and the Aq guy shared a bed in the same room as two of our friends so we couldn’t really hook up like that haha. The Aq guy has some sort of sleeping problems so we went out for a breath of fresh air and joked around for awhile. When we got back I helped him with his breathing by showing a gif that apparently calms your breathing. cause his heart was still beating really fast. After that we started drifting to sleep. I woke up by him making a move to kiss me, so we made out for a while. But I interrupted it after a while since we weren’t alone in that room and it just felt awkward with anything more happening haha.
The next day he didn’t hang out with the rest of us in the morning, instead he went home almost right away. We did talk a little before he left but he seemed really nervous and acted like he had to hurry home and he made smalltalk whenever I tried talking to him. He waved goodbye to everyone and hugged me goodbye.

The same day I talk to my friend (the same one that informed me at the bar earlier that week about the Aq guy wanting to be around me etc) about his behaviour that morning. She said that he probably was overthinking it and freaked out because he got the impression that I didn’t want to go further with him that night, aka wasn’t intrested in him. So, I added him on Facebook and figured maybe then he’ll realize that we’re cool and nothing has changed. All of our mutual girlfriends had mentioned that it had taken the Aq guy several months to accept their friendrequest so until this day he still hasn’t accepted me haha but he probably will in a few months lol. A few days later my friend says that the Aq guy started talking to her about the last night me and him spent together, how he thought I didn’t want anything with him and that I was still hard to read. She asked him what more he thought would’ve had happened since there were other people in that room and he basically just shrugged haha. Then he showed her his friendrequest from me on his facebook. She asked him why he hasn’t accepted me and he just said ‘Im inactive there’.
This is also the period where he started to be more distant on social media (instagram etc). He would watch my stories but not like any posts like he usually did.

Fast forward to the next time we met. We were quite a big group of friend hanging out at our friends house, not being so sober. It was a great night and we all spent time together. Me and the Aq guy were enjoying the company of other people and we all hung out as a big group but from time to time it was just me and the Aq guy. Four4 of us lied in a cozy tent listening and bonding over favourite artists. A few hours later me and the Aq guy goes to the bedroom while the other people are in the other room (only with a blanket seperating the rooms, (which means we didn’t hook up) we only made out. But this time it was more intimate, his wall that he usually has up had gotten even lower by then and it just felt rly… pure? The next morning he was really chill. But as soon as we got up from bed and started talking as usual (with or without people around us) he got awkward and really reserved. Since I felt like I knew him better at that point I was more comfortable with him. But just like the last time he went home pretty fast.

The next time we met was at a bar, this was also the last time we met. When I arrived there had been an accident at the bar so all of my friends who were there were all quite shook so, of course the Aq guy didn’t speak too much (with anyone) since he was one of them who really witnessed the accident. He was talking to other people at times and even though he barely started a convo with me I could feel him observing me from distance and from time to time he would laugh or make a comment about a convo I was having with someone else.
I’m not really good at showing deep emotions. I tend to show sympathy and compassion by giving advice and turn the bad thing into something good that the person can take advantage of, rather than be all bummed out with them and just sit in silence. This is both a good and bad trait I guess. Bad because it might come off as cold to some people, that I don’t care for their actual feelings, which isn’t true. Since the Aq guy took that event at the bar quite hard he went to his cousin to sleep and I felt quite guilty, maybe I should’ve been more compassionate? But tbh I think he was better off alone that night so he could process things on his own.
My friend who was at the bar with us told me later that night how the Aq guy had mentioned (before I joined them at the bar) how he’s not looking for anything serious right now and how he’s been heartbroken by a girl in the past and how he feels he has bad luck with girls. He didn’t go into depht about it or anything but I think a lot was on his mind that night.

A lot later that night I really felt like meeting him. It was really late and the two friends I were sleeping at are a couple so I felt like I was in their way. I sent him a private message where I explained the current situation and I asked him where he was sleeping. He answered the next day that he didn’t see the message until then and was sorry about not answering sooner. I told him it turned out good and that I hope he’s OK. we started texting a little about the accident at the bar etc. I then asked him if he was still up for the party that was coming up, that I had invited him to earlier (that he had replied Yes to) but he didn’t even open that message and still hasn’t and it’s been a week since.
That’s the last time I’ve spoken to him and seems he has been pretty MIA in general, he’s been out with friends a few times though.

After reading many many comments on this post I’ve come to understand that perhaps he just needs space. At first when he was distancing himself from me I didn’t understand and I couldn’t stop thinking about it because it didn’t make sense to me. But it’s been about two weeks now and at this point I’m more chill about it.

I myself can’t stand feeling trapped with expectations wether its in a realtionship or a place and I can’t stand the thought of committing to someone by labeling a relationship too soon (not that I wouldn’t be loyal but you get my point). I like things to turn out the way they’re destined to and not force anything. So with that said, I enjoy having this kind of space once in a while, maybe not the extreme kind of space the Aq guy is taking, but still.

But what I can’t figure out is where he stands with me? Maybe someone here can help me, based on my experience what do you think?? What is the next step for me? Is the next step to not take another step? to let the aq guy do so, just wait for him to come back to his usual self? Or is this a lost case? I thought so first but after reading everyones experience I figured this is a common thing for Aquarius folks to do? I’m pretty sure he’s born somewhere between 10th-20th feb by the way!

593. Annie - November 12, 2016

My advice if you are askin is quite simple …. please forget the Aqua bit…he’s a man ….You’ve written a lot so I would just say where are we now? Left scratching your head… If he is interested, wild horses wouldn’t hold him back. Dont play cat and mouse let him do the running and if he isn’t ….you’ve figured it out.

Sent with love

594. Susan - December 7, 2016

I’ve been two years in a relationship with an Aquarian male. I am a Leo woman. I love this man but although he is gentle and affectionate he can drive me mad when he won’t tell me what he is doing, but wants to know what I am doing. He is warm and tender one day, then just when I think we are doing ok, he will ignore me or seem cold with me. If I tell even a small white lie he will pull the truth from me even if it takes hours of grilling me. I long for his compliments, for him to tell me something nice, but he does not go this. Twice when he thought I was not telling the truth he lost his gentle facade and shouted at me. This shocked me and took me by surprise that his mild gentle nature could turn so. He does not want to ever get married again, but I think he wants me long term. I cannot discuss anything with him of this nature, he would not respond. Many times I wanted to run away with an Aries or Cancer man who heaped loads of compliments upon me but in the end, I turned them away in favour of my Aquarian. Friends say I am wasting my time, he will never commit and say he loves me. Yet there are little signs like holding my hand, doing things for me, cuddling up to me and little kisses on the shoulder. This is then followed a day later by neglect and coldness. I wish he would be more demonstrative and passionate and tell me how wonderful I am or how happy I make him. If he feels unwell he asks for me or if he has a rash I put cream on it. I drop everything if he needs me because he expects this and I am happy to do this too. I have no idea where my relationship is going, I do not ask, I never nag, I just float along happily with him. He has grown on me so much and I want him for life. I who am a demonstrative, passionate Leo woman will never tell him this. I long for just a few words from him, the words I hear other men say to me, but never from him. He is faithful and I am faithful to him, but I long for his passion and fire and for him to express himself to me. Occasionally I am lucky enough to snatch a glimpse of him.

Beyonder33 - March 1, 2017

As someone who’s been in a relationship with an aqua for nearly 5 years. Here’s a little bit of advice.
1, You need a lot of patience. and if you have none, just cut your losses.
2. Understand that they will be more dedicated to their jobs than a relationship.
3. Remember: Actions, not words

595. Neeta - February 19, 2017

Thanks for such a valuble Information On Aquarian man. Oh GOD, he is a cusp b/w aquarian n pisces ……. definitely a valuable information

596. Shay - May 17, 2017

Wow that was so beautifully put! Thanks so much for that read. I wished it went on forever.

597. Beyonder33 - October 8, 2017

Testing testing..1..2.3…..

598. scorpgirl - October 9, 2017

Present :))

599. AJ - November 14, 2017

Need advice ASAP. Ive been dealing with an Aquarius that has come in and out of my life more times than I can count. This last appearance and then disappearance, we had the best conversation we’ve ever had in the two years of knowing one another. He opened up to me about things and issues that I would have never expected him to discuss. Long story short my feelings for him came back stronger than ever. I called to check up on him later the next day after we saw each other and he didn’t answer my call. Further he ignored the one message I sent him. So here I am again, confused, angry and hurt, bc he seems to have disappeared from my life AGAIN. I hate to admit it but I care about this man more than any other I have met in my life. What do I do and what do his actions reflect.

Beyonder33 - November 15, 2017

Sorry to say this so bluntly but: When a Man cares he will make his presence known. Some how and some way.

Aquas are the exception however……. if you don’t think that he’s leading you on then just give him some time to get back to you.

They are known for being dedicated to their careers first before anything. And that means people too unfortunately!

600. dee - November 15, 2017

my advice based on my exp with aqua wld be to let him be. these guys will never change. he sensed that u had flown the nest or on the verge of flying so he reeled u in again. while u think and ponder now again about why he confessed and told u all that, he has got busy with his life again. without giving u a sngle thot. that’s happened to me so many times. i have lost count.

Do not bother with him at all. just let him be. if he reverts ask him directly what the hell was that. and tell him if he behaves like that one more time, ur out. and mean that.

it tuk me 5 years of on and off before I wisened up. its like I was talking to him again and things wld luk gud. only for him to disappear. I wld then pick up the pieces and start meeting others again. only to hear from him again after months and act as if he was never gone. it will keep happening. they don’t change.

the fact that I haven’t even met anyone interesting for the past few years made it easy for him to re-enter. even if u are single if he behaves this way again, just shut him out. they can persist with this kind of behaviour for years together! he last connected wid me 3 weeks bac. just sm generic greetings thrice for 3 consecutive days. I just ignored. I chanced on his social media page after years. and was amazed to see him leading such a hectic social life. parties wid frnds. groups, family dinners. big events thrown by his family. he comes from a famous family in his city and are usually featured on page 3 and other charitable social endeavours. I did feel extremely stupid and cheated. wish I had thot of luking him up years back I wld have never let him in again.

I cant change the past. all I can do is to ensure he stays out from this point on. as I told u before, let him be. when he reverts, he def will. just tell him straight on you will no longer take his bs. and if he pulls the same trick that would be it.

AJ - November 15, 2017

After reading what you just said, words can’t express how right you are. I had moved on with my life and forgotten about him, and he realized that, so he needed to pull me back in. I feel like an idiot, but at least I’m validated in some sense. I know he will come back again, but I’m ready to permanently move on with my life. Thank you so much.

601. dee - November 15, 2017

no need to thank AJ. if I can share the wisdom learnt thru my stupidities involving my interaction with aqua, I will only be happy. If u ask me whether I still fancy and like aqua? my answer wld be yes. but I have finally figured that one sided liking can never make a relatnship. I had told him very frankly after a year of his appearance and disappearance that it appears since I hv falln in love and he hasn’t, we shld cut off all contact.I also told him I hv no hard feelings since these things are not really in our hand and we cant help how we feel.

despite that he got in touch after a month and I thot hey this means he does like me. of course nothing concrete happened.. and this has gone on for years. part of the blame lies with me. in my defence, all I can say is I wld justify my talking to him again by rationalising the whole thing. I wld tell myself its not like I have put my life on hold for the aqua. I am meeting other men and have not stopped interacting with other men. or that he is around as just a friend. etc etc.

but really the bottom line is I genuinely liked him whereas he was is just playing around. he cant commit. cant hndle emotional stuff. alwys stays detached. we all think we are the special one. but really we are not. we are just one of the many he is playing arnd with.

he once told me. women are a dime a dozen. I was taken aback but he told me am diffrnt thn most of the women he knows. what a line of bs. but I fell for it… smtms we women can be really blind and stupid. I don’t blame him too. he comes up with crock and we fall for it. till we do he will keep playing the field. and well I have seen. he posts one pic and within an hour there are 100 likes by women. they literally throw themselves at him. and he ofcrse loves the attention.

so my advice once again is that you shld talk to him straight when he gets in touch. give me one more chance, if he asks for it. the min he repeats his crap get the hell out. kick him out. no more replays..

AJ - November 15, 2017

You are far from stupid. Do not confuse your emotional drive to love and be loved with stupidity, that is far from the case. It seems as though we have shared the same experience, but there is only one point that I will have to disagree with you on. I will not be giving this man a second chance. When he does reach out or see me again, my silence will be deafening. Thank you again.

602. dee - November 16, 2017

the lesson here is follow ur heart but don’t leave ur mind behind. :)..the reason why I told u to give him a second chance? not bec I think he may act any different. nope when aquas show this kind of behaviour they gen don’t change. as will be verified by all the women posters here. not one of them changed his ways and no one who posted here abt their aqua ended up with him.

the reason why I told u to give a second chance? so that going ahead you have no regrets or doubts. so that you know u really know u did all that you could, gave a couple of chances and only then walked out. but sadly tbh whether you give one chance or 100 the outcome wont change. just let them be.

603. Beyonder33 - November 18, 2017

Just a little love quote that I wrote:

If he/she only wants you when you’re on your feet, but never when you’re down on your luck….. then they never really loved you! Love never leaves! It’s faithful, hopeful and enduring. Everlasting, forgiving and accepting. Supportive through all seasons. Never leaving due to storms but holding your hand during the chaos.
ANM<3 AKA Beyonder

604. dee - December 2, 2017

haha..and we all want the moon. m not sure unconditional love exists..

Beyonder33 - December 4, 2017

It does……..

605. Liz - April 7, 2018

I’m confused. My aqua man and i were great. He said he loved me, then one day I got my test results after being sick. I was pregnant with twins. He ran and ran fast. We argued over a week, and i finally told him that i was done and no longer needed him in my life.

I did go back and forth saying i would terminate but when i heard the heart beats i just couldn’t. Now we have gone our separate ways and I’m worried he will never want to see our children after they are born.

It gets worse, we work together and I support his group. I have blocked him from everything but still see all his messages and emails. I know eventually we will have to talk but i am not sure if it is healthy. He said very cruel words and has basically ignored me up until the day i told him I no longer needed him in my life. He attempted to put me on a thread email with a group – I felt it was his way to see if I would respond.

I’m hurt and confused how he would run from his responsibility,especially treat me so poorly.

I am a strong, financial success, independent woman and can do this without him but I’d rather have him by my side.

He did leave an open door – if i needed to reach him for me to email him?

Not sure, why he did that??

I will try to reach out one day, but now i feel he needs to learn that he can not treatment me bad.

Is this wrong of me?
Will he get the message i mean business?
Will he be curious if I terminated/still pregnant and check in on me? How long do I wait to reach out to him?
Do aqua mean come running back after you break up with them?

Lastly, will he be curious to know what is going on in my life since I am giving him the silent treatment? I am 6 weeks pregnant and still on the fence whether I should keep our babies or terminate.

Confused, I just don’t what to do at this point. HELP!!

606. Annie - April 7, 2018

That is far removed from the usual problem we read here Liz. I hope it puts things into perspective for others.
In this matter no one knows better than you, you know him best and I hope you have a good supportive family around you, for whatever decision you make.
The terrible thing is you have to work with him and he can probably read you like a book, as an Aquarius.
That’s the only time I will mention his star sign, I am a Leo yet not exactly typical .. moon signs and other things come into play.
His behaviour was purely selfish, immature and cruel, and yes they can be flighty I’m told.
Looking at it from his point of view I am sure it was a huge shock, but you are there everyday to reassure him you haven’t gone anywhere.
As so much is involved you really need to talk…..

I am glad to hear you are a strong woman …. you will need to be and just remember you are worth so much more ….
I am not really interested in the fact that he is an Aquarius … more so what was his definition of LOVE I hope he is there for you Liz and that too is your decision, no one knows the depth of your feelings, how much you hurt, how much you can forgive. I wouldn’t be waiting for him to reach out.. you need to take control now…
I wish you all the best, take care.

Love Annie.

607. SMM - November 10, 2018

I forgot to mention in my post #607 above he is 42 and I am 40. Both of us have never been married nor have kids and aren’t dating anyone.

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